One hundred and eighty copies were printed in imperial and twenty-five on elephant paper, with proofs on India paper. Imperial 4to. Fonthill, 590, 31. Title, dedication, preface, contents, and list of subscribers xii pp. Memoirs of Bentham, 20 pages. Addenda, half title. An acknow ledgement, &c. two pages ; addenda, 28 pages: supplement, 92 pages; notes, &. preceded by a half title, 154 pages (ign. T and U are repeated with asterisks); appendix. &c. *54 pages; catalogue of the plates and errata, page. BENTHAM, James, M.A. History of Ely. The second Edition. By the Rev. James Bentham. Lond. 1812. imperial 4to. Of this edition, 250 copies were printed on imperial, and 25 on elephant paper. Vol. i. Title, dedication, advertisement, original dedication, preface, and contents, memoirs of Bentham, with the pedigree (folded) after which the work, 224 pp. Vol. ii, title, an inventory, then the work, Pp. 225-92, after which appendix, *70 pages. Addenda, Title, the Editor's thanks, and contents, then the addenda 28 pages, with directions to the binder, and errata on a separate slip. This edition has also several plates more than the former one. Supplement to the Second Edition, by William Stevenson. Norwich, 1817. imperial 4to. The variations in the supplement to the second edition, consist of a slight alteration in the title, and the omission of the memoirs of Mr. Bentham, the addenda and plates 2 and 15; in other respects the work is the same. Only 84 copies of this supplementary volume are printed. — Jeremy. Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation. A new edition, corrected by the Author. Lond. 1823. 2 vols. with port. by Worthington, 11. 1s. 'In this work the author has given to the public his enlarged and enlightened views, and bas laboured for all nations, and for all ages yet to come.'-Edinb. Review. The first edition was printed in 4to. 1780, and published in 1789. List of Mr. Bentham's Works. Fragment on Governent, being a Critique on Blackstone's Commentaries, 1776, 8vo. Second edition enlarged 1823, 8vo. 8s. View of the Hard Labour Bill, 1778, 8vo. 38. Defence of Usury, 1787, 3s. 6d. Second edition, Dublin, 1791. Third edition, with a protest against Law Taxes, 1816, 12mo. 7s. An Essay on the usefulness of Chemistry, translated from the Swedish of Bergman, 1783. 8vo. Draught of a Code for the Organisation of the Judicial Establishment in France, 1791, 8vo. pp. 242. Panopticon, or the Inspection House, 1791, 12mo. 3 parts in 2 vols. 14s. The 3 plates are seldom found in the work. Essay on Political Tactics, 1791, 4to. 5s. To the National Convention of France, 'Emancipate your Colonies,' 1793, 8vo. pp. 48. Supply without Burden, or Escheat vice Taxation, with a Protest against Law Taxes, 1796, 12mo. 3s. Pauper Management, 1797, 8vo. pp. 288. Published in Young's Annals of Agriculture. Letters (Two) to Lord Pelham, 1802, 8vo. pp. 80 and 72. Plea for the Constitution, 1803, 8vo. 3s. 6d. 1 Scotch Reform, 1808, 8vo. 6s. Chrestomathia, 1816-7, 8vo. 2 pts. 15s. Parliamentary Reform Catechism, 1817, 8vo. 8s. Ditto, with Additions, by Wooler, 8vo. 4s. On Codification and Public Instruction, 1817. 8vo. 8s. 'Swear not at all,' 1817, 8vo. 3s. 6d. A Table of the Springs of Action, 1817, 8vo. 3s. 6d. Church of Englandism and its Catechism examined, 1818, 8vo. 1. Radical Reform Bill, 1819, 8vo. 4s. The King against Sır C. Wolesley, Bart. &c. 1820, 8vo. 1s. The King against Edmonds, &c. 1820, 8vo. 1s. Observations on the restrictive and prohibitory commercial System, 1821, 8vo. 2s. Art of packing special Juries, 1821, 8vo. 10s. 6d. On the Liberty of the Press, 1821, 8vo. 1s. Three Tracts relative to Spanish and Por tuguese Affairs, 1821, 8vo. 1s. 6d. Letter to Count Toreno, on the Spanish Penal Code, 1822, 8vo. 5s. Not Paul but Jesus, by Gamaliel Smith, 1823, 8vo. 12s. Truth versus Ashhurst, 1823, 8vo. 6d. Book of Fallacies, 1824, 8vo. 12s. Observations on Peel's Police Magistrates' Salary Raising Bill, 1825, 8vo. 2s. 6d. Mother Church relieved by Bleeding, 1825, 8vo. 1s. Rationale of Reward, 1825, 8vo. 12s. Indications respecting Lord Eldon, 1825, 8vo. 3s. Postscript to ditto, 1826, 8vo. 1s. Rationale of Judicial Evidence, 1827, 8vo. 5 vols. 31. Apologie de l'Usure. Paris, 1790. 