The Doctrines of Friends: Or Principles of the Christian Religion as Held by the Society of Friends, Commonly Called Quakers |
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Almighty apostle Paul appearance baptism baptized become believe blessed blood body brought called ceremonies character Christian Church command creature death Deism deny depravity devil disciples Divine Grace Divine Principle doctrine earth election Epistle eternal evangelists evidence evil exercise faith Father favour feelings flesh gentiles gift glory Gospel Dispensation Grace hath heart heaven Holy Ghost Holy Spirit human humble Jerusalem Jesus Christ Jews John John iv language Light Lord Jesus mankind Matt mercy Messiah mind ministers ministry moral nations nature oaths objects operation outward Peter preaching precepts present principle prophecy prophets reason received Redeeming Redemption relation religion religious reprobate Revelation righteousness saith salvation sanctified says Scrip Seed servants shalt sins Society of Friends solemn soul speak sufferings suppose testimony thee things thou tion tism true truth unconditional election unto wisdom word worship