of the Decline of the Roman Empire. London, 1778. 8vo. 5s. The author has enriched his work with many learned remarks, and especially with a catalogue of civil and ecclesiastical historians, which the reader will find to be very useful.'-Bishop Watson. APTHORPE, East, D.D. Discourses on Prophecy: read in the Chapel of Lincoln's-Inn, at the Lecture founded by Wm. Warburton, late Lord Bishop of Gloucester. London, 1786. 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. A most excellent and highly esteemed work. APULEIUS, Lucius. The xi Bookes of the Golden Asse, translated out of Latine into English, by Will. Adlington. Lond. 1566. 4to, Black Letter. Dedicated To Thomas Earl of Sussex. (from) Vniuersity. Coll. Oxon. 18 Septemb. 1566.' Reprinted, 1571. 4to. 1582. 8vo. 1596. 4to. 1600. 4to. 1639, 4to. That of 1582 is the most rare. Edition 1566, Forster, 113, mor. 2. 3s. Nassau, pt. i. 176, 5. 7s. 6d. Edition, 1596, White Knights, 165, russia, 21. 18s. Edition, 1639, Bindley, pt. i. 145, 1. 8s. White Knights, 166, morocco, 2l. 11s. Metamorphosis, or Golden Ass, and Philosophical Works, translated by Thomas Taylor. London, 1822, 8vo. 15s. LARGE PAPER, ll. 10s. An esteemed version by the translator of Plato and Aristotle. Some copies of the small, and all the large paper copies, have suppressed passages, generally placed at the end of the volume. by Hudson Gurney, Esq. Lond. 1799. 8vo. 5s., 4to. 7s. 6d. An excellent poetical translation of the most beautiful story which antiquity has left us. Third edition, 1801. Goldsmid, 152, 88. Metamorphosis; being the Golden APULEIUS, Lucius. The new Ass, alter'd and improved to the modern time and manners. Written in Italian by Carlo Monte Socio,and translated from the Vatican MS. London, 1708, 9, 8vo. 2 vols. Roxburghe, 6574, 12s. 6d. Fonthill, 490, 15s. Bindley, pt. iii. 835, 18s. 6d. Nassau, pt. i. 53, 11. Reprinted 1821, 8vo. 2 vols. with a fraudulent view of passing it off as a translation of Apuleius. Another Edition. London, 1724. 12mo. 2 vols. with plates by Hogarth. Ireland, 1801, No. 77, 1. 1s. Baker, 19, 2/. 6s. AQUEPONTANUS, Joannes. Anglice, BRIDGWATER, John. AQUINO, Charles de. Sacra Exequialia in Funere Jacobi II. Regis. Romæ, 1702. folio, 15s. Printed at the charge of Cardinal Barberini. Gough, 2034, 1. 2s. ARA, Jehan. See OUSELEY, Sir Wm. Arabian Nights' Entertainments, translated from the French. London, 1724. 12mo. 6 vols. translation is not only incorrect, but coarse Bindley, pt. i. 10, 18s. 6d. This old Bishop Warburton supposed that this been frequently reprinted in 12mo. 4 vols. and vulgar in its diction. It has, however, work was intended, not only as a satire upon the vices of the times, but as a labour- by Richard Gough, considerably enlarged A valuable edition was published in 1798, ed attempt to recommend the mysteries of from the Paris edition, with notes of illusthe Pagan religion, in opposition to Chris-tration, and a preface, in which the suptianity, to which he represents him as an inveterate enemy. plementary tales published by Dom Chavis This opinion, however, has been contested by Dr. Lardner. are proved to be a palpable forgery. Fable of Cupid and Psyche: to which are added a poetical Paraphrase on the Speech of Diotima, in the Banquet of Plato, &c. &c., with an Introduction, in which the meaning of the Fable is unfolded, [by Thomas Taylor.] don, 1795. 8vo. 4s. ward Forster. London, 1802. 