Pacata Hibernia, or History of the Wars in Ireland during the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Taken from the original Chronicles: illustrated with Portraits of Queen Elizabeth and the Earl of Totness, and Facsimiles of all the original Maps. 2 vols. royal 8vo. 21. 12s. 6d. imperial 3l. 13s. 6d. A Chart of the Coast of China, and the Sea eastward from the river of Canton to the Southern Islands of Japan. With a Memoir, specifying and discussing the Authorities on which the Chart is founded. By James Burney, Esq. R. N. Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London, from the Roman Invasion to the Year 1700. By James Peller Malcolm, F. S.A. 4to. with 18 Engravings. 31. Ss. Mavor Abbreviated, by the Application of a new Principle to his celebrated System of Universal Stenography; being an entirely new and complete book of Short Hand. II. lustrated by 15 Copper-plate Impressions, containing 46 sets of Progressive Examples. By J. H. Clive. 12mo. 7s. 6d. A Letter to Dr. Robert Darling Willis. To which are added, Copies of three other Letters; published in the Hope of rousing a humane Nation to the Consideration of the Miseries arising from Private Mad-housés : with a Preliminary Address to the Right Hon. Lord Erskine. By Anne Mary Crowe, 25. Essays, Literary and Miscellaneous. By John Aikin, M.D. 8vo. 10s. 63. A Third Reply to the Edinburgh Review, by the Author of a Reply to the Calummies of that Review against Oxford. With an Appendix in Answer to Mr. Drummond's Observations on some Passages of the former Replies. 1s. 6d. The Poetical Register and Repository of Fugitive Poetry for 1806 and 1807. 12s. A Familiar Treatise on the Prevention and Care of Asthma, Difficulty of Breathing, Wheezing, and Winter Cough, with explicit Instructions for their Management and Cure. To which are added, Directions for the Use of Stramonium. By Mr. Fisher, 2s. 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True Stories; or interesting Anecdotes of Young Persons; designed, through the Medium of Example, to inculcate Principles of Virtue and Piety. 12mo. 4s. 6d. The Reformer; comprising twenty-two' Essays on Religion and Morality. 12mo. 6s. Hints to the Public and the Legislature on' the Prevalence of Vice, and on the dangerous Effects of Seduction. 12mo. 2s. Chun and Si-ling; an Ilistorical Romance: in which is introduced some Account of the Customs, Manners, and Moral Conduct of the Chinese. Royal 12mo. 5s. The Arabian Nights' Entertainment, carefully revised and occasionally corrected from the Arabic; to which is added, a Selection of New Tales, now first translated from the Arabic Originals; also an Intro duction and Notes, illustrative of the Religion, Manners, and Customs of the Moham medans. By Jonathan Scott, LL. D. 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OUR readers have already been informed, that the excellent Bishop of St. David's has formed a Society in his diocese, for promoting Christian Knowledge and Church Union. This society has various objects. Its main objects seem to be, to institute a clerical seminary, or college, to form a fund for exhibitions to divinity scholars, and to establish a college library, by means of benefactions for these specific purposes. Another object is, to raise a fund to enable curates who are superannuated to retire from duties to which they are incompetent, to the relief, not only of the infirm curate, but of the incumbent and the parish: applicants to this fund must have contributed to it at least five shillings a year for two years preceding their application. Annual subscriptions are also received for the purpose of distributing moral and religious tracts; es tablishing deanery libraries; and giving premiuros for dissertations on subjects relative to the objects of the society, for superior proficiency at the examinations of the licensed grammar schools in the diocese, and for sermons to be preached on specified sub jects. By referring to our volume for 1808, p. 202, our readers will learn what is the nature of the proposed college, and the course of education to be given to the students, The subscriptions hitherto received, however, are not adequate to the execution of the plan; the whole amount, to the end In the of last year, being 5,246l. 14s. mean time, this sum is vested in the public funds, and the interest of it applied in the way of premiums and exhibitions. The premium for the best essay on the study of the Ten pounds for eight sermons, to be preached on the eight Sundays subsequent to Easter-day, on the principles and duties of church union, on errors arising from unsettled notions in religion, and on the excellence of the liturgy of the church of England; and eight guineas for each of eight courses, of sixteen lectures, to be preached on week days, in two principal places of the four arch-deaconries, for the benefit of the poor who cannot read. Hebrew language, as a necessary part of a The following are the premiums proposed for the year 1811, viz. "A premium of ten pounds for the best Essay on the