Nayars, 15; social customs in Ceylon, Oṭṭappuwa dãgaba, 343; age, 253,
Nayindanāwa, inscription, 433 Nelli-shaped dågaba, 344 Nerenchi keliya, 577; engraved diagrams, 577, 578; forms of dia- grams, 579; mystical meaning, 579 Nevill, H., inscriptions found, 446, 451, 454; on Vaeddas, 35, 38, 39; arrows, 61; character, 81-83; colour of skin, 40; dogs, 90; drinking-water, 53; dwellings, 48; food, 51; funerals, 119; honey taking, 71; Iyakas, 19; jewellery and dress, 106; Kiri Ammā, 135; Kataragama, 115; Mangala, god, 160; marriages, 116; ornaments, 47; protective power of arrow, 166; truthfulness, 81; use of buffaloes, 92; use of numbers, 86; utensils of gold, 54, 106; Yakās, 137, 141, 142 Nikawāē-kanda dāgaba, 332; age, 333; articles in it, 334; statues, 333, 631; tradition, 332 Nila, chief
Kalu Kumāra, a Baņ-
ḍāra, 153 Nilgala Vaeddas, 240 Nirammulla dēwāla, 182 Niśśanka-Malla, 530; birthplace, 250; inscriptions, 250, 357; statue, 334 Numbers, not used by Vaeddas, 85 ff.,
106; 3 the first odd one, 579 Nuwara-gala inscription, 451 Nuwara-kanda inscriptions, 442 Nuwara-waewa 400; age, 403; chan- nels, 404, 408; levels taken, 404; size, 404; sluices, 401
Odd or Even game, 570 Oldenberg, Dr. H., on Dipavansa, 9 Olinda keliya Mancala, 587 ff.; holes in stone, 225, 226, 589, 590; number of holes used, 590-592; origin, 591, 602; terms used, 592, 593. Games: Daramutu or Ellāē- wala-kanda, 399; Koṭu-baendum, 598; Manala, 601; Pallankuli, 599; Puhulmutu, 594; Walak- pussa, 597; Worō, 600 Omungala, dancing rock, 178, 191 Ordinances of Manu, on ancestral customs, 59; on food regulations, 196; on Rakshasas, 5 Ornaments of Vaeddas, 47
Pachis game, 618-621
Păcina, K. of, inscription by son, 454 Păcina wihāra, 423, 425 Paeraet Yakā, 139
Paerali Bāsa, 623; early examples, 429, 432
Pahada keliya, 611 ff.
Pålanga or Pālā Gurunnānsē, 631 Palaeolithic knowledge of numbers, 571
Pallankuli game, 599 Pallebaedda, cup-holes, 226; inscrip- tions, 226, 228 Pancha keliya, 609 Paṇḍa-vāpi, 409, 410
Paṇḍā-waewa, 353 ff., 410; breach,
357; inscription, 357; size, 359 Pandita Parākrama Bāhu, K., 354 Paṇḍukābhaya, K., 11, 19, 31, 151,
236; age, 456; alliance with Vaed- das, 25, 26; arrangement of Anură- dhapura, 25, 301; immigration ceased from his birth, 29; policy caused fusion of races, 26, 29, 32; removed to Anuradhapura, 245; reservoir construction, 360-64; seized throne, 25
Paṇḍuwāsa Dēva, K., 155, 236, 245; age, 456; arrival in Ceylon, 236, 240; possibly formed Panda-waewa, 355, 356; seats of government, 242; S. Indian demon worship intro- duced, 155
Panduwas Nuwara, 353-355 Panikki Vaeddă, chief, account of, 99; a Baṇḍāra, 97, 137, 154; grant of territory, 99 Paniyans, fire-making, 57 Pansil, 133
Pansukūlika monks, 303
Parakkam Samuddă, may be Pandik- kulam, 410
Parakrama Bahu I and II, K., 266, 277, 281, 282, 284, 294, 295, 305, 308, 317, 321; arms, 524; birth- places, 250, 257; enlisted Vaeddas, 29; festival at Siriwaḍdhana Nu- wara, 255, 260; founded Wijita- pura, 238; improved Giants' Tank, 251; inscriptions at tanks, 249; restored irrigation works, 246, 249, 258, 409
Parakrama-Bahu, K., 316; K. Buja, 354; K. Dharma, 317; K. Pandita, 354
Paramā-kanda inscriptions, 438 Parana Nuwara, 397, 251ff.; anti- quity, 252; importance, 252; Kumāra Dhātu-Sēna burnt, 253; murder of general, 254; Parakrama Bahu I at it, 253, 254; site, 252; water-supply, 252
Parumaka, a Chief, position of, 331,
Parvati, 135, 156, 206
Pāsu wihāra, 420, 423
Paswāsi game, 621
Pātāla, lower world, 138, 142
Pathama Cētiya, age, 262; comme- morative, 275; site, 275 Paṭṭa-giri, disease demoness, 166 Pattini, goddess Kannaki, 115, 150, 151, 200, 631 ff.; fire-walking ceremony, 141, 633; incarnation of Durgā, 151, 633; Kiri Ammā, 667; seven forms, 151, 633, 634; story of, 631 ff. Pāvat-kulam, 243, 371 ff., 410; age,
376; bridge, 243, 374; size, 373. 374; works, 374 ff.
