I might not die eternally! and my hope is that I shall shortly leave this valley of tears, and be free from all fevers and pain; and, which will be a more happy condition, I shall be free from sin, and all the temptations and anxieties that attend it;... The Christian Observer - Page 5211812Full view - About this book
 | 1828
...I have practised mortification, and endeavoured to die daily, that I might not die eternally ; and my hope is, that I shall shortly leave this valley...tears, and be free from all fever and pain ; and, which will be a more happy condition, I shall be free from sin, and all the temptations and anxieties that... | |
 | Christian biography - 1810 - 594 pages
...I have practised mortification, and endeavoured to die daily, that I might not die eternally ; and, my hope is, that I shall shortly leave this valley of tears, and be free from all fevers and pain : and, which will be a more happy condition, I shall be free from sin, and all the... | |
 | Erasmus Middleton - 1816 - 552 pages
...have practised mortification, and " endeavoured to die daily, that I might not die eter" nally; and my hope is, that I shall shortly leave this " valley of tears, and be free from all fevers and pain; " and, which will be a more happy condition, I shall " be free from sin, and all the... | |
 | Erasmus Middleton - Christian biography - 1816 - 600 pages
...have practised mortification, and " endeavoured to die daily, that I might not die eter" nally; and my hope is, that I shall shortly leave this " valley of tears, and be free from all fevers and pain ; " and, which will be a more happy condition, I shall " be free from sin, and all... | |
 | Izaak Walton - 1817 - 740 pages
...have practised morti" fication, and endeavoured to die daily, that I " might not die eternally ; and my hope is, that I •' shall shortly leave this valley of tears, and be free " from all fevers and pain ; and, which will be a " more happy condition, I shall be free from sin, ** and all... | |
 | Christian biography - 1818 - 586 pages
...I have practised mortification, and endeavoured to die daily, that I might not die eternally; and, my hope is, that I shall shortly leave this valley of tears, and be tree from all fevers and pain : and, which will be a more happy condition, I shall be free from sin,... | |
 | 1823 - 748 pages
...prac156 1ST thied mortification, and cndeavour'd to dye daily, that I might not die eternally ; anil my hope is, that I shall shortly leave this valley of tears, and be free fr.im all feavcrs and pain ; and which will he a more happy condition, I shall be free from sin, and... | |
 | 1843 - 1028 pages
...I have practised mortification, and endeavoured to die daily, that I might not die eternally ; and my hope is, that I shall shortly leave this valley...tears, and be free from all fever and pain ; and, which will be a more happy condition, I shall be free from sin, and all the temptations and anxieties that... | |
 | Henry Clissold - Christian biography - 1829 - 716 pages
...I have practised mortification, and endeavoured to die daily, that I might not die eternally ; and, my hope is, that I shall shortly leave this valley of tears, and be free from all fevers and pain : and, which will be a more happy condition, I shall be free from sin, and all the... | |
 | English literature - 1832 - 348 pages
...I have practised mortification, and endeavoured to die daily, that I might not die eternally ; and my hope is, that I shall shortly leave this valley of tears, and be free from all fevers and pain ; and, which will be a more happy condition, I shall be free from sin, and all the... | |
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