The Nineteenth Century and After, Volume 76, Part 2Leonard Scott Publishing Company, 1914 - Nineteenth century |
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Common terms and phrases
Africa Allies Alsace Ambassador Antwerp army Australia Austria Austria-Hungary become beet sugar Belgian Belgium belligerents Bernhardi Bohemia Britain British cane cane sugar cent century character civilisation colonies Compiègne Court declared Dominions Dutch duty emigration Emperor Empire enemy England English Europe European experience exports fact factory Fauchon fighting force foreign France French garden German Empire German Government Germany's give hand Holland honour Hungary Imperial important industry interest labour land London Lord Louvain LXXVI-No Magyars means ment military mobilisation moral Murano Napoleon nation neutral never officers organisation Paris peace plants political population possession possible Pougens present prize law produced Professor question race realise regard Russia Savignan Serbia Slav soldiers South Africa spirit sugar beet territory things tion to-day tons town trade Treitschke troops Tsingtau Vienna White Book whole words
Popular passages
Page 1179 - Finds comfort in himself and in his cause ; And, while the mortal mist is gathering, draws His breath in confidence of Heaven's applause : This is the happy warrior ; this is he That every man in arms should wish to be.
Page 724 - We are convinced, I am convinced at least, that if any violent attempt were made to overthrow those rights and interfere with that independence, those who made the attempt would find in the result that it would not be Denmark alone with which they would have to contend.
Page 898 - That the Imperial Government be requested to co-operate with any Colonies desiring immigrants in assisting suitable persons to emigrate...
Page 996 - I said all I could to impress prudence on the Minister for Foreign Affairs, and warned him that if Russia mobilized Germany would not be content with mere mobilization or give Russia time to carry out hers, but would probably declare war at once.
Page 733 - That a lie which is half a truth is ever the blackest of lies, That a lie which is all a lie may be met and fought with outright, But a lie which is part a truth is a harder matter to fight.
Page 1035 - ... that they are not used at the same time for military purposes. It is the duty of the Inhabitants to indicate such monuments, edifices, or places by visible signs, which shall consist of large stiff rectangular panels divided diagonally into two coloured triangular portions, the upper portion black, the lower portion white.
Page 987 - I have desired this and worked for it, as far as I could, through the last Balkan crisis, and, Germany having a corresponding object, our relations sensibly improved. The idea has hitherto been too Utopian to form the subject of definite proposals, but if this present crisis, so much more acute than any that Europe has gone through for generations, be safely passed, I am hopeful that the relief and reaction which will follow may make possible some more definite rapprochement between the Powers than...
Page 964 - Nile, come within our borders ; and till we finally join hands across the equator with Natal and Cape Town, to say nothing of the Transvaal and the Orange River on the south, or of Abyssinia or Zanzibar to be swallowed...
Page 987 - If the peace of Europe can be preserved, and the present crisis safely passed, my own endeavour will be to promote some arrangement to which Germany could be a party, by which she could be assured that no aggressive or hostile policy would be pursued against her or her allies by France, Russia, and ourselves, jointly or separately.
Page 747 - Neutral Powers which lay automatic contact mines off their coasts must observe the same rules and take the same precautions as are Imposed on belligerents. The neutral Power must Inform ship-owners, by a notice Issued In advance, where automatic contact mines have been laid.