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5 for

Punakha read Punakho.

atihatthóhi wádiya read atihatthóbhíwádiya; for púra read pura.

8 for Nisinanampidha read Nisinnampidha; for pannakáré read pannákáré.

10 for uyyanań read uyyánań.

11 for patiggahito read patiggahité.

12 for désisi read désési: for tará read nará,

13 for sayanhasamayé read sayanhasamayé; for bhodhiṭṭhánarohan read bhodhitthánárahan. 35 for the sanctification of maggaphalan read the states of probation and sanctification. tattha read tattha; for hitattha read hitatthań.


1 for

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6 for Sásawannakaṭáhań, read "Sasuwunnakaṭáhań: for tań read tań: for Tathagato. read Tathagató,

7 for Patitthapituń mádási read Patiṭṭhápétumádási ; for bodhi read bódhiń.

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11 for

dasapana read dasapána: for pattamaggapaláń ahuń read pattamaggaphalánahuń.

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11 for tadantarań read tadanantarań.

12 for manósilaya read manósilaya.

14 for lord of universe, read lord of the universe.

22 for the sanctification of "maggaphalan" read the states of probation and salvation.

1 for dakkhinó read dakkhiné.

2 for Patitthápétu read Patiṭṭhápétun.

3 for Jinassa readjanassa.

4 for dhammań désanań read dhammadésanań,

5 for mutthito read wutthito.

7 for bhikkhuni read bhikkhuniń,

10 for gottanó read gottató,

13 for hinsanań read bhinsanań.

25 for the bliss of maggaphalan read the states of probation and sanctification.

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12 for pannakáré read pannákáré.

13 for pahatéhicha read pabhatéhicha.


for wissahassáni read wisasahassáni: for tará read nará·

5 for tathhá read tattha.

7 for tańchittamáṇdya read tań chittamańṇdya: for tattha read tattha,

12 for nisinnó sókamálakó read nisinnósókamálaké.

18 for

sanctification of "maggaphalan" read states of probation and sanctification.

36 for Asókó read Asókamálakó.

4 after Sudassanamálakó insert a comma.

6 for

17 for

2 for

chatutthan read chatutthó.

bliss of maggaphalan read the state of probation and sanctification.

puthawissaro read puthuwissaró: for ańṇáti read ańṇdni : for bahuni read bahúni. 12 for désiyási wisópamań read désiyásiwisópamań.

19 for Gothábayo read Góthábhayo.

33 for sanctification of "maggaphalan" read states of probation and sanctification.
1 for "Nd read “Na.

3 for Sambuddhaya read Sambuddhándya.

5 for puthawissara, read puthuwissara.

7 for nawataggiyań read anawataggiyań.

S for Maháméghawandramań read Maháméghawandrámań.

12 for ddiyá read ddiya,

18 for chief of the victors over sin read glorious personage.

29 for "anámataggan" read "anawataggan."

for Mahápadlámo read Mahápadumó.

2 for síman dissáyitwa reað sítań dassayitwd.

3 for sonnarajáta read sonnarujala.

4 for pupphaharitań read pupphabharitań: for jatt di read chháttádi.

for welukképaghatéhicha read chelukkhépasatéhicha.

9 for Kumbalawátantań read Kumbhikawáṭań: for Mahádipań read Mahánípań.

10 for Khuddhamadhúlańcha read Khuddamátulańcha.

11 for kottagó read koṭṭago.

12 for Abhayépalákapásánań read Abhayébalákapásánań.

16 for holding the plough shaft, defined the line of boundary, read holding the plough,

exhibited the furrows.

32 for Kumbolawatan read Kumbhikawatan (potter's clay pit): and for Mahádipo read


34 for Khuddamadula read Khuddamatulo: for Maratta read Marutta.

38 for Abhayapalákapasánán read Abhayébalákapásánan.

2 for Télumpálingó rend Telumapalingo: for Nalachatukkago read Tálachatukkagó.

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21 for

34 for

produced for nine thousand munis and five hundred persons, read procured for eight

thousand five hundred persons (among whom was the princess Anulá).

Sunahata read Sunaháta.

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6 for pathammidań read paṭhamamidań.