8vo. Lettres sur la liberté du taux de l'intéret de l'argent publiées par De Lessert. Paris, 1790. 8vo. Panoptique Memoire sur un nouveau principe pour construir des maisons d'inspection et nommément des maisons de force. Paris, 1792. 8vo. Esquisse d'un ouvrage en faveur des Pauvres, publiée par Ad. Duquesnoy. Paris, An. X. 8vo. Traités de Legislation civile et penale, publiées par Et. Dumont. Paris, 1802. 8vo. 3 vols. Second edition, Paris, 8vo. 3 vols. Spanish translation, with Commentaries by Ramon de Salas, Madrid, 1821. 8vo. 3 vols. Second edition, Paris, 1825. 18mo. 6 vols. Two Russian translations and an Italian translation. Theorie des Peines et des Recompenses, publiée par Et. Dumont. Londres, 1811. 8vo. 2 vols. Second edition, Paris, 1818. 8vo. 2 vols. Third edition, Paris, 1826 8vo. 2 vols. Spanish translation, Paris. 18mo. 4 vols. Tactique des Assemblees Legislatives, publiée par Et. Dumont. Geneve, 1815, 8vo. 2 vols. Second edition, Paris, 1822, 8vo. 2 vols. Spanish translation, Paris. Essais de Jérémie Bentham sur la situation politique de l'Espagne. Paris, BENTIVOGLIO, Guido, Cardinal. History of the Wars of Flanders, englished by Henry [Carey Earle of Monmouth. London, 1678. folio, 6s. Contains pp. 26 and 387, with a map of the 17 provinces and above 20 figures. To this edition is a continuation from 1671 to 1675. Roxburghe, 7945, 11s. The former edition appeared 1654, to which is prefixed a portrait of the Earl. Collection of Letters to divers Persons of eminence, during his Nunciature in France and Flanders. In Italian and English. London. 12mo. 4s. BENTLEY, John. Halifax. BENTLY, William. See - Genealogical Table of the Royal Families of England from the Norman Conquest to the year 1790. London, 1790. folio, 8s. Historical View of the Hindu Astronomy. London, 1825. 8vo. with plates, 14s. Richard, D.D. Emendationes in Menandri et Philemonis Reliquias, ex nupera Editione Joannis Clerici. Accedit Epistola de Johanne Malela Antiocheno. Cantab. 1713. 8vo. Combe, 662, 5s. 6d. D. of Grafton, 329, 8s. Williams, 169, 9s. Proposals for printing a new Edition of the Greek Testament, and St. Hierom's Latin Version. London, 1721. 4to. the proposals, 10s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i. 917, with tracts relating to BENTLEY, Richard, D.D. Remarks upon a late Discourse of Free Thinking, (by Collins) in a Letter to F. H., D.D. by Phileleutherus Lipsiensis. Camb. 1743, 8vo. 6s. Best edition of a most valuable work which should be studied by every man who is desirous of forming just notions of biblical criticism. The edition 1737. Williams, 169, 9s. Bentley's remarks on Free Thinking, are reprinted in Bishop Randolph's Enchiridion Theologicum. Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris, with an Answer to the Objections of the Hon. Charles Boyle, to which are added Dr. Bentley's Dissertation on the Epis-famous Queens, &c.-What ceremonie tles of Themistocles, Socrates, Euripides, and others, and the Fables of Esop; as originally printed, with occasional Remarks on the whole. Lond. 1777. 8vo. 10s. 6d. A highly esteemed work. Drury, 436, 16s. Heath, 194, 19s. Edwards iii. 11. 8s. Williams, 170, 14. 11s. 6d. Reprinted 1816, 8vo. The first edition appeared 1698, 8vo. 4s. For the various tracts published on this controversy. See PHALARIS. BENTLEY, Richard, D.D. Eight Sermons preached at the Hon. R. Boyle's Lecture. Oxford, 1809. 8vo. 7s. 6d. The first Boyle Lecture preached. An edition, Camb. 1724. Williams, 168, 19s. 6d. 1735, Bindley, pt. i. 434, 10s. euerie woman ought by Gods word to vse Then The first Lampe of Virginitie,' on in the time of praier, publike or priuate.' 