HULL AUXILIARY BIBLE SOCIETY. This Society held its annual meeting on the 12th inst. the Rev. J. H. Bronby in the chair. The Report, read to the Society on this occasion, contains a view of the proceedings of the Committee during the past year, in endeavouring to rouse the attention of the inhabitants of Hull and its vicinity to the great objects embraced by the institution, and in raising fands wherewith to supply Bibles to the poor of the town and neighbourhood, and to the foreign seamen who in great numbers frequent the port. They had transmitted near 400l. to the parent Society. Several gentlemen, particuJarly Mr. Bromby, the Rev. J. Scott, Mr J. Hill, the Rev. G. Lambert, the Rev. G. Payne, the Rev. T. Dikes, Mr. J. Crosse, and Mr. A. Terry, addressed the meeting at considerable length, and, with great force and ability, if we may judge from the report given in the Hull newspapers, pleaded the cause of the institution. The two following resolutions were unanimously adopted, viz. "That, regarding the object of the British and Foreign Bible Society, as one of the noblest that could enter into the mind of man, this meeting cannot contemplate the signal success which has already attended its exertions, without exultation; or without recommending the Society to the general patronage and support of their fellow-towns men. "That, in the opinion of this meeting, some additional exertions ought to be made in this town and neighbourhood, to increase the funds of the British and Foreign Bible Society; and that it be recommended to the Committee, to make personal application to the inhabitants for their support, by means of Sub-Committees, or Delegates to be appointed for the different districts of the town." BAPTIST MISSION IN BENGAL. We stated in our last number that the 21st Number of the Periodical Accounts of this mission had appeared. We proceed to insert a few extracts from it. Krishnoo, the first native convert, was baptized on the 28th December, 1800. Since that time, 158 persons, of whom the greater part were natives, have been baptized at Serampore and Calcutta; 25 of these in 1809. At Cutwa, four natives have been baptized; and a number of the military at Berhampore have joined the Baptist church; at Goamalty, four natives have also been baptized; at Sadamah'l, six ; and at Jessore upwards of 20, almost all in the course of the year 1809, The increase of the Baptist church in India, including Europeans, during the last year, has been 77; and the whole number in communion with it in India, at the end of 1809, was 191. Missions have also been established in Bootan, at Patua, in Orissa, and Burmah. At almost all these different stations, schools have been instituted, which promise to be highly useful in spreading the know ledge of the Gospel among the natives. Extract of a letter from Carapeit Chator Aratoon, the Missionary at Jessore, dated Chowgacha, Jan 4th, 1810. "During the last seven days I have preached three times each day, and have had much conversation with the brethren. On January 6, we had a churchmeeting. Manik-sah came forward. He answered the questions that were put to him satisfactorily, and was accepted. Next to him came Saphulram, a young Hindoo. He first heard the Gospel preached at Chowga cha, after which he forsook idolatry, and put his trust in Christ. Dial-das, an old Hindoo, then came forward. He had heard the Go. spel about three months. We were satisfied respecting his faith in Christ, and hẹ was accepted. Sadut-sah also came before the church, and was accepted. We then adjourned the church-meeting till next morn ing, viz. Lord's Day, January 7, when I preached from Acts viii. 36. The churchmeeting was then opened. Sheetaram and his sister had come from Bishooburee. A Mussulman named Kadurmola, who came with Manik-sah; a Hindoo woman named Skreemutee, from Bishooburee; and another Hindoo woman, her relation, named Mayamuya, who had heard the Gospel about four months, gave a pleasing account of their faith in Christ, and were received with prayer. At half past two o'clock I preached from Mark xvi. 16. Then we all went to the bank of the river, sung an hymn, and prayed. I then baptized them. evening I preached from Matt. v. 6, and administered the Lord's supper, when eight members were received, including the one restored. Twenty-one members sat down at the Lord's supper." In the The following Extract of a Letter from John Peter, the Missionary in Orissa, is given chiefly on account of the incidental confir mation which it contains of Dr. Buchanan's account of Juggernaut. "The state of this country is deplorable, in a religious view. None are seeking God. The bones and skulls of dead men, the wor shippers of Juggernaut, lie about the streets ; to take his mother with him, that she might at least be under the preaching of the Gospel." "On their arrival at Serampore she assured him again, that she would never embrace the Gospel.' He prevailed upon her, however, to go and hear it. One day brother Ward took an opportunity of conversing especially on the river side. Hundreds are going, almost every day, to worship this great idol. I proclaim the Gospel to them, and invite them to believe in Christ. I make known to them the account of the incarnation, life, and death of our Lord Jesus Christ; shewing that he came on purpose to save sinners, and is able to do it effectually.