Gōtama Buddha's 3 visits to Ceylon, Idikaṭu dāgaba, 342; age, 319; shape,
Gōṭhāyimbara, 433
Green, E. E., discovery of stone implements, 62
Guardian Gods, Four, 632, 633, 668 Guard-stone, carvings, 499, 500, 516 Guha, Asura, conquered heaven, 149 Guppy, Dr. H. B., on fire-making, 58 Gurumā Dēvatā, Minister of Ayi- yanar, 667
Gypsies, funeral feast at grave, 121
Hair of Vaeddas, 42, 43; Kinnaras, 44
Hall, R. H., on age of 1st city at Troy, 491
Hari-hara-putra-Ayiyanār, 148 Harrison, G. D. B., on Kirindi-oya dam, 391
Hat Diviyan keliya, 580
Hat Rajjuruwo, forest deity, 28, 158, 170
Haughton, S., inscriptions found, 419 Havidavi wihāra Ridi wihāra, 530 Heap-of-Paddy shape of dāgaba, 317, 336, 343
Ievers, R. W., coin obtained, 503; on ceremony to Ayiyanār, 172, 174; on Maederigiriya dāgaba, 269; re- paired Maha Sãēya, 277; sunk shaft in Jētavana dāgaba, 310 Iguana flesh, 51
Ilanāga, K., improved Tissa-waewa; repaired dāgaba, 325
Ilandāri, 138,150; - Bilindă, 159; chief under Mahā-Sēna, 159: forest deity, 158, 159, 170; Minister of Ayiyanar, 667; possibly form of Gaņēsa, 206; son of Galē Deviya, 206; son of Kiri-Ammā, 159 Implements, ancient. Cotton gin,
562; mats, 565; plough, 561; ploughshare, 562; potter's wheel, 562; shuttle, 565; spinning-wheel, 562; weaving-frame, 565. Indigollāēwa, 155; dancing rock, 192; sacred hill, 205; temple to Galē Deviya and Kiri-Ammā 136 Indra defeats Rakshasas, 5; god of heavenly fires and thunder, 3; guardian against demons, 4; guar- dian deity of Ceylon, 668
Height of Sinhalese, 41, 339; Vaed- Inscribed bricks, 283, 326, 327, 461,
Hella Vaedi Yakā, 146
Helmet, 545
Hēmamāli Ruwanwaeli, 279 Henannē-gala, inscription, 446 Henderson, Dr. J. R., oblong coin obtained, 506
Heṭṭipola dagaba, relic-chamber, 285 Hēwākam keliya, 583
Highways, ancient, 239, 243, 260, 272, 273, 300, 418
Hill-God, chief Vaedda deity, 20, 134, 147, 177; survival of worship, 33, 147; (see Galē Deviyā) Histories, names of, 11 Hoe, 56, 555
Horse, emblem of sun 514; function, 291, 514; on coin, 514; on guard- stone, 499; reliefs, 290, 291, 295 Houses, rectangular in Ceylon, 49 Howitt, Dr. A. W., on trade of Aus- tralians, 107
Human Sacrifice, 632 Hūniyan Yāka, 144, 155 Hunting by Vaeddas, 68 Hurulla Vaeddas as soldiers, 29
