Foote, Miss, the actress (afterwards | Frere, Right Hon. John Hookham,
Countess of Harrington), iii. 80.
Forbes, Lady Adelaide, ii. 219.; iv. 28.
Forresti, G., ii. 183.
Forsyth, Joseph, esq., his 'Italy,' iv. 342.; viii. 252. Fortitude, viii. 149. 202.; ix. 297, 298. 304.; xvii. 147.
Fortune, ii. 27 n. iii. 119. 338.; vi. 391.; viii. 149. 230.; xi. 128.; xii. 187.; xv. 95.; xvi. 25. 64, 65. Forty-parson power, xvi 315. FOSCARI, the Two; an Historical Tragedy,' v. 197.; xiii. 197.
Foscolo, Ugo, iv. 141, 142. 348.350.; xi. 87.; xv. 79. His Essay on Petrarch, iii. 132.; vi. 232. His account of Pulci's 'Morgante,' xi. 189.
Fountain of Arethusa, Lord Byron's visit to, vi. 73.
Fox, Right Hon. Charles James, ii. 208.; iv. 105. 'Lines on the death of,' vii. 103. Saying of, xiv. 265. His grave, xiv. 266.
-, Henry, ii. 280. 292.; iv. 25.; vi. 12.
Fox hunt, an English, xvii. 127.
FRANCESCA OF RIMINI; from the In- ferno of Dante,' iv. 293.; v. 89.; xii. 1.
Francis, Sir Philip, the probable author of Junius,' iv. 92.; xii.
-, Miss Eliza, xv. 97. 'Frankenstein, Mrs. Shelley's, iii. 282.: iv. 149.
his Whistlecraft, iv. 67.; xi. 97.; xv. 33. Writes half the 'Needy Knife-grinder,' viii. 60.
Friday, supposed unluckiness of, vi. 62.
Friends, xvi. 307.; xvii. 133. 148. Friuli, viii. 204.
Fry, Mrs., xvi. 334. Advice to, 335. Fudge Family, the humour of, not wit, xv. 88.
Funds, the public, xvii. 31.
Gail, M., viii. 123. Galignani, M., v. 25, 26. 31. 117. 125. Galiongee, ix. 233.
Galileo, his tomb in Santa Croce, viii. 216.
Galt, John, esq., ii. 289. 300. His 'Life of Byron,' i. xiv. His cha- racter of Don Juan, xv. 34. Gamba, Count Pietro, ii. 7 n.; iv. 242.; ν. 43. 205. 242.; vi. 63. 73. 84. 113. 115. 134. 139. 179. 194. 215.; xv. 332.
'Game of Goose,' xvii. 60. Gaming, i. 263; xvii. 41. 121. Gandia, Duke of, interesting parti.
culars of his death, x. 64. Garcilasso de la Vega, xv. 150. Garrick, Sheridan's Monologue on, ii.
Gay, Madame Sophie, iv. 314.; v. i. -, Mlle. Delphine, v. 1 n.
Gazelle, the, viii. 10.
Franklin, Benjamin, ii. 273.; xiv. 275. Gell, Sir William, i. 230.; ii. 295.;
Gladiator, the dying, stanzas on, viii. 'Gradus ad Parnassum,' Lord Byron's 249.; xvi. 30.
Frazer, Mrs., xvii. 240.
Frederick the Second, ' the only
monarch worth recording in Prus. sian annals,' i. 141. His flight from Molwitz, xvi. 22.
Free to confess, the phrase, xvii 220.
Freedom, viii. 234.; xvi. 327. Free press in Greece, vi. 152. Free will, xiv. 76.
Edward Fitzgerald's forfeiture,' xi.
Georgians, beauty of the, xvi. 145. 147.
'Georgics,' a finer poem than the Æneid, vi. 369. Geramb, Baron, xii. 237. Germany and the Germans, v. 73. 'Gertrude of Wyoming,' ix. 89. Gesner, his 'Death of Abel,' xiv. 12. Ghost, the Newstead, iii. 108. Ghosts, xvii. 188. 194, 195. 205. 236. Giaffar, Pacha of Argyro Castro, his fate, ix. 237.