8vo. Translated by the Rev. Ed5 vols. with plates after Smirke's designs. Demy Svo. Saunders' in Duke of York, 125, 2l. 11s. A very elegant translation. 1818, 3. Royal 8vo. with proof plates, Lon-Nassau, pt. i. 54, russia, 31. 9s. Sotheby's in 1824, morocco, 41. 9s. Quarto, with proofs before the letters, Sir M. M. Sykes, May, 1823, 7l. 17s. 6d. Drury, 533, mopt. i. 271, bds. 5l. 12s. 6d. Sotheby's in rocco, 12l. 15s. Two copies were published with proof plates on satin. Brockett, 243, A translation of the Loves of Cupid and Psyche, by Lockman, will be found in Fontaine's Loves of Cupid and Psyche, 1744,8vo. - Cupid and Psyche, translated - morocco, 181. 7s. 6d. An edition of Forster's translation has been published in 12mo. 4 vols. Arabian Nights Entertainments, translated by William Beaumont, Lond. 1811. royal 12mo. 4 vols. 11. A most entertaining volume in elucidation of these oriental fictions, was published by the Rev. Richard Hole, 1797. 8vo. 5s. -To which is added, a Selection of new Tales, now first translated from the Arabic Originals; also an Introduction and Notes, by Jonathan Scott, LL.D. London, 1811. royal 18mo. with frontispieces, 6 vols. This edition was carefully revised and occasionally corrected from the Arabic. The introduction and notes are valuable, as illustrative of the religion, manners, and customs of the Mahommedans. Post octavo, with plates by Smirke. Sotheby's in May 1823, 21. 5s. Demy octavo, with plates. Earl of Kerry, 625, 41. 8s. The original is now printing at Calcutta, vol. i. 1814. vol. ii. 1818. - With plates after the Designs of Rich. Westall. London, 1819. 12mo. 4 vols. 11. 8s. An elegant edition. In 1814 was published the Adventures of Hunchback, with prints by Daniell, from drawings by Smirke. Imperial 4to. North, pt. i. 35, (proofs on INDIA PAPER) 5l. 12s. 6d. - New Arabian Nights' Entertainments; selected from the original Oriental MS. By Jos. Von Hammer, and now first translated into English by the Rev. G. Lambe. Lond. 1826. fcp. 8vo. 3 vols. 18s. Arabian Tales, translated from the original Arabic into French; and from the French into English, by Robert Heron. Edinburgh, 1792. 12mo. 4 vols, 10s. A frivolous and worthless narrative, full of ridiculous blunders. Quarterly Review. Duke of York, 253, 19s. Brockett, 1292, 14. 11s. 6d. ARATUS. Phænomena et Diose meia, cum Theonis Scholiis et Eratosthenis Catasterismis, etc. Græce. Accesserunt Annotationes in Eratosthenem et Hymnos Dionysii. (Curante Jo. Fell.) Oxon. 1672. 8vo. 5s. An excellent critical edition. Gossett 158, morocco, 11s. Williams, 64, mor. 18s. 1. 15s. Dent, pt. i. 74, morocco, by Roger Payne Dr. Bliss observes, In the copy of Aratus, in Mr. Dodwell's study, there is a printed letter prefixed to the notes 'upon the hymns, from Dr. Bernard to Mr. Dodwell, which I never saw in any other copy.' ARATUS. Diosemeia, Notis et Collatione Scriptorum illustravit Tho. Forster. Lond. 1815. 8vo. Translations from Aratus will be found in Jabez Hughes' Miscellanies, 1737, 8vo. OraARBUTHNOT, Alexander. tiones de Origine et Dignitate Juris. Edinb. 1572. 4to. The author of this learned and elegant performance published Buchanan's History of Scotland, A life of him will be found in Irving's Scotish Poets, vol. ii. Archib. Life and Adventures of Simon Fraser, Lord Lovat. LonW. Hogarth, 6s. don, 1746. 12mo. with portrait by Life and Adventures of Miss Jenny Cameron. 12mo. 4s. Brockett, 44, 11s. Reprinted Boston, 1750. 