The Maháwanso in Roman Characters: With the Translation Subjoined and an Introductory Essay on Páli Buddhistical Literature : in Two Volumes |
From inside the book
Page xxix
... monarch . These revelations are stated to have been orally pronounced in Páli , and orally perpetuated for upwards of four centuries , until the close of the buddhistical age of inspiration . They compose the " Pitakattaya , " or the ...
... monarch . These revelations are stated to have been orally pronounced in Páli , and orally perpetuated for upwards of four centuries , until the close of the buddhistical age of inspiration . They compose the " Pitakattaya , " or the ...
Page xxxi
... monarch of that buddhist country , the power ( which a Christian government could not give him ) of conferring ordination on other castes than the wellála ; to whom the Kandyan monarchs , in their intolerant observance of the ...
... monarch of that buddhist country , the power ( which a Christian government could not give him ) of conferring ordination on other castes than the wellála ; to whom the Kandyan monarchs , in their intolerant observance of the ...
Page xxxiv
... monarch ) at Mithila . 24. Kassapo , born at Báránasinagara . Parents , the bráhman Brahmadatto and Dhanawati . His bo - tree , the " nigrodha . " Gótamo was a brahman named Jótipálo at Wappulla . Gótamo is the Buddho of the present ...
... monarch ) at Mithila . 24. Kassapo , born at Báránasinagara . Parents , the bráhman Brahmadatto and Dhanawati . His bo - tree , the " nigrodha . " Gótamo was a brahman named Jótipálo at Wappulla . Gótamo is the Buddho of the present ...
Page xxxviii
... monarch , by the title of Susunágo rája . In the tenth year of the reign of Kálásóko , the son and successor of Susunágo , a century had elapsed from the death of Gótamo , and the second convocation on religion was then held , under ...
... monarch , by the title of Susunágo rája . In the tenth year of the reign of Kálásóko , the son and successor of Susunágo , a century had elapsed from the death of Gótamo , and the second convocation on religion was then held , under ...
Page xli
... monarch in Jambudípo . Although he made this discovery , he disclosed nothing to them . On a certain occasion having partaken of some milk - rice prepared in butter , which had been received as an offering at a brahmanical disputation ...
... monarch in Jambudípo . Although he made this discovery , he disclosed nothing to them . On a certain occasion having partaken of some milk - rice prepared in butter , which had been received as an offering at a brahmanical disputation ...
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Common terms and phrases
Abhayo adá ádáya agá áha Anuradhapura arahat ási Asóko Astyages attained attanó Atthakatha bestowed bhikkhu bhúpati bo-branch bo-tree brahman brother buddhistical capital caused celebrated Ceylon CHANDRAGUPTA chétiyo convocation dágoba damilos datwá death delight and affliction devos déwos disciples diswá ditto doctrines duwé edifice elephant Ewań festival gahetwá gantwá gantwána Gótamo Harpagus hindu idha kárayi kárési katé katwá king land Lanká lord Mahá mahárája Mahawanso Maháwiháro Mahindo mahipati Medes minister monarch mountain nága náma NANDA offerings palace Páli pana PARICHCHHEDO piety Pitakattaya priesthood priests prince propounded puchchhi purań queen queen consort rájá rajjań ranno reign relics religion repaired replied retinue royal ruler sabbé sacerdotal sahassáni Sakko sanctification sayań Singhalese sovereign supreme Buddho sutwá tadá tahin tań tank Tasmin tassa tathá tathéwa tató tattha téna tésań thérań thérassa théro thou thousand thúpo Tisso unto wiháro Wijayo yakkhos yójanas
Popular passages
Page lxxvi - Rdkshasa for various matters which it does not contain. Of these, the adventures of the king of Vikatpalli, and the employment of the Greek troops, are alone of any consequence, as they would mislead us into a supposition, that a much greater resemblance exists between the Grecian and Hindu histories than is actually the case. Discarding, therefore, these accounts, and laying aside the marvellous part of the story, I shall endeavour, from the...
Page li - Suffice it to say, that from the date of the introduction* of Buddhism into Ceylon, BC 307, that history is authenticated by the concurrence of every evidence which can contribute to verify the annals of any country.
Page 251 - Atthasalini,' on the Dhammasangini (one of the commentaries on the Abhidhammo.) Rewato thero then observing that he was desirous of undertaking the compilation of a ' Parittatthakathan ' (a general commentary on the Pitakattaya...
Page xliv - I assault the dame. Struck with unusual fear, she trembling cries, She faints, she falls; she lifts her weeping eyes. '"What art thou? say! from whence, from whom you came? O more than human! tell thy race, thy name. Amazing strength, these poisons to sustain! Not mortal thou, nor mortal is thy brain. Or art thou he, the man to come (foretold By Hermes, powerful with the wand of gold), The man from Troy, who wander'd ocean round...
Page 196 - I have constantly celebrated, in offerings to the deity of felicitous advent, in twelve different places, an illumination of seven thousand lamps, lit with clarified butter and white wicks. I have daily maintained at eighteen different places (hospitals) provided with suitable diet, and medicines prepared by medical practitioners for the infirm.
Page 107 - ... the relic (the collar-bone), having engaged a great number of men to manufacture bricks, re-entered the town with his retinue to prepare for the relic festival. . . The sovereign, pursuing the directions of the...
Page 252 - ... restored the other two copies also. The assembled priests then read out the three books simultaneously. In those three versions, neither in a signification nor in a single misplacement by...
Page 163 - In this supreme palace there were nine stories, and in each of them one hundred apartments. All these apartments were highly embellished ; they had festoons of beads, resplendent (like) gems. The flower-ornaments appertaining thereto were also set with gems, and the tinkling festoons were of gold. In that palace there were a thousand dormitories having windows with ornaments (like unto) jewels, which were bright as eyes.
Page 11 - Kassapo was, at that time, the chief. This high priest having performed the funeral obsequies over the body and sacred relics of the divine teacher ; and being desirous of perpetuating his doctrines for ever; on the seventh day after the lord of the universe, gifted with the ten powers, had demised; recollecting the silly declaration of the priest...
Page xliv - Through the lone thicket, and the desert land. A palace in a woody vale we found Brown with dark forests, and with shades around. A voice celestial echoed from the dome, Or nymph, or goddess, chanting to the loom. Access we sought, nor was access denied: Radiant she came ; the portals open'd wide : The goddess mild invites the guests to stay: They blindly follow where she leads the way. I only wait behind, of all the train : I waited long, and...