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and corrected, with Notes and References by F. W. Sanders. London, 1794. royal 8vo. 3 vols.

Best edition of a very valuable collection

of reports. Sotheby's in 1821 and 1824. 5. 15s. 6d. and 51. 10s. The former editions 1765-8. folio, 3 vols. 11. 1s. 1781-2. 8vo. 3 vols. 21.

ATKYNS, Richard. Original and Growth of Printing. Lond. 1644.


Contains 4 sheets, with front. by D. Loggan, containing portraits of King Charles II. Archb. Sheldon, the Earl of Clarendon and the Duke of Albemarle. The falsity of Atkyns' arguments in favour of Corsellis as the first printer in England, in opposition to Caxton, are ably exposed by Dr. Middleton. Sir P. Thompson, 103, 31. 15s. Bindley, pt. i. 123, 3l. 15s.

Sir Robert. Knt. The an cient and present State of Glocestershire. London, 1712, folio.

History 859 pages, and index 7 pages, besides title, preface, and advertisement 7 The pages, and the author's epitaph. work contains 74 plates (including a portrait of the author) the whole engraved by T. Kip, excepting the first ten.

Some copies of this work were destroyed by fire in the printing office of Bowyer's father, in White Friars. According to Bishop Nicolson many of the materials were gathered by Dr. Robert Parsons, Chancellor of the diocese.' Beckford, 1817. 95, 134. 2s. 6d. Marq. of Townshend, 206, 13. 10s. Dent, pt. i. 169, mor. 14. 14s. Willett, 145, 15. Nassau, pt. i. 213, russia, 15, 158. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 323*. russia, 161.

The second Edition. Lond. 1768. folio.


History 452 pages, and index 6 besides title, preface, and advertisement, 6 pages, the author's epitaph and directions for placing the 73 plates, 2 pages.

This edition has not the author's portrait. Republished by Wm. Herbert, the editor of Ames' Typographical Antiquities. Great part of this second edition was likewise destroyed by fire. M. of Townshend, 207, 21 15s. LARGE PAPER. Lloyd, 256, russia, 31. 9s. Heath, 4693, russia, 41. 14s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i. 158, 6l. 10s.

Parliamentary and Political Tracts. London, 1734 or 1741, 8vo. 6s.

These tracts are valued as a treasure of legal knowledge, M. of Townshend, 2324, 78. 6d. Heath, 4413, 18s. 6d. 'The

true and ancient Jurisdiction of the House

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Atlas. The English Atlas. Oxon. 1680, 1, 3, 2. royal folio, 4 vols. 11. 5s.

Published by Moses Pitt, and highly commended by Ant. à Wood, in whose Athenæ Oxonienses an account of the various contributors will be found.

ATTERBURY, Francis, Bishop of Rochester. Sermons and Discourses complete. London, 1740. 8vo. 4 vols. with portrait, 1. 4s.

Willett, 52 (4 vols with portrait, 1730-4). 1. 17s. Gosset, 260, date 1751, 1/. 5s. Reprinted in 1820. 8vo. in 2 vols. with portrait, 18s. Williams, 2 vols, 1743, 1l. 9s.

Miscellaneous Works, with historical Notes, by John Nichols. London, 1789-98. 8vo. 5 vols.

21. 10s.

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ATWOOD, George. Treatise on the Rectilinear Motion and Rotation of Bodies, with a Description of original Experiments relative to the subject. London, 1784. royal 8vo. 11. 11s. 6d.

This eminent A highly valuable work. mathematician likewise published An Analysis of a course of Lectures on the Principles of Natural Philosophy,' 1784.

8vo. 5s. and A Dissertation on the Construction and Properties of Arches,' with a Supplement, 1801-4. 4to. 18s.

ATWOOD, W. Superiority and direct Dominion of the impe


rial Crown of England over the Crown and Kingdom of Scotland, &c. London, 1704. 8vo. 5s.

This book, which was replied to by Anderson in 1705, was, by the Parliament of Scotland, ordered to be burnt by the hands of the common hangman.

AUALE, Lemeke. A Commemoration or Dirge of Bastarde Edmonde Boner, alias Sauage, vsurped Bisshoppe of London. Compiled by Lemeke Auale, 1569. Imprinted by P. O. 8vo.

Black letter, cvj in eights, twenty-two leaves. A most virulent piece of personal invective, written in the Skeltonic measure, in which the descent of Bonner is pretended to be traced from a juggler, a cutpurse, and a Tom o'Bedlam. Bindley, pt. i. 1357,

31. 15s.