'Giant's Grave, visit to, xvi. 61. 'GIAOUR, The; a Fragment of a Turkish Tale,' ix. 140. See also ii. 188, 189, 190. 214. 296. 230. 239. 242. 258. 324.; v. 133, 293 n.; ix. 145. 155. 200.
Gibbon, Edward, esq., his remark on public schools, i. 86 n. 90.; xv. 135. His acacia, iii. 246. His remark on his own History, v. 310. His character, viii. 182. His opinion on the advantages of a public educa- tion, xv. 135.
Gibraltar, straits of, viii. 75. Giffard, Lees, esq., LL.D., xv. 6. Gifford, William, esq. i. 243.; ii. 55,
56. 61. 64. 67. 144. 181. 215. 259. 318.; iii. 32. 36. 227. 252. 298. 335. 344.; iv. 10. 32. 63 n. 338.; ν. 203. 232. 248. 306.; vi. 164, 165.; vii. 229. 272, 272 n. 273 n.; ix. 100.; x. 13; xv. 80.; xvi. 108.
Gilchrist, Octavius, vi. 346. 350. 354. 383. 387. 393. 401. 407. Giordani, Signor, vi. 262.
Giorgione, iv. 241. 286. His 'pic- ture of his wife,' iv. 241.; xi. 110. His judgment of Solomon, iv. 286.
Giraud, Nicolo, i. 349.; ii. 43.
* Girl of Cadiz,' viii. 56.
295. His Ricciardetto,' ν. 328.; xi. 290.
Glennie, Dr. (Lord Byron's precep- tor), i. 44. His account of his pupil's studies, 46.
Glover, Mrs., actress, iii. 185. Godoy, Don Manuel, viii. 39, 39 n. Godwin, William, iii. 223.
Goethe, his 'Kennst du das Land,'
&c. imitated, ii. 314 n. His saying of Lord Byron, iii. 240.; ν. 336. His Faust, iii. 275.; iv. 67.; v. 313. His remarks on 'Manfred,' iv. 322.; xi. 71. Dedication of 'Marino Faliero' to, iv. 355.; xii. 51. His Werther,' iv. 357. His 'Giaour' story, v. 293 n. Lord Byron's letter to, vi. 70. His tri- bute to the memory of Byron, vi. 68. Dedication of Sardanapalus' to, xiii. 57. His character of 'Don Juan,' xv.37. His 'Mephistopheles,' xvii. 77.
Goetz, Countess, iii. 375. Golden fleece, xv. 309.
Goldsmith, Oliver, his anticipated definition of the lake school of poetry, xv. 80. Gondola, described, xi. 112. Gondoliers, songs of the Venetian, viii. 196. 274.; xv. 160. 'Good Night, the, viii. 16. Lord Maxwell's, 4.
Goose, royal game of, xvii. 60. Gordon, Sir John, of Bogagicht, v. 2. 一, Duchess of, i. 169.
-, Mr., vi. 111.
-, Lord Alexander, i. 169.
-, Pryce, esq. iii. 243. Gordons of Gight, i. 6.; vii. 112 n. Gower, Lord Granville Leveson (now Earl and Viscount Granville), ii. 299. Goza, viii. 78. Gracchus, Tiberius, xvi. 311.
ladiators, viii. 322.
Glenarvon, Lady Caroline Lamb's, iii. 249. 251. 314. 373.; iv. 51.
Glenbervie, (Sylvester Douglas), first Lord, his treatise on timber, ii.
triangular, ii. 276. Grafton, (George Henry Fitzroy), fourth Duke of, ii. 148. Graham, Edward, esq., xvi. 39.
-, James, his 'Sabbath Walks' and Biblical Pictures, vii. 244 n.
Grainger, his 'Ode to Solitude, vi. 359.
Granby, Marquis of, xv. 110. Grant, David, his 'Battles and War Pieces,' i. 17.
