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" Alliance" of dunces down at zero, Now that the Lion's fall'n, may rise again : But I will fall at least as fell my hero ; Nor reign at all, or as a monarch reign ; Or to some lonely isle of gaolers go, With turncoat Southey for my turnkey Lowe. "
The Works of George Byron: With His Letters and Journals, and His Life - Page 23
by George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1836
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Don Juan: Cantos IX.-X.-and XI.

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1823 - 164 pages
...Was reckoned, a considerable time, i LVI. But Juan was my Moscow, and Faliero My Leipsic, and my Mont Saint Jean seems Cain : " La Belle Alliance" of dunces...or as a monarch reign ; Or to some lonely isle of Jailors go, With turncoat Southey for my turnkey Lowe. LVII. Sir Walter reigned before me ; Moore and...
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The Literary Examiner: Consisting of the Indicator, a Review of Books, and ...

Leigh Hunt - English literature - 1823 - 424 pages
...more happy :— But Juan was my Moscow, and Faliero My Leipsic, and my Mont Saint Jean seems Cmin i " La Belle Alliance" of dunces down at zero, Now least as fell my hero; Nor reign at all, or as a monarvA reign ; Or to some lonely isle of Jailors go, - With turncoat Southey for my turnkey Low*....
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The Edinburgh Magazine and Literary Miscellany, Volume 92

English literature - 1823 - 814 pages
...Juan was my Moscow, and Faliero My Leipsic, and my Mont Saint Jean seems Cain : " La Belle Alliance1' of dunces down at zero, Now that the Lion's fall'n, may rise again i But I will fall, at least, as fell my hero ; Nor reign at all, or as a monarch reign ; Or to eome...
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The works of the rt. hon. lord Byron, Volume 8

George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1824 - 346 pages
...grand Napoleon of the realms of rhyme. LVI. But Juan was my Moscow, and Faliero My Leipsic, and my Mont Saint Jean seems Cain: -' La Belle Alliance" of dunces down at zero, Now that the Lion's fall'o, may rise again: But I will fall at least as fell my hero, Nor reign at all, or as a monarch...
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The complete works of lord Byron with a biogr. and critical ..., Volumes 3-4

George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1825 - 916 pages
...grand Napoleon of the realms of rhyme. LVI. But Juan was my Moscow, and Faliero My Leipsic, and my Mont Saint Jean seems Cain : «La belle Alliance » of dunces down at zero, Now that the lion 's fall'n, may rise again : But I will fall at least as fell my hero: Nor reign at all, or as...
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The Works of Lord Byron: Complete in One Volume

George Gordon Noël Byron - 1826 - 804 pages
...and my Mont-Saint-Jean seems Cain: "I<a Belle-Alliance " ofdnnccsdnwn at zero, ftow that the lion1* y and for H.L. Broenner Xor reign at all, or as a monarch reign; Or to some lonely i§le of jailors go, With turncoat Suuthcy...
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The Athenaeum and Literary Chronicle, Volume 3

1828 - 442 pages
...reckless manifesto! ns the following . ' Juan was my Moscow, and! Faliero My Leipsic, and my Mount St. Jean seems Cain: " La Belle Alliance" of dunces down at zero, Now that the Lion's fallen, may rise again : But 1 will fall at least as fell my hero; Nor reign at all, or as a monarch...
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Don Juan: In Sixteen Cantos

George Gordon Noël Byron - 1832 - 456 pages
...seems Cam: "La Belle Alliance,, of dnnces down at zero, Now that the Lion's fall'n, may rise again: Bnt I will fall at least as fell my hero ; Nor reign at...all, or as a monarch reign; Or to some lonely isle of Jailors go, With tnrncoat Sonthey tor my tnrnkey Lowe. LVll. Sir Walter reigned before me; Moore and...
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The Complete Works of Lord Byron: Including His Suppressed Poems, and Others ...

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1832 - 542 pages
...of the realms of rhyme. LVI. But Juan was my Moscow, and Faliero My Leipsic, and my Mont-Saint-Jean seems Cain : " La Belle Alliance" of dunces down at zero, Now that the lion 's fall'n, may rise again : But I will fall at least as fell my hero ; . Nor reign at all, or...
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Characteristics of Goethe, Volume 1

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - 1833 - 388 pages
...Napoleon of the realms of rhyme. XLVI. But Juan was my Moscow, and Faliero My Leipsir, and my Mont Saint Jean seems Cain ; " La belle Alliance" of dunces...or as a monarch reign ; Or to some lonely isle of Jailors go, With turncoat Southey for my turnkey Lowe. 304 XLVII. Sir Walter reigned before me ; Moore...
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