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Vol. I. consisting of title, licence from Ogilby, account of the work, pp. xlviii. Evelyn's letter to Aubrey, 9 pages, to the Reader,' 2 pages, title, the history 258 pp. index 6 pages, with a portrait of the author, folded map of the county, and view of Richmond Palace. Vol. ii. pp. 307 with Index, P. i-viii. Vol. iii. pp. 368, with index, 8 pages. Vol. iv. pp. 279, and index 8 pages, with a west view of Albury, and a genealogy of the family of Evelyn. Vol. 5. pp. 420. (pp. 417 to 420, not numbered) with 8 plates of marbles. Sotheby's in 1826, morocco, 71. 12s. 6d. Sir P. Thompson, 21, 9l. 16s. 6d. LARge paper. Dent, pt. i. 103, russia, 191. 5s. Willett, 54, 22. 1s. Towneley, pt. ii. 26, russia, 261. 5s. Nassau, pt. i. 77, 26. 15s. 6d. Beckford, (1817), 125, mor. 291. Ss.

Miscellanics upon various Subjects. A new Edition with considerable Improvements. which is prefixed some Account of his Life. Lond. 1784. 8vo. 5s.


A very curious work treating of Day-fatality, Omens, Dreams, Apparitions, &c. The former editions appeared 1696, 1714,

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AUBRY, M. Oxonii Dux poeticus, sive Latinis Versibus hexametris et et pentametris Descriptio. Oxonii, 1795. 8vo. pp. 64.

A poetical translation entitled 'The Beauties of Oxford,' by William Wills, A. M. Louth, n. d. pp. 78.

AUDLEY, Lady Eleanor. Strange and wonderfull Prophecies. Lond. 1649. 4to.

Bindley, pt. iv. 588, with six other tracts by the same, 17. 10s.

AUDLEY.-The Way to be Rich, according to the practice of the great Audley, who begun with two hundred pounds, in the year 1605, and dyed worth four hundred thousand pounds this instant November, 1662. London, 1662. 4to. pp. 38.

This tract may justly be called the Miser's Magazine, being full of precepts and precedents in the great art and mystery of thriving. Roxburghe, 9289, 14s. Bindley, pt. ii. 2531, 21. 6s.

AUDOENUS, Joannes. Anglice OWEN, John.

AUELA, Don Lewes de. The Commentaries of Don Lewes de Auela and Suniga, of the great Wars in Germany by Charles the Fifth against John Frederike Duke of Saxon and Philip the Lantgraue of Hesson, with other gret Princes and Cities of the Lutherans, translated out of Spanish into English, An. Do. 1555. Londini; in Edibus Richardi Totteli. 16mo.

The dedication to Edwarde Earle of Black letter. Contains U 6, in eights. Darby,' is signed John Wilkinson.

AUERELL, William. A wonderfull and straunge Newes which happened in the Countye of Suffolke and Essex, the first of February, being Fryday, where it rayned Wheat, the space of vi or vii Miles Compas. London, for Edward White, 1583. 16mo.

Black letter. 14 leaves.

A maruailous Combat of Contrarieties, malignantlie werking in

the Members of Humaine Creatures, by W. A. London, by Th. Hacket, 1588. 4to.

Black letter. Dedicated to Maister George Bond, Lord Mayor of London.'

AUERELL, William. Four notable Histories, applyed to foure worthy Examples; as 1. A Diall for Daintie Darlings. 2. A Spectacle for negligent Parents. 3. A Glass for disobedient Sonnes. 4. And a Myrrour for virtuous Maydes. Wherunto is added a Dialogue expressing the Corruptions of this age. Written by W. A. Lond. for Tho. Hacket, 1590. 4to.

Black letter. An edition of the date of 1594, 4to. unknown to Ames, Herbert, or Dr. Dibdin. Inglis, No. 4331, 4l. 6s.

AUGUSTINE, Or AUSTIN, St. De Hæresibus, cum Notis Welch man. Oxon. 1721. 8vo. 5s.

-The Rule of Saynt Augustyne, bothe in Latyn and Englysshe, with two Exposycyons. And also y' same Rule agayn onely in EngIysshe without Latyn or Exposyevon (by Rycharde Whytforde). London, by W. de Worde, 1525.

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An edition, Sothwarke, by Peter Treneris,' Inglis, 132, 41. 4s.

The following translations of portions of St. Augustine appeared in the sixteenth century.

Two Bokes, thone entitled of the Predestization of Saintes; thother of Perscuerance

Tato thende: whervnto are annexed the Determinacions of two auncient generall Concelles, by John Scory, the late B. of Chichester (about 1548. 16mo).

A Woorke concernyng adulterous Marages. Lond. 1550. 16mo.