-, G., his 'Notes on Cain,' xiv.
'GRANTA; a Medley,' vii. 44. Granville, Dr., his recipe to escape sea-sickness, xv. 207.
-, Earl. See Gower. Grattan, Right Hon. Henry, ii. 208.; iii. 234.
Gray, his description of Cambridge, i. 196. His preference for his Latin poems, ii. 18 n. An example of filial tenderness, 33 n. His' Elegy,' v. 109.; vi. 362. 369.; xv. 85. 333.; xvii. 102. His 'Odes,' xv. 85. -,May (Lord Byron's nurse), i. 13. 34. 37. 54. 'Greatest living poets, xvii. 23. Greece, past and present condition of, v. 242.; viii. 46. 73. 100, 101. 105.3; ix. 83. 147. 151, 152. 207.; x. 122.; xiv. 277. 321.; xv. 322.
Greek islands, resources for an emi- grant population in, vi. 48.
war song, ' Δεύτε παῖδες, ̓ ἰκ. 343. Translation of, ix. 4. Greeks, character of the, i. 318. Cause of the purity with which they wrote their own language, i. 145 n. Some account of the litera-
ture of the modern, viii. 123.
Gregson, the pugilist, vi. 399.
valuable as Muratorı or Tiraboschi, v. 96.
Grindenwald, the, iii. 253. 265. Gritti, Count, his sketch of a Vene. tian noble, xii. 207. 'Grongar Hill,' Dyer's, vi. 365. Gropius, the Sieur, viii. 112. Grosvenor, Earl (in 1832 created Marquis of Westminster), ix. 70. Guariglia, Signor, xvi. 39. Guercino, iii. 300.
Guesclin, Du, Constable of France, xiv. 271.
Guiccioli, Count, iv. 144. 165. 170. 200. 256. 262. 312. 315. 328.
-, (Teresa Gamba), Countess, i. xiv.; iv. 144, 145. 165. 170. 174. 200. 231, 232 n. 242. 256. 263. 271. 274. 295. 315. 319. 328. 331.; v. 43. 51. 85. 141. 205. 217. 219. 222. 238. 242. 271.359.,
vi. 56. 91.; xv. 165.
Guido, his Aurora, xvii. 130. Guilford, Earl of, v. 296. Guinguené, P. L., ii. 253.; v. 96. Gulley, John, the pugilist (in 1832
M. P. for Pontefract), vi. 309. Gunpowder, χιν. 333.; xvi. 225. Gurney, Hudson, esq., his 'Cupid and Psyche, xv. 316. --, Williaın Brodie, short-hand writer, xv. 184. Gynocracy, xvii. 213.
Grenville, (William Wyndham), Lord, Habesci, Louis, xv. 316. ii. 129, 130.
Grenvilles, the, xvii. 32.
Greville, Colonel, ii. 139. vii. 262, 262 n.
Grey, Charles (afterwards Earl Grey), ii. 208.; iii. 19.; v. 76.; xvii. 69. Grey de Ruthven, Lord, i. 79. 216. Grillparzer, his tragedy of Sappho,
v. 72. Character of his writings, 73.
Grimaldi, Joseph, Covent Garden clown, i. 213.
Grimm, Baron, ii. 252.; v. 81. 95, 96. 102. His Correspondence'
Hafiz, the oriental Anacreon, i. 146. Hailstone, Professor, i. 115. Hall, Captain Basil, iv. 129. Lord Byron's letter to, 131. His inter view with Napoléon, xiv. 268. Hallam, Henry, esq., his review of Payne Knight's 'Taste,' vii. 254, 254 n. 257.
Hamilton, Lady Dalrymple, iv. 150. Hancock, Charles, esq., vi. 114. Lord Byron's letters to, 121. 127. 131. 133. 139. 177.
Hannibal, saying of, ii. 94.
Hanson, John, esq. (Lord Byron's solicitor), i. 57. 221. 300. 314. 357.; iii. 10.; iv. 53. 126.; vi. 10.
