Kappukandaro Kappo Karindo Kásapabbato Kási Kásmira Kassapitṭhako Kassapiya Kassapo Buddho Kawisiso Kéháló Kéláso Khajjanio Khalláṭanágo Khandarájá Khandawarapittho Khandawitthiko Khanu Khattiyo (adjective) Khémarámo Khimawattinagara Khémo Khuddamatulo Khuddaparindo Khuddatisso Kidabbiká Kinnari f. Kinnaro m. Kittigámo Singh Kapukandaragama a village in Róhano, not identified, 141; also passim: the term of the duration of the world in each of its regenerations or the Kirindi river in Róhano, 194. a measure equal to four amunas, 61. a mountain to the southward, not identified, 62; another near Anurádha- the division of India of which Benares was the capital, 29. Kasmir in India, 70, 71, 73, 171. a wiharo and tank, not identified, 257. the designation of one of the schisms in Buddhism, 21. the Jatilian, 1; the hierarch, 11, 12; a théro, 74; a prince, 257. 93, 94, 161. passim: the month of October-November, derives its appellation from one of a chief of Kachchhó, 150. a tank near Mahátittha, not identified, 222. in India, not identifiied, 172, 197. a discourse of Buddho in the Majjhimanikayo, 100. 202. a tank and wiharo, not identified. a fort of Dutthagamini near Wijita, 151. Singh. Kaddawitthigama, not identified, 138. a warrior of Dutthagámini, 137, 143. a tank, not identified, 237. royal, one of the four original casts. previously Ambatittha, not identified, 150. 99. 255. théro, 197. 5. a fabulous animal or rather bird with a human form above the waist, 37. a village near Kotawéra in the Tangalle district, 141. Kohawato Kólambalako Konágamano Kótiwáta Kotta Kububandano Kujjasóbhito Kulumbarikannikaya Kumaro Kumbagamo Kumbandho Kummantagamo Kundalo Kunjaro Kuntamálako Kurindipásako Kuruwinda Kusáwati Kusinárá Kusumapura Kutáli Kutumbiko Kutumbitingano a tank, not identified, 237. a tank, not identified, 221. a wiharo at the Rutérako mountain, 127, 155, 203. in India, not identified, from which also the name of one of the Indian 1, 90. 1. in India, not identified, derives its name from the Isi, Kusambo, 16, 171. Singh. Kotalidannówa, not identified, 138, 176, 237. Singh. Witánuwara, not identified, 150. now Kotmale, in Malayá, 145; also a division near Bintenne, 150, 225. 18, 19. a pariwéno at Anuradhapura, 225, 235. a wiharo or temple at Pupphapura in India, 30. a tank at Anuradhapura, 153. a wiharo, not identified, 200. a division of Rehano, not identified, 140. (an uncle of Kuwéni), 52. a village, not identified, 151. a tank, not identified, 237. (a nighanto), 67; also celestial choristers of (Asurds), 72, a wiharo, not identified. a clay pit at Anuradhapura, 99. (a slave girl), 59. a village, not identified, 137. a brahman of Dwaramanḍalo, 138. a state elephant, 99. at Anuradhapura, 99. a wiharo, not identified, 202. sand stone, 169. one of the ancient capitals of India, not identified, 8. a city in India, supposed to be Hurdwar where Gótamo Buddho vide Pátilipura, 115. a wiharo in Rohano, not identified, 131. passim: the head of a family; a man of property. a village in Giri, Singh. Kellabannánangama, not identified, 142. a wiharo Singh. Kemgulla, not identified, 203. E L a warrior of Duṭṭhagámini, 137. a village near the Aritthó mountain, not identified, previously called Nagara- 201, 202. situated between Wangu (Bengal) and Mágadha (Behar), 43, 46, 47. a wiharo in the Kóti mountain, 150. one of the hells, the name signifies a caldron of molten lead, 18. the brazen palace for priests at Anuradhapura, 101, 161, 163, 164, 165, 195, M one of the ancient subdivisions of the Gangetic provinces, not identified, 54. comprising the modern Behar and perhaps the adjacent provinces, 1, 43, 251, 253. the month November-December, deriving its name from an asterism, 68, 70. a great hall at Anuradhapura, not identified, 224. vide Brahmá. son of Khalláṭanágo, 202, 203, 208, 209. a tree at Anuradhapura, 99. a tank, not identified, 237. 