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69.-1. Million Marka Pavlova. Fragment of the tchèque translation of the Berlin Museum. Prague, No. 3 F. 26, xvth cent., by an Anonym, Moravian? (Výbor z Literatury české, II. v Praze, 1868.)

70.-2. Pohledy do Velkorise mongolské v čas nejmocnejšího rozkvetu jejího za Kublaje kána. Na základe čestopisu Marka Polova podává A. J. Vrtatko. (Výnato z Časopisu Musea král. Českého 1873.) V Praze, J. Otto, 1873, 8vo, pp. 71.

M. A. Jarosl. Vrtatko has translated the whole of Marco Polo, but he has published only this fragment.


71.-1. Марко Поло путешествіе въ 1286 году по Татаріи и другимъ странамь востока венеціанскаго дворянина Марко Поло, прозваннаго Милліонеромъ. — Три части. -St. Petersburg, 1873, 8vo, pp. 250.

72.—2. И. П. Минаевъ. — Путешествіе Марко Поло переводъ староФранцузскаго текста. — Изданіе Имп. Русскаго Геог. Общества подъ редакціей дѣйствительнаго члена В. В. Бартольда. St. Petersburg, 1902, 8vo, pp. xxix +1 f. + pp. 355.

Vol. xxvi. of the Zapiski of the Russian Geog. Society, translated from the French.


73.-The Gaelic Abridgment of the Book of Ser Marco Polo. By Whitley Stokes. (Zeit. f. Celtische Philologie, 1 Bd., 2 & 3 Hft. Halle a. S. 1896-7, 8vo, pp. 245-273, 362-438.)

Book of Lismore.-See our Introduction, I. p. 103, note.


74.-1. The edition of Marco Polo in preparation by Klaproth is announced in the part of June, 1824 of the Journal Asiatique, pp. 380-381.

"M. Klaproth vient de terminer son travail sur Marco Polo, qui l'a occupé depuis plusieurs années.

"La nouvelle édition de Marco Polo, que notre confrère prépare, contiendra l'italien de Ramusio, complété, et des Notes explicatives en bas des pages. Elle sera accompagnée d'une Carte représentant les pays visités ou décrits par le célèbre Vénitien."

- See also on this edition of Klaproth, the Bulletin des Sciences historiques, antiquités, etc., juin 1824, art. 580; the Jour. des Savans, juillet 1824, pp. 446-447,


and the Jour. As. of 1824-1828: Recherches sur les Ports de Gampou. materials for this edition were sold after his death Fr. 200 to the bookseller Duprat ; See Cat. des Livres composant la Bib. de M.K., IIe Partie, No. 292.

75.-2. Marco Polos Beskrivelse af det ostlige asiatiske Hoiland, forklaret ved C.V. Rimestad. Forste Afdeling, indeholdende Indledningen og Ost-Turkestan. Indbydelseskrift til den aarlige offentlige Examen i Borgerdydskolen i Kjobenhavn i Juli 1841. Kjobenhavn, Trykt hos Bianco Luno. 1841, 8vo, pp. 80.

76.-3. Marco Polo's Resa i Asien.

Small ppt. square 12mo, pp. 16; on p. 16 at foot: Stockholm, tryckt hos P. G. Berg, 1859.

On the title-page a cut illustrating a traveller in a chariot drawn by elephants.


1. SALVIATI, Cavalier LIONARDO. Degli Avvertimenti della Lingua sopra'l Decamerone. In Venezia, 1584.

Has some brief remarks on Texts of Polo, and on references to him or his story in Villani and Boccaccio.

2. MARTINI, MARTINO. Novus Atlas Sinensis. Amstelodami, 1655.

The Maps are from Chinese sources, and are surprisingly good. The Descriptions, also from Chinese works but interspersed with information of Martini's own, have, in their completeness, never been superseded. This estimable Jesuit often refers to Polo with affectionate zeal, identifying his localities, and justifying his descriptions. The edition quoted in this book forms a part of Blaeu's Great Atlas (1663). It was also reprinted in Thévenot's Collection.

3. KIRCHER, ATHANASIUS. China Illustrata. Amstelodami, 1667.

He also often refers to Polo, but chiefly in borrowing from Martini.

4. MAGAILLANS, GABRIEL DE (properly Magalhaens). Nouvelle Description de la Chine, contenant la description des Particularités les plus considérables de ce Grand Empire. Paris, 1688, 4to.

Contains many excellent elucidations of Polo's work.

5. CORONELLI, VINCENZO. Atlante Veneto. Venezia, 1690.

Has some remarks on Polo, and the identity of Cathay and Cambaluc with China and Peking.