Inscriptions. Aet dāgaba, 322; Bō- wata, 453, 154; caves, pre-Chris- tian, 31, 32; Dambulla, 98, 99, 441, 450; Erupotāna hill, 430 ff; Gallāēwa wihāra, 440; Gal-lena wihāra, 446; Giant's Tank, 250; Henanne-gala, 446; Irat-periya- kuļam, 454; Jētavana dāgaba, 308; Kaccatkoḍi, 432; Kandalawa wihāra, 437; Koță-daemu-hela, 452; Kudimbi-gala, 432; Kusalāna kanda, 445; Mihintale, 443, 450; Millāēwa-gala, 211; Nāval Nirāvi hill, 416, 423, 426 ff.; Nayindanāwa wihāra, 433; Nuwara-gala, 451; Nuwara-kanda, 442; Oṭṭappuwa wihāra, 656; Pallebaedda, 226; Parama-kanda, 438; Pēddawa, 253; Periya-kaḍuwa wihāra, 449; Raṇagiriya, 180; Rankirimaḍa wihāra, 449; relic-case, 302; Ridi wihāra, 526, 528, 530; Ritigala, 444, 451; Ruwanwaeli dăgaba, 281; son of Păcina K., 454; Saes- sāēruwa, 444; Sirivaḍdhana Nu-
wara, 258; Tēvāndān Puliyan- kulam hill, 428 ff.; Thūpārāma dāgaba, 322; Titthawaela, 442; Tumbullē Waehaeragala, 231; Ussayppu-kallu, 302; Veḍikkināri hill, 431; Wellangolla, 230; earliest, 415, 416, 419; its age, 420; its letters and language, 436; no early Tamilones, 32 Invasion of Ceylon by Rama is mythical, 9; cause of 2nd cent. invasion, 102 Irat-periyakulam, inscription, 455 Irrigation as factor of civilisation,
84; result at Tissa, 394 Irrigation works, antiquity, 347; Chaldean, 348, early Indian, 348; two systems, 347; merit through constructing, 350; size, 351, 382 Itiya, 526, 532, 534 Iyakas, 19, 20, 167
Jātaka tales, 18, 106, 108, 547-551 Javelin, 523, 524; on coins 500 Jētavana dagaba, 148; coins found
near, 463; construction, 299; cost of paving slabs, 308; depth of foundations, 310, 311; history, 307; identification, 299; inscrip- tions, 308; pillars at wāhalkaḍas, 310; shaft sunk, 310; shape and size, 309; wāhalkaḍas, 309; widest completed dågaba, 309 Jōlas, blood feuds, 83; medical use of cross-road, 654; no marriage cere- mony, 119; no time records, 110 Jōtivana, name of Nandana garden, 272, 273, 299
Jumper, 556
Jungle, density of, 79
Jūtindhara, Vaedda chief, 24
Kaccaṭkoḍi inscriptions, 432, 434, 435
Kadamba river, boundary of Naga-
dipa, 16, 237, 243, 272 Kadawara Devată, forest deity, 158, 170; origin, 157; Minister of Ayiyanar, 667
Kaelaniya dagaba, 316; age, 316; restoration, 317; shape, 317, 343; size, 318
Kaelaniya kingdom, northern boun- dary, 441; under Nāgas, 14
Kākavaṇṇa Tissa, K., 440; built dāgaba, 331; dedication of wihāra, 332, 497
Kālakaṇņi Tissa, K., 450, 452; built dăgaba, 319; irrigation work,
Kālasēna, Vaedda K., 23
Kālavēla, fortune-teller, 237, Vaedda chief, 24, 105
Kalawaewa channel, 363; cup-holes,
Kalli keliya game, 629
Kāli, attendant of Pattini, 633; 8 forms, 151; carries itiya, 534 Kallāru, dams on, 410
Kalu Dēvatā, deified chief, 153; forest deity, 158, 159; Minister of Ayi- yanar, 667
Kalugal-baemma, highway, 239 Kalu Kumāra, title of Nilă, 153; Indian Yakā, 143, 145, 633 Kalu Vaeddā Yakā, 143, 145 Kalu Yaka, 143
Kalyānawati, Q., inscription, 399;
restored Batalagoḍa tank, 254; built wihāra, 254
Kambili Unnaehae, forest deity, 153, Kanaka-Sabhai, V., on Chilappati- 169; Minister of Ayiyanår, 667 karan poem, 632