Qualifications, Literary and Moral, of the Clerical Profession. "A premium of ten pounds for the best Essay on the Origin and present State of Religious Sects in Wales, especially in the Diocese of St. David's, with an account of all differences in the names, constitutions, usages, and doctrines of such sects which have taken place since their origin, and which prevail at present. "The Essays are to be sent to the Rev. W. H. Barker, Vicarage, Carmarthen, on or before the 1st of May 1811, with the uame of the writer inclosed in a sealed paper, marked on the outside with the motto which is prefixed to the Essay." Sipall premiums are likewise proposed for the proficients, at the different grammar schools, in Hebrew and Hebrew writing, in Latin composition in prose and verse, in Psalmody, in the recitation and abridgment of sermons, &c. &c. &c. Besides these, " a premium of ten pounds will be given by a friend to the society, for the best Essay on Conversion, and on the three following question's: Whether a minister of the Church can be an unconverted professor of Christianity? What are the marks of unconversion in a minister of the church? What are the means most likely to excite in the mind of such a minister (if such can be) a sense of his unconverted state?» The Essay to be sent as before directed. "A friend of the society has also empowered the Committee to offer to the mas. ters of the licensed grammar schools of St. David's, Pembroke, Haverfordwest, Brecon Cardigan, Lampeter, and Swansea, the following premiums, viz. "Fifty pounds to the best of at least five competitors; "Forty pounds to the best of four competitors; Thirty pounds to the best of three competitors; "Twenty pounds to the best of two competitors; "Ten pounds to any one without a competitor; who shall write, and deliver to the Bishop of St. David's, on or before the last Thursday in June 1811, the best transcript of the book of Genesis in Hebrew and English, and shall pass the best examination in the same book, The examination and decision to be left solely to the Bishop.-The competitors must exhibit, on the day of examination, their licences to their respective schools. "The master of Carmarthen school, who has long taught Hebrew, and the second master of Ystradmeirig school, who obtained the first premium for Hebrew at the ordination of 1809, will readily perceive why the premiums are not extended to Carmarthen and Ystradmeirig." We perceive with pleasure that the college library has been enlarged by benefactious and bequests of books, as well as by donations of money. We feel chiefly solicitous, however, for the erection of the college itself, which will necessarily require a much larger sum than has yet been procured, and we would press it upon those members of the Church of England who are blessed with affluence, and who are attached to the interests of religion, to shew their liberality on an occasion which is in every way worthy of it. Subscriptions are received by Messrs. Iloares, Bankers, Fleet Street; and by the Rev. T. Pryce, Carmarthen. SOCIETY FOR THE SUPPORT OF GAELIC SCHOOLS IN THE HIGHLANDS AND A society has lately been formed at Edinburgh for the express purpose of instituting and supporting circulating schools, in which the inhabitants of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland shall be taught to read the Gaelic, which is the vernacular language. The necessity for such au institution is grounded on this fact; that, notwithstanding the beneficial effects produced by the labours of the Society in Scotland for propagating Christian Knowledge, for a century past, in promoting civilization and Christian knowledge in the Highlands and Islands (see our last volume, p. 815), many parts of the Highlands and Islands continue in a state of great ignorance; and only a small proportion of the inhabitants can read in any language. The information from which this statement is drawn is very interesting, and leaves no doubt of its accuracy. We give, as a specimen of it, the following extract from a letter of the Rev. Dr. Ross, minister of Lochbroom, to the society. "The parish of Lochbroom comprehends a tract of country, the roughest and most difficult in Scotland, as extensive as the whole synod of Ross, which employs the labours of twenty-three ministers, besides innumerable schoolmasters, catechists, &c.: it has seven preaching places, separated by large arms of the sea, rapid rivers, extensive moors, and tremendous rocks; some of them twenty, some thirty miles from the parish church, and without a single place of wors ship capable of containing the congregation in the whole parish. There are nine burying grounds. According to an enumeration taken the year before last, it contains near four thousand inhabitants, of whom perhaps hardly seven hundred possess even a sinattering of book knowledge, and comparatively few speak any English. In this extensive district there can hardly be said to exist any means of religious or moral instruction, but what results from my personal labours aloue." "After such a detail, it is unne