-, Miss (afterwards Countess of Portsmouth), i. 134.; iii. 10, 11.; vi. 10.
Happiness, 'was born a twin,' xv. 271. Horace's art of, xvi. 97. 'An art on which the artists greatly vary,' xvii. 87.
Hardinge, George, esq., xvii. 106. 'Hardyknute,' iii. 163.
Harley, Lady Charlotte (the Ianthe' to whom the first and second cantos of Childe Harold' are dedicated), ii. 186, 186 n.; viii. 9.
- Lady Jane, iii. 186. Harmodius, viii. 141.
and Aristogeiton, song on, viii. 141 n.; xiv. 277. 'Harmony,' German colony in Ame- rica so called, xvii. 167. Harness, Rev. William, i. 70.; ii. 98. 107. 138. His sermons quoted, i. 177 n.
Lord Byron's letters to, i. 202. 238.; ii. 93, 94. 100.
Harpe, La, xiv. 284.
Harris, his 'Philosophical Inquiries,' i. 306 n.
Harrow, i. 61. 77. 149. 182. 196.; ii. 95.; ν. 334.
Lines on a change of masters at,' vii. 37.
'On a distant view of the village and school of,' vii. 49.
Written beneath an elm in the churchyard of,' vii. 185.
'On revisiting,' vii. 208. Harrowby, Earl of, ii. 129.
Hartington, Marquis of (afterwards sixth Duke of Devonshire), i. 165.
Harvey, Mrs. Jane, iv. 150. Hatchard, Mr. John, i. 242. Havard, story of his tragedy, ix. $87.
Hawke, Admiral Lord, xv. 110.
--, (Edward Harvey), third Lord, iii. 123. vii. 45. Hay, Captain, iii. 123.
Hayley, William, esq., his 'Triumphs
of Temper,' vii. 243.; xv. 80.; xvii. 212. Advice to, vii. 243 n. Hayreddin, ii. 266. Hazlitt, William, his style, v. 91. His charge of inconsistency against Lord Byron, xv. 111. His character of 'Don Juan,' 27.
Hearer, a good one, xvii. 129. Hearing, second, superstition of, ix.
'HEAVEN AND EARTH; a Mystery,' xiii. 1.
Heber, Reginald (Bishop of Calcutta), viii. 222. 237.; xii. 47.; xiii. 66. 194. 205.; xiv. 17. 105.; xvi. 47. Critical notes by, vii. xvii. passim. 'HEBREW MELODIES,' iii. 141. 150. 190.; x. 71.
Hecla, xiv. 273.; xvii. 187. Helen, 'the Greek Eve,' xvii. 141. 'LINES on Canova's bust of,' iii. 323.; x. 316.
Hell, 'paved with good intentions,'
Hellespont, i. 316. 323.; v. 131, 132.; vii. 315.; ix. 228.; xv. 246. 'Hells, St. James's, ix. 66.; xvii. 14. Hemans, Mrs., her 'Restoration,' iii. 255. Character of her poetry, iv.
Henley, Orator, i. 272. Henry, Patrick, 'the forest-born De- mosthenes,' xiv. 281. Herbert, Rev. William, iv. 321.; vii. 254, 254 n.
Hero and Leander, i. 316. 323, 324. Herod's Lament for Mariamne, x. 93. Hesperus, xv. 332. Heterodoxy, xvi. 132.
Highgate, burlesque oath adminis-
tered at, viii. 49. 'Highland welcome,' xvi. 137. Hill, Aaron, v. 55.
-, Thomas, esq., the patron of Kirke White and Bloomfield, vii. 270.; xv. 9.
HILLS of Annesley, bleak and bar- ren,' vii. 43.
'HINTS FROM HORACE,' ix 47. See also, i. 350.; ii. 13, 14. 70. 78.; iv. 296, 296 n. 340.; v. 34.
History, viii, 153.; xvi. 214. Historians, xv. 326.
by Lord Byron at nineteen, i. 140. Hoare, Rev. Charles James, vii. 280. Hobbes, Thomas, 1. 143. His fear of ghosts, xvii. 188.
