Memoirs of the Life of Nicholas Poussin. London, 1820. 8vo. with portrait. Brockett, 1401, 5s. The Three Months passed in the Mountains east of Rome during the Year 1819. second Edition. London, 1821. 8vo. An interesting and well-written picture of manners and character, together with notices on the production of the soil, &c. Journal of a Residence in Chili during the Year 1822, and a Voyage from Chili to Brasil in 1823. London, 1824. 4to. Drury, 1966, with the Brazil, russia, 31. 3s. Graham Genealogy see BROWN, John. GRAHAME, James. London, 1807. 8vo. 2 vols. Poems. In vol. ii. is contained a dramatic poem, entitled Mary Stuart. Lord Byron entitled this writer's Sabbath Walks and Biblical Pictures two volumes of cant by sepulchral Grahame.' British Georgics. Edinb. 1809. 4to. Simeon. The passionate Sparke of a relenting Minde. London, 1604. 4to. A collection of poems. 9l. 12s. Lloyd, 527, The Anatomie of Humors. Edinb. 1609. 4to, A work, consisting of prose interspersed with verse, which may probably have suggested the original hint of Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy. Gordonstoun, 1058, 4l. 14s. 6d. Reed, 2170, 21. 75. Bindley, pt. ii. 1448, 7l. 17s. 6d. GRAINGER, James, M.D. The Sugar Cane, a Poem, in four Books, with Notes. London, 1764. 4to. 4s. In the London Chronicle for 1764 appeared a very elegant and judicious review of this didactic poem by Dr. Johnson. William. The wonderful Museum and extraordinary Magazine. London, 1803. 8vo. 6 vols. Fonthill, 102, 2l. 15s. Grammar.-A short Introduction of (Latin) Grammar. 1569. 4to. Reprinted 1572 and 1577. Grammar Warre, or the eight Parts of Speach altogether by the Ears. 1635. Nassau, pt. i. 1363, 3s. Boswell, 1143, 6s. 6d. GRAMMONT, Count. Memoirs of the Life of Count de Grammont, transl. by Mr. Boyer. London, 1714. 8vo. Roxburghe, 9247, 8s. The general view given of the English Court in this well known work is undoubtedly faithful, though it is not to be trusted in all its scandalous details. 1760. 12mo. 5s. - See HAMILTON, Anthony Count. GRANADA or GRENADA see LEWIS de Grenada. GRANCOUR, de la. Jacobi Stuarti & Maria Beatricis Estim Eboraci et Albaniæ Ducum Epithalamium. Londini, 1673. 4to. GRAND See LE GRAND. GRANDPRE, L. de. A Voyage to the Indian Ocean and to Ben gal, 1789-90. To which is added, a Voyage in the Red Sea. Translated from the French. London, 1803. 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. With engravings and a view of the citsdel of Calcutta. GRANGE, John. The Golden Aphroditis: whereunto be annexed his Garden. At London Anno 1577. 4to. Sign. S. A copious description of this volume will be found in the Censura Lite raria. See also Ritson's Bibliographia Poetica, 223-4. GRANGER, Rev. James. A biographical History of England, from Egbert the Great to the Rea Supplement. London, 1769-74. 4to. 5 vols. volution. With Marq. of Townshend, 1449, 21. 17s. Bp. Garrick, 1030, 4 vols. 11. 11s. 6d. of Ely, 944, 1. 178. Roxburghe, $377, 11. 2s. Some copies were printed on only one side of the page. The second Edition, with large Additions and Improve 6 ments. London, 1775. 8vo. 4 vols. with portrait of the author by C. Bretherton. 1. 4s. Steevens, 1705, 11. 16s. Drury, 1654, with Noble's continuation, 1806, 21. 88. Twenty sets were struck off upon blank paper for the convenience of such gentlemen as may chuse to place the heads near to the lives.' -The third edition, London, 8vo. 4 vols. -Fourth edition. London, 1804. 