Page. line. 4 for Anstattólakájésuń read Anótatló lakójćsu: for té pitakánań read tépitakdnań. 27 28 6 for manussésu papujjitwá tadúpaddawaghátakan read "manussésupapajjáti tudúpaddowaghatal an." 7 for 12 for Alápațiṇan read Adá patiṇań. Ahú Upali thérissa thérasadhiwiháriko, Díszkó; Sónzkó tassá dwé té sáddhiwiháriká read Ahú Upúlithérassa théró saddhiwihárikó Dásakó; Sónakó tassa; dwé thér á Sónakassamé. 14 for priests read saints. 22 for they supplicated of the great sage to be born among men for the removal of this 31 14-17 for 34 for 7 for vehédo read "wédos." pitaka read pitakattaya. wattá read wuttá, 9 for Wutthuhantiti read Wuṭṭhdhantíti, 23 for irtús read utús. 33 for Lord! why art thou silent? read Lord! why wast thou silent? 2 for Jánámiti read "Jánámiti.”" Page. line. 34 13 for 35 6 for འུ །༅ | | |。། 1 for for pubbajjan read pubbajjú. 13 for Sangamittancha read Sanghamittancha. 14 for 37 4 for 8 for 38 Mahindo read Mah indo. wissuta read wissutá: for áchriyá read úchariyá. kunta read kanta for kappáyi read kappayi. 18 for Dhammapati read Dhammapáláti. 27 for with a young female kuntikinnaryá read with the lovely female kinnari. 2 for naladdáhań read naladhań. for dykkhayantikan read ayukkhayantanan. 11 for Kunti read Kanti. 12 for pawáttayuń read pawattayuń: for hásáyam read kásáwam.— 34 for kuntikinnaryá read lovely kinnari. 39 3 for Tassopasamane read Tassópa samanan. 10 for nakaroma read nakaróma: for mulhamánasań road múlamanasań, 8 for thadangéhí read tadaddhehi: for mahi read mahin. 10 for Patichcha kammań read Patichchakamman: for chetannań read chetan in 18 for Ratiwaddhane read Ratiwaddhano. 1 for pakkasitwána read pakkósitwúna. 2 for wiyaharinsu read wiyakarinsu. 5 for tutthamáno read tuṭthamanó, 21 for is read was: for vibhajja read wibhajjo. 31 for Yasso read Yaso. 9 for 10 for Ekáníní read Ekániní, satthambhiddhawi read satthamabhiddhawi, dropiyásutań read arópiyásutań. 2 for matalassa read mátulassa. They partook of the nature of the lion in the formation of their hands and feet read 2 for puttásókéna read puttasókéna. : for 27 for 6 for bhakkétuń read bhakkhétuń. 12 for sahasénatthahito read sáhasénettha bhito. apéchcha read upechcha. Uppulwanno read Uppalawanno. Yadkkhiń read Yakkhin. 14 for sami read sámi. adissamané read adissamáné: for kathammár émi read kathammárémi. saddanté read saddań té ; for sańṇápaténéwa read sanṇápathén wa. ganhatibrawi read ganhatıbrawi; for wilayantėsi read wilayanési. 7 for Tambapannattha paṇṇiyo read Tambawannatthapánayo. 9 for tassattrajánattá rad tassatrajá nattá. 10 for Sihalańṭund read Sihalantu tá, 13 for dwijáwasam read dwijáwásam; for gama- read gáma- 16 for On that signal fall to with blows, read Guided by the direction of that signal, deal 24 for "Tambapanniyo" read Tambawannapanayo. for natthitaya read natthitaya. 2 for kumarass ábhiséchané read kumárassábhisichané. 3 for Pandow in read Pandawań: for pábhatamáha tań read pábhathamábhatań. Panthawo read Pandawo. 4 for tamanṇattra read tamańṇattra. 5 for gátá read gatá: for yattrámanussanań read yattrámanussánań. 6 for bahiré read bahiré : for diswa wasáhrsópagá read diswáwa sahasópagá. 7 read this line thus Pundpinópanókásamisayantidham ágat át"-atikótuhalé yakkhé, yakkhó 54 4 for tatá read tát á, - 55 For the 5th verse read “Lankań nékagunań katań, mama bhátussa santakań; tassachchayécha tathewa rajj in kárétu sóbhanań.” 6 for rajja kumárako gamissamiti reað rájakumáró “gamissámíti” 20, 21, 22 Read "My children, I am advanced in years; repair one of you to Lanká the realm of my brother, which possesses every (natural) advantage: on his demise rule there over that splendid kingdom." 26 after Gómagamakatittha a bracket. 27 for Mahakundura river read the great Kanduro river. 1 for daya salań read áddya só saḥań. 2 for anndpadéséña read anṇúpadéséna. 5 for dropiyá read árópiyá. 6 for Gangáyakhipi read Gangaya khipi: for "ganhantupahu read "ganhantu pahu, 7 for pabbajiták árań read pabbajiták árá. 9 for amachché read amachchá: for samappyi read samappayuń. 10 for manórathań read manórathd. 11 for sahágata read sahágatá. 15 for Widudhabhassa read Widudhabho. 26 for Gónagamaka read Gónagámakatittha. 3 for kathúnike read ékathuniké. 5 for sayató read sa yató. 13 for "mantras" read "mantos" 25 for Baddakachcháná read Bhaddakachcháná. 6 for Chitta read Chitta. 10 for mátuaróchayi read mátu dróchayi. 11 for drochayi reað áróchayi 12 for 6 for 7 Rohana raed Róhano. rájá puttá read rájaputtá: for ubhapana read ubhópana. for Fatwa namakarań read katwánamakaruń. 1 for Ummálachittdyanta read Ummádach›ṭṭaydnattá. 9 for wanchitań yéwachohi read wanchitańṇi wachchi. 14 for Doramadala read Dwaramandalako. 15, 17 for Tumbakandura read the Tumbaro mountain stream. 2 for kumarań read kumáran. 4 for nhé read nghi. 5 for nisi so; tańwachasosutwd read nési só tań wachań sutwa. 10 for wyákaé read wydkaté. 11 for karayissusi read drayissasi. 13 for tátâ ti read tátáti. 30 for véhédos read wédos. -- 10 for 11 for 22, 23 for 25 for -30, 31 for 62 2 for "saparisó kattha yásítí ? read saparisó, "kattha yásítí ?" Harikunda and Harikundasiwo, read Girikando and Girikandasiwo. He inquired of her, "where art thou going, together with thy retinue?" read attended bhojapayité read bhójápayi té: for patiwansówa read pațiwansówa. 3 for punnagunupetá read puṛṇagunúpétá. 6 for bhátará read bhátaró. 7 for upakáranta read upákarattá: for jeṭṭhantań read jeṭṭhań tań. 10 for Girikanḍadesantasseva read Girikanḍadésań tasséwa. 12 for Chittarajańtań read Chittarajań tań. 18 for dasinań read dasiń tan: for katańṛúniwésayi read katańṇú niwésayi. 25 for "prohito" read purohito." 33 for the territory Girikandaka read the prince Girikando. 39 for know read knew. 3 for rattikhiddá read rattikhiḍḍá. 6 for purasodhaké read purasódhaké: for dwésatáni read duwésatáni. |