S. Austine's twelve Steppes of Abuses,

Twelve Sermons, by me Tho. Paynell, 1555, 16mo.

An Introduction to the Loue of God, by Edm. [Freke] Bishop of Rochester. Lond. 1564. 16mo.

Certaine select Prayers gathered out of S. Augustine's Meditations, also his Manuell. 1574, 1577,15-6, and no date. 16mo. An edition 1580, Nassau, pt. i. 79, 13s. Edmund [Freke] Bishop of Norwich, turned into English Meter by Robt. Fletcher, 1581. London, 16mo.

An Introduction to the Looue of God, by

S. Augustines Ladder to Paradice, by T. W. London, 1581. 16mo.

A pretiovs Booke of heavenlie Meditations, by Thomas Rogers, London, 1581. 24mo.

S. Avgvstines Manvel, by Tho. Rogers, 1581, 1586, 1591, 16mo. 7s. to 10s. 6d. each.

S. Augustines Praiers, by Tho. Rogers. Wherevnto is annexed S. Augustines Psalter, 1581, 1591. 16mo.

A Glasse of vaine Glory, by W. Prid. Doct. of the Lawes, with certaine Prayers added thereto, 1593, 1600. 12mo.

AUGUSTINE, or AUSTIN. St. Augustine of the Citie of God, with the Comments of Ludovicus Vives. Englished by J. Healey. London, 1620. folio. 18s.

Second and best edition: the former was

published in 1610. 9s.

-S. Austins Confessions, translated by Sir Tobie Matthew. Lond. 1624, 16mo.

A catholic translation sold, according to Ant. à Wood, for sixteen shillings a copy, though, as John Gee saith, it might have

been afforded for 2s. 6d.

- S. Augustin's Confessions, translated by Willian Watts. Lond. 1631. 18mo. with a front. by Vaughan, 5s.

The Life of S. Augustine. The first Part. Written by himself in the first ten Books of his Confessions. London, 1660. 8vo.

-St. Augustin's Confessions, with the Continuation of his Life to the End thereof, extracted out of Possidius, and the Father's own unquestion'd Works, by Abr. Woodhead. London, 1679. 8vo.


Meditations, and Treatise of the Love of God, translated by

by Nich. Lesse. 1550. 16mo. Bindley. pt. i. Geo. Stanhope, D. D. London,

48, 17s.

1701. 8vo. 4s.

Reprinted 1708, 1714, 1720, 1728, 1745: the edition 1708 on LARGE PAPER. Williams, 96, morocco, 2l. 12s.

AUGUSTINE, or AUSTIN. A goodly Narration how S. Augustine, the Apostle of England, raysed two dead Bodies at Longcompto, Warwickshire, collected out of divers authors. Translated by Joh. Lidgate, Monke of Bury. Printed at S. Austens at Canterburie (1525). 4to,

From Maunsell's Catalogue, p. 6.

St. Augustin's Religion collected from his own Writings, by John Brierly or Brerely, (i.e. James Anderson of Lancashire). London,

1620. 8vo. 4s.

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AURELIUS, Abrah. In Nuptias Frederici V. Comiti Palatini ad Rhenum, &c. et Elizabethæ Magni M. B. Regis Filia, Epithalamium. Londini, 1613. 4to. 5s.

AURELIUS, Marcus. See ANTONINUS, Marcus Aurelius.

AURELIUS VICTOR, Sextus. The Lives of the illustrious Ro

mans, translated by several young gentlemen educated by M. Macdwell. London, 1693. 8vo.

An edition of the original will be found with Justinus. Londini, 1586.

AURELLIO, Gio. Battista. Examine di varii Giudicii de i Politici, e della Dottrina e de i Fatti de i Protestanti veri e de i Cattolici Romani. Londra nella Stamperia di Gouanni Wolfio, 1587. 4to.

lius. See AUGUSTINE, St. AUSTEN, or Austin, D. Aure

AUSTIN, Gilbert, A.M. Chironomia, or a Treatise on Rhetorical Delivery; together with an Investigation of the Elements of Gesture, and a new Method of the Notation thereof. London, 1806. 4to. with plates, 12s.

Williams, 112, morocco, 31. 3s. Samuel. Austin's Urania; or the heavenly Muse, in a Poem full of Meditations for the Comfort of all Souls at all Times. London, 1629. small 8vo. 10s. 6d. Sotheby's in 1821, 1l. 10s. Naps upon Parnassus: sleepy Muse nipt and pincht, though not awakened. London, 1658. 8vo.


Sir M. M. Sykes, 171, 1l. 1s. Nassau, Bindley, pt. i. 98, 31. 5s. Pt. iii. 2193, pt. i. 83, 11. 1s. Strettell, 971, 1. 5s. 11. 18s. Lloyd, 884, 2l. 12s. 6d. Austin likewise wrote a Panegyric on K.Charles II. London, 1661. 8vo.