8vo. 4 vols. with portrait of the author. White Knights, 1807, 21. 2s. LARGE PAPER, in royal 8vo. -Fifth edition, with upwards of 400 additional Lives. London, 1824. 8vo. An edition in very little estimation. vols. Letters between the Rev. James Granger, M.A. and many of the most eminent literary Men of his Time; with Miscellanies and Notes of Tours in France, Holland and Spain. London, 1805, 8vo. A necessary accompaniment to the author's biographical history. Strettell, 630, 11s. 6d. A biographical History of England from the Revolution to the End of George I.'s Reign. By the Rev. Mark Noble. London, 1806. 8vo. 3 vols. 18s. LARGE PAPER, in royal 8vo. 11. 7s. A Collection of English Portraits (310 in number), engraved from rare Prints or original Pictures. 8vo. Published by Richardson. Bindley, pt. iii. 1572,72 nos. 6l. 16s.6d The later impressions are very inferior. Copies of rare Granger Portraits including some to Noble's Supplement. London, 1820-2. 8vo. Published by T. and H. Rodd in twelve numbers, at 6s. each. LARGE PAPER, in 4to. 7s. 6d. each. India Paper. 12s. each. PROOFS on GRANT, Andrew, M.D. History of Brazil. London, 1809. 8vo. Fonthill, 2815, 10s. Charles, Viscount de Vaux. The History of Mauritius, or the Isle of France and the neighbour. ing Islands, from their first Discovery to the present Time. London, 1801. 4to. This work, composed principally from the papers and memoirs of the author's father, is illustrated with maps. It contains much information respecting the physical state, harbours, climate, soil, productions, and the manners of the inhabitants. Duke of York, 5235, 15s. Fonthill, 345, 17s. Memoires historiques, généalogiques, politiques et militaires de la Maison de Grant. Londres, 1796. Svo. Bindley, pt. ii. 282, 7s. The Means of finding the Longitude at Sea. London, 1808. 4to. Duke of York, 5236, 45. Essays on the Superstitions of the High-trates and Studentes, englished (from the landers of Scotland; to which are added, Latin) by T(homas) N(ewton). London Translations from the Gaelic; and Letters by William How, 1574. 16mo. Xiiij. Exconnected with those formerly published. tracts are given from this work in Brydges' London, 1811. 12mo. 2 vols. 7s. British Bibliographer, ii. 414-8. This lady published several other works, which were very favourably received. GRANTHAM, Thomas, M. A. A Marriage Sermon: A Sermon called, A Wife mistaken, or a Wife and no Wife; or Leah instead of Rachel. London, 1641. 4to. An edition. 1656. 4to. Nassau, pt. i. 1721, 5s. London, 1751. 8vo. Sir Thomas. The Prisoner against the Prelate; or a Dialogue between the Common Goal and Cathedral of Lincoln (1650). 8vo. Pp. 92, with a wood cut frontispiece. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 312, 41. 4s. Nassau, 61. 6s. Charles. Synopsis of the Troubles of England during the last 1800 Years. 1747. 12mo. 3s. 6d. This GRASSI, Giacomo de. true Arte of Defence, with a Treatise of Deceit or Falsinge, and with a Waie or Meane by priuate Industrie to obtaine Strength, Judgement and Actiuitie. Englished by J. G. Gentleman. London, 1594. 4to. Printed on Roman_type, with cuts. It is dedicated to the L. Borrow, Lord Gouernor of the Breil, and Knight of the Garter' by T(homas) C(hurchyard). Inglis, 582, 1. 15s. Bindley, pt. ii. 1444, 21. 8s. Gratiæ Theatrales; or, a choice Ternary of English Plays, composed upon especial Occasions, by several ingenious Persons. 