G EORGE, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. To all to whom thefe Prefents fhall come, Greeting: Whereas Bernard Lintot of Our City of London, Bookfeller, hath by his Petition humbly reprefented unto Us, that he is now Printing a Tranflation, undertaken by Our Trufty and Well-beloved Alexander Pope, Efq; of the Odyffey of Homer from the Greek, in Five Volumes in Folio upon large and fmall Paper, in Quarto upon Royal Paper, in Odavo and Duodecimo, with large Notes upon each Book, and that he has been at great Expence in carrying on the faid Work, and the fole Right and Title of the Copy of the fame being vefied in the faid Bernard Lintot, he has humbly befought Us to grant him Our Royal Privilege and Licence for the fole Printing and Publishing thereof for the term of fourteen Years: We are therefore graciously pleased to gratify him in his Request, and do by these Prefents, agreeable to the Statute in that behalf made and provided, for Us, Our Heirs and Succeffors, give and grant unto him the faid Bernard Lintot, his Executors, Adminiftrators and Affigns, Our Royal Privilege and Licence for the fole Printing and Publishing of the faid Tranflation of the Odyssey of Homer, for and during the term of fourteen Years, to be computed from the Day of the Date hereof. Strictly forbidding and prohibiting all Our Subjects within Our Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland, and other Our Dominions, to reprint or abridge the fame, either in the like, or any other Volume or Volumes whatfoever, or to impart, buy, vend, utter or diftribute any Copies of the fame or any part thereof Reprinted beyond the Seas, within the faid Term of fourteen Years, without the Confent and Approbation of the faid Bernard Lintot, his Heirs, Executors and Affigns, by Writing under his or their Hands and Seals firft had and obtained, as they and every of them offending herein will answer the contrary at their Perils. Whereof the Mafter, Wardens, and Company of Stationers of Our City of London, the Commiffioners and other Officers of Our Cuftoms, and all other Our Officers and Minifters whom it may concern are to take Notice, that due Obedience be given to Our Pleafure herein fignified. Given at Our Court at St. James's the Nineteenth Day of February 1724-5. In the Eleventh Year of our Reign. By His Majefty's Command, TOWNSHEND. |