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point upon this particular in a late publication, "On the Genius and Disposition of the French Government," by an American recently returned from Europe. On perusing the book, I have been induced to insert this section, in order to exhibit some thoughts contained in it, interesting to the nations, particularly to our own; and corroborating the sentiments stated in the preceding section relative to that diabolical, secret French agency. The author of that book undertakes to diselose the truth, the result of his long inquisitive investigations as a traveller. He appears to be a man of first rate abilities and information; and a man of candor. He acknowledges that he had been greatly prepossessed against the British politics. He travelled for a course of years in Europe, on purpose to gain correct information. For a considerable time he resided in Paris; and had access to, and gained the confidence of, men of the first information there. And his communications carry with them great evidence.

In this book, are the following sentiments, concerning the views and conduct of the French government. The writer describes it as being "a power, which, circumscribed by no law, and checked by no scruple, meditates the subjugation of this, as well as of every other country." He further says, that "it is a sytematic plan of the government of France to grasp at universal dominion;" that "we not only share with the British in the hatred, which is cherished against them by the cabinet of St. Cloud; but are equally marked out for destruction." "Gentz in his Fragment on the balance of power, enumerates three traits in the present constitution of France, which according to his idea, must render her irresistible. 1, The unlimited form of her government. 2, The decisive influence of the military character over the whole system. 3, Their successful employment of revolutionary instruments and means! Add to these the federal strength, which she has acquired by the extension of her limits; the torpor, which seizes almost every nation, even at the name of France; the subtlety of her statesmen; and the skill of her commanders, and it will be at once apparent that she may bid defiance to the united efforts of Europe. It was long predicted by a great writer, who had studied the affairs of modern Europe, "that the continent would be speedily 'enslaved, should a nation, with the resources of France, break through the forms and trammels of the civil institutions of the period, turn her attention to military affairs, and organize a regular plan of universal empire." Gen. Jourdan exultingly exclaimed to the French Convention, when about to enact their law of the requisition; "The moment you announce the compulsory levy en masse to be permanent, you decree the power of the republic to be imperishable." The determination of France for universal empire, is "the result of a deliberate project-framed and acted upon, even before the reign of the Directory!" This conclusion was "sanctioned by the acknowledgment of all the actors in the scene of the revolution, with whom I had occasion to converse (says the writer) in Paris." The archives of antiquity have been ransacked by the French, to collect the arts of fraud, terror and seduction, that they might combine cunning with force, to deceive, overwhelm, and confound mankind: "Combining the subtlety of the Roman senate, and the ferocity of the Goth; the wildest passions with the most deliberate perfidy; they have far exceeded all the examples furnished by the records of antiquity."* "From the commencement of the revolution, emissaries have been scattered over Europe, in order to study and delineate its geographical face. The harvest of their labors, deposited at Paris, has furnished their government with a knowl edge of the territory of the other powers, much more minute and accurate, than what the latter themselves possess." Several hundreds of clerks are employed at Paris in this business, of collecting these details, tracing maps, and aiding the accomplishment of this great plan. Spain was thus marked out before her invasion. And England has been thus partitioned. The designs of France upon Spain were all previously matured. The writer heard it much conversed upon in the metropolis, that the Bourbons were to be dethroned in Spain, and a Bonaparte placed in their stead. And for years before the seizure of the royal family, Spain was deluged with French emissaries, to prepare the way for the event. The universal empire of the French is the popular song at Paris, and in different parts of the nation. Paris, the metropolis of the world, is the great idea with which the people not only of Paris, but of the provincial cities, and of the country, are enamored, when they can so far forget their own wretchedness, as to turn their attention to it.

* See Rev. xiii, 2, where all the terrors of the ancient empires are combined in this Roman Beast.

Upon Russia the writer remarks; "The divisions of the Russian cabinet, and the preponderancy of a French faction at St. Petersburgh, which now sways their national council, constitute another and great source of weakness. The French partizans have subdued the spirit of Alexander, by an exposition of the impotency of his means; and have debauched his principles by specious statements of the benefits he is to derive from French alliance."