-Iwith her. After this she told Deep Chund, endeavour to prove, that they are all in need of a Saviour; that, without Christ, none can go to God; and that, without his atone ment, there is no forgiveness.-Last week, I went into two of the villages. I went from door to door, with the message of God; but they were not willing to hear it. One Vishnuva asked me to sit down. I preached there, but few attended. I walked in these villages almost the whole day. I have public worship at my house, twice on the Lord's day; and on Wednesday evening: Ooriyas, Bengalees, Portuguese, and one or two European soldiers from the garrison, in all about twelve or sixteen, attend. I speak with the soldiers as much as I can." they were good words, and touched her heart.' A sermon preached by John Peter, just before his departure for Orissa, also greatly affected her. She went home weeping on account of her sins. I am a great sinner (said she to Deep Chund); what will become of me? My dear mother (said he), it you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, your sins will be pardoned.' He conversed with her a great deal on the way of salvation. About a week after this, Krishnoo preached at Serampore, and she was much melted under his sermon. From this time she discovered great sorrow for sin, and an increasing pleasure in attending on the means of grace. At length she expressed a desire The following extracts are dated from publicly to join her Lord in baptism. It Serampore, in June, 1810. "At Serampore was baptized, on the first of April, by Mr. Ward, Amuree, the mother of Deep Chund, and Assee, the mother of Kanta. These women, say the brethren, are advanced in years, and have at length followed the example of their children; renouncing idolatry, and putting on the Lord Jesus Christ.-The following account is given of Amuree, in a letter from Mr. Rowe to Mrs. Skinner, of Bristol, dated May 24, 1810. Since I wrote to you last, the mother of our brother Deep Chund has been baptized. I received from him the following particulars respecting her. He had no hope, he says, of his mother's ever receiving the Gospel. She was exceedingly opposed to divine truth. He is her youngest son, and she has a greater affection for him than for any other of her children. When he came to Serampore, and embraced the Gospel, she resolved to come and live with him; not from any desire to become acquainted with the way of salvation, but merely from her affection to him. At the time he went back into idolatry, she was the principal means of drawing him aside. The tenderness with which she entreated him to return to his religion, was such as he could not resist. Her cries and tears pierced his heart; and the temptation overcame him. She assured him she would never receive the Gospel; so that if he did not yield, they could never come together. When restored to a right mind, he resolved to go to Serampore, and was very affecting to hear her relate her conversion before the church, exclaiming, as she did with tears, O what a great sinner have I been! Can there ever have been such a sinner? I have no hope of salvation but by Jesus Christ. He is my only refuge.' She now confesses that she used to think Christ was the true Saviour, but feared losing her cast." "On the third of June, a young Hindoo, of the writer cast, was baptized by Mr. Marchman, named Nuvakishura. His mother wept, and entreated him to return to heathenism; but he withstood it, endeavouring to sooth her in the tenderest manner, and inviting her to Jesus Christ as the only Sa viour." "The accounts from Calcutta are very encouraging. Their free school had fifty boys in April, and might have had many more. About the same time several soldiers attended the chapel, and asked to be baptized. Early in May, it was supposed there were between twenty and thirty religious men amongst them.” "We are going on as usual with the translations. I hope we shall be able to send to England this year, the Pentateuch in Sungskrit, the prophets in Orissa, the New Testament in Hindoost'banee and in the Mahratta, and the Gospels in Chinese. We have begun printing in the language of the Seiks, and are cutting types for the Telinga and Carnata.” (To