Kandalawa wihāra, inscription, 437 Kandē Bandāra, 143
Kande Yakā, Vaedda deity, 72, 143; Kandē Wanniyā, Vaedda deity, 114
killed Bilindă, 159
Kandian Sinhalese, abandon hamlets, 50; adhere to ancestral customs, 59; are Vaeddas, 30, 31, 100, 109; arrows, 61; bee-hunters, 73; bows, 60; chiefs allied to Vaeddas, 102; differ from W. coast race, 30; do not use fish-hook, 52 ; eat monkeys, 51; family pride, 102; fire-making, 57; forest deities, 143, 169, 667; hill deities, 144, 154, 177; honey taking 172; hunters' offerings, 169; hunting outfit, 109; hunters termed Vaeddas, 74; idea of locality, 78; identity of Kandian and Vaedda religions, 146; imple- ments, 561; injuries by bears, 69; laconic speech, 88; mats, 565, 566; millet cake, 52; recovery from wounds, 70; story of Galē Deviyā's
arrival, 179; tools, 551; twig offer- ings, 174; tradition of Vaedda kings, 98; Vaedi-Yakās, 143; weapons, 523; worship of ancestral spirits, 153, 154; of Ayiyanār and Skanda, 136, 143, 150, 169, 172, 174; of Gale Deviyā, 134, 147, 152; of Kiri Ammās, 151, 667; of Wanni Deviyā, 143, 150, 159 Kandiya-kaṭṭu tank, 318, 396 Kani-raja, K., inscription, 657 Kaniṭṭha-Tissa, K, Maļu-Tissa, 302, 303, 304, 311, 313, 321 Kannaki
Kannimär, offerings to, 167; Vaedda
Kassapa, K., 265, 281, 294, 308, 314 Kastānē, sabre, 531, 544
Kataragama temple, 103, 114 ff., 159 Kaṭiyawa tank, 219 Kațu Maha Sāēya, 319
Keiyanar, name of Ayiyanår, 148 Kemadi, dice, 605
Koṭādaemu-hela, inscriptions, 452 Koți keliya, 585
Koți Sellama, 581 Koțiyo saha Harak game, 581 Kotu-baendum game, 598 Koțu Ellima game, 583 Knife, Kandian, 531, 551 Knowledge of Ceylon in Rāmāyana, 8 Knox, Capt. R., on bellows, 560; language at An keliya, 639; length of cubit, 338; Vaeddas, 95, 97; Vaeddas as soldiers, 29
Kokka-gala, dancing rock, 178, 191; landing of Galē-Yakā, 178; sacred rock, 205
Kolambālaka, battles at, 300 Kosgama Kiri Ammā, 137
Kovilan or Kovalan, legend of, 631, Kōvila Wanamē, Vaedda clan, 113, 114
Kravi, conquered heaven, 6 Kris, 532
Kuda Mi-maessă bee, 72
Kuda-Tissa, K., inscription, 451
Ketēriya, axe, 542, 549; at Bādāmi, Kuḍā Waera-gala, cup-holes, 228
Kha-em-Uast, knowledge of magic, 645
Khallata-Nāga, K., 280, 445 Kinnaras, Buddhists, 45; curly hair, 44; lowest caste, 44; may come from Malayalam, 45 ; mat weaving, 565; mode of life, 45
Kino-mal Nacci, Vaedda goddess, 138 Kiri Ammā, averts bad luck and sickness, 188; forest deity, 135, 162, 169; Giri-Ammā, 135, 206; Mōhini, 136, 158; sons, 138, 158, 159, 206; temple, 147; wife of Galē Yakā, 135, 147; worship, 162-165
Kiri Ammās, Seven, 137; deified f.