8vo. John, M.D. Tables of ancient Coins, Weights and Measures, explained and exemplify'd in several Dissertations. London, 1727. tions by Benj. Langwith, D.D. London, 1754. 4to. Best edition. Brockett, 244, 1. 1s. Dent, pt. i. 288, 17. 5s. pt. ii. 1074, 17s. Sir P. Thompson, 95, 1. 11s. 6d. Willett, 93, 21. These valuable Tables were translated into Latin by Daniel Koenig, and published at Utrecht 1756. ARBUTHNOT, John, M.D. The Miscellaneous Works. Glasgow, 1750, or 1751. 8vo. 2 vols. These volumes were pronounced by the Doctor's son not to be the works of his father, but a gross imposition on the public. Willett, 35, 10s. 6d. Dent, pt. i. 75, 16s. Reprinted 1770. 12mo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. In the Retrospective Review, viii. 285-304, will be found an account of the life and writings of Dr. Arbuthnot. This work was published with the Heliconia by Mr. Park, of which 200 copies only were printed. Contents:-Greene's Philomela-Greene's Arcadia-Southwell's Triumphs over Death -Breton's Characters and his Good and the Bad-Nash's Christ's Tears over Jerusalem Harvey's Four Letters and Sonnets, touching Robert Greene-Harvey's Pierce's Supererogation-New Letter of Notable Contents-Brathwayte's Essays upon the Five Senses. Bind Strettell, 171, 21. 2s. Nassau, pt. i. 179, 21. 4s. Saunders' in 1818, 2l. 12s. 6d. Archbishops. The Forme and Maner of makyng and consecratyng of Archebishoppes, Bishoppes, Priestes and Deacons, M.D.XIIX. Rich. Grafton excud. 1549. 4to. Black letter. Contains K, in fours. ARCANDAM. Booke to find the Marq. of Townshend, 156, 3s. 6d. fatall Destiny, Constellation, Com-ley, pt. ii. 1023, 1. 10s. plexion and natural Inclination of euery Man and Childe by his Birth. With an Addition of Phisiognomy, tourned out of French into our vulgar Tongue by William Warde. Lond. 1578. 4to. 10s. 6d. Black letter, with wood cuts, contains 4, in eights. Reprinted 1592,1617,1652,and 1774. Edition 1617, North, pt. i. 75, 1. 10s. Edition 1652, Roxburghe, (Supplem. No. 648) 5s. White Knights, 4366, 5s. Q ARCEUS, Franciscus, M.D. Method of curing Woundes with other Precepts of the same Arte, translated into English by John Read, Chirurgeon. Whereunto is added the exact Cure of the Caruncle, translated out of Johanes Ardern: &c. Imprinted by Thomas East, 1588. 4to. 10s. 6d. Black letter. In this work will be found A Complaint of the Abuse of the noble Arte of Chirurgerie,' by John Read, in A short Treatise of ArchBishops Lords Spiritual. Printed in the year 1641. 4to. Reprinted in the sixth number of Morgan's Phoenix Britannicus. ARCHDALE, John. A new Description of the fertile and pleasant Province of Carolina. London, 1707. 4to. North, pt. iii. 599, 8s. ARCHDALL, Mervyn, A.M. Monasticon Hibernicum: or, an History of the Abbies, Priories, and other Religious Houses in Ireland. Dublin, 1786. 4to. ing pp. 820, besides title, dedication, list of subscribers, and introduction, xv pp. an index and errata, 4 leaves; also a map of Ireland, 1786, and 18 plates of costume. Dent, pt. i. 289, russia, 1. 13s. Fonthill, 1819, 11. 16s. Marq. of Townshend, 155, 1. 17s. Nassau, pt. i. 180, 2l. 5s. A valuable and esteemed work, contain ARCHDEKIN, Richard. Of Miracles, and the new Miracles done by the Relicks of St. Francis Xaviers, in the Jesuits' College at Mechlin. Louvanii, 1667. 