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6 for

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Te bhayatthá bhryan áyáchun abhayań Jinań read Té bhayaṭṭhá bhayań yakkhá dydchuń abhayań Jinań.

9 for tathásinỏ read tatthási nó.

for tattha pavitthésu read tattha pawitthésu.

12 for dhammudésayi read dhammamadisayi.

7 for hárápetwána, upakkami read } árápetwánapakkami.

8 for Udhnachulabhayo, read Uddhanchú'áhayo.

3 for Mátúmahámútá read Mátá máhá mátu.

for Buddhanómatiyayiwa read Bud lhánú natiy dy éwa.

9 for Jétúyáné read Jetúyyáné.

15 for His maternal grandmother having bestowed this invaluable gem-throne on him, read His grandmother having bestowed this invaluable gem-throne on his mother,

1 for wdydansiya read pațidassayi

5 for Kalyaniyań rájí read Kalyániyań nágarájá.

9 for Adhiwásayitwa read aithrodsayitwa.

6 for uggannatwá read uggantwá

2 for passanágá reað passań; agá: for lóká lípo read lókadípó.

9 for Suruchicha read Suruchi picha : fɔr that iá read tathd.

10 after duwé repeat duwé again

14 for dwadasaddwa read dwálasad·wé,

1 for Ma'hadéwádíkánícha read Mukhddiwádíkánicha,

5 for sahassurassa read Sihassarassa.

6 for dwe read duwé,

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2 for Bodhisattho rea] Bódhisattó.

5 for drammamadėsiyé real dhamnamadésayi: for Dwápanŋdsé read Dwapanŋdiéwa.

8 for Ajásattuno read Ajátasattuno.

2 after Yamasálánamantaré add waré.

7 for Samatthe thapana!thatá Samatté thapanań tatká.

for Manind anuggihan read Muninánugg than.

2 for su kapak hamhi, tatthiká read sukkapakkhahitatthika.

4 for thiragunapétá read thiragunupétá,

for Wiharapatisankaré read Wihdrapatisank drt.

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sannipátińsu read sannipatinsu.

kihiehi read kéhicha.

náyał ówidá read nayakówidá.

"wédého" read "wédo."

wisajjétuń read wissajjétuń.

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4 for

ganatwá read gantwá.

6 for

Pathéyuké read Pathéyakd.



9 for

10 for

bahussata read bahussuta: for passituń read passituń,
Thérá read Théró.

mahattaná read mahantatá,

26 for ukkhipétan read ukkhépaníyan.

3 for nagahitań read nagaṇhi tań.

5 for gandhakútiń read gandhakuṭiń: for Wajjabhúmiyań read Wajjibhúmiyoń,


for magata read samágatá.

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10 for magamú read magamuń.

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sałamańtánań read sakamattanań.

32 and passim, for Pupphápura read Pupphapura.



for Bhári anté read Bhárikan té.

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1 for


7 for

titthap santań read nitthápisuń tan.

Sankhatásárakantań read Sankhatásárakattań.

dassahassiká read dasasahassiká,

wadhi read wádzki.

dwźwisatń read dwáwisati.

9 for Moriyanań read Móriyánań: for wańsejátań read wansé játań.

for wansási read wassáni: and for tassá read tassa.

13 for ékárajjamapápuní read ékarajjamapápuni,

15-17 for Subbattha read Sabbattha.

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"There were twelve théra schisms," read "There were twelve schisms, including the Théra schism, (which was suppressed at the first convocation, in the first year of the first century.")

"formerly noticed" read "named hereafter."

"Thus in the

The passage contained in these lines to be corrected as follows.
second century (after the death of Buddho) there arose seventeen schisms; the
rest of the schisms among the preceptors were engendered subsequently thereto.
These were the six secessions which took place in Jambudípo (during the second
century); the Hémawatá, the Rájagiriya, and the Siddhattiká, as well as (that
of) the Pubbaséliya and Aparaséliya priesthood, and the Wádariya. The
Dhammaruchiyá and Sagaliya schisms took place in Lanká (in the fifth and
eighth centuries after Buddho's death).

Chánako read Chánakko.

méga read miga.

24 for Himawanto read Himawanto.

25 for malakan read ámalakan.

29 for Chadanta read Chhadanta.

34 for muppalan read uppalan.

5 for mabimá read matimá.

6 for pásaddhiké read pásánḍike.

7 for santan read yantań.

11 for

Sumánassa read Sumanassa.

18 for Dharmásókó read Dhammasoko.

34 for western read eastern.

1 for upatthási reað upaṭthási.

4 for gámagami read gámagámi.

5 for pabbé wasanniwćséna read pubḥéwa sanniwáséna: for ajdyathá read ajdyatha.
6 for chikkináti read wikkináti.

9 for tattha read tattha,

10 for



wanijó read wánijó: for purań read púrań

2 for patthayan read patthayi.

3 for chetiká read chețild.

8 for káran read harań,

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These alterations have been made on a more careful examination of the explanation contained in the Tikẩ

+ Exclusive of the first schism, which was suppressed in the first century

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