49 pages. The second Lampe,' on 252 pages. The third Lampe,' continued from the second to p. 362. At the end is of which begins a table for the three lamps. a neat cut of the last judgment, on the back The fifth The fourth Lampe' continued from the third to p. 1000, with the same cut of the last judgment and a table. Lampe,' on 213 pages, with a table at the end. The sixt Lampe,' on 115 pages. 'The seuenth Lampe,' continued from the sixth, to p. 331. BENTLY, William. Hallifax and its Gibbet-Law placed in a true Light, together with a Description of the Town: to which are added, the unparallel'd Tragedies committed by Sir John Eland and his grand Antagonists. Lond. 1708. 8vo. 5s. Richardi Bentleii et doctorum Virorum Epistolæ, partim mutuæ. Accedit Richardi Dawesii ad This work was written by Dr. Samuel Joannem Taylorum Epistola singulished after his death by Bently, who Midgley, when in prison for debt; but publaris. Londini, 1807. 4to. affixed his name as the author. An edition 1712, 12mo. with frontispiece. Heath, 4588, 15s. [1761] with a frontispiece. Fonthill, 2552, 1. 6s. Sir M. M. Sykes, Edited by the late Dr. C. Burney. One hundred and fifty copies were struck off on large and fifty on small paper, all for private distribution. Prefixed are portraits and fac-pt. i. 219, russia, 10s. simile autographs of Bentley and Grævius. LARGE PAPER, Drury, 544, russia, 21. 19s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt.i. 418, 21. 19s. Gough, 640, 8. 18s. 6d. Combe, 333, 11. 11s. 6d. Sotheby's in 1825, 31. 6s. Reprinted Lips. 1825, 8vo. Drury, 435, 11s. In the British Museum is a very large collection of tracts written by, and against this celebrated critic, many of which are of Benwel Village.-A most pleasant Description of Benwel Village in the County of Northumberland, by Q. Z. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1726. 12mo. A ludicrous performance, written by Dr. Ellison. pp. 582, with two indexes and errata, 4 leaves. Bindley, pt. ii. 2229. 11. 13s. Perry, pt. i. 1369, morocco, 11. 13s. Brockett, 124, mor. 1. 13s. Nassau, pt. i. 956, russia, 1. 17s. Towneley, pt. ii. 211, 11. 17s. White Knights, pt. i. 1297, 21. tus Count de. Memoirs and TraBENYOWSKY, Mauritius Augusvels,consisting of his military Operations in Poland, his Exile into Kamchatka, his Escape and Voyage from that Peninsula through the Northern Pacific Ocean touching at Japan and Formosa, to Carton in China, with an Account of the French Settlement he was appointed to form upon the Island of Madagascar. London, 1790. 4to. 2 vols. with port. and plates. Amidst much that is trifling, and more that is doubtful, this work contains some A copy is in the Dr. Dibdin mentions an Contains E in fours. British Museum. edition of the date of 1554. BERCHTOLD, Count Leopold. Essay to direct and extend the Inquiries of patriotic Travellers. To which is annexed, a List of English and Foreign Works intended for the Instruction and Benefit of Travellers; and a Catalogue of the most interesting European Travels which have been published, in different Languages, from the earliest Times down to September 8th, 1787. London, 1789. 8vo. 2 vols. 7s. BERDMORE, Samuel, D.D. Specimens of Literary Resemblance in the Works of Pope, Gray, and other celebrated Writers, with critical Observations. London, 1801. 8vo. 4s. BERENGER, Richard. History of the Art of Horsemanship. London, 1771. 4to. 2 vols. in 1. Dent, pt. i. 459, 14s. 6d. York, 721, morocco, 11.10s. Duke of 4s. To this philosophical romance on the system of Descartes, Swift is supposed to have been greatly indebted: the journey to the moon being the origin of Swift's Brobdingnag, and that to the sun suggesting the voyage to Laputa. BERGMAN, Torbern. Physical and Chemical Essays, translated from the Latin, with Notes and Illustrations, by Edm. Cullen, M.D. London, 1788-91. 8vo. 3 vols. An excellent work. Several other trea tises by this celebrated Swedish chemist and natural philosopher have been translated into English, viz. Outlines of Mineralogy, by William Withering, M.D. Birm. 1783. 