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36 for Issarasámanako and Pattama read Issarasamanako and Pathamo.

120 1 for Káchharagámaké read Kácharaggámaki.

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13 for Kachharagamo read Kacharaggamo.

14 for These bearing four fruits two each, (produced) thirty bo-plants, read These bearing four fruits each (produced) thirty two bo-plants.

18 the words "of five hundred virgins and five hundred women of the place" to be enclosed in a parenthesis.

22 for setti read setthi.

24 for bhódáhara read bódháhará.

32 for arittan read aritthan.

39 for "Hattálakan” read "Hatthálhakan.”

4 for Sunṇágáráhilásini read Suńṇág árábhilásini.

7 for wandiyd read wandiya.

12 for

5 for

7 for

widdhin read wuddhiń: for anékabhutáyattóti read anékabbhutayuttóti.
mahésiń té read mahésitté.

attanó tattha read attanónattha.

1 for kánayitwána read kárayitwána.

3 for pabbawajjúsi tattháné read pabbajjawasitaṭṭháné.

10 for Hatthalhakawhayan read Hatthálhakawhayań: after passayé add dwe mé.

13 for parikkharamuttaman pawáraṇaya read saparikkháramuttamań pawaran dya.

14 for Nangadipé read Nágadipé

30 for Patamo read Pathamo.

124 3 for wijito read wijité: for chattálisan read chattálisan.

10 for sówantalóniya theradóhańkkipapetwa read sowanṇadoniya theradehankipapetwa.

11 for gahayitwa and kilakań read gahdyitwa and kilitań.

125 3 for gatéhicha read gaṭéhicha.

10 for yojanantayé read yójanattayé.

22 for round the great Thupo read round the (site of the destined) Mah íthúpo.

123 5 for thérditth ddayópicha read thérdritthd lay picha.


S for puthawipati read puthuwipati.

9 for satthiwassánusádhukan read saṭṭhiwassání sadhukań.

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20 for (also wiháros) at the Wanguttaro mountain; at the mountain called Páchíno; and at the Rahérako mountain; in like manner at Kolambo the Kálakó wihari read at

the Wanguttaro mountain the Páchínawiháro; and in like manner at the Rahérako mountain, the Kólambálako wiháró.

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9 for widátiya read widdliya.

10 for gunasaratań read gunasáratań,

11 for pawáriyá read pawáriya,

16 for

3 for

of the illustrious "Uju" tribe read, descended from an illustrious race.
átapekhipi read átapé khipi.

4 for sámaghaṭṭayi read samaghaṭṭayi,

5 for winichchasatthaya read winichchayatthaya,

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8 for Baliggahi read Baliggáhi: for Tadáppabhúti read Taddppabhuti.

9 for punnaná hésuń read punnánáhésuń: for khuddaká watakánipi read khuddakdwáṭakdnipi. 10 for pidisi read pídisi : for iddhi read iddhiń.

11 for suddhadiṭṭhisamánokathamidabhimanussó read suddadiṭṭhisamdnó kathamihahi manussó : for jahéyyati read jahéyyáti.

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4 for bhunjatha manticha read bhunjathimanticha.

5 for aduhhaká read adúbakhá: for bunjatamanticha read bhunjathimantiche.

for bhunjataman iti read bhunjathimań iti.

9 for asisi read nasisi.

10 for pasáritańhangan read pasáritańgóhań.
14 for pasuti read pasúti.

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5 for bhajiniyá suto read bhdginiyá sutó: for kósóhitawattuguiho read kósóhitawattaguihó.

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4 for Apanagandhamalaya read Apand ghandamád dya.

5 for gati read gatin.

6 for purisájátiyo read purisájániyo; for sachchhónéyań read saché jánéya : for imańhatthá read iman hatthe.

7 for damilá sanné wásétuń néwa read damilásanné wásétuńnéwa.

