THE SPECTATOR VOL. II. The TENTH EDITION. LONDON: Printed for J. TONSON, at Shakespear's-Head, over- Lately Publifh'd, THE Miscellaneous Works in Verfe and Profe, of the late Right Honourable JOSEPH ADDISON, Efq; in Three Volumes. Confifting of fuch as were ne ver before Printed in 12mo, With fome Account of the Life and Writings of the Author, by Mr. Tickell. N. B. These Three Volumes, with the Tatlers, Specta tors, Guardians, Freeholder, and Remarks on feveral Parts of Italy, compleat Mr. Addifon's Works in Twelves, HARVARD JUN 261953 51 71. To the Right Honourable Charles Lord Hallifax. MY LORD, Imilitude of Manners and S Studies is ufually mentioned as one of the strongcft Motives to Affection and Esteem; but the paffionate Veneration I have for your Lordship, I think, flows from an Admiration of Qualities in You, of which, in the whole course of these Papers I have acknow A 2 |