chiefs, 150; forms of Pattini, 151; goddesses, 667; offerings, 165 Kiribat dågaba, age, 315, coin from, 490; size, 315
Kirindi-oya, 240, 241, 388; dam, 390,
Kirti Bandāra, 154 Kirti Śri, K., 154, 530 Kitikadawala tank, 219 Kiwiyaluwa, birthplace of Wanni Deviya, 159
Kohombe Yakā, 140, 146 Kondanāmikā, Vaedda queen, 23
Kuḍimbi-gala, cup-hole, 231; inscrip- tions, 432
Kukulāpola Kiri Ammā, 137, 165 Kumāra, Skanda, 114, 145; Vaedda chief, 24
Kumāra Baṇḍāra, 145, 200, 633 Kumāra Dhatu-Sēna, K., death, 253 Kumāra Yakā, 145
Kumbe Yakā, 140, 144, 146 Kumbha, zodiacal sign, 141 Kumbōkaṭā, Vaedda slave, 25 Kurinjā-kuļam dam, 412 Kurumbuḍa Dēvatā or Yakā, 146, 200; altar, 202; arrival, 178, 179; emblem, 197; forest guardian, 180; offerings, 200, 202 Kurunāēgala Postimå Baṇḍāra, 144 Kusalāna-kanda, inscription, 445 Kuwēni, Vaedda princess, 17, 23, 24, 236; children, 24, 113 Kuvēra, King in Ceylon, 6; home on Alaka Mt., 164; ruler of Yakshas, II, 140
Lajji-Tissa, K., built Sela caitya, 297; erected wāhalkadas, 280 Lakshmana, brother of Rāma, 668 Lamps scare demons, 270; hung round dāgabas, 269, 289, 321
Language, foul, scares demons, 635, Maha Kandiya tank, 396
Lanka, name of Ceylon, 5, 242 Lankapura, capital of Rakshasas, 5;
of Kuvēra, 6; Vaedda town, 23, 24 Lankarāma dagaba, built by Waṭṭa- Gāmiņi, 311; shape, 342 ; size, 311 Lathe, 335, 559
Lenama-gala, cup-holes, 228 Length of Ceylon, 8
Letters, pronunciation, 420 Lewin, Capt.T. H., on fire-making, 57, Lewis, F., cup-holes, 226; inscrip- tions, 445, 451; on Kokkå-gala, 205; on Vaedda game, 92 Lingam on coins, 519
Lion as guard, 268, 289, 290-292, 295, 296, 312, 322; claws as amulets, 515; on coins, 515; sun emblem, 515
Local demons, 50, 146
Lotus-shaped dāgaba, 344
Lotus, protective as emblem of sun,
Mahāmēgha garden, 272, 273 Mahānāga dāgaba, 323; age, 324; coins, 460; inscribed bricks, 326; history, 325; size, 326 Mahā-Nāga, K., 280, 289, 307, 331, 420, 440, 497, 547; built Ambat- thala dagaba, 320; built Tissa dagabas, 324, 327; formed tank, 386
Mahānāma, K., 28; compiler of Mahāvansa, 10
Maha Sāēya, age, 262; engraved brick, 277; size, 276 Mahā-Sēna, K., 9, 139; built Jēta- vana dågaba, 299; employed Yak- khas, 28; forest deity, 28, 153; formed Naccaduwa tank, 408; Wanniya deity, 158
Maha Sōna Yakā, 145
Mahā-Thūpa, name of Ruwanwaeli dāgaba, 279
Mahātiṭṭha, 25, 251, 300
Ludovisi, L., on games, 580, 583, 628, Maha Vaeddē Yakā, 145
Madana Siri Yaksani, 145 Magadhese traders, 11, 107, 236 Magama - Tambapanņi, 241, 386, 394
Magama kings paid tribute, 440
Magha, K., 266, 282, 294, 317, 325, 460
Magical complicated lines, protective,
Maha Elagamuwa, 239 Mahendra Mt. in S. India, Yakshas on it, II
Mahikāntāwā, Earth goddess, a Kiri- Ammā, 667
Mahinda dagaba, 278
Mahinda, K., 265, 266, 281, 319, 323 Mahinda, prince-monk, 27, 275, 320,
