The Koran: Commonly Called the Alcoran of Mohammed : Translated Into English Immediately from the Original Arabic : with Explanatory Notes Taken from the Most Approved Commentators : to which is Prefixed a Preliminary DiscourseJ.W. Moore, 1856 - 649 pages |
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Common terms and phrases
Abraham Abu Jahl Abulfed Abulfeda according afterwards Al Beidâwi alms angels answered apostle Arabs Beidâwi called cause chap chapter children of Israel Christians command commentators creatures D'Herbel day of resurrection death Disc divine evil faith father favour fear follow genii give God's grievous hath created hearts hell fire honour ibid Idem idolaters idolatry idols infidels inhabitants INTITLED Jallalo'ddin Jesus Jews judgment knoweth Korân Koreish Medina mercy Mohammed Mohammed's Mohammedans Moses Moslems night Noah opinion paradise passage was revealed person Pharaoh pleaseth prayer Prelim pretend prophet punishment received religion REVEALED AT MECCA reward Savary say unto scriptures sect sent down unto servants signifies signs unto soul Spec suppose surely Syria Thamud therein thereof things thou shalt thy LORD tribe true believers truth ubi sup unbelievers unto thee Verily verse Vide Poc wherefore wicked words worship Yahya Zamakh Zamakhshari
Popular passages
Page 65 - Sirat, which, they say, is laid over the midst of hell, and describe to be finer than a hair, and sharper than the edge of a sword ; so that it seems very difficult to conceive how any one shall be able to stand upon it ; for...
Page 353 - And the house, when it was in building, was built of stone made ready before it was brought thither : so that there was neither hammer nor axe nor any tool of iron heard in the house, while it was in building.
Page 348 - O prophet, we have allowed thee thy wives unto whom thou hast given their dower, and also the slaves which thy right hand possesseth, of the booty which God hath granted thee...
Page 291 - And let those who find not a match keep themselves from fornication, until God shall enrich them of his abundance. And unto such of your slaves as desire a written instrument allowing them to redeem themselves on paying a certain sum, write one, if ye know good in them ; and give them of the riches of God, which he hath given you.
Page 125 - And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked : 8 (For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds...
Page 400 - And when Jesus came with evident miracles, he said, Now am I come unto you with wisdom,™ and to explain unto you part of those things concerning which ye disagree ; wherefore fear GOD, and obey me.
Page 93 - O true believers, surely wine, and lots, and images, and divining arrows, are an abomination of the work of Satan ; therefore avoid them, that ye may prosper. Satan seeketh to sow dissension and hatred among you, by means of wine and lots, and to divert you from remembering God, and from prayer; will ye not therefore abstain from them?
Page 22 - Koran was sent down from heaven,™ a direction unto men, and declarations of direction, and the distinction between good and evil. Therefore, let him among you who shall be present" in this month, fast the same month ; but he who shall be sick, or on a journey, shall fast the like number of other days.
Page 135 - Sinai over thorn,' as though it had been a covering, and they imagined that it was falling upon them ; and we said, Receive the law which we have brought you with reverence ; and remember that which is contained therein, that ye may take heed. And when thy LORD drew forth their posterity from the loins of the sons of Adam...
Page 61 - And the parents of the deceased shall have each of them a sixth part of what he shall leave, if he have a child : but if he have no child, and his parents be his. heirs, then his mother shall have the third part. And if he have brethren, his mother shall have a sixth part, after the legacies 2 which he shall bequeath, and his debts be paid.