210, 213, 215 théro 37, 71; the disciple of Kakusandho, 90; a minister of Dhammásóko, théro, 33; 34, 71, 74; a théro of Yóna, in India, 171. a tank, not identified, 237. a tank, not identified, 224. the ancient southern capital of Ceylon, now Mágama in Róhano, 130, 134, 135, 145, 146, 147, 148, 150. a tank to the southward of Anurádhapura, not identified, 215. king of the celestial Nágos. See Kálanágo, 221. the Buddhistical heirarch at the time Sákhya died, 11, 14, 20, 42, 185. Mahallako nago Mahámangalo 224. wife of Wankanásiko, 223. a wiharo on the Gonno river, not identified. a tank, not identified, 221. a royal garden at Anuradhapura, 67, 68, 84, 85, 88, 97, 98, 100, 101, 102, Mahamigo Mahamuchalo 8. Mahandgo Mahánáradakassapo Mahanikawitthi Mahapabbato Mahapadháno Mahapadumo Mahápáli Mahápatápo Mahárantako Maháratthan Mahárittho Mahasangiti Mahasango Mahásano Mahásėno Mahásino Mahásóno Mahásumbhó Mahásusano Mahatisso the garden in which Gótamó alighted at Mahiyangano in Bintenne in his the second brother of Dewánanpiyatisso, 82, 97, 130, son of Watṭagámini, 203. one of the incarnations of Gótamo Buddho, in the character of a bráhmarájá a tank, not identified, 221. a tree at Anuradhapura, 99. dagoba in Róhano, not identified, 145. Eláro's state elephant, 154. a hall in the Mahawiháro at Anuradhapura, 252. 99. a refectory at Anuradhapura. 123. 8, 184, 239. 8. a discourse of Buddho on non-procrastination in the Anguttaranikayo, 102. a théro, 71, 74. the usurper, 202. the Maratta country in India, 71, 74. vide Arittho. at Anuradhapura, 93, 95. the "great elect" the first monarch of this Kappo, 8. the designation of one of the schisms in Buddhism, 20. a théro, 197. at Anuradhapura, 119. 233, 234, 238. 127; a thero of Bhitiwanko, 178. a warrior of Elaro, 137, 152. disciple of Konagamano Buddho, 93; a théro, 141. the great cemetry at Anuradhapura, 66, 99. a théro, 203. Mantotta near Manar, where extensive ruins are still to be seen, 51, 155, 217; also an ancient name of Mahamégho, 88, 89, 90. Maháthúpo Mahawanno Mahélo Mahindo Mahisadóniko Málakó Malayá Malla Maliyadéwo Manḍadipo Mandalágiri Mandawápi Mandháto Mangalika Mangalo Buddho Maniakkikho Manihiro Manikáragamo Manto Marichawatti Marunganápariwéno Ruanwelli dágoba at Anurádhapura, 88, 165, 168, 169, 170, 171, to 193, at Anuradhapura, 122, 123, 125, 107, 219, 224, 225, 233, 134, 235, 236, near Anuradhapura, not identified, 142. the land in which the banished children of Wijayo and of his companions (son of Asóko) 36, 37, 39, 71, 76, 77, 81, 82, 85, 88, 90, 91, 92, 94, 96, 97, Singh. Midéniyé in Girijanapado, not identified, 142. one of the ancient divisions of India, not identified, 71, 73. still bears the same name, the post of Bintenne, 3, 4, 104, 150, 228. 4, 5, 6. a théro, 71, 74. 8, 73. passim: the appellation of the natives of the peninsula of India generally, as terrace, but particularly applied to the terrace of the Uposathó hall at Anu- the mountainous districts of which Adam's peak was the centre, 52, 167, ambassador of Déwánanpiyatisso, 69. théro, 197. 93, 94. a wiharo, not identified, 225. a wiháro, not identified, 208. 8, 231. an ornamental scroll used in architecture as well as on banners, 164. 1. a wiharo and tank, not identified, 257. in India, not identified, 197. 67, 96. a wiharo and a great tank, now Minnairy tank near Trinkomalie, 236. a mountain also called Káláyanakanniko, not identified. a division of the wėdos; also incantations, 56, 71, 72. a dagoba and wiharo at Anuradhapura, 159, 160, 161, 164, 195, 223. a ferry near Anuradhapura, 100. at Anuradhapura, 102. |