Dhúmarakkhapabbato Dighábáhugullo Dighábhayo Dighachankamanan Dighagámini Dighajuntu Dighapásáno Dighasando Dighathúnika Dighawapi or Dígháyu Dipankaro Dipawanso Disála Dolópabbato Dóna Donó Dubbalawápitisso Duratissakamápi Dutthagamani Dwaramandalako Dwijagámo now Hunasgiri or Dumbara peak near Kandy, 62, 63, 250. a wiharo, not identified, 208. son of Kákawanno, 138; a chief, 150. the perambulation hall for priests at Anuradhapura, 101. son of Digháyú 57, 58. a minister of Eláro, 153, 154, 155. now called Dhiggalla at Anuradhapura, 99. a minister of Démánanpiyatisso 102, a pariweno at Anuradhapura, at which the Dutthagámini's charger, 146. now called Dhigawéwa, by the Singhalese, in the Batticaloa district, 7,56, brother of Bhaddakachchánd, 57. 1. the Mahawanso, 257. daughter of Wijayo by Kuwéni, 51. a mountain, not identified, 62. a measure containing four alhakań, Singh. láhá. a minister of Dewananpiyatisso, 110; a town, Singh. Dennagama situated a wiharo, not identified, 200, 225. a tank, not identified, 201, 217, 235. (vide Gamani Abhayo), 4, 97, 130, 145, 146, 148, 150, 153, 154, 155, 161, a village to the northward of Upatissa near Mihintallé, 59, 109, 138. Ekabbyóháriká Ekadwáro Eláro Erakáwillo the designation of one of the schisms in Buddhism, 20. a wiháro near a mountain of that name, not identified, 219. The Chólian conqueror of Ceylon, 128, 130, 133, 134, 137, 139. 153, 154, 155. a wiharo, not identified, 237. G Gámini-Abhayo Gámini wápi Gamitthawáli Gandambo Gandhabbo Gandhárá Gangá Gangarájiyó Gangárohana-suttan Gangásénapabbató Ganthakaro Gawaratisso Gawaró the infant name of Dutthagamini, 135, 136, 138, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, a tank near Anuradhapura, 66, 67; another 223, neither identified. a wiharo in Róhano, not identified, 131. a mango-tree miraculously raised by Buddho at Sawatthinagara, in India. now Candahar in India, 71, 72, 73. the Ganges, 185. a wiharo, not identified, 225. one of Buddho's discourses in the Suttanipatań. a wiharo, not identified, 237. a wiharo at Anuradhapura, at which the Atthakatha were translated into Páli, a wiharo, not identified, 224. a damilo chief, 150. a wiharo at Kósambiá in India, 171. a tank, not identified, 248. a nighanto, 66; another, 203. 3, the rocky isles situated to the south-east of Ceylon, supposed to be the brother of Abhayo, 64, 65. now, Giriwaya, a division of the Tangalle district, 64, 65, 140, 142. a wiharo, not identified, 201, 202. a wiharo, in Singhalese Nilgiri, north of Anuradhapura, not identified, 153. the throat relie of Gótamo, Buddho which is stated to have consisted of a single hollow bone in the form of the case of a hand-drum, 4, 104. the inguana called in Ceylon the ant-eater, 148, 166, a wiharo, not identified, 237. the designation of one of the schisms in Buddhism, 20. a discourse of Buddho in the Majjhimanikáyo. the port of Gonagámo at the mouth of the Kanduro river, 54, 55. a tank, not identified, 248. a wiharo towards Dwaramandalo, not identified, 127. a river, now Gónú oya, 255, 256. Buddho 1, 2, 19; a théro, 146, 147. son of Yatthálakatisso, 97, 130, 141; another, 228, 231, 233. a warrior of Dutthagamini, 137, 140, 141, 152, 153. a village near Chittalapabbato, Singh. Godigamoa, not identified, 143. Singh. Guthala now Butila in Rohano, 146, 150. a malabar usurper, 127. Héligámo Hellóligámo Hémanto Hémawálo or Himawantó Hémawatá Hiyagullo Hundarawápi Huwáchakanniko (ambassador of Diwánanpiyatisso), 69. a wiharo, not identified, 204. a Yakkhini of Kasmir, 72. bignonia indica, in Singh. Aralu, 22, 70. a nunnery at Anuradhapura, 120, 121, 123, 125. a division of Malayá, 218. a wiharo at Dwáramandalo, 127. near Wijita, 151. a village eight "karissa" in extent, in Róhano, not identified, 221. passim: the cold or snowy