1662. 12mo. Roxburghe, 3907, 14s. 6d. Rhodes, 2706, 14. 5s. GRATIANUS, Ant. M. De Bello Cyprio, in English. 1687. 8vo. Most of the impression are castrated from pages 358 to 369. GRATIUS, Faliscus. Gratii Falisci et M. Aur. Olympii Nemesiani Cynegeticon, cum Notis, &c. Tho. Johnson accedunt Hier. Fracastorii Alcon, &c. Lond. 1699. 8vo. 3s. 6d. A good edition of the Latin poet Faliscus Gratius, Ovid's cotemporary. Cynogeticon, or a Poem of Hunting with Dogs, translated with Notes by C. Wase. London, 1654. 8vo. 6s. Nassau, pt. i 1367, morocco, 12s. Lloyd, 559, 12s. GRATIUS, Ortuinus. See Brown, Edward. GRATTAN, Right Hon. Henry. The Speeches, in the Irish and in the imperial Parliament. London, 1822. 8vo. 4 vols. With a portrait. Published at 21.8s. Miscellaneous Works. 8vo. 12s. GRAUNT, John. National and political Observations upon the Bills of Mortality. London, 1661. 4to. Sir W. Petty was 'the chief director and author of this piece. Nicolson. The second edition appeared in 1662. 4to.; the third in 16-; the fourth at Oxford in 1665. 8vo.; the fifth in 16-; the sixth in 1676 8vo.; again 1759. 4to. Edited by T. Birch, D.D. See Bills of Mortality. GRAVE, Geo. Ann. Memoirs of Joan D'Arc, or Du Lys, com A Direction for the Health of Magis- monly called, the Maid of Orleans, chiefly from the French of the Abbé Lenglet Du Fresnoy, with an Appendix and Notes. Egham, 1812. 8vo. Pp. xlvi and 212. Fonthill, 182, 6s. GRAVES, George. British Ornithology. Second Edition. Lond. 1821. royal 8vo. 3 vols. Richard, D. D. Lectures on the four last Books of the Pentateuch, designed to shew the divine Origin of the Jewish Religion, chiefly from internal Evidence; in three Parts. London, 1815. 8vo. 2 vols. Best edition. A work indispensably Published at 71, 178. 6d. Each vol. has necessary to the biblical student. 48 plates and descriptions. Monograph of the British Grasses. 1822. royal 8vo. No. 1, 12 plates, with descriptions, published every two months, plain 4s. 6d. colored 6s. each. The Naturalist's Pocket Book orTourist's Companion. London, 1817. 8vo. pp. 335, with 6 plates, plain. 14s. coloured. 1. 1s. Ovarium Britannicum. royal 8vo. Part i. published at 11. 1s, Rev. John. The History of Cleveland in the North Riding of the County of York. By the Rev. Carlisle, 1808. John Graves. 4to. Bishop of Ely, 945, 14s. LARGE PAPER, with proof plates. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 1338, 14. 1s. Brockett, 1522, 13s. Beckford in 1817, 157, 1l. 4s.-Collation.' Introduction and history, pp. 486; appendix, index, subscribers names and errata, 25 pages; two title-pages, one engraved the other printed; dedication and advertisement, 2 leaves.-Plates. 1. Cleveland Hills, as a frontispiece. 2. Map of Cleveland. p. 31. p. 133. 6. Monument of Sir Nicholas de Rev. Richard. The spiritual Quixote. London, 1772. 12mo. 3 vols. 98. Intended as a satire on the itinerant and illiterate preachers among the methodists, frequently reprinted. The Festoon, or a Collection of Epigrams, ancient and modern; with an Essay on that Species of Composition. London, 17. 12mo. 4s. Euphrosyne; or Amusements on the Road of Life. 8vo. Several editions. This learned divine published several other esteemed works, including many translations. don, 1807. Lon fixed, a Dissertation on Parables | rangement of British Plants, with and allegorical Writings in gene- an Introduction to Botany. ral. Edinb. 1777. 