Paving at dagabas, 264, 277, 280,
296, 315, 317, 319; cost, 305, 308 Peacock on coins, 307; lucky emblem, 507
Pearls, bored, in dāgabas, 285, 335;
auspicious, 292, 473 Pēddawa inscription, 253
Possession by deity on taking em- blems, 189, 197; by Rākshasas, 5 Postima Baṇḍāra, 144, 154 Potter's wheel, 562
Pottery, inscribed, 461
Powell, R. A., on ancient brick-work, 376, 377
Pradhāna Nuwarawal, manuscript, introduction of buffaloes, 562; Gaja-Bahu's age at accession, 455; Panduwas Nuwara, 355 Primitive deity of Ceylon, 134, 147, 155, 177 ff., 186 ff.; see Galē Deviyā and Galē Yakā
Princes become Yakās, 633 Proportions of dāgabas, 336, 337, 341 Prosperity of country due to excel- lence of ruler, 95, 492 Pudana Vaedi Yakā, 145 Puhulmutu game, 594 Pūjāvaliya, 11
Pulayars, fire-making, 57; may have been cannibals, 21
Pulikara Tēvan, Vaedda name of Skanda, 133
Pulindas-Vaeddas, 20, 24, 99; K., 99 Punṇaka, 140
Pūrană or Pūrnā, wife of Ayiyanār, 148
Purānas, 328, 466, 469; Anuradha- pura, 463, 472, 473; imported, 463; in early dãgabas, 459, 460; Mulleittivu, 460, 466, 469 ff.; not state coinage, 520; proof of early trade, 464; rate of erosion, 465; symbols, 464, 469 ff.; symbols ex- plained, 506 ff.,518-520; two types, 466; weight, 464
Pusamittă, Vaedi princess, 23 Pushkalā, wife of Ayiyanär, 148 Pushyagupta, made reservoir, 349 Pusmaraga Kiri Ammā, Vaedda deity 137
Quatrefages, M. de, on cranium as
test of intellect, 110 Queens in Ceylon, 151 Quiver, 541
Races with black skins, 41, 46 Rājaratnākara, 11
Rāja-Sinha, enlisted Vaeddas, 29 Rājāvaliya, II
Rājāyatana tree of Sumana, wor- shipped by Nāgas, 13, 14, 425 Rajini, Q., presented silk-covering for dagaba, 281
Rahu, dragon, 136; vāhana and
emblems, 141; Vaedda deity, 141 Rainfall, abnormal, 369
Rainy seasons, 347
Rakshasas, capital, 5; early ideas of, 3-6; guardians, 5, 28, 269; in Arabian nights, 7; in Ceylon, 5; in folk-tales, 7; in Ordinances of Manu, 5; pools, 657; Rāmāyana, 5 Rama, conquers Ceylon, 7; Laksh- mana assists him, 668; story mythical, 9
Rāmāyana, 11; knowledge of Cey-
lon, 8; money well known, 468; Yakshas on Mahendra Mt. and Ritigala, II
Rāvana, Rakshasa K., occupied Cey- lon, 7
Ranagiriya, inscription, 180; legend, 179
Rank of Vaeddas, 98 ff.
