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4 for Anstattólakájésuń read Anótatló lakójćsu: for té pitakánań read tépitakdnań.


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6 for manussésu papujjitwá tadúpaddawaghátakan read "manussésupapajjáti tudúpaddowaghatal an."

7 for 12 for

Alápațiṇan read Adá patiṇań.

Ahú Upali thérissa thérasadhiwiháriko, Díszkó; Sónzkó tassá dwé té sáddhiwiháriká read Ahú Upúlithérassa théró saddhiwihárikó Dásakó; Sónakó tassa; dwé thér á Sónakassamé.

14 for priests read saints.

22 for they supplicated of the great sage to be born among men for the removal of this
calamity read they thus supplicated the great sage
"vouchsafe to be born among

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14-17 for

34 for

7 for

vehédo read "wédos."

pitaka read pitakattaya.

wattá read wuttá,

9 for Wutthuhantiti read Wuṭṭhdhantíti,

23 for irtús read utús.

33 for

Lord! why art thou silent? read Lord! why wast thou silent?

2 for Jánámiti read "Jánámiti.”"

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34 13 for


6 for

འུ །༅ | | |。།

1 for

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for pubbajjan read pubbajjú.

13 for Sangamittancha read Sanghamittancha.

14 for


4 for

8 for


Mahindo read Mah indo.

wissuta read wissutá: for áchriyá read úchariyá.

kunta read kanta for kappáyi read kappayi.

18 for Dhammapati read Dhammapáláti.

27 for with a young female kuntikinnaryá read with the lovely female kinnari.

2 for naladdáhań read naladhań.

for dykkhayantikan read ayukkhayantanan.


for Kunti read Kanti.

12 for pawáttayuń read pawattayuń: for hásáyam read kásáwam.—

34 for kuntikinnaryá read lovely kinnari.

39 3 for Tassopasamane read Tassópa samanan.

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10 for nakaroma read nakaróma: for mulhamánasań road múlamanasań,

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8 for thadangéhí read tadaddhehi: for mahi read mahin.

10 for Patichcha kammań read Patichchakamman: for chetannań read chetan in

18 for Ratiwaddhane read Ratiwaddhano.

1 for pakkasitwána read pakkósitwúna.


for wiyaharinsu read wiyakarinsu.

5 for tutthamáno read tuṭthamanó,

21 for is read was: for vibhajja read wibhajjo.

31 for Yasso read Yaso.

9 for

10 for

Ekáníní read Ekániní,

satthambhiddhawi read satthamabhiddhawi,

dropiyásutań read arópiyásutań.

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2 for

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matalassa read mátulassa.

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They partook of the nature of the lion in the formation of their hands and feet read
He partook of the nature of the lion, in the formation of his hands and feet.

2 for puttásókéna read puttasókéna.


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6 for

bhakkétuń read bhakkhétuń.



sahasénatthahito read sáhasénettha bhito.

apéchcha read upechcha.

Uppulwanno read Uppalawanno.

Yadkkhiń read Yakkhin.



sami read sámi.

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24 for "Tambapanniyo" read Tambawannapanayo.

for natthitaya read natthitaya.

2 for kumarass ábhiséchané read kumárassábhisichané.

3 for Pandow in read Pandawań: for pábhatamáha tań read pábhathamábhatań.

Panthawo read Pandawo.

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4 for

tatá read tát á,



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For the 5th verse read “Lankań nékagunań katań, mama bhátussa santakań; tassachchayécha tathewa rajj in kárétu sóbhanań.”

6 for rajja kumárako gamissamiti reað rájakumáró “gamissámíti”

20, 21, 22 Read "My children, I am advanced in years; repair one of you to Lanká the realm of my brother, which possesses every (natural) advantage: on his demise rule there over that splendid kingdom."

26 after

Gómagamakatittha a bracket.

27 for Mahakundura river read the great Kanduro river.

1 for daya salań read áddya só saḥań.

2 for

anndpadéséña read anṇúpadéséna.

5 for dropiyá read árópiyá.

6 for

Gangáyakhipi read Gangaya khipi: for "ganhantupahu read "ganhantu pahu,

7 for pabbajiták árań read pabbajiták árá.

9 for amachché read amachchá: for samappyi read samappayuń.

10 for

manórathań read manórathd.

11 for sahágata read sahágatá.

15 for Widudhabhassa read Widudhabho.

26 for Gónagamaka read Gónagámakatittha.

3 for

kathúnike read ékathuniké.

5 for sayató read sa yató.

13 for "mantras" read "mantos"

25 for Baddakachcháná read Bhaddakachcháná.

6 for Chitta read Chitta.

10 for mátuaróchayi read mátu dróchayi.

11 for drochayi reað áróchayi

12 for

6 for


Rohana raed Róhano.

rájá puttá read rájaputtá: for ubhapana read ubhópana. for Fatwa namakarań read katwánamakaruń.

1 for Ummálachittdyanta read Ummádach›ṭṭaydnattá.

9 for wanchitań yéwachohi read wanchitańṇi wachchi.

14 for Doramadala read Dwaramandalako.

15, 17 for Tumbakandura read the Tumbaro mountain stream.

2 for kumarań read kumáran.

4 for nhé read nghi.


for nisi so; tańwachasosutwd read nési só tań wachań sutwa.

10 for wyákaé read wydkaté.

11 for karayissusi read drayissasi.

13 for tátâ ti read tátáti.

30 for véhédos read wédos.

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10 for

11 for

22, 23 for

25 for

-30, 31 for

62 2 for

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"saparisó kattha yásítí ? read saparisó, "kattha yásítí ?"
bhatténdyache read bhatt én dy áchi.

Harikunda and Harikundasiwo, read Girikando and Girikandasiwo.
karissa read karissan.

He inquired of her, "where art thou going, together with thy retinue?" read attended
by his retinue, he inquired, "where art thou going?"

bhojapayité read bhójápayi té: for patiwansówa read pațiwansówa.

3 for punnagunupetá read puṛṇagunúpétá.

6 for bhátará read bhátaró.

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7 for upakáranta read upákarattá: for jeṭṭhantań read jeṭṭhań tań.

10 for Girikanḍadesantasseva read Girikanḍadésań tasséwa.

12 for Chittarajańtań read Chittarajań tań.

18 for dasinań read dasiń tan: for katańṛúniwésayi read katańṇú niwésayi.

25 for "prohito" read purohito."

33 for the territory Girikandaka read the prince Girikando.

39 for know read knew.

3 for rattikhiddá read rattikhiḍḍá.

6 for purasodhaké read purasódhaké: for dwésatáni read duwésatáni.

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