6. MURATORI, LUD. ANT. Perfetta Poesia, con note di SALVINI.

Venezia, 1724.

In vol. ii. p. 117, Salvini makes some remarks on the language in which he supposes Polo to have composed his Book.


Vol. i. 414 seqq.

Della Letteratura Veneziana. Padova, 1752.

8. FOSCARINI, MARCO. Frammento inedito di, intorno ai Viaggiatori Veneziani; accompanied by Remarks on Bürck's German edition of Marco Polo, by TOMMASO GAR (late Director of the Venice Archives). In Archivio Storico Italiano, Append. tom. iv. p. 89 seqq. [See Bibliography, supra 8-8, p. 557-]

9. ZENO, APOSTOLO, Annotazioni sopra la Biblioteca dell Eloquenza Italiana di Giusto Fontanini. Venezia, 1753.

See Marsden's Introduction, passim.

10. TIRABOSCHI, GIROLAMO. Storia della Letteratura Italiana. Modena, 1772-1783.

There is a disquisition on Polo, with some judicious remarks (iv. pp. 68-73).

11. TOALDO, GIUSEPPE. Saggi di Studj Veneti nell Astronomia e nella Marina. Ven. 1782.

This work, which I have not seen, is stated to contain some remarks on Polo's Book. The author had intended to write a Commentary thereon, and had collected books and copies of MSS. with this view, and read an article on the subject before the Academy of Padua, but did not live to fulfil his intention (d. 1797).

[See Cicogna, II. p. 386; vi. p. 855.]

12. LESSING. Marco Polo, aus einer Handschrift ergänzt, und aus einer andern sehr zu verbessern: (Zur Geschichte und Litteratur

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G. E. Lessing. II. Beytrag. Braunschweig, 1773, 8vo, pp. 259-298.)

13. FORSTER, J. REINHOLD. H. des Découvertes et des Voyages faits dans le Nord. French Version. Paris, 1788.

14. SPRENGEL, MATHIAS CHRISTIAN. Geschichte der wichtigsten geographischen Entdeckungen, &c. 2nd Ed. Halle, 1792.

This book, which is a marvel for the quantity of interesting matter which it contains in small space, has much about Polo.

15. ZURLA, Abate PLACIDO. Life of Polo, in Collezione di Vite e Ritratti d'Illustri Italiani. Padova, 1816.

This book is said to have procured a Cardinal's Hat for the author. It is a respectable book, and Zurla's exertions in behalf of the credit of his countrymen are greatly to be commended, though the reward seems inappropriate.


Dissertazioni di Marco Polo e degli altri Viaggiatori

Veneziani, &c. Venezia, 1818-19, 4to.

17, 18, 19. QUARTERLY REVIEW, vol. xxi. (1819), contains an Article on Marsden's Edition, written by John Barrow, Esq.; that for July, 1868, contains another on Marco Polo and his Recent Editors, written by the present Editor; and that for Jan. 1872, one on the First Edition of this work, by R. H. Major, Esq.

20. ASIA, Hist. Account of Discovery and Travels in. By HUGH MURRAY Edinburgh, 1820.

21. STEIN, C. G. D. Daniel Stein.

Rede des Herrn Professor Dr. Christian Gottfried (Gesprochen den 29sten September, 1819.) Ueber den Venetianer Marco Polo. Pages 8-19 of Einladung zur Gedächtniszfeier der Wohlthäter des Berlinisch-Köllnischen Gymnasiums . . . von dem Direktor Johann Joachim Bellermann. Sm. 8vo, s.d. [1821].

22. KLAPROTH, JULIUS. A variety of most interesting articles in the Journal Asiatique (see sér. I. tom. iv., tom. ix. ; sér. II. tom. i. tom. xi. etc.), and in his Mémoires Relatifs à l'Asie. Paris, 1824.

Klaproth speaks more than once as if he had a complete Commentary on Marco Polo prepared or in preparation (e.g., see J. As., sér. i. tom. iv. p. 380). But the examination of his papers after his death produced little or nothing of this kind. [Cf. supra, p. 573.]

23. CICOGNA, EMMANUELE ANTONIO. Delle Iscrizioni Veneziane, Raccolte ed Illustrate. Venezia, 1824-1843.

Contains valuable notices regarding the Polo family, especially in vol. ii.

24. RÉMUSAT, JEAN PIERRE ABEL. Mélanges Asiatiques. Paris, 1825. Nouveaux Mélanges As. Paris, 1829.

The latter contains (i. 381 seqq.) an article on Marsden's Marco Polo, and one (p. 397 seqq.) upon Zurla's Book.


Firenze, 1825.

Tom. xix. B. pp. 92-124.

