In auspicatissimam Regis Jacobi Inthronizatronem Carmen seculare. Lond. 1613. 4to. Deus et Rex: sive Dialogus, quo demonstratur sereniss. D. nostrum Jacobum Regem, immediate sub Deo constitutum in Regnis suis, justissimè sibi vendicare quicquid in Juramento Fidelitatis riqueritur. Londini, 1616. 8vo. with a wood cut port. of James. Jacobi Ara e Redditum Regis a Scotia. Oxon. 1617. 4to. Bindley, pt. ii. 2322, 8s. 6d. Norradia. In sereniss, &c. Jacobi Scotiam Reditum, Academiæ Edinburgensis Magnæ Britanniæ, &c. Regis, felicem in Congratulatio. Edinburgi, 1617. 4to. A copy is in the British Museum. Andreana Academiæ Charisteria in Adventum Jacobi, R. Edinb. 1617. 4to. A copy is in the British Museum. Theses philosophicæ quas ad Diem 5 Kal. Augusti Edinburgi in Ede sacra Regii Collegii propugnabunt Adolescentes Magisterii Candidati, ex Academia Iacobi Regis, hoc Anno 1618: Præside Jacobo Reido. Edinb. 1618. 4to. A copy is in the British Museum. The Court of King James the First, with divers Rules, most pure Precepts and selected Definitions lively delineated. London, 1620. small 4to. 10s. 6d. An excellent little treatise. Nassau, pt. i. 1046, russia, 13s. Bindley, pt. i. 2018, 11s. Gordonstoun, 251, 17. 5s. Pp. 168, exclusive of dedication to George Marquisse Buckingham' &c. signed A. D. B. preface, &c. with a portrait of James by Vaughan. Parentalia Sac. Mem. Jac. I. Oxon. 1625. 4to. tion of K. James I. With the Coronation of K. Charles the first in Scotland. Lond. 1635. folio. The secret History of K. James I. and K. Charles I. 1692. 12mo. 3s. 6d. The Historie and Life of King James the Sext. Written towards the latter Part of the Sixteenth Century. Edinb. 1804. 8vo. Edited by Malcolm Laing. Bindley, pt. ï. 465, 4s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. .1456, 7s. Secret History of the Court of K. James I. with Notes and introductory Remarks Edinb. 1811. 8vo. 2 vols. Edited by Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Saunders' in 1818, russia, 17. 13s. LARGE PAPER. Sir M. M.Sykes, pt. iii. 325, 21. 2s. Fonthill, 3090, 37. 19s. The Historie and Life of King James the Sext: being an Account of the Affairs of Scotland, from the Year 1566 to the Year 1596, with a Continuation to the Year 1617. Edited by Thomas Thomson, Esq. Advocate. Edinb. 1825. 4to. One hundred and fifty copies printed for the members of the Bannatyne club, &c. Constable, 534, 31. 3s. THICK PAPER. Fifty-two copies printed. See ADAMSON, John. AIKIN, Lucy. Apophthegms. ARETIUS, Jacob. BROOKE, F. G. Lord. CECIL, Sir Robert. D'ISRAELI, J. FRANKLAND, Thomas. HAILES, Lord. HARRIS, William. HUASS, Mich. HUBBOCKE, Wm. HUME, Sir Patrick. KING, John, D.D. OSBORNE, Francis. Psalms. ROBERTSON, William. ROSA, Thomas. SANDERSON, Wm. WELDON, Sir Anth. WILLIAMS, Joha. WILSON, Arthur. JAMES II. King of England.Royall Tracts in two Parts. Part I. containing Speeches, &c. &c. of his Sacred Majesty. Part II. containing Imago Regis. Paris, 1692, 8vo. With portrait of K. James in his study in France. Privately printed at London, and Verses on the Death of K. James I. Can- circulated among the adherents of K. Janes tab. 1625. 4to. Bindley, pt. ii. 237, Truth brought to Light: an historicall Narration of the first XIV Yeares of King James Raigne. Lond. 1651. 4to. A curious account bearing marks of considerable authority. It contains a portrait of Sir Thomas Overbury, a frontispiece by Droeshout, and portraits of the Earl and Countess of Somerset. Bindley, pt. ii. 1893, 57. 10s. Towneley, pt. i. 718, 5l. 15s. 6d. It is reprinted in the second volume of the Somers Collection of Tracts. Lond. 1692. small 8vo. with a frontispiece. 10s. 6d. The Connexion, being choice Collection of some principal Matters in King James his Reign, which may serve to supply the Vacancy betwixt Mr. Townsend's and Mr. Rushworth's historical Collections. London, 1681. 