Rankirimaḍa wihāra, inscription, 449 Ratanavali Ruwanwaeli, 279 Read, C. H., on early bead, 334; on stone implements, 64 Relic-chambers in dãgabas, 264, 265, 278, 285, 298, 328, 332, 334 Relics in dagabas, 263, 276, 278, 279, 294, 298, 315, 324, 328, 331, 335 Relief, false, characteristic of Indian and Sinhalese art, 475 Religious ceremonies of Vaeddas, 162 Re-marriage of widows, 16, 422, 450
Reservoirs tanks. Construction a religious duty, 350; earliest re- corded in Ceylon, 351; first recor- ded in Euphrates valley, 348; great reservoirs first made by Sinhalese, 349; invention of valve- pit, 379; knowledge acquired from S. India, 349
Abhaya-waewa, 360; Anuradha's tank, 351; Batalagoda-waewa, 397; Digha-vāpi, 396; Dūratissa tank, 393; Gāmaņi-vāpi, 364; Giant's tank, 219, 247-251; Jaya- vāpi, 363; Kandiya-kaṭṭu, 318, 396; Kaṭiyawa, 219, 381; Mahadă- ragalla, 409; Maha Kanadara- waewa, 382; Minnēriya tank, 381; Nāccādūwa tank, 405; Nuwara- waewa, 400; other early reservoirs, 219, 409; Padawiya, 212, 383; Paṇḍa-vāpi, 409; Paṇḍā-waewa, 353; Pāvat-kulam, 371; Periya- kaṭṭu-kulam, 247; Periya-kulam, 369; Sangili Kanadara tank, 383; Siyambalan-gamuwa tank, 225; southern reservoirs, 386; Talagalla, 258; Tissa-waewa, 364; Tissa- waewa, S., 388; Uruwēla tank, 246, 249, 251; Yoda-kandiya tank, 394; Yoda-waewa, 390, 393; Vavuņik- kulam, 365
Rhinoceros on coins, 514
Ribeyro, on skin clothing of Vaeddas, 39
Rice and barley, children of Heaven, 649
Rice not known to aborigines, 108 Ridi wihara, 256; ancient names, 528,
530; inscriptions, 526–530; panels in pillars, 526; silver found, 255, 528; statue carved, 528 Riri or Siri Yakā, 145 Ritigala, 8, 179, 205; inscriptions, 444, 451
Riți bark, bag, 54; clothing, 39, 106; for roofing, 48, 49, 75
River on coins, 514
Rock-dancing ceremony, 189, 190, 191, 194, 197 ff.
Roofs over dågabas, 264, 270, 311, 313, 321 Rudra, 203-206
Rugama tank, cup-holes, 231 Ruwanwaeli dăgaba, 279, 497; ele- phant reliefs, 284; flower altar, 293: YY
315; colour and emblems, 668; guardian of E. Ceylon, 668 Samaya Yakā, 145
Sanchi, date of dāgaba, 213; bricks,
213, 214; reliefs-axe, 542, 555; chariots, 547; shield, 544 Sandagiri dagaba, 324, 327 Sanghamitta Thūpa, 278 Sangha-Tissa, K., 280
Sangili Kanadara-waewa, 383; age,
385; size, 386; works, 385, 386 Sankha Sēnāpati, general, 254 Sanni Yakā, 144
Sarabhu, monk, built dãgaba, 315 Sarasin, Drs., discoveries of stone im- plements, 31, 63; on their age, 64 Saraswati, goddess, a Kiri Ammā, 667
Sati not practised in Ceylon, 16 Sat Rajjuruwo, deified K. Mahā-Sēna, 28, 76, 139, 158, 170, 172 Saturankam game, 605
Schliemann, Dr. H., discovery of earliest swastika, 491; designs on whorls, 643, 661
Siga games, African and Arabian, 603, 604, 608; Indian, 407
Sigiriya dāgaba, 258
Siha-Bāhu, K., father of Wijaya, 29 Sihala Sinhala, name of Ceylon, 29, 242
Sihapura, capital of Siha-Bāhu, 236;
birthplace of K. Niśśanka Malla, 250; town near Polannaruwa, 238 Silākāla, K., removed Nāgas' gem- set-throne, 425
Sila Sobbha Kandaka dågaba Lankārāma dāgaba, 304 Sila Thūpa
Sinhalese chronicles, general accu- racy, 9; date, 10
Sinhalese, western, differ from Kan- dians, 30; exposed to foreign influences, 30