8 for punnawaddhawattháni read punawaddhana watthdni.

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139 9 for

10 for

sakasantikań read sakhisantikań: for waddhána read waḍḍhamána : for rájasunantikań read rájasutantikan.

pannakárécha read pannák árécha.

13 for dukúlaṭṭéna read dukúlapaṭṭéna.

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S for pitasuntiká read pitusantiká.

10 for Girináména read Girinámé : for Nichchelawitthikė read Niṭṭhulawiṭṭhikė.

13 for lunjitwána read lunchhitwána.

24 for this line, substitute In the village Hundarawápi, in the Kulumbari-Kannikaya.

31 for Nichchélawitthiko read Nitthulawitthikó.

1 for áganjinsu read aganchhansu.

3 for Kattigámamhi read Kittigámamhi.

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3 for sutó játó paṇṇakárapurassára read suté játé pannákárapurassará.

12 for this verse substitute Nakulanugara-Kaṣṇikáyań gámé Mahísadóniké Abhayassantimó puttó déwó námási thámawá.

13 for kanjantá read kanjattá.

33 for

35 for

this line substitute In the village Mahísadóniko in the division Nakulanagara-Kanniká (khanjanta) read (khanjatta).

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Gawaṭanámaké read Gawiṭanámaké: for Pussadéwóti read Phussadéw ti.

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8 for Saddéwédhi read Saddawédhi; for wijjúwédhi read wijjuwédhi.

9 for paddhań read pattuń.

10 for

thale aṭṭhusahań yáte jalėtu usahań pana read thale aṭṭhusabhań yáti jalėtu usabhań pana.

12 for wiharé Wápigámaké read Wihdrawápigámaké.

17 for Passadewo read Phussadéwo: for Gawato read Gawito.

21 for pussadéwo read phussadéwo.

32 for Near the Túládháro wiháro in the village Wápigámo read Near the Tuládháro

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10 for Gamanirajaputténa tań read Gámanin rajaputtań tań.
suniyá read súniya : for sukhatatthiko read sukhattiko.


11 for

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all these persons, protected in the fullest manner by the ruler of the land, wers maintained on the establishment of his royal son Gámani.

tayanan read tayá nań: for nańṇatkarakkhiyohi read nańnatharakkhiyohi

puttanań kalahatṭhhanan nagachchhissama read puttánań kalahatthánan nagachchhissama. after sabbé; add tań.

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for najjdyó read najjáya.

13 for niyojasi read niyójayi : for tessań read Tissań.

14 for on a low hearse read in a covered hearse.

26 for Chulanganiyapittiya read Chulanganiyapitthí.

30 for Jiwamali read Jawamáli.

1 for Tissókará read Tissó kard: for samadhagań read sabhágań.

2 for this verse read Sabhágan khipi Tissócha, sabhágań walawápicha na ichchhi, tassá bházan cha Tissó pattamhi pakkhipi.

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148 3 for awácha read awócha : for mancheti read manchéti : for nekkhamma rerð nikkhamma.

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7 for Rammani read Rammáni.

9 for sumantamanóti read sasantamanóti.

12 for The instant (the king) had said read While (the king) was in the act of asking

29 for amicable sentiments read forgiving disposition.

1 for dhátu read dhátuń.

2 omit tan.

3 for sahagámitó read sahagámino; for dassananhitó read dassananhi no.

for Sádhápetwána read Sódhápetwána.

6 for Mahágámé na read Mahágáména.

7 for agammá read dgamma: for ghatetwa read ghátetwa ; for tatthá read tattha.

25 for Chatto read Chhatto.

1 for nangarań read nagarań: for Bhámanihtcha gamanin read Gimanıhicha Gamanın

6 for jáławaṇnań wahótuti read Jálawaṇṇańwa hótúti.

7 for ghátitassika read ghatitasisaká: for pawisuń read parisun.

9 for Wijitana garań read Wijitanagaran.

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