8vo. 4s. The Ceremonies, Form of Prayer, and Services, used in Westm. Abbey at the Corona II. Nassau, pt. i. 1796, 5s. Lloyd, 1114, 11s. Fonthill, 1499, 17. 11s. Gd. A short View of the Life and Actions of the most illustrious James, Duke of York: together with his Character. London, 1660. 4to. pp. 26, with portrait. 10s. 6d. An historical Account of the Life and Actions of the Duke of York. London, 1683. 8vo. with portrait. Nassau, pt. i. 2000, 4s Reed, 4674, 6s. Lloyd, 135, 10s. 6d. Towneley, pt. i. 439, 14s. Verses by the University of Cambridge on the Accession of James II. 1684. 4to. 5 An Account of the Ceremonial the Co ronation of K. James II. and his Queen 1685. folio. Relacion de las Festas en Bilbon, en Gecasion de la Coronacion. Bilb. 1685. 4to. A copy is in the British Museum. Description of the Fire Work in Honcur of King James the Second's Coronation, April 24, 1685. folio. The Order of the Cavalcade at the Opening of the first Parliament of King James VII. at Edinburgh, 23 April, 1685. The procession is represented on seven copperplates, in which many actual portraits are said to be introduced. History of the Conspiracy against James the Second. 1685. folio. Sir M. M. Sykes, 1519, 5s. History of James II. 1689. with portrait. Hibbert, 4222, 4s. Nassau, pt. i. 1594, 5s. Court cf St. Germain's, or secret History of K. James and Q. Mary. 1695. Nassau, pt. i. 770, 6s. Histoire de Jacques II. d'Angleterre. 1696. 3s. 6d. A funeral Oration upon the late King James. Composed from Memoirs furnished by Mr. Porter, his great Chamberlain. London, 1702. 4to. pp. 28. By The Life of James the Second, illustrated with Medals. London, 1702. 8vo. David Jones. Nassau, pt. i. 1797, 3s. Memoirs of James II. containing an Account of the last XII Years of his Life. London, 1702. 8vo. White Knights, 2100, 8s. Original Letters of the late King James II. and others to his Friends in England; with the Depositions of Thomas Jones and Thomas Witherington, published by W. Fuller. London, 1702. 8vo. 3s. 6d. The pious Sentiments of James II. Lond. 1704. 12mo. Memoirs of the English Affairs, chiefly naval, from 1660 to 1673. Lond. 1729. Svo." Willett, 1286, 14s. Memoirs of James II. King of England, &c. 1821. 8vo. 2 vols. with a portrait. Chronicle of the Reign of James II. Bindley, pt. i. 2182, 5s. See ANSELME, A. BERKELEY, G. M. 4to. The Relation of the Rejoicings made in Rome for the Birth of the most serene Prince of Wales, only Son of James the Second, King of Great Britain, &c. Faithfully translated into English from the Italian Impression, as it was printed at Rome and Genoa. 1689. Reprinted in the ninth volume of the Somers Collection of Tracts. Consultation de l'Oracle par les Puissances de la Terre, pour savoir si le Prince des Galles Dieu-donné est snpposé ou legitime. Whitehall, 1688. 12ino. JAMES, Edward. Remarks on the Management, Ores, &c. of the District of Guanaxuato, belonging to the Anglo-Mexican Mining Association. London, 1827. An Account of the Cornish Mining in America, with a notice of this work, will be found in the Quarterly Review, xxxvi. 81— 106. Edwin. Account of an Ex pedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains, performed 181920. London, 1823. 8vo. 3 vols. With maps and plates, published at 17. 16s. A tolerable description of an important portion of North America, ably noticed in the Quarterly Review. Francis. Threnodia Henricianarum Exequiarum, sive Panolethria Anglicana, &c. 1612. See Wood's Fasti Oxon. J. T. Bishop of Calcutta. Journal of Travels in Germany, Sweden, Russia, Poland, &c. during the Years 1813 and 1814. Lond. 1816. 4to. With plates. An entertaining work containing much useful and importaut matter, 2376, 17. 