Mahiyangana, 140; Vaedda battle- field, 16; visit by Buddha, 13 Mahiyangana dāgaba, age, 315; commemorative, 315; Tennent, Sir E. on it, 316; Spillberg's account, 316
Magic, Sinhalese theory of action, Mahōdara, Nāga K., 14, 425
Maisey, Gen., on Swastika in tombs, 649
Malawara dēsa Malayalam, 20, 178 Malalu Vaeddan, 100 Malayālam, 13, 16, 19, 45 Mal keliya, 631, 641
Malwatta-oya dam, 404, 405
Maļu-Tissa - Kaniṭṭha-Tissa, inscrip- tions, 302
Māmaḍu tank, 219
Manawakā or Mänōkā, a Yakā, 140
Mancala or Manala game, 587; Arabian and Egyptian, 589, 590, 592, 601, 602; see Olinda keliya Mangala or Mangalya Dēyiyā, 158, 160, 161; probably Ayiyanār, 160 Mani-Akkhika, Nāga K., 14, 316 Maņimēkhalā, Sea goddess, a Kiri- Amma, 667 Maņisōma dāgaba
gaba, 311; roof over, 311
Mantota, 251
Māra, army, 28, 139; Vaedda deity, 144
Marriage, consent of parents neces- sary, 118, 119; no ceremony, 118; of close relatives, 422 ; with sisters, 24, 113, 116
Map of sky, 647
Marrow applied to hair, 48
Mōlan-giri, disease demoness, 166 Monkey flesh, 51
Moon-stones at religious edifices are protective, 290 Moormen, 331
Moral suasion, 350
Morāni warigē, a Vaedda clan, 113 Mouldings of buildings do not indi- cate dates, 209
Mountain gods the earliest, 203 Mūdē Dēyiyā or Yakā, Vaedda god, 138, 146
Mulleittivu an early site, 418; coins from, 460, 476
Müller, Dr. E., 115, 416, 438, 454:
on Niśśanka Malla, 250; on num- ber of cave inscriptions, 32 Müller, Sir F. Max, on Buddhist teach- ing, 652; on date of Aśōka, 455; on date of Buddha's death, 424 Mungus, belief regarding, 80
Maruts, storm gods, destroy demons, Muni, house Yakā, 152
Music, ancient, its loudness, 260
Masons' diagrams, 540, 577, 578, 643; Mussel shells for arrows, 61 age, 646
Maspéro, Prof. G., Egyptian know- ledge of magic, 645; map of sky, 647
Massie, R., plaques obtained, 461 Mat weaving and materials, 565, 566 Ma Yakini, Vaedda goddess, 138 Megasthenes, elephants at Magadha, 550
Mēghavaṇṇābhaya, K., 311, 321, 323, 354; inscription, 528
Mihintale inscriptions, 322, 443, 450; steps, 319, 577
Military forces, 29, 547
Millāēwa-gala, inscription, 211
Muta-Siva, K., 272; age, 456 Muṭṭi Mangalya ceremony, 172
or Namada warigė, a Vedda clan, 113 Naccaduwa tank, 405; age, 408; early name, 409; size, 408; works, 407
Nãē Yakās, 146, 152 ff.
Nāgas, in Ceylon, 13, 16; carvings, 14; guardians, 28, 269, 307, 310, 657; human beings, 15; pool, 657; probably Nayars, 15, 16 Nāgadarana-gama, cup hole, 232
Millet, cake, 52; growing, 50, 554 Nāgadipa, N. Ceylon, 14, 16, 108;
Mi maessa bee, 72
Miniature dagaba, 341, 342 Minvila inscription, 444
Miriswaeți dăgaba, age, 294; history and purpose, 294; size, 296; wāhal- kadas, 295, 296
highways through, 243, 418 Nāgamālaka dāgaba, 279
Names, low caste formerly good caste, 38; Vaedda, 121; Waga, 46 Nandana garden - Jõtivana, 272, 273, 299
Miriyabaedda Kiri Ammā, Vaedda Nandimitta, Chief, inscriptions, 430,
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