1023 1566 36 0 0 1059 1602 12 0 0 * Brother-ascended the throne at Anura'dhapura- the foreign population settled in the island had increased to such an extent, that they had gained the ascendency over the native inhabitants, and the king had lost his authority over both-In the tenth year of his reign, he was besieged in his palace. He escaped in disguise to Rohona, and fortified himself at Ambagalla, where his son Ka'siyappa was born: he thereafter removed to Kappagolla-nuwera, The Solleans invaded the island 26 years after the king's flight from the capital, which they occupied; and following him into Rohona, captured him and the queen, whom, with the regalia, they transferred to Sollee-a Sollean vice-roy administered the government, making Pollonnaruwa his capital. The king died in the 12th year of his captivity. The island was governed by the Sollean vice-roy, during the king's captivity. An army of 10,000 men was sent from Sollee to assist the vice-roy in subduing Rohona and capturing prince Ka'siyappa, but he was defeated. On hearing of the demise of his father, the prince proclaimed himself king of Ceylon, under the title of Wikrama Ba'hu, and was making great preparations to expel the Solleans, when he died. The relationship of these kings to each other, or to preceding rulers is not always stated During the whole of this period which comprises the Intrregnum in Pihitee, the country was in a state of complete anarchy, owing to the constant invasions and irruption of the malabars. Different members of the royal family took up the reins of the government of Rohona as they were abandoned by, or snatched from, each predecessor.-At the termination of Prákrama Pándi's reign, no royal candidate for the crown appearing, it was assumed by the minister Lokaiswara. The minister-a descendant of Mánawamma he left a son Kirti, who subsequently assumed the title of Wijaya Báhu. * Vide Introduction for the reason for the insertion of these details. Accession. Reign. A. D. Bud. Y. M. D. Relationship of each succeeding Sovereign. Son he was proclaimed in his infancy, on the demise of his father Wikrama Báhu, and an embassy was sent to Siam for pecuniary aid, to re-establish the Buddhistical dynasty, which aid was afforded. In the mean time, Kasiyappa, a prince of royal descent, aided by a brother, became a competitor for the throne-he was defeated and slain--his brother escaped. The news of this victory, together with the oppressions of the Solleans, made the natives flock to the standard of Wejayabáhu, who thereupon proclaimed war against the Solleans. After a protracted and desultory warfare, a general action was fought under the walls of Pollonnaruwa.- The Solleans being defeated, threw themselves into the town, which was carried by storm, after a seige of six weeks, and given up to the sword. The king's authority was soon recognized over the whole island, after the capture of the capital; and the fame of his actions extended over all Dambadiva. Ambassadors arrived from the sovereigns of India and of Siam, - 1071 1614 5500 and learned priests were sent by Anura'dha, king of Arracan. At the audience given to the ambassadors, the first place in precedence was assigned to the envoy of the buddhist sovereign of Siam, and the insult was quickly avenged by the king of Sollee, by cutting off the nose and ears of the Singhalese envoy accredited to his court. Each monarch then prepared to invade the country of the other.-The Sollean army embarked first, and landed at Mantotte where the Singhalese army was assembled for embarkation. Having defeated it, and the country in the rear being unprotected, the enemy marched at once on the capital, from which the king fled; it was occupied by the enemy who demolished the palace. The king however soon reassembled his army, which, under the command of his son Wirebáhu expelled the Solleans from the island.-In the 45th year of his reign, he invaded Sollee, from which however, he was obliged to make a hasty retreat The king then turned his attention to internal improvements: he formed and repaired many tanks and temples, and restored the Mainnairia canal, which had been destroyed during the Sollean interregnum-He survived his martial son, Wírabáhu, but left other children. Brother He was opposed by Wikramabahu. a younger son of the late king, which led to great internal commotions, in which Málábarana and Gajábáhu, the grandsons, and Siriwallaba, the brother, of the late king took part-They were subsequently reconciled, each retaining the portion of the island, he then held, in which he exercised an imperfect authority- Wikramabahu's capital was Pollonnaruwa, he adopted Prákrama,* the son of Málábarana. On his demise, Gajábáhu took possession of the capital, and bestowed his daughter on Prakrama. The said Prák rama, from the great services he had rendered the country, became the favorite of his reigning relations, and the idol of the people-These