Giant's Tank. Alavakka Head-sluice (14·50) | 8.57
Kacca Samilan-kuļam dāgaba Māpānar Periya-kuļam sluice Periya Kaccatkoḍi cave
POST-CHRISTIAN BRICKS. Contents 210-300 cubic inches. 300-800 A.D.
POST-CHRISTIAN BRICKS. Contents under 210 cubic inches. 800-1350 A.D.
North-Central Province.
Anuradhapura. Ruwanwaeli dăgaba,|
below sedent statue 13.80 7.70 1.90 14.6 202 Sēla caitya.
9.50 7:40 1.95 14:4 137 12:47 6.12 1.91 11.7 146 10.05 5.00 1.55 7.7 77 7.10 1.98 14.0
Abhaya, princess, 453 Abhayagiri dagaba. Coins found at, 463; construction, 298; wihāra contained 5,000 monks, 301; di- mensions 306; Fa Hien's account, 301; history, 304; identification, 299; inscription on relic case, 302; pillars at wāhalkaḍas, 307; posi- tion according to Dipavansa, 304; wāhalkaḍas possibly post-Chris- tian, 304
Abhaya, K., 245, 440; age, 456, 457; K. of Giri, 330, 332; Pulinda, 99 Abhaya-waewa, 273, 353; age, 360; size, 361, 388
Abhi Anuradhi, wife of K. Uttiya,
Abhi Anuridhiyā, princess, 444 Abimana Yakā, 145
Aborigines termed Yakkhas, 23 Acrostics, 623
Adam's Peak, 14, 24; seat of Sumana, 668; visible from Kirindi, 241 Adze, 555
Advent of Vaeddas, 22
Aembalāna warigē, Vaedda clan, 113 Aembarun keliya, 571
Aet dagaba, 322; date, 323; in in- scriptions, 322; repairs, 323 Affinity of Vaeddas and Kandian Sin- halese, 29, 30, 109 Aggabodhi, K., 265, 314
Agni, Fire-god, 3, 14; foe of demons, 3. 635
Alagala, Vaeddas at, 205
Alaka, residence of Kuvēra, 164 Aļapusayā, f. chief, 422, 435
Allekaṭṭu dam, 410; cup-marks at,
Ammā Dēvi Ancestral deities, 137, 146, 152-155 Angati, K., 152
Animals carved at religious edifices, 295, 312, 342; function, 291 An keliya, 631, 636
Annals, Sinhalese, general accuracy, 9, 10, 104, 284
Antiquity of irrigation works, 347 Anuļā, Q., 422, 423 Anumaetirāla. Assistants, smith and washerman, 189, 197; dancing priest of Galē Deviyā, 197, 200; priest of a god, 173
Anuradha, made first recorded tank, 351 Anuradhapura.
Arrows, 551; crescent-headed, 541;
poisoned, 525; Sinhalese, 525, 539, 540; Vaedda, 61
Articles placed in early dãgabas, 285,
328, 332, 334, 459, 494
Aryan early belief in demons, 3 Asāli prince Sāli, 444
Āsatissa, early village at Tissa, 241 Ascetics' Forest, 302
Ashṭa Kāliyō, 8 forms of Kāli, 151;8 forms of Bhairava, 142
Asi keliya, 614
Aśōka, dāgaba built, 278
Aśōka, Indian K., date, 455; embas-
sies to, 497; presented State sword, 523; Sanchi dāgaba, 213 Asvaghōsha on magic, 653 Ātāla Deviyō, 138 Aṭasil, 133
Auspicious things are protective, 649 Axe, 523, 526, 542; earliest, 67; no stone axes, 66
Aya, title of royal princes, 453 Ayiyanar, 149, 160; birth, 148, 155,
158; came from Madura, 149; carving at Anurādhapura, 148, 650; checks epidemics, 174; forest god, 142, 150, 158, 160, 169, 174; Guar- dian of N. Ceylon, 668; guards villages, 149; his five Ministers, 667; in India, 148, 149; in- signia, 161, 543; Nayar deity, 149; son of Mohini, 136; son of Galē Deviyā, 206; tank and village god, 172, 174; possibly a form of Skanda, 206; vāhanas, 148; Wanni Deviyā, 150, 206
Badalat-tala Batalagoda, 253 Bādāmi, statue of Ayiyanār, 148 Baedi-maeli, Vaedda goddess, 138 Baendiwala, weapon, 546 Balagiri, disease demoness, 166, Kiri Ammā
Balfour, J. A., 274
Bahirawa Bhairava, god, 142; Ashta Kāli Bahirawayō, his 8 forms, 142; guards temples and treasures, 142, 515; his snake, 516 Bahirawa Yakā, 142
Baker, C. F. S., ruins found, 366 Bambara bee, 71, 73 Bandāras, historical instances, 152;
Kandian, 137, 143, 144, 170; notifi- cation of status, 152; spirits of
ancestors or chiefs, 153; Wanniya deities, 143, 168, 172
Baṇḍāra warige, Vaedda clan, 96, 106, 113
Bārē, token of vow, 165; of Ayiyanar,
173; of Kiri Ammas, 165 Bark bag, 54, clothing, 39 Basket, mat, water-tight, 567 Basmasura, servant of Śiva, 156 Batalagoda-waewa. Age, 397; bricks, 397; inadequate flood-escape, 400; Kalyānavati, Q. restored it, 254, 399; size, 400
Battle-axe, 523, 549
Beads, early, in Nikawãe-kanda dāgaba, 334
Bēbi-kapanawā game, 621
Beehive, royal, 169, 170; ceremony for taking, 170
Bees wild, 4 species, 71; wax and young eaten, 73
Bell dagaba, 266, 314, 320; early shape, 342
Bell, H. C. P., 415; An-keliya, 634, 639; cross-shaped relic-chamber, 278, 650; Dakuņu dāgaba, 314; early coins, 463, 472, 543; engrav- ing of dagger and shield, 531, 545: hammer, 558; hoes, 555; inscrip- tions, 444, 451; Kiribat dāgaba, 315; latest grant of cave, 454; Nerenchi diagrams, 578; armed men, 534, 539; Sangamitta dågaba, 278; sickle, 554; Sinhalese among Vaeddas, 97 Bellows, 559
Benares, birth-place of Nayinār, 161 Bent, T., on Mancala game, 591 Bertolacci, on Dighavāpi, 318 Bhāgavata Purāna, birth of Ayi- yanar, 147
Bhairava, god, 142; guardian, 142, 515; on coin, 515
Bhalluka, K., 300; arms, 524 Bharhut dagaba, carvings, 14, 15: Yakkhas at, 28
Bhātikābhaya, K., 280, 289, 453 Bident, 539, 546; on coins, 500 Bilindā Yakā, Vaedda deity, 138, 150; is Ilandāri, 159; killed by Kandē Yakā, 159; offerings, 166; possibly a form of Gaņēsa, 206; son of Kiri- Ammā, 138, 206; Wanni Deviya, 142, 206
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