Hobhouse, Right Hon. Sir John Cam, Bart., his Journey through Al- bania' quoted, i. 297.; ii. 9.; viii. 65. 82. 91.; ix. 111. 113.; xvi. 115. His Epistle to a young Nobleman in love,' vii. 299. Dedication to him of the fourth canto of Childe Ha- rold,' viii. 189.
His Historical Notes to the fourth Canto of Childe Harold,' viii. 273. See also, i. 95. 181-183. 185, 186. 188. 243. 349.; ii. 39. 49. 56. 63. 98. 119.; iii. 2. 4. 11. 253, 254. 345.; iv. 2, 3. 59. 62. 72. 123. 273.; v. 250.; ix. 51. 71. 111.
Hoche, General, viii. 158.; xv. 113. 'Hock and soda water, xv. 100. 273. Hodgson, Rev. Francis, Lord Byron's well-timed assistance to, i. 280 n.; ii. 108. His Friends,' iv. 143.; xv. 92. His character of Pope,
'LINES to, written on board the Lis- bon packet,' vii. 305.
'EPISTLE to, in answer to some lines exhorting Lord Byron to 'banish care,'' ix. 11.
Lord Byron's letters to, i. 222. 225. 272. 277, 278. 321. 343. 354.; ii. 77. 97. 99. 118. 129.; iii. 40.
See also, i. 222. 227, 227 n.; ii. 69. 73. 83. 87. 108. 227. 234. 255. 262. 287, 287 n. 323.; iii. 5, 6. 100. 123 313.; v. 158.; vii. 281.
Hogg, James, the Ettrick shepherd, iii. 98, 99. 101. 109, 110.; iv. 352.; xv. 96, 97.
259.; vii. 257, 257 n. His character of Voltaire, xvi. 122.
Lord Byron's letters to, ii. 122. 130. 154. 159. 162, 163. 165. 167. 176. Holland, Lady, ii. 259. 283.; iii. 93. ; vii. 258, 258 n.
-, Dr., i. 295.; ii. 242.; viii. 93.
Hollar, his 'Dance of Death, xvii. 169.
Holmes, Mr., the miniature painter, ν. 141. 224.
Home, viii. 108.; ix. 329.; xv. 160 Sight of, after absence, xv. 296. Without hearts, there is no,' 308.
Homer, geography of, v. 70.; xvi. 36. 47. Visit to the school of, vi. 73. Iliad, xv. 84.; xvi. 207. Odyssey, xv. 297. His catalogue of ships, xvii. 101.
Hook, Theodore, esq., vii. 258, 258 n. 260.
Hope, Thomas, esq., viii. 72.; ix. 49. His Anastasius,' iv. 342. Hoppner, R. B., esq., his account of Lord Byron's mode of life at Ve- nice, iv. 82. 224.
LINES on the birth of his son,' iv. 86. Lord Byron's letters to, iv. 61. 75. 87. 158. 168. 171. 244. 247. 249. 252. 268. 271. 275, 276. 298. 303. 317.
See also, v. 141. 174. 185. 189. 209. Horace, Lord Byron's early dislike to, i. 198.; viii. 226. His 'Justum et tenacem' translated, vii. 23. The scholar of love, xv. 282. His 'Nil admirari,' xvi. 97.; xvii. 87. Quoted, iii. 4.; xvi. 114, 115. 195. 197.; xvii. 143.
'Horace in London, ii. 184.; xvi. 83.
Holbein, his Dance of Death,' xvii. 'Horæ Ionicæ,' ii. 62. 169.
![[blocks in formation]](,1263,378,124)
Horner, Francis, esq., ii. 282. 364.
Horton, Right Hon. Robert Wilmot
(now Sir Robert), xv. 126.
-, Mrs. (now Lady) Wilmot,
Holland, Lord, i. 246.; ii. 120. 129. 208. Houris, xvi. 254.
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