A review of the publication of the old French Text by the Soc. de Géographie. 26. ANNALI UNIVERSALI DI STATISTICA. Vol. xvi. p. 286. Milano. 1828. Article by F. CUSTODI.

27. WALCKENAER, Baron C. Vies de plusieurs Personnages Célèbres des temps anciens et modernes. Laon, 1830, 2 vol. 8vo. This contains a life of Marco Polo, vol. ii. pp. 1-34.

28. ST. JOHN, JAMES AUgustus. Lives of Celebrated Travellers. London (circa 1831).

Contains a life of Marco Polo, which I regret not to have seen.

29. COOLEY, W. D. Hist. of Maritime and Inland Discovery. London, (circa 1831).

This excellent work contains a good chapter on Marco Polo.

30. RITTER, CARL. Die Erdkunde von Asien. Berlin, 1832, seqq.

This great work abounds with judicious comments on Polo's Geography, most of which have been embodied in Bürck's edition.

31. DELECLUZE, M. Article on Marco Polo in the Revue des Deux Mondes for 1st July, 1832. Vol. vii. Svo, pp. 24.

32. PAULIN PARIS. Papers of much value on the MSS. of Marco Polo, etc., in Bulletin de la Soc. de Géographie for 1833, tom. xix. pp. 23-31; as well as in Journal Asiatique, sér. II. tom. xii. pp. 244-54; L'Institut, Journal des Sciences, &c.,

tom. xvi. Jan. 1851.

Sect. II.

33. MALTE-BRUN. Précis de la Géog. Universelle, 4iéme Ed. par HUOT.

Paris, 1836.

Vol. i. (pp. 551 seqq.) contains a section on Polo, neither good nor correct. 34. DE MONTÉMONT, ALBERT. Bibliothèque Universelle des voyages. In vol. xxxi. pp. 33-51 there is a Notice of Marco Polo.

✔35. PALGRAVE, Sir FRANCIS. The Merchant and the Friar. London, 1837. The Merchant is Marco Polo, who is supposed to visit England, after his return from the East, and to become acquainted with the Friar Roger Bacon. The book consists chiefly of their conversations on many subjects.

It does not affect the merits of this interesting book that Bacon is believed to have died in 1292, some years before Marco's return from the East.

36. D'AVEZAC, M. Remarks in his most valuable Notice sur les Anciens Voyages de Tartarie, &c., in the Recueil de Voyages et de Mémoires publié par la Société de Géographie, tom. iv. pp. 407 seqq. Paris, 1839. Also article in the Bulletin de la Soc. de Géog., &c., for August, 1841; and in Journal Asiat. sér. II. tom. xvi. p. 117. 37. PARAVEY, Chev. DE. Article in Journ. Asiatique, sér. II. tom. xvi. 1841, p. 101.

38 HAMMER-PURGSTALL, in Bull. de la Soc. de Géog., tom. iii. No. 21,

P. 45.

39. QUATREMÈRE, ÉTIENNE. His translations and other works on

Oriental subjects abound in valuable indirect illustrations of M. Polo ; but in Notices et Extraits des MSS. de la Bibliothèque du Roi, tom. xvi. Pt. i. pp. 281-286, Paris, 1843, there are some excellent remarks both on the work itself and on Marsden's Edition of it.

40. MACFARLANE, CHARLES. Romance of Travel. London.


A good deal of intelligent talk on Marco Polo.

C. Knight.

41. MEYER, ERNST H. F. Geschichte der Botanik. Königsberg, 1854-57. In vol. iv. there is a special chapter on Marco Polo's notices of plants.

42. THOMAS, Professor G. M. Zu Marco Polo, aus einem Cod. ital. Monacensis in the Sitzungsberichten der Münchner Akademie, 4th March, 1862, pp. 261-270.

43. KHANIKOFF, NICOLAS DE. Notice sur le Livre de Marco Polo, édité et commenté par M. G. Pauthier. Paris, 1866. Extracted from the Journal Asiatique. I have frequently quoted this with advantage, and sometimes have ventured to dissent from it.

44. CAHIER, Père. Criticism of Pauthier's Marco Polo, and reply by G. Pauthier, in Études Littéraires et Religieuses of 1866 and 1867.


45. BARTHÉLEMY ST. HILAIRE. A series of articles on Marco Polo in the Journal des Savants for January-May, 1867, chiefly consisting of a reproduction of Pauthier's views and deductions.

46. DE GUBERNATIS, Prof. ANgelo. Memoria intorno ai Viaggiatori Italiani nelle Indie Orientali, dal secolo XIII. a tutto il XVI. Firenze, 1867.



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