With respect to the old Jacobinic agency being successfully employed by the present French government, the writer remarks as follows; "But there is another species of hostility preliminary to open violence, and scarcely less efficacious in the end, which they are now indefatigably waging against this country (America.) They are in fact at war with us, to the utmost extent of their means of annoyance. What the sword fails to reach may be almost as destructively assailed by the subtile poison of corrupt doctrines, by domestic intrigue, by the diffusion of falsehood, and by the arts of intimidation. The world has not more to dread from their comprehensive scheme of military usurpation, than from the co-extensive system of seduction and espionage, which they prosecute with a view, either to supersede the necessity, or to insure the success, of conquest by arms. Upon the model of their domestic policy in this respect, they have established a secret inquisition into the manageable vices and prejudices, into the vulnerable points, as well as the strong holds, of every country, obnoxious to their ambition. As they station a spy in every dwelling of the French empire, so they plant traitors every where abroad, to corrupt by bribes, to delude by promises, to overawe by threats, to inftame the passions, and to exasperate the leading antipathies, of every people. As they maintain by their domestic police an intestine war in France herself, so by their foreign missions they sow every where abroad the seeds of division and discontent. They foment the animosities of faction, and prepare the train for the explosion, which, by disuniting and dissipating the single, as well as federative strength of a nation, lays her completely at their mercy."

The writer proceeds to give a striking account of the perfection, to which the art of espionage is wrought in France; every family and even individual being watched by some secret spy; so that none can with safety communicate his sentiments to another, unless they be such as the government would approve. He states an account given by one, who had been a chief clerk in one of the offices of this diabolical machination. The clerk informs, that when the revolution in France was accomplished, he thought the object of this business was obtained and finished; and that great was his surprise, when he found it continued! And concerning the extent of this secret agency, he proceeds; "By means equally profligate they exercise a supervision over other countries, and improve to their own advantage whatever principles of corruption and disunion may be interwoven with their social or political constitutions. These French agents never loiter in the discharge of their functions, nor sleep on their watch. No means nor instruments, however contemptible in appearance, are neglected in the prosecution of their plans. It is notorious, that even the foreigners employed in the theatres and op. era houses of Europe, to minister to the public amusements, are marshalled in the service of the French gov. ernment, for the purpose either of collecting information themselves, or of facilitating the labors of more intelligent agents. The Gazettes of every part of the continent of Europe are debauched by largesses, or driven by force, to war against humanity, by propagat

ing the misrepresentations of this horrible despotism. During the peace of 1802, an attempt was made to enlist the principal Gazettes of England in the same cause. A person of the name of Fievee, who has since officiated as editor of the Journal de l' Empire, was deputed to England on what he boastingly styled, un voyage de corruption. He returned however unsuccessful; and vented his own spleen, as well as that of his government, in a libellous book on the British nation.

This foreign police (adds the writer) was propagated under the old regime. During the reign of Jacobinism the number of its agents was multiplied, and its activity greatly increased. Those means, he says, which were employed by the Jacobins, to subvert all. governments, are now, under the military despotism of Bonaparte, levelled upon a more enlarged plan, and with more active industry, against the liberties and morals of every people! That we ourselves are vigorously assailed, no reflecting man, as it appears to me (says the writer) can for a moment doubt. Inaccessible as we are at this moment, to any other mode of aggression, this engine of subjection is used against us with redoubled force and adroitness. In this way we are perhaps more vulnerable than any other people. There are none, whose party feuds may be more quickly inflamed into the worst disorders of faction. The simplicity and purity of character, by which we are, when viewed in the aggregate, so advantageously distinguished above the nations of Europe, is almost as favorable to the designs of France, as the corruption or venality of her neighbors. A backwardness to suspect treachery may entail all the consequences of a willingness to abet it. One, who has had an opportunity of observing the workings of the French influence elsewhere, cannot possibly mistake the source, from which the politics of some of cur own Gazettes are drawn. The most unwearied industry to disseminate falsehoods on the subjects of Great Britain; a watchful alacrity to make even her most innocent or laudable acts the subject of. èlamor; a steady, laborious vindication of all the meas ures of France; and a system of denunciation against

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