8vo. Vitæ et Miraculorum Sancti Patricii, Hiberniæ Apostoli Epitome: cum brevi Notitia Hiberniæ, et Prophetia S. Malachiæ, &c. Lovan. 1671. 8vo. ARCHEE or Archy. See ARM ARCHENHOLZ, M. d'. Picture of England, translated from the French. London, 1790. 12mo. 2 vols. 4s. A wretched translation. Archenholz published the following work relating to Great Britain 'Annalen der Brittischen Geschichte. Tubingue, 1789-98. 8vo. 20 vols. ARCHER, Rev. James. Sermons for every Sunday in the Year. 1st and 2d Series. London, 1817, 22. 8vo. 4 vols. 21. 2s. These excellent Catholic Sermons have passed through several editions. ARCHER, John, M.D. Every Man his own Doctor: to which is added, an Herbal. London, 1673. 8vo. with portrait. The is added, the Dissertation of Christopher Clavius on the same Subject, from the Latin. Lond. 1784. 8vo. 3s. A masterly translation, with curious and pertinent notes and illustrations. Portions of the Theorems of Archimedes will be found in Whiston and Barrow's versions of Euclid. Architecture.-The Grecian Orders of Architecture delineated and explained from the Antiquities of Athens, also Parallels of the Orders of Palladio, Scammozzi and Vignola, to which are added Remarks concerning public and private Edifices; with Designs. London, 1768. folio. 11. 5s. White Knights, pt. i. 219, 10s. Rudiments of ancient Archiformer edition appeared in 1671. In Beloe's Anecdotes, i. 199-200, is a list of inven- tecture, with a Dictionary of Terms. tions by this celebrated physician. The second Edition, much enArchery.-Art of Archerie. Lon-larged. London, 1794. royal 8vo. don, 1634. 8vo. with a frontispiece. Nassau, pt. i. 63, 8s. Bindley, pt. i. 72, 14s. -Poems in English and Latin on the Archers and Royal-Company of Archers, by several Hands. Edinb. 1726. 12mo. 5s. ARCHIMEDES. Quae supersunt omnia, cum Eutochii Commentariis (Græce). Ex recensione Josephi Torelli, cum nova Versione Latina. Accedunt Lectiones variantes ex Codd. Mediceo et Parisiensibus. Oxon. 1792. folio. The most complete and magnificent edition of this author's works. Willett, 134, 1415 LARGE PAPER. Dent, pt. i. 154, morocco. Drury, 382, russia, 2l. 19s. Arenarius, et Dimensio Circali: Eutacii Ascalonitæ in hanc Comment. Gr. cum Versione et Notis Joh. Wallis. Oxonii. 1676. 12mo. 3s. A former edition appeared 1666. -Opera, Apollonii Pergæi Conicorum Libri IV. Theodosii Sphærica, Methodo nova illustrata per Is. Barrow. London, 1675. 4to. 68. A neat edition, highly praised by Mon Arenarius, translated from the Greek, with Notes and illustrations (by G. Anderson). To which 1810. with 11 plates, and a portrait of James Stuart on the title page, 6s. A very useful work, reprinted 1804, The first edition appeared in 1789. Essays on Gothic Architecture, by the Rev. T. Warton, Rev. J. Bentham, Captain Grose, and the Rev. J. Milner, with a Letter to the Publisher. The second Edition, to which is added a List of the Cathedrals of England, with their Dimensions. London, 1802. 8vo. with twelve plates, 10s. 6d. A valuable and esteemed work, reprinted 1808. 10s. 6d. The first edition appeared in 1808. 6s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. iii. 1063, 14s. Fonthill, 1088, 17s. ARCHYTAS, &c. Political Fragments of Archytas, Charondas, Zaleucus, and other ancient Pythagoreans, and Ethical Fragments of Hierocles, translated from the Greek, by Thomas Taylor. Lond. 1822. 8vo. 6s. Fragments of Archytas will be found in Gale's Opuscula Mythologica, &c. Cantab. 