11s. 6d. -London, 1817. 8vo. particularly relative to Russia. Drury, Duke of York, 2644, 17s. 2 vols. Views in Russia, Poland, Germany, and Prepared in Colours, from Draw AQUINO, C. de. CLARKE, James Stanier, D. D. PARKER, ings made in 1813, 1814. The Flemish, Dutch and German Schools CATHERINE, P. de. SANDERS, F. SAND- of Painting. London, 1822. 8vo. FORD, Francis. VERTUE, George. WOOD, James. WEL JAMES Francis Edward, commonly called The Old Pretender.' A. H. Mattei Oratio in Funere Jacobi III. Mag. Brit. Regis. Roma, 1766. folio. 2s. 6d. Raccolta de solenni Funerale fatti in Roma, per la Morte della Maesta di Giacomo III. Re della Gran Brettagna. Romæ, 1766. 4to. Silas. Narrative of a Voyage to Arabia, India, &c. in the Years 1781-4. London, 1797. 8vo. Dr. Mead and some articles in the work were author's portrait. Bindley, pt. ii. 2136, written by Dr. Johnson. 47. 16s. Jadis, 272, 61. Nassau, pt. i. 2170, 62. This account, printed by K. Charles' command in 1633, contains some remarkable physical observations respecting the intenseness of the cold, and the accumulation of ice in northern latitude; but no discovery of moment. 1740. 8vo. 6s. It is reprinted in the second volume of the Churchill Collection of Voyages and Travels and also in the Fonthill, 2890, 15s. Thomas, D. D. A Treatise of the Corruption of the Scripture, Councils and Fathers, by the Church of Rome. London, 1611. 4to. Gordonstoun, 1253, 3s. Constable, 522, 5s.-London, 1612. 4to. Inglis, 767, 9s. 6d. See Williams, 884, morocco, 27. 12s. 6d. Oldys' British Librarian, 202-10.-London, 1688. 8vo. Williams, 973, 15s. Ecloga Oxonio-Cantabrigiensis, tributa in Libros duos: Opera et Studio T. I. Londini: Impensis Geor. Bishop et Io. Norton, 1600. small 4to. pp. 284, including two title-pages, the latter title having this imprint: Londini, excudebat Arnoldus Hatfield. 1600.' Bindley, pt. ii. 831, 7s. This Ecloga is very useful for curious scholars, and is much commended by Joseph Scaliger.'-Ant. à Wood. Bellum Papale, sive Concordia Discors Sixti quinti & Clementis octaui, circa Hieronymianam Editionem. Lond. 1600. 4to. 5s. Sotheby's in 1822, 14-1678. 12mo. 4s. Catalogus Librorum Bibliothecæ pvblica quam Thomas Bodleivs Eques auratus in Academia Oxoniensi nuper instituit. Oxoniæ, 1605. 4to. A-Xxxx 4, pp. 741, including title, dedication to Prince Henry, preface and index. Oxon. 1620. 4to. Best edition. An appendix was published 1635-6, by John Rouse. An Apology for John Wicliffe. Oxford, 1608. 4to. The Jesuits Downefall, together with the Life of Father Parsons an English Jesuite. Oxford, 1612. 4to. Lloyd, 762, 6s. Manuduction or Introduction unto Divinity. Oxford, 1625. 4to. 4s. Catalogus vniuersalis Librorum in Bibliotheca Bodleiana. Oxonæ, 1626. 4to. Best edition. Pp. 590, including the title, dedications, proæmium and appendix. Index Liborum prohibitorum in Usum Bibliothecæ Bodleianæ designatus, per Tho. James. Oxon. 1627. 12mo. Catalogvs Interpretvm S. Scriptvre, jvxta Nvmerorvm Ordinem, qvo extant in Bibliotheca Bodleiana. Oxoniæ. 1635. 4to. pp. 55. For a further notice of this intimate friend of Sir Tho. Bodley, and of his writings see Wood's Athen. Oxon. - Captain Thomas. Voyage for discovering the North-west Passage to the South Sea. London, 1633. 4to. With a map, at the corner of which is the second volume of Harris' Collection. Col. Thomas. The History of the Herculean Straits, now called the Straits of Gibraltar: including those Parts of Spain and Barbary that lie contiguous thereto. Lond. 1771. 4to. 2 vols. 15s. Illustrated with plates. Willett, 1291, 21. 3s. -William. Isagoge in Linguam Chaldæam. Lond. 1651. 