8vo. A Dissertation of Elective Attractions. London, 1785, 8vo. &c. BERINGTON, Rev. Joseph. Memoirs of Gregorio Panzani; giving an Account of his Agency in England, 1634-6, translated from the Italian original, with an Introduction and a Supplement. Lond. 1793. 8vo. 6s. Bindley, pt. i. 429, 11s. The Rev. C. Plowden published Remarks on this work. Liege, 1794, 8vo. 5s. History of the Lives of Abeillard and Heloisa; comprising a Saty-period of eighty-four years, from 1079 to 1163: with their genuine Letters, from the Collection of Amboise. The second edition. BERGERAC, Cyrano de. rical Characters and handsome Descriptions in Letters, translated from the French, by a Person of Honor. London, 1658. 8vo. An account of this singular and amusing work will be found in the Retrosp. Review, i. 279-87. Nassau, pt. i. 242, 4s. History of the World in the Sun and Moon, done into English, by Tho. St. Serf, Gent. London, 1659. 12mo. Towneley, pt. i. 291, 6s. 6d. Birm. 1788. 4to. 17. 1s. A valuable and accurate work, composed from authentic materials. History of the Reign of Henry II. and of Richard and John his Sons; with the Events of this Period, from 1154 to 1216. In which the Character of Thomas à Becket is vindicated from the At The production of a Roman Catholic writer, displaying considerable research, though held in little estimation. BERKELEY, George Berkeley, Earl of. Historical Applications, and occasional Meditations upon several Subjects, written by a Person of Honour. London, 1670. 12mo. 7s. 6d. A little book, valuable for its merit, as well as its rarity. A third edition appeared in 1680, 8vo. -Bishop of Cloyne. Works; to which is added, an Account of his Life, and several of his Letters to Thomas Prior, Esq. Dean Gervais, and Mr. Pope. London, 1784. 4to. 2 vols. with port. by Cooke. Nassau, pt. i. 400, russia, 21. 18s. Heath, 1674, russia, 31. 13s. 6d. An edition 1820, 8vo. 3 vols. Drury, 438, 21. 2s. Alciphron, or the minute Philosopher, in seven Dialogues; containing an Apology for the Christian Religion against FreeThinkers. London. 1732. 8vo. 2 vols. An argumentative dialogue, containing a powerful refutation of the doctrines of Atheism, Fatalism, and the Disbelief of Revelation. Bindley, pt. i. 294, 9s. Williams, 171, 14. 1s. George Monck. Poems, with a Preface by the Editor (his Moof Mr. Monck Berkeley, and sevether) consisting of some Anecdotes ral of his Friends. London, 1797. 4to. Privately printed, with a portrait of Berkeley, from a painting by the Rev. W. Peters. Bindley, pt. i.737, 11. 3s. Literary Relics, containing original Letters from King Charles II. King James II. the Queen of Bohemia, Swift, Berkeley, Addison, Steele, Congreve, the Duke of Ormond, and Bishop Rundle; to which is prefixed, an Inquiry into the Life of Dean Swift. London, 1789. 8vo. 6s. John. Collectanea Historica. complexa ipsius Negotiationem Anni 1647, cum Olivario Cromwel, Ireton, & aliis Exercitus Præfectis Pro Revocatione Caroli I. in Regni Administrationem. Lond. 1699. 8vo. Berkeley Peerage. An Address to the Peers of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, from Mary, Countess of Berkeley. London, 1811. 8vo. 3s. 6d. On this claim the following have ap - Siris, a Chain of philosophi-peared :— cal Reflections and Inquiries respecting the Virtues of Tar Water in the Plague; Farther Thoughts on Tar Water. Lond. 1747, 52. 8vo. These tracts excited at the time of their publication much interest, and gave rise to various publications on the subject, some supporting the Bishop's tenets, others refuting them. An excellent notice of the work 1. Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee for Privileges, on the Earl of Berkeley's Pedigree, in the Year 1799; ordered to be reprinted 8th March, 1811. folio, pp. 85. 2. Case of William Fitzhardinge Berkeley, on his Petition to the King, to be summoned to Parliament for the Earldom of Berkeley, Feb. 1811. folio, pp. 4, with a pedigree of the Earldom of Berkeley. |