cessary to say, that the state of the people is deplorable--in a tract of ten or twelve miles, well peopled, there may not be a single individual found capable of reading the Scriptures in English or Gaelic, and these, perhaps, from fourteen to twenty-five miles from the parish church!" "Above three thousand precious souls in this parish alone, are excluded from the word of life, excepting by the ear only. Many of these cannot hear a sermon preached above twice or thrice in the year; and many are not within ten miles of one who can read the Scriptures in any language! What can I say more to shew the importance of your institution? I will add, that the people are deeply impressed with a sense of their own deplorable state, and feel an ar dent desire after improvement: that they travel ten, twelve, sometimes twenty miles, by sea and land, to preaching. I will furthe add, that in this parish alone there are sever. different stations, in every one of which I have reason to think (a particular inquiry is making) that 150 persons would gladly assemble for instruction." The means to be employed for remedying this deplorable state of things are details in the following regulations. "The schools to be established, shall be for the express purpose of teaching the inhabitants of our Highlands and Islands to read their native language. The elementary books shall consist of a spelling book in Gaelic, and the Gaelic Psalm book-to be succeeded by the sacred Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, in that language. Before a teacher is sent to any district, the attention of the people shall be awakened to the importance of their being able to read, as well as to the danger and disadvantages of a state of ignorance." "Public intimation being previously given, when a school commences, the inhabitants shall be informed that it will continue only for a limited period, (not less than six nor exceeding eighteen months), during which time the schoolmaster shall teach those children to read, gratis, who attend well, or the children whose parents engage to secure and promote their regular attendance. When a circulating school is established in any quarter, another school shall be advertised at the same time, for the important purpose of teaching grown-up people, or such as may be unable to attend, owing to their avocations or service through the day, or through the week. This school shall be kept at a convenient hour on the Sabbath, or in the evening of week days, or both-and the presence of those inhabitants who can read shall be requested at such times, to give any assistance in their power, under the directions of the schoolmaster. When the time arrives for the feacher's removal to another district, it is expected, that, in consequence of the exercises in the last-mentioned school, a proper person may be procured to preserve and continue the benefits received. Every district in which a school has existed shall be revisited occasionally, and animated to persevere; but in case of insuperable difficulties on the part of its inhabitants, or the spirit at first infused being ready to expiré, a teacher may be sent to reside among them once more, * for a short season." struction of our poor people to read their native language. Before that time, the whole country was in a 'most deplorable state, with regard to the acquisition of religious knowledge. After the decease of this very pious and laborious minister, A.D. 1761, the schools were continued on the same plan by a pious lady of fortune, an intimate friend of Mr. Jones, and a constant attendant on his ministry; her name was Mrs. Bevan. In her will, that lady, who lived several years after Mr. Jones, left ten thousand pounds, the interest of which was to be applied, for ever, towards perpetuating those schools. Her executrix, a niece of her's, disputed the validity of the will, so far as it applied to this money. It was thrown into Chancery, where it continued for thirty years before a decree was obtained. About two years past, a decree was granted in favour of this charity; and the interest of the ten thousand pounds, with the accumulation of it by interest all the years it was in Chancery, is to be applied, under certain specific regulations and restrictions, to the support of circulating charityschools throughout the whole principality. There are now forty schools erected in different parts of the country, and the number is continually increasing. In the course of a few years after the demise of Mrs. Bevan, the country gradually reverted into the same state of stupor and ignorance in which Mr. Jones found it, when he first thought of those institutions. Besides, though Mr. Jones's schools increased to the amazing number of two hundred and six before he died, yet there were many districts in this mountainous country, never visited by his schools, or but once, and that for a very short time. In one of these districts, it pleased Providence to place me. Soon after I assumed the care of the parish, I attempted to instruct the rising generation, by catechising