8vo. Published for the use of Westminster School by James, when about 16 years of age. William. The naval History of Great Britain, 1793-1820. A new Edition, with considerable Additions and Improvements, including Diagrams of all the principal Actions. Lond. 1826. 8vo. 6 vols. Published at 47. 10s. An Account of the naval and military Occurrences of the late War between G. Britain and the United States of America, with an Appendix and Plates. London, 1817, 18. 8vo. 1 vol. & 2 vols. These books are valuable as materials for the future historian of the war. Jameson, A critical and practical Exposition of the Pentateuch, with Notes. To which are subjoined, two Dissertations: 1. On the mosaic History of the Creation. 2. On the Destruction of the seven Nations of Canaan. London, 1748. folio. 12s. This exposition is compiled with considerable industry from the labors of the best interpreters, antient and modern. Robert. System of Mineralogy. Edinburgh, 1820. 8vo. S vols. A most excellent work, on the Wernerian system. Edinb. 1804-8. 8vo. 3 vols. Edinb. 1816. 8vo. 3 vols. An Outline of the Mineralogy of the Shetland Island of Arran. Edinb. 1798. 8vo. 6. Mineralogy of the Scottish Isles; with mineralogical Observations made in a Tor A truly excellent work. Drury, 2377, russia, 137. 10s. Bindley, pt. ii. 2118, 2 vols. 61. Dent, pt. ii. 439, 2 vols. 71. Boswell, 1279, 2 vols. 67. 12s. 6d. ties of the Greek and Latin Languages to the Gothic; illustrated from the Moso-Gothic, Anglo-Saxon, Francic, Almanic, Sueo-Gothic, Islandic, &c. To which is prefixed, a Dissertation on the historical Proofs of the Scythian Origin of the Greeks. Edinb. 1814. 8vo. An excellent and valuable work. Hibbert, 4224, 19s. Robert. Popular Ballads and Songs, from Tradition, Manuscripts, and scarce Editions; with Translations of similar Pieces from the antient Danish Language, and a few Originals by the Editor. Edinb. 1806. 8vo. 2 vols. Nassau, pt. i. 1798, 11s. Strettell, 1005, russia, 11. 15s. JANSON, Charles William. The Stranger in America, &c. &c. London, 1807. 4to. Pp. 599, with twelve engravings. Duke of York, 2688, 9s. Fonthill, 361, 17. 12s. Janua Linguarum quadrilinguis, or a Messe of Tongues; Latine, English, French, and Spanish, with 1200 Proverbs in the above Languages. Lond. 1617. 4to. A copy in a bookseller's late catalogue was 12mo. Roxburghe, 8898, 5s. 6d. An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language (abridged). Edinb. 1818. 8vo. 14s. The Use of Sacred History; especially as The Palme of Christian Fortitude, or gloillustrating and confirming the great Doc-rious Combats of Christians in Japonia. 1630. trines of Revelation. To which are prefixed, 12mo. Jadis, 93, 13s. two Dissertations; the first, on the Authenticity of the History contained in the Pentateuch, and in the Book of Joshua; the second proving that the Books ascribed to Moses were actually written by him, and that he wrote them by divine Inspiration. Edinburgh, 1802. 8vo. 2 vols. 12s. A very important and extremely useful work. A Vindication of the Doctrine of Scripture, and of the primitive Faith concerning the Deity of Christ: in Reply to Dr. Priestley's History of early Opinions, &c. Edinburgh, 1794. 8vo. 2 vols. 16s. These volumes contain a large mass of valuable matter relating both to the meaning of scripture and the testimony of Christian antiquity. An historical Account of the ancient Culdees of lona, and of their Settlement in Scotland, England, and Ireland. Edinb. 1811. 4to. Towneley, pt. ii. 1081, 16s. A Description of the mighty Kingdoms of Japan and Siam, translated by Capt. Roger Manley. London, 1663. 12mo. 5s.-1671. 12mo. History of the Church of Japan. Lond. 1705. 4to. 6s. JARDINE, David. Sermons, published from the original MSS. by the Rev. J. P. Estlin. Lond. 1798. 