AUSTIN, William. Certaine devout, godly, and learned Meditations. London, 1635. folio, with

port, and frontispiece by G. Glover. 10s. 6d.

This work gives us a favourable idea of the piety of the author.

AUSTIN, William.-Atlas under Olympus, an heroick poem. London, 1664. 8vo.

Bindley, pt. i. 44, 1. 1s. Lloyd, 41, 17. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 170, 19s.

- The Anatomy of the Pestilence, a Poem, in three parts. London, 1666. 8vo. with a portrait.

Bindley, pt. i. 45, 6l. 16s. 6d.

- Hæc Homo, wherein the excellency of the creation of Woman is described by way of an essay. London, 1637. 12mo.

Taken in some degree from Agrippa De Nobilitate et Præcellentia Fæminei Sextus. Prefixed are a portrait of Mary

Griffith, with a watch, by G. Glover, also an engraved title by Glover, containing the author's portrait. Bindley, pt. i. 88, 14s. Fonthill, 1516, 18s. Nassau, pt. i. 82, 11. Towneley, pt. i. 266, 11, 4s. Autography,




Automathes. The Case of. See KIRKBY, John.

AVAUX. The Negociations of Count d'Avaux, Ambassador from Lewis XIV. to the States-General of the United Provinces. London, 1754-5. 12mo. 4 vols. 10s. 6d.

Interesting as containing the secret history of the rise and motives of the Duke of Monmouth's rebellion, and the intrigues of the Court of France in favor of K. James 11. against the Prince of Orange. AVELLANEDA, A. F. de. See CERVANTES, M. AVESBURY, Rob. de. HEARNE, Thomas.


AVISON, Charles. Essay on Musical Expression. London, 1775. 12mo. 4s.

The best edition. Willett, 226, russia, 21. 10s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 304, 21. 3s. Fonthill, 3351, 91. 9s. Reprinted London,

1800, 4to. 2 vols. 16s., 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. The edition in 1772, 4to. 1 vol. is of no value.

AYLET, Robert, LL.D. Susanna; or the Arraignment of the two Elders, in verse. London, 1622.


Sir M. M. Sykes, 172, 17. 10s. Peace, with her foure Garders: Thrift's Equipage: Susanna: Joseph, or Pharaoh's Favourite. London, 1622. 8vo.

Mentioned in the Restituta, iv. 39. AYLET, Robert, LL.D. A Wife not ready made but bespoken, by Dicus the Batchelor, and made up for him by his fellow shepheard Tityrus: in four pastorall Eclogues. The second edition, wherein are some things added, but nothing amended. London, 1653. 8vo. pp. 26.

A poetical pleading for and against marriage.

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Divine and Moral Speculations, in Metrical Numbers, upon various subjects. London, 1654. 8vo. with portrait by T. Cross.

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Nassau, 84, 1. 2s. Bindley, pt. i. 80, (with the Wife not ready made, 1653,) 21.7s. Devotions; viz. 1. A good 2. The humble woman's prayer. man's prayer, by R. A. D. L. London, 1655. 8vo.

Contains pp. 15, with a front. by Cross, representing a female figure at prayer. Each part of these devotional exercises is preceded by a short poem.

The AYLIFFE, John, LL.D. antient and present State of the London, University of Oxford. 1714 or 23. 8vo. 2 vols.

Vol. i. B-Mm, besides title, dedication, Best edition of an amusing and ingenious preface, and list of subscribers. Vol. ii. A performance, written with a view of exalt-Y 4, and a-m 8, besides title. Ordered to be burnt by the common hangman. Binding Geminiani, Marcello, and Rameau, at the expense of Handel. The first edition ley, pt. i. 5, 7s. 6d. Bp. of Ely, 22, 8s. was in 1753, shortly after appeared Re-Nassau, pt. i. 78, 8s.-LARGE PAPER, Heath, marks (by Hayes), to which Avison replied. 4687, 1. 1s. Dent, pt. i. 107, 14. 11s. 6d Ayeen Akbery; or the Institutes Williams, 104, morocco, 31. 10s. of the Emperor Akber. Translated from the original Persian (of AbulFazel), by Francis Gladwin. Calcutta, 1783-6. 4to. 3 vols. 21. 2s.

Case of Dr. Ayliffe, at Oxford. London, 1716. 8vo. 5s.

Contains pp. i-xxvi. 27-98, and Ap

pendix, pp. i-xiv. This tract is sometimes found with the author's History of Oxford.

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