1670. Amst. 1688. Ardai Viraf Nameb, or the Revelations of Ardai Viraf; translated from the Persian and Guzeratee Versions, by J. A. Pope. London, 1816. 8vo. 5s. Arden of Feversham.-The lamentable and true Tragedie of M. Arden of Feversham in Kent. Printed for Edward White, 1592. 4to. This black letter play, from which Lillo has not unfrequently copied whole lines, was reprinted 1599. 4to. 1633. 4to. 15s. and lastly 1770. 8vo. with a ridiculous preface imputing it to Shakespeare, 3s. 6d. LARGE PAPER, 6s. Edition 1599. Forster, 1144, 31. Edition 1633. Rhodes, 1633, 1. Sotheby's in Nov. 1826, 1.7s Roxburghe, 4049, il. 7s. Forster, 1127, 11. 14s. Bindley, pt. i. 157, 21. 2s. Edition 1770. Bindley, pt. i. 17, 7s. ARETEUS of Cappadocia. Etiologica, Semeiotica et Therapeutica, Gr. et Lat. ex Recensione et cum Notis Joannis Wigan. Oxonii. 1723. folio. 10s. 6d. PAPER, 11. 1s. LARGE Of this beautiful and correct edition 300 copies were printed. Aretæus; consisting of eight Books on the Causes, Symptoms and Cure of acute and chronic Diseases, translated from the original Greek, by John Moffatt, M.D. London, 1785. 8vo. 5s. A translation, according to the Monthly Reviewers, generally correct, and which gives pretty nearly the sense of the original. ARETINUS, Leonard. Vide ARISTOTELES. PHALARIS. ARFEVILLE, Nicolay d'. La Navigation du Roy d'Escosse Jacques cinquiesme du Nom, autour de son Royaume, et Isles Hebrides et Orchades, soubz la Conduite d'Alexandre Lyndsay, excellent Pilot Escossois. Paris, 1583. 4to. with a map. A copy is in the British Museum. Artem Dialecticam. Lond. 1605. ARGALL, John. Introductio ad 8vo. A ' very facete and pleasant' book, ac- This poet, who was patronised by Bishop Funeral Elegy, consecrated to the Memory of his ever honoured Lord King, late B. of London, &c. 1621. In the British Museum catalogue the Accedens of Armory is erroneously attri buted to Richard Argall. The Discovery and Conquest of the ARGENSOLA, (Barth. Leon. de). Molucco and Philippine Islands; translated from the Spanish. London, 1708. 4to. with 4 plates. Dent. pt. i. 291, 7s. 6d. Nassau, pt. i. 183, 8s. Towneley, pt. ii. 115, 10s. 6d. queror did not get the imperial Crown of England by the sword, but by the election and consent of the people. London, 1689. 8vo. 5s. The Historie of Leonard Aretine, concerning the Warres betwene the Imperialls and the Gothes Argumentum Anti-Normanifor the possession of Italy, trans-in is proved that William the Concum: a seasonable Treatise, wherelated by Arthur Goldyng. London, 1563. 16mo. Black letter. 180 leaves, besides an epistle and preface. Sotheby's in 1825, 21.8s. White Knights, 227, morocco, 31.4s ARETIUS, Benedictus. A short History of Valentinus Gentilis, the Tritheist, translated into English (with a Preface by Dr. South) London, 1696. 8vo. 3s. Gosset, 160, 6s. ris, seu Panegyrica ad excell. A copy is in the British Museum. This publication, occasioned by a work of William Pettyt's, entitled " Antient Rights of the Commons of England,' 1680, was answered by Dr. Brady in his Introduction to Old English History. It is by some attributed to Atwood, and by others to Cooke. ARGYLE, Archibald Campbell, Marquis of. Instructions to a Son, and Maxims of State. London, 1661. 12mo. with portrait. ment, 541, 11. 3s. Bindley, pt. i. 51, 14.4s. Lloyd, 34, 19s. Roxburghe, SuppleStanley, No. 18, russia, by Roger Payne, 2l. 12s. 6d. -The Charge of High Treason |