8vo. 2 vols. 12s. Jardine was Minister of the Unitarian George, A. M. Outlines of Hermes Scythicus; or the radical Affini-natory and practical, on the ninth Chapter of Paul's Epistle to the Romans. Wisbech, 1827. 12mo. JARROLD, Thomas, M. D. Dis Jay is or was an independent preacher at Bath. Short Discourses to be read in Families. sertations on Man, philosophical, 8vo. 4 vols. 17. 11s. 6d.-12mo. 4 vols. 18s. physiological and political. London, 1806. 8vo. A book where the question of population is discussed with real originality, and where true philosophy and true piety enlighten and support each other.'-Quart. Rev. Anthropologia; or, Dissertations on the Form and Colour of Man; with incidental Remarks. Lond. 1808. 4to. Jasher. The Book of Jasher, with Testimonies and Notes explanatory of the Text: to which is prefixed various Readings. Translated into English from the Hebrew, by Alcuin of Britain (Jacob Ilive), who went a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. (Lond.) 1751. 4to. 2s. 6d. A palpable forgery. The account given of the translation is full of glaring absurdities. Mr. Ilive, in the night-time, had constantly an Hebrew Bible before him (sed qu. de hoc) and cases in his closet. He produced the book of Jasher, and it was composed in private, and the same worked off in the night-time in a private press-room.'Rowe Mores's Diss. on Founders. JASON. See FEVRE, Raoul le. Java.-Sketches civil and military of the Island ef Java and its immediate Dependencies; comprizing interesting Details of Batavia, and authentic Particulars of the celebrated Poison-tree. Lond. 1811. 8vo. A tolerable compilation, illustrated with a map, &c. An excellent article on Java and its Dependencies will be found in the Quarterly Review, vol. vi. A true Report of the gainefull, prosperous and speedy Voiage to Jaua in the East Indies, performed by a Fleete of eight Ships of Amsterdam: which set forth from Texell in Holland the first of Maie 1598. Stilo nouo. Whereof foure returned againe the 19 of July Anno 1599, in lesse then 15 Moneths, the other foure went forward from Iaua for the Moluccas. London by P. S. for W. Aspley. 4to. Hibbert, 4316, 41. North, pt. iii. 582, 41. 14s. 6d. Reprinted in the fifth volume of the new Edition of Hakluyt's Voyages. JAY, William. Sermons, by William Jay. 1802. 8vo. 2 vols. 8s. Memoirs of the Rev. Cornelius Winter, of Painswick. London, 1808. 8vo. 6s-1809. 12mo. 4s. Domestic Minister's Assistant, or Prayers for the Use of Families. Lond. 1821. 8vo. JEBB, John, M. D. The Works, theological, medical, political, and miscellaneous, with Memoirs of the Life of the Author, by John Disney, D.D. Lond. 1787. 8vo. 3 vols. Bindley, pt. ii. 944, 10s. 6d. John, Bishop of Clonfert, afterwards of Limerick. Sacred Literature; comprising a Review of the Principles of Composition laid down by Robert Lowth, Bishop of London, in his Prælectiones and Isaiah, and an Application of the Principles so reversed to the Illustration of the new Testament. Lond. 1820. 8vo. 12s. An admirable work, well calculated to recommend the study of the Scriptures.—Se cond edition. 1828. 8vo. Proceedings against the Rebels under L. C. J. Jefferies and other Judges, in the West of England, in 1685, for taking up Arms under the Duke of Monmouth. Lond. 1716 8vo. The bloody Assizes; or a compleat History of the Life of George Lord Jeffries, from his Birth to this present Time, with an Epistle dedicatory by James Bent, and a Poem to the Memory of George Lord Jeteries. Lond. 1689. 4to. Bindley, pt. i. 1095, 4s. 6d. The dying Speeches, Letters, and Prayes of those eminent Protestants, who suffered in the West of England (and elsewhere) under the cruel Sentence of the late Lord Chế Justice Jefferys. Lond. 1689. 4to. Two editions were published the same year. Merciful Assizes, or a Panegyric on the |