them every Sunday afternoon: but their not being able to read, I found to be a great obstacle to the progress of my work. This induced me to inquire into the state of the country, in this point of view. I soon found the poor people to be in general in the same state of ignorance. As Mr. Jones's schools had ceased to circulate, no relief could be obtained from that quarter. A thought occurred, that by the assistance of friends, I might obtain means to employ a teacher, to be removed from place to place, to instruct the poor ignorant people. When I had succeeded in "The Rev. Griffith Jones, a clergyman of obtaining pecuniary aid, the great difficulty the establishment, about A. D. 1730, inade of obtaining a proper person to teach, octhe first attempt of any importance, on an curred. This difficulty was removed by inextensive scale, to erect schools for the instructing a poor man myself, and employing In adopting this plan, the society have proceeded on the sure ground of experience. They have followed exactly the plan which has produced such wonderful effects in the principality of Wales; and of which a full account is given in the Report before us in a letter from Mr. Charles of Bala. We extract such parts of it as are necessary to throw light on the system that has been pursued. him at first near me, that his school might be, in a manner, under my constant inspection. The next difficulty was, to obtain proper elementary books. I composed three elementary books, besides two catechisms, which are now used in all our schools, and very essentially assist the progress of the children. My teachers, as my funds increased, multiplied gradually from one to twenty; but of late the number is decreased, as the necessity of the week-day schools is superseded by the increase of Sunday schools, and my attention is drawn to the extension of them as widely as possible. The circulating day schools have been the principal means of erecting Sunday schools; for without the former, the state of the country was such, that we could not obtain teachers to carry on the latter; besides, Sunday schools were set up in every place where the day schools had been. My mode of conducting the schools has been as follows:-My first greatest care has been in the appointment of proper teachers. They are all poor persons, as my wages are but small; besides, a poor person can assimilate himself to the habits and mode of living ausong the poor, as it is his own way. of living. It is requisite he should be a person of moderate abilities, but above all that he be truly pious, moral, decent, humble, and engaging in his whole deportment; not captious, not disputatious, not conceited, no idle saunterer, no tattler, nor given to the indulgence of any idle habits. My care here has been abundantly repaid; for my teachers in general are as anxious as myself for the success of the work, and for the eternal welfare of those they are employed to jastruct in their most important concerns." "At first, the strong prejudice which universally prevailed against teaching them to read Welsh first, and the idea assumed, that they could not learn English so well if previously instructed in the Welsh language, proved a great stumbling-block in the way of parents to send children to the Welsh schools, together with another conceit they had, that it they could read English, they would soon learn of themselves to read Welsh; but now these idle and groundless conceits are universally scouted. This change has been produced, not so much by dis puting, as by the evident salutary effects of the schools, the great delight with which the children attended themand the great progress they made in the acquisition of knowledge. The school continues usually at one time in the same place six or nine months. This has been my mode of proceeding, subject to some local variations, for above twenty-three years; and I have had the only satisfaction I could wish-that of seeing the work, by the Lord's blessing, prospering far beyond my most sanguine expectations. The beginning was small, but the little brook became an overflowing river, which has spread widely over the whole country in Sunday Schools, (the wholesome effects of these previous institutions), fertilizing the barren soil wherever it flows. "As to the expediency of teaching young people in the first place to read the language they generally speak and best understand, if imparting religious knowledge is our primary object, as it most certainly ought to be in instructing immortal beings, it needs no proof,-1. The time necessary to teach them to read the Bible in their vernacular language is so short, not exceeding six months in general, that it is a great pity not to give them the key immediately which unlocks all the doors, and lays open all the divine treasures before them. Teaching them English requires two or three years' time, during which long period, they are concerned only about dry terms, without receiving one idea for their improvement.-2. Welsh words convey ideas to their infant minds as soon as they can read