8vo. 6s. don, 1821. 8vo. 2 vols. 18s. A very sensible work. Williams, 795, Published at 21. 2s. Fonthill, 2783, 10s. GRAY, Thomas. Works, by T. J. Mathias. London, 1814. royal 4to. 2 vols. Best edition, containing Gray's poems and letters with memoirs by Wm. Mason; to which are subjoined, extracts philological, poetical, and critical, from the author's manuscripts, selected and arranged by T. J. Mathias. Hollis, 648, 31. 8s. Bindley, pt. ii. 1430, 5. 5s. Duke of York, 2199, 14. 10s. LARGE PAPER, in imperial 4to. Sotheby's in 1821, 31. 5s. North, pt. ii. 161, russia, 101. Designs by Mr. R. Bentley, for six Robert, Bishop of Bristol. Poems by Mr. T. Gray. London, 1753. The Connexion between the Sa- royal 4to. 45 leaves, including the plates cred Writings and the Literature Bindley, pt. i. 1861, 10s. Fonthill, 3778, of the Jewish and Heathen Au-31. 4s.-1775. fol. Nassau, pt. i. 1754, thors, particularly that of the classical Ages. Second Edition corrected. London, 1819. 8vo. 2 vols. Il. 1s. A most admirable work, in considerable estimation, and 'indispensably necessary to the biblical student who cannot command access to all the classic authors.'-Rev. T. H. Horne. -London, 1816. 8vo. 1 vol. Letters during the Course of a Tour through Germany, Switzerland, and Italy, in the Years 1791 and 1792; with Reflections on the Manners, Literature, and Religion of those Countries. London, 1794. 8vo. 6s. A Key to the Old Testament and Apocrypha: in which is given an Account of their several Books, their Contents and Authors; and of the Times in which they were respectively written. London, 1790. 8vo. Bindley, pt. ii. 225. 10s. 6d. A very convenient and useful book, combining a large portion of valuable information and discriminate learning. The very numerous editions, which have been printed, attest the estimation in which it is deservedly held. Discourses on various Subjects illustrative of the Evidence, Influence and Doctrines of Christianity. London, 1793. 8vo. 5s. Williams, 796, 14s. Sermons at the Lecture founded by John Bampton, M. A. London, 1796. Svc. 6s. Samue! F. A natural Ar morocco, 11. 2s. Heath, 1815, 10s. Odes. By Mr. Gray. Strawberry Hill, 1757. 4to. 3s. Poems. Dublin, 1771. 4to. 69 pp. be sides title, dedication and contents. This elegant edition was printed by Thomas Ewing. In his dedication to the Rt. Hon. Sam Oliver, Esq. he observes, that it was published to remove the reproaches which Ireland has long laboured under for bad printing. The Poems of Mr. Gray. To which are prefixed Memoirs of his Life and Writings. by W. Mason. M. A. York, 1775. 4to. Roxburghe, 3480, 16s. 6d. Heath, 1817, 11. 9s. Fonthill, 2825, 2l. 2s. Bindley, pt. ii. 1413, 11s. Edwards, 134, IL 6s Poems and Letters of T. Gray, with Memoirs by W. Mason, M. A. York, 1778 8vo. 4 vols. Heath, 1818, 14. 11s Si: M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 1397, 10s. White Knights, 1814, 18s. The Poems of Mr. Gray with Notes by Gilbert Wakefield, B. A. London, 1786. 8vo. 3s. 6d. LARGE PAPER. Bindley, pt. ii. 244, 7s. 6d. The poetical Works of T. Gray. Glasg 1787. folio. Bindley, pt. i. 1862, 6s The Poems of Mr. Gray. To which are prefixed Memoirs of his Life and Writings by William Mason. London, 1789. 4t Poems of Thomas Gray. Parma, 17934to. Printed by Bodini. 200 copies. Bi copies printed. ley, pt. ii. 1415, 11S. LARGE PAPER, 10 The Poems of Gray. A new edition. adorned with Plates. London, 1800. 8x |