49 51 -- sami read sámi, 4 for wasań read wayań. 10 for datukamá read dátukámá : for kahámiti read káhámíti" 1 for adissamané read adissamáné: for kathammár émi read kathammdrémi. 3 for ganhatibruwi read ganhatıbrawi; for wilayantėsi read wilayanési. 4 for rajapilandhassá read rájá pilandhassa. 7 for Tambapannattha panniyo read Tambawannatthapanayo. 9 for tassattrajánattá r ad tassatrajá nattá. Sihalań und read Sihalantu tá. 10 for 13 for dwijáwasum read dwijáwásam: for gama- read gáma. 16 for On that signal fall to with blows, read Guided by the direction of that signal, deal 24 for "Tambapanniyo" read Tambawannapánayo. 1 for natthitáya read natthitáya. 2 for kumarassábhiséchané read kumárass ábhiséchané. 3 for Pandow in read Pandawań: for pábhatamáha tań read pábhathamábhatań. 52 3 for tanak áraná read tawa' orand, 4 fr tamanṇattra read tamańṇattra. 5 for gáva read gatá: for yattrámanussanań read yattrámanussánań. 6 for bahiré read bahiré : for diswa wasáhasópagá read diswáwa sahasópagá. 7 read this line thus Pundpinópanókásamésayantidham ágat át"-atikótuhalé yakkhé, yakkhó sahasiko pana. 8 for wiyalantayi read wilayunnayi. 12 for Pattadhitahi waḍ shited read Puttalhitabhiwaḍḍhitwd. 4 for Tháná tádá amachchánań adási, read Dhanánádá amachchánań ; adási. 33 for Sumanta mountain read Sumanakúto (Adam's peak). For the 5th verse read “Lankań nékagunań katań, mama bhátussa santakań; tassachchayécha tathewa rajj in kárétu sóbhanań." 6 for rajja kumárako gamissamiti read rajakumáró" gamissámiti" 20, 21, 22 Read "My children, I am advanced in years; repair one of you to Lanká the realm of my brother, which possesses every (natural) advantage: on his demise rule there over that splendid kingdom." 26 after Gómagámakatittha a bracket. 6 for Gangáyakhipi read Gangáya khipi: for "ganhantupahu read “ganhantu pahu, 7 for pabbajitákárań read pabbajitákárá. 9 for amachché read amachchá; for samappyi read samappayuń. 10 for manórathań read manórathá. 11 for sahágata read sahágatá. 15 for Widudhabhassa read Widudhabho. 26 for Gónagamaka read Gónagámakatittha. vii 11 for 22, 23 for 25 for 30, 31 for 2 for Harikunda and Harikundasiwo, read Girikando and Girikandasiwo. He inquired of her, "where art thou going, together with thy retinue ?" read attended bhójápayité read bhójápayi té: for patiwansówa read pațiwansówa. 3 for punnagunupetá read puṛṇagunúpétá. 7 for upakáranta read upákarattá: for jeṭṭhańtań read jeṭṭhań tań. 10 for Girikanḍadesantasseva read Girikanḍadésań tasséwa. 12 for Chittarájantań read Chittarajań tań. 18 for dasinań read dasiń tan: for katańņúniwésayi read katańṇú niwésayi. 25 for "prohito" read purohito." 33 for the territory Girikandaka read the prince Girikando. 39 for know read knew. 3 for rattikhiddá read rattikhiḍdá. 6 for purasodhaké read purasódhaké: for dwésatáni read duwésatáni. 32 for Pusána read Pásáno. 37 for Pasandhika read Pásandhika. 2 for wiyddhipálapuratthimé read wiyadhapálipurathimé. 4 for waṭṭaméwacha read wattaméwacha. 8 for dharáni patittań read dharanipatittan. 12 for wanúyánań read wanúyyánań. 19 for hospital read college. 1 for uyiyánaṭṭhána read uyyánaṭṭhána. 3 for dasá hésuń read dasáhésuń. 9 for tatá, suwannawanna read latá súwannawannά. Page. line. 11 for tanhi read tahin: for sajiváwiya dissari read sajiwawiya dissari. wetṭhaka read wéthaká. 40 for maalaka read malaká: for anguliwelakhá read anguliwéthaká. 1 for puńna wijamhitań read puńṇawijambhitań. 2 for muttátátácha read muttá, tá tácha. 7 for pariwárité read pariwáritó. 8 for sankhańha read sankhańcha. 1 for sámihiterata read sámihité ratá: for Lankahita sukhé read Lankáhitasukht. 12 for Itthiyawuttiyań read Ittiyawuttiyań. 30 for Máháratta read Maharattha. 33 for "anómatugga" discourse (of Buddho) read the "anawataggan" section of Buddho's discourses. 1 for sahassáń read sahasání : for dhammámatá mapayisi read dhammámatamap dy dsi. 8 for Mahádhammakkhito read Mahádhammarakkito. 5 for Gantwánań read Gantwána: for kálakáram read kálakáráma. 6 for santali read sattali. 8 for wisuń read wisuń. 22 for kálakárána read kálakárámo. 24 for Málikádévo read Múlakádéwo; for Dhandábinnasso read Dhandhabinnasso. 7 for Sonuttará read Sónuttara. 8 for Jinasásakaddhanan read Jinassa kaddhanan : after tahin add tahiń again: for bhawiyako, read bhawéyako. 4 for 5 for 12 for ataján read atrajań: for jalabhińṇań read chhalabińṇań. sanghań read sangahan: for Dakkhinagiriń read Dakkhindgirin: for tatthá read tattha. kálannd" read kálannú: for saánattań read samánattań. for bahussawań read mahussawań. 32 for the noble (twin) princes Ujjénio and Mahindo, read the noble Ujjénian prince Mahindo. 4 for bhaginidhitu read bhaginidhitu: for Bhandakandma kó read Bhandakandmakó. 6 for Thattha read Tattha: for upósathó read upósathé, 7 for wihára read wihard, 9 for sadisohatahétu read sadísóhitahétu. 18 for Magindo read Mahindo. 12 for 23 for 34 for saddińti read saddhinti. the théro came in sight of the monarch; but he (the metamorphosed déwo) vanished, read the théro being perceived by the monarch, he himself (the metamorphosed déwo) vanished. "irsi" read "isi." 3 for uchchhásané read uchchásané. 8 for dsanapannatti read ásanapannattiń: for pathawi read pathawi. 11 for wasanti read wasantin, 1 for sachchasannattaméwacha read sachchasannuttaméwacha. 2 for Bhiyo read Hiyo: for théradassanmichchanná read théradassanamichchant á. 4 for hatthito read hatthino: for sadhetuń read sddhétun, 5 for sayanáti read sayandni, 7 for nagará read nágará, |