season, from the full moon of November to the vide Maháthúpo, the Ruwanwelli dagoba at Anuradhapura, 88, 97, 108, the snowy regions generally; also the Himaliya country in particular, 22, 71, one of the schisms in Buddhism, 21. at Anuradhapura, 100. Singh. Hendarawewa in Rohano, not identified, 140. a division of Róhano, not identified, 214. I 216, 218. vide Götaimbaro. a théro of Asókárámo, 34; of Rajagaha, 171; of Anuradhapura, 182, 190, passim: from the root esa to investigate, a sanctified personage. at Anuradhapura, the site of Mahindo's funeral pile, 125. a wiharo at Baranasi, in India, 171. a wiharo at Anuradhapura, 119, 123, 218, 221. a théro, 71, 240. Jali Jalluro Jambudipo J 9. a tank, not identified, 237 passim: one of the four quarters of the human world, being the terra cognita of the Buddhists. The name is derived from the Jambu-tree. D Jambugámo Jambukólo Jantu Jațilo Jawumálitittha Jayamangalań Jayanto Jayaséno Jayawápi Jétawanno Jéto Jetthatisso Jettho Jiwahatto Jótiwanan Jótiyo Jutindaro a village, not identified, 151. in ancient Nagadipo, probably the present Colombogam in the Jaffna district, 69, 70, 110, 117, 119. the Chhatagáhako, 253. an Indian sect from "Jatan assa atthiti," "he who has a top-knot of matted a ferry of the Kappakanduro in Rohano, Singh. Millánantotta, not identified, the name of a chant, literally "the rejoicings of success." 93, 94, 95. 9. vide Abhayawápi, 65. wiharo and thúpo at Anuradhapura, 236, 239. a wiharo at Sáwatthipura in India, not identified, 4, 5, 6, 7, 171. 233, 234; another, 242. the month of May-June, so called from one of the asterisms; also, senior, son of Wijayo by Kuwéni, 51, 52. vide Nandano, 100. the chief architect of Pandukábhayo, 66, 67. a yakkho, 63. K now Katragam near the southern coast, so called from a temple to the god Singh. Kasembilitotta or Kasátotta, not identified, 63, 135, 138, 139. the Malwattu Oya or Aripo river near which Anuradhapura is situated, 50, a gold coin, worth 10 másakan, which is a silver coin, called in Singhalese a wiharo at Sákétúpura an ancient city of India, not identified; at which Kalando Kalapánagara Kálapasádapariwéno Kálaséno Kálasóko Kálawápi Kálawélo Káli Kalinga Kálo Kalyáni Kalyano Kambawitti Kammáchariyo Kammáwachan Kanakadattá Kandanámiká Kandarahinako Kandulo Kanduro Kanijánutisso Kanitthatisso Kannawaddhamáno Kapallakhando Kapillawatthu Kapilo Kapisiso Kapittho see Mahanago: 180, 185, 189. a wiharo situated on the Maninago mountain, not identified, 214; another at a brahman village, 237. in Rohanó not identified, 62. at Anuradhapura, 101, a tank, 239. 49, 50. 15, 19, 21. now * Kalawewa tank in Neurakaláwiya, 256, 257, 260, 262. fortune teller, 55; a slave, 57, 58, who becomes a yakkho, 59, 65, 67; 48. a thúpo, 237. the Northern Circars of India, 43; their ancient capital also called Dantapura, 241. a tank, not identified, 221. six miles from Colombo, on the right bank of the Kalyani river, 6, 7, 8, 96, 8. 130, 131, 197, 225. a wiharo and tank, not identified, 257. the teacher, or conducter of the Kammawáchań. literally signifies rules of action or procedure, but is chiefly applied to the rules 92. 49. which regulate buddhistical ordination, 37, a wiharo, not identified, 202. a fisherman, 134; Dutthagamini's state elephant, 134, 137, 146, 147, 150, a river, probably the Kadambo nearer the sea, 54; a wiharo, 201. 215, 216. 224. a mountain, not identified, 5. near one of the gates of Anuradhapura, 217. supposed to be in the neighbourhood of Hurdwar, in India, derives its name from Kapillo, the name of Gótamo Buddho in a former existence, 9. a minister, 227. an officer of Wattagámini, 204. a species of wood apple. * This tank, situated 20 miles to the north west of the temple of Dumbulla, on the road to Anuradhapura, and which has |