281 Dissection of a Coquette's Heart 282 False Hopes-decorating Churches Steele zen Steele 284 Affectation of Negligence of Busi- 285 Criticism on Paradise Lost 287 On the Civil Constitution of Great Bri- 289 Reflections on Bills of Mortality-Sto- 318 Amours of Escalus, an old Beau 320 Court of Inquisition on Maids and Ba- 321 Criticism on Paradise Lost 322 Letter from Octavia, complaining of the 323 Clarinda's Journal of a week Unknown 324 Account of the Mohock Club-Letters from a Countryman to his Mistress Steele Addison 325 On Looking-glasses-Passage from Letter from an Author turned Dealer Motteur 326 Letter on Fortune-hunters-Hints to a 327 Criticism on Paradise Lost 328 Letter from a husband likely to be ry of a Dervise |