The First ResurrectionWe are swiftly moving into the final days of the end-time and everyone is quite concerned as to the timing of the rapture of the church. Among Christians there are several different views of the second coming of Christ, whereas, many pastors teach that one day we will suddenly disappear before the great tribulation begins. Christianity has been subjected to many misguided interpretations concerning this great event. In order to know for sure when the Lord will rapture the church, we have to first discover when the "First Resurrection" will take place. This book is designed in a concise and easy to read language to pinpoint "when" the "resurrection" will happen according to scripture. The Christian who wants to learn more with clarity and accuracy what the Bible itself says concerning the last days on Planet Earth and the Second Coming of Christ will appreciate this book. Dr. Ralph J. McIntyre is pastor emeritus of Apostolic Life Center, a church he founded in 1965 located in Essex, Maryland. Prior to this work he founded and pastured another church for eight years and witnessed it reach the number of approximately 100 members. In 1974, his organization, the United Pentecostal Church International, granted permission for the founding of a new district named the Maryland-D.C. District. He was elected to serve as pioneering superintendent, a position he held for 14 years. Upon his resignation from this office, his organization elected him to serve on the general board as an honorary board member. In May 1981 he graduated from Drew University Madison, New Jersey, receiving the degree of Doctor of Ministry. Presently his ministry continues with his son Terry who was elected pastor in his dad's stead upon his retirement in 1991. |
From inside the book
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PREFACE | ix |
Chapter | 17 |
Five | 87 |
Eight | 137 |
Eleven | 183 |
Twelve | 191 |
Thirteen | 197 |
Common terms and phrases
angels antecedent Antichrist apostasy apostles Armageddon Babylon beast behold believe Bible blessed brethren called chapter Christians church world Daniel death debit cards desolate destroy disciples doctrine dwell earth ecumenism electronic money end-time eternal Euphrates evil faith false prophet gather give given unto glory God's word gospel hand hath heaven Holy Spirit horns human Irvin Baxter Jr Isaiah Israel Jerusalem Jesus Christ killed Kingdom kings lake of fire Lamb leader living Lord Jesus Christ Luke Matthew 24 Megiddo Millennium mouth mystery mystery religion nations Noah pastors Paul peace persecution post-tribulation pre-tribulation rapture preached pronoun prophecy receive reign religion resurrection Revelation righteousness saints Satan scarlet colored scriptures second coming seventh trumpet smart cards son of perdition stored-value cards take place Tammuz teaches temple Testament thee Thessalonians things thou throne tion truth understand verse worship wrath