Silver in Vēdas, 467
Siri Kaḍawara Yaksani, Vaedda deity, 145
Siri-Naga, K., 280, 322 Sirivatthapura, a Vaedda town, 17, 23, 235; site of battle, 24 Siriwaḍḍhana Nuwara, 254; Daļadā Maligawa, 258; festival of tooth relic, 255, 260; former identifica- tion of site, 254, 257; site, 258 Siri Yakā, 145 Sistrum, 506
Sită, a Kiri Ammā, 667
Site of dăgaba found by animals, 331
Schweinfurth, Dr. G., on fire-making, Śiva, 147, 149, 206; father of Ayi-
Sea god, 138, 146; goddess, 667
yanar, 147; killed Guha, 149; origin of his sons, 156
Skanda, 133, 143, 145; birth, 157, 206; cures sickness, 667; forest god, 150, 169; god of hill tribes, 44; guardian deity, 499, 500, 517; guardian of S. Ceylon, 668; temple guarded by Vaeddas, 103; vahana, 157, 507
Skulls, Vaeddas and Sinhalese, 43 Sluice, 356, 359, 362, 365, 371, 375 ff.
Smelting furnaces, ancient, 66 Smith, V. A., on date of Aśōka, 456;
early coinage, 450; Purānas, 465 Smither, J. G., on dāgabas, 264, 268, 286, 288, 296, 307, 309, 312, 321; statue at Ambatthala, 320; Thūpārama pillars, 267
Snake, as guardian, 493, 507, 512; on coins, 512, 516
Sohon or Sōna Yakā, 145, 667 Sokkaṭṭān game, 619
Soldiers, carvings of, 526, 534, 545 moon, guardian against de-
Sōmana Malaka dāgaba, 278
Sōmavati dāgaba, 330
Sōnāru game, 614
Sonnamåli Ruwanwaeli, 279
Sorabora tank, guarded by Wanni Deviya, 159
Spear, 523, 534, 549; an amulet, 538 Spelicans, 576
Spencer and Gillen, Messrs., on fire- making, 56 Spindle, 563
Spinning wheel, 562
Spirits, evil, mystic symbolism against
521; necessity for guarding against, 520; number in Ceylon, 521 Square on coins, 657; meaning, 647 Starvation of Yakā, 153 Statues, wooden, durability, 334 Stelae at religious edifices, 290, 499 Still, J., on coins, 490, 505; discovery of stone implements, 63 Stilts, 630
Stone, arrow-heads, 64, 66; axes not found in Ceylon, 66, 67; cutting, early, 227; implements, 31, 62-65, 221; statue, early, 222 Stone-bow, 541
Śri Vikrama Rāja Sinha, K., a Baṇ-
Sukara Nijjhara dam, 258
Sula, torch, a magical diagram, 517
Sword, 523, 524, 526, 530, 531, 539, 548, 549
Sword-bearer, State official, 524 Symbols, at inscriptions, 428, 430,
431, 438, 439, 441, 443, 446, 448, 449, 450, 453, 454, 516, 657; Bud- dhist, borrowed, 519; portion represents the whole, 659
Symbols on coins. Arched structure, 506, 507; Aum monogram, 504, 505; beads, 507; Bhairava, 515; bident, 500; bow and arrow, 516; bull, recumbent, 494; bull, stand- ing, 511, 519; chatta, 500; circle, 499, 517; cobra, 500; crescent, 506, 509, 518; cross, 502, 517, 518; dagaba, 509; deities, 499, 517; disk and crescent, 516; disk on post, 501, 502; dog, 513, 519; double triangle, 499; double tri- sūla, 501; double trident, 506; elephant, 506, 510; figure, seated, 494 ff.; figure standing, 499; fish, 514; flower stem, 499; fly-whisk, 470, 296; frog, 514, 519; goat, 515; hand-drum, 518; horse, 514; javelin, 500; lingam, 519; lion, 515; monastery, 519; moon, 509; mound of beads, 509; peacock, 507; pentacle, 499; rhinoceros, 514; river, 514, 519; sistrum, 506, 507; snake, 490, 507, 512, 516;
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