princes subsequently disagreed among themselves, and Prákrama openly aimed at the sovereignty- He first drove Gajábáhu from the capital into Saffragam. The conflict was again renewed, and the capital was regained by Gajábáhu. The priests then interfered and mediated between them. They met Gajábáhu at Mandalagiri wihare, * Ratnáwali's son whose fame and greatness are predicted in the 59 "chap," which is inserted in the appendix Accession. Reign. A. D. Bud. Y. M. D. 1153 1696 33 0 0 Relationship of each succeeding Sovereign. who consented to resign the sovereignty to Piákrama, and caused that abdication to be engraven on a rock near that temple. He retired to the "Rivercity" where he died in the 20th year of his reign. It is not defined from what date his reign commenced; if reckoned from the demise of Wejayabáhu, the error in the chronology is six years. Crowned king of Pihití, at Pollonnaruwa, in 1696, on the abdication of Gaja'baʼhu-He immediately took the field in person to reduce the provincial chiefs to subjection. His father, who was similarly engaged in Rohona, effected his object first, and sent his minister Mihindu to invade Pihití-In the absence of Pra'krama with his army in the northern districts, both Pollonnaruwa and Anura'dhapura fell into the hands of Ma'na'barana. A furious war ensued, which terminated in the father being compelled to recross the Mahawelliganga-On his death bed, by the advice of his ministers and the priests, he forgave his son, sent for him, and caused him to be crowned king of Rohona. The king returned to his capital, and reduced the whole island to complete subjection: reestablished the ordinances of budhism; built a rampart round the city: a palace seven stories high, and two edifices of five stories, for priests and devotees; formed the garden Manda-Udya'na, and erected in it the coronation hall of three stories, and built a temple for the Dalada relic. He married, secondly, a daughter of Kitsiri Maiwan, and she built the Rankot da'goba. At this period the greater streets of Pollonnaruwa extended seven gows, and the lesser streets four gows, from the town, through its suburbs He sent a minister to Anura'dhapura, to repair the neglected edifices and tanks near that city. In the 8th year of his reign, the chiefs of Rohona revolted, and were subdued by the minister, after a protracted struggle, which occasioned a great destruction of lives and property-a severe example was made among the insurgents, by impaling, beheading, and other executions.-The minister remained in that part of the island, and founded the two Mahana'gapura at Gintotta. The king of Cambodia and Arramana had committed many acts of violence on Singhalese subjects he had plundered some merchants trading in elephants had inflicted indignities on the Singhalese ambassador, whom he banished to the Malayan peninsula, maimed and mutilated-he had intercepted ships conveying some princesses from Ceylon to the continent. In the 16th year of his reign, to avenge these insults, the king “equipped in five months several hundred vessels," which sailed from the port of Pallawatotta, on the same day, with an army on board, commanded by Demilla Adikaram, fully provisioned and provided for 12 months. The expedition landed in Arramana, vanquished the enemy, and obtained full satisfaction. The king next turned his attention to the chastisement of Kulasaikera, king of Pa'ndi, for the countenance and aid he had always afforded to all invaders of Ceylon. A powerful army was sent, under the command of the minister Lankana'tha, which subdued Rammissaram, and the six neighbouring provinces; drove the king from his capital, and placed his son Wirapandu on the throne. The names of all the chiefs, who oppos ed or submitted to the invading army, are given. Kulasaikera made three attempts to recover his kingdom, with the aid of the king of Sollee-Being defeated in all, and seven gows of the territory of Sollee also being subdued, he surrendered himself, and made the required concessions. He was restored to his kingdom, and the conquered portion of Sollee was made a principality for Wírapandu-Lankana'tha returned with a great booty, and received an extensive grant of land for his services. During the remainder of his reign, the most martial, enterprizing, and glorious, in Singhalese history, the king occupied himself in internal improvements-He repaired the religious and other public edifices at Pollonnaruwa, Anura'dhapura, Sígiri and Wijittapura, and constructed others, among them, the Ruanwelli da'goba at Kirrigama, in Rohona, to the memory of his queen-He cut many canals for the purpose of diverting rivers into the great tanks among them the Goda'vairi canal, to divert the waters of the Karaganga into "the sea of Pra'krama"; the Ka'linda canal, to conduct the waters of Mennairia lake to the northward; and the Jayaganga canal to conduct the waters of the Kala'wewe tank to Anura'dhapura, |