be continued.) SPAIN. MARSHAL SOULT, having collected reinforcements from different quarters, advanced with an army of 25,000 men to the relief of Badajoz, and came within sight of our forces drawn up to meet him, on the afternoon of the 15th of May, the river Albuera lying between. On the approach of Soult, General Beresford had deemed it expedient to suspend the siege of Badajoz, which had been proceeding with great vigour, and to remove his heavy artillery and stores to Elvas. The troops employed in this service rejoined the army on the evening of the 15th. At three, the next morning, it was also joined by the Spanish forces under General Blake, who appears to have marched all night to effect the junction. Their num ber was 9000 men. The British amounted to about the same number, and the Portugueze to about 7 or 8000 men. We had, therefore, as large a numerical force as the enemy; but it was considerably weaker both in cavalry and artillery, and laboured under the serious disadvantage of being composed of the troops of three nations. The battle commenced at nine o'clock on the morning of the 16th, and continued without intermission till two in the afternoon; when the enemy was driven across the Albuera, to the position from which he had advanced in the morning. The contest, while it lasted, proved most sanguinary. The enemy having forced the Spaniards to retire from u height which they occupied, and which commanded our whole line, it became necessary to the safety of the army to regain it. This was effected by a body of British troops, after an obstinate resistance, at the point of the bayonet. General Houghton, who commanded them, fell in the act of cheering his men, his breast pierced with four musket balls. During the struggle for his position, one of our brigades was attacked in the rear, by a body of Polish cavalry, whom a heavy storm of rain had concealed 'from view, and who, when seen approaching, were mistaken for Spaniards; and, being entirely broken, suffered im mensely. A howitzer, and about 300 prisoners, were taken from us on this occasion. In his object, however, the enemy was completely frustrated. On the night succeeding the battle, he commenced his retreat in the direction of 'Seville, and left-Badajoz to its fate. Our loss was dreadfully severe. In the previous operations of the siege, we had lost in killed forty-seven British and forty-five Portugueze, and in wounded 468 British and 152 Portugueze. In the battle of the 16th, the British loss consisted in thirty officers, besides General Houghton and Colonel Duckworth, and 850 non-commis sioned officers and men, killed; two Generals (Cole and Stewart slightly) and 166 other officers, and 2567 non-commissioned officers and men, wounded; fourteen officers, and 530 men, missing. The Portugueze lost only 102 killed, 261 wounded, and 26 missing. The loss of the Spaniards has been stated at about 1000 in killed and wounded'; making a total loss to the allied army, on that day, of about 5550 men. Most of the missing, however, have returned, it is said, since the battle, having contrived to effect their escape. The enemy left on the field of battle about 2000 dead, and the prisoners taken from him where about 1000. The wounded appear to have amounted to at An intercepted letter of least 5000 men. General Gazan states, that he had more than 4000 wounded with him, besides many who had died on the road. There were also 320 wounded at Almendralejo. Five French generals were either killed or wounded. This battle appears to have been fought with singular gallantry. Of the 57th regiment it is said, that their dead were found lying, as they had fought, in ranks, and every wound was in front. Many striking traits of individual heroism are also recorded, which shew that our military is in no degree in ferior to our naval spirit. It is dreadful, however, to contemplate the quantity of haman blood which has been shed; and how many families have been covered with mourning. The siege of Badajoz has been resumed, and it was expected soon to fall. General Beresford's army has been reinforced from that of Lord Wellington, and has been joined by his Lordship himself. Some reinforcements have also arrived from England. Massena, Junot, and Loisou, had gone to Paris, leaving Marmont and Reg. nier in the command of the army of Por tugal, the head-quarters of which were at Salamanca; and it was expected that they would attempt a junction with Soult, Sebas tiani, and Victor, with a view to another general battle. The accounts of the battle of Albuera, given by the Spanish generals, confirm those of our own in all their parts, and shew that the utmost harmony prevailed among the allied chiefs. Previous to the action, the chief command bad been offered to the Spanish generals, as