7 for ágammáchalamatiméttha read ágammámalamatiméttha.

8 for patiggahanó read paṭiggahanó.

11 for Jabbisadiwasé read Chhabbísadiwasé: for ásálhin read dsāļhi.

16 for (apassiyá) read (apassiya).

24 for profound read immaculate.

32 for "asálhó" read "ásálhí”

103 1 omit one déwiyó.

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3 for áhuté read áhú té.

4 for ágató mahɩti read ágatómhíti.

6 for Maháriṭṭhámahámachcho read Maháritthỏ mahámachchó; for hátuhi read bhátuhi: for satthin read saddhiń: for rájánamhito read rajánamabhitó.

8 for purimato read paritó: for árahápetwa read árabhápetwá.

11 for

12 for

tassakhósimań read tassakhó símuń: for tadahéwayo read tadahéwa só,

Buddhé read Badhé.

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2 for

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Déwamanussá gand read Dewananussagand: for kattiń read kittiń: for yachamupachchicha read yawamupéchcha cha.

6 for Wuttháwassań read Wutthawassań: for awóchéda read awóchédań.

7 for Manujádipá read Manujádipa,

9 for kúto read kutó,

1 for lachchhayi read lachchhasi.

2 for sumanagatiń read sumanógatiń.

3 for baddrá read baddra.

6 for Pattapurań read Pattapurań.

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9 for nagé read nágó.

12 for thúpaṭṭháná read thúpaṭṭhánań: for ádárawallahiwitthań tań read ádárawallihi witthatań 13 for sodápetwá read sódhápetwd.

107 1 for órupanattháya read órópanatthdya.


2 for bandhasamaké read kandhasamaké: for ná read na.

4 for tatthé read tattha.

5 for rájáturitamánasó read rájá turitamánasó.

9 after tassóparitó add thúpań.

3 for katáhaké read kaṭáhaké.

7 for

dhatu dónamatta read dhátú dónamattá.

10 for attha read aṭṭhá.

17 for parinibánan read parinibbánan.

28 for "dróna” read “dónó "

109 2 for gamatóchápi read gámatochápi. 3 for bhatthá read haṭṭhá.

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33 the words, which had previously been the domicile of the minister Dónó, to be

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Page. line.


1 Transfer the inverted commas from ahań to the end of the next line, to kaṭáhaké.

9 for sákháya read sákháyań : for patitthátu read patiṭṭhátu: for idhahéwa read idhahéma. 3 for purassa read púrassa.

5 for tikkhamitwd read nikkhamitwá: for otaruń read ótaruń.

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11 for

patiṭṭhitá read patiṭṭhita.

12 for tuiyánań read turiyánań.

13 for migapákkhinań read migapakkhinań.

for chabbanna read chhabbanna; for sóbhayísucha read sobhayinsucha.

2 for sakatagammahábádhi read sakaṭáhammahábódhi: for sattaháni read satt áháni.

5 for Read this verse Suddhé nabhasi dassitthu sá kaṭáhé patiṭṭhitá mahájanassa sabbassa mahábódhi manóramá.

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9 for

wapi read chápi: for nagayakkhá naméwacha read nágayakkhánam éwacha.

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10 for Hémasajjugghaṭéchéwa read Héma sajjhughaṭéchéwa.

25 for Eighteen members read Eight members.

1 for thapápetwána pujéní read thapápetwána pújési.

2 for pakkhediné páțipadétató read pakkhé diné páțipadé tató.


for téhéyéwatthaṭṭahi read téhiyewaṭṭha atṭhahi: for dinénahi read dinn éhi

for pújayn read pujayin; for éwaméwa bhipujétu read éwaméwábhipújétu; for sákhá read

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2 for

3 for

Só thérassa read Thérassa.

Tiwakassa read Tiwakkassa; for gámandwárécha read gámaddwárécha; for katésucha read sukat ésucha.

4 for pupphasamákalé pugghahitań read pupphasamákulé pagghahita.

6 for pawésiyá read pawésiya.

7 for Sumanassécha read Sumanasséwa.

10 for sáhachcha read yáhachcha.

19 for Tiwako read Tiwakko.

28 for princes read castes.

3 for jádayinsu read chhádayinsu.

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