APPENDIX VII. A synopsis of the Roman characters used to represent the Singhalese-Páli letters, in this publication; taken almost exclusively from the scheme recently published in Bengal. As the Páli Alphabet is nearly identical with the Déwanagari, it cannot be necessary to define the sounds of the letters composing it. There is but one s in Páli. The two is have nearly the same sound; and the letter > partakes more of the sound of w than v. Abhayagiri or Abhayagullako Abhayanágo Abhayapura Abhayathéro Abhayawápi Abhayibalakapásáno Abhayó Abhiand Abhiwaḍdhamáno Achchagullako Achcharawittigámo Aggibrahmá Ahógangá Ajàtasattu Ajiwako Akáséchétiyań" Alambagámo Alasadda A'malakań A'mandagamani Ambalat hikelo or Ambamálako Ambatittha A a wiháro at Anuradhapura, 206, 207, 223, 225, 235, 238, 241, 243, 250. a wiháro, not identified, 208. 227, 228. 88. vide Theraputtábhayo. also called Jayawápi, the first tank formed at Anuradhapura, 65, 66, 107, the "cookoo rock" in the Abhaya tank at Anuradhapura, 99. 56, 57, 58, 62, 64, 65, 67: the rájá of Ceylon at the advent of Kakusandho from "abhi" supreme and the root nd knowledge, a preternatural gift or a tank, not identified, 222. a wiháro at the Kahagullako mountain, 127, 205. Singh. Arrruwittigama, three yojanas to the north west of Anuradhapura. 34, 36. a plain near Anuradhapura, 217. Trans-Gangetic. In the Tká it is written Adóganga which would signify the 10, 12, 185. a sect of hindu devotees, 67. a wiharo on the summit of Kotipabbato, 132. a tank, not identified, 234. capital of Yona a division of India, not identified, 171. in Singhalese nelli, a fruit, 22, 70. 215, 216. a hall in Bhirani's palace, also in the Lóhapasado, 162. a cave in the Seven Korles in which the Ridi wiháro has subsequently been at Anuradhapura, 125. a ferry near Bintenne, not identified, 150. B |