being of superior rank to General Beresford; but they declined it on the principle that the general who had most troops in the field had the best right to command. The French accounts, both of the battle of Albuera and of that of Fuente d'Honor, have also been published. They bring no new facts to light, and yet they claim the victory in both cases. As usual, they carefully diminish their own loss, and exaggerate that of the enemy. Not only the victory, however, but the fruits of victory, in both cases are ours. It has not heretofore been the policy of French generals to retreat after victory, and to leave the enemy whom they had beaten in the quiet possession of the very object of contest. FRANCE. On the 10th of June, the baptism of the young King of Rome took place; but it was not attended by a single member of his mother's family. Orders were issued to celebrate the day with rejoicings in every town of France, and to build monuments, "to perpetuate the remembrance of this great day." The bishops, by circular letters, invited the people to pray to God for blessings on the infant. Every where young girls were to receive marriage portions with soldiers of distinguished bravery. Games, horse races, foot races, &c. were to take place, and bells and cannon to be heard all day. On the 16th instant, Bonaparte made his annual speech to the Legislative Body. He notices the birth of the King of Rome as falfilling his own wishes, and satisfying his people with respect to the future. Holland has been united to the empire, of which it is but an emanation. America is making efforts to cause the freedom of her flag to be recognized, which he will second. The aion of the Valais to France conciliates the interests of Switzerland with those of the empire at large. The conduct of England having made an inland communication with the Baltic indispensable, he has been obliged to possess himself of the Ems, the Weser, and the Elbe. He adds, and the remark deserves the deep attention of England, "It is not my territory that I wished to increase, but my maritime means." The finances are represented as in a prosperous state; there will be neither any new tax nor the augmentation of any old one. A part of the speech is occupied with the affairs of religion. Alluding to the pretensions of the pope, by which so much evil has been produced in time past, he adds, " I have put an end to this scandal for ever. I have united Rome to the empire. I have given palaces to the popes at Rome and at Paris; it they have at heart the interests of religion, they will often sojourn in the centre of the affairs of Christianity. It was thus that St. Peter preferred Rome to an abode even in the Holy Land." What the particular changes are which Bonaparte meditates, does not appear, but a national council has been convened with a view to promote "the exaltation of the faith of the Christian religion, and the peace and union of the church;" all the members of which, on their first sitting, made a profession of their faith. The most interesting part of Bonaparte's speech is that which regards England and the Spanish Peninsula: the change of tone is remarkable. "The English bring all the passions into play." They lay hold of all circumstances which arise out of the unexpected events of the times in which we live. It is war over every part of the continent that can alone ensure their prosperity. I wish for nothing that is not in the treaties I have concluded. I will never sacrifice the blood of my people to interests that are not immediate ly the interests of my empire. I flatter myself that the peace of the continent will not be disturbed." (He probably alludes in this passage to the discussions with Russia, which are said to have terminated amicably.) "The King of Spain is come to assist at this last solemnity. I have given him all that was necessary and proper to unite the interests and hearts of the different people of his provinces. Since 1809, the greater part of the strong places in Spain have been taken by memorable sieges. The insurgents have been beat in a great number of pitched battles. England has felt that this war was approaching its termination, and that intrigues and gold were no longer sufficient to nourish it. She found herself therefore obliged to change the nature of it, and from an auxiliary she has become a principal. All she has of troops of the line have been sent to the Peninsula. England, Scotland, and Ireland are drained. English blood has at length flowed in torrents, in several actions glorious to the French arms. This conflict against Carthage, which seemed as if it would have been decided in felds of battle, on the ocean, or beyond the seas, will henceforth be decided on the plains of Spain! When England shall be exhausted; when she shall at last have felt the evils, which for twenty years she has with so much cruelty poured upon the Continent; when half her families shall be in mourning; then shall a peal of thunder put an end to the affairs of the Peninsula, and the destinies of her armies, and avenge Europe and Asia by finishing this second punic war." It is impossible to read this passage without recalling to mind one of old who re sembled its author in not a few particulars; and in reply to whose boastings it was said, by One who is higher than all the kings of the earth, "I know thy abode, and thy going out, and thy coming in, and thy rage against me.-Therefore I will put my hook in thy nose, and my bridle in thy lips, and I will turn thee back by the way by which thou camest." GREAT BRITAIN. PARLIAMENTARY PROCEEDINGS. measure. 1. The re-appointment of the Duke of York to the situation of commander-in-chief, was made the subject of a motion by Lord Milton, intended to convey a censure of that The motion was supported only by forty-seven members of the House of Commons, the number voting against it being 296. The minority consisted chiefly of persons attached to no particular party, both the great parties in the House uniting to sanction the restoration of his Royal Highness to his former office. We were sorry to perceive that, in the course of the debate, it was strongly maintained by several of the speakers, that the House had nothing to do with the private vices of any individual, but were bound, in canvassing his fitness for office, to abstract their view from any such consideration, and to regard only his public conduct. We can hardly conceive any proposition either more false or more mischeivous. It is one, we trust, to which neither parliament nor the public will ever assent. 2. Of Sir Samuel Romilly's five bills, introduced with a view to ameliorate the state of our criminal laws, only two, namely, those which modify the punishment attached to stealing from bleaching grounds in England and in Ireland, have passed into a law. 3. A vote of credit has passed for three millions, for the service of the present year. 4. A discussion has taken place in both Houses on the petition of the Catholics; and a motion made for going into a committee to consider of their relief from existing disabilities, was negatived in both by large majorities. 5. An act has passed for the liberation of insolvent debtors, in the terms of former acts of the same description. 6. An act has passed for regulating the registers of births, marriages, and deaths, in the different parishes in the kingdom, and for establishing a central office of registry which shall superintend and comprize the whole. 7. A motion made by Sir F. Burdett, for the abolition of the punishment of flogging in the army, was negatived, on the ground that the dislike of Parliament to this mode of punishment had been already sufficiently indicated by a clause in the late mutiny bill; and that for the present any further interference with the discipline of the army would be inexpedient. We were happy to observe, that there were no persons who spoke in the debate, who went so far as to defend the practice; there seemed, on the contrary, to be a general feeling against it. It was judged on the whole, however, to be more politic to leave the progressive alleviation of the evil to the government and the commander-in-chief. It is impossible for any one who has ever witnessed a military flogging, not to rejoice in the prospect of its less frequent use. Two colonels were mentioned with distinguished honour, whose regiments are in the highest state of discipline, but who have entirely excluded the use of the cat-o'-nine-tails. These are, the Duke of Gloucester and the Duke of Grafton. 8. It is finally determined that a bridge shall be erected over the river Thames between London and Blackfriars bridges; to go from Queenhithe to Bankside. 9. The thanks of both Houses of Parlia ment have been voted to General Beresford, his officers, and soldiers, and also to the generals, officers, and soldiers of the Portuguese and Spanish forces who were engaged in the battle of Albuera. 10. A motion was brought forward in the House of Commons by Mr. Marryatt on the 13th inst. for an address to the Prince Regent, praying him to give British laws and a British constitution to Trinidad; its real object being, to place that island on a similar footing, as to its interior government, with our other West Indian colonies. This, in effect, would be to give to a small oligarchy of Europeans-these Europeans, also, for the most part, the scum and refuse of the earth-an absolute power, not merely over their slaves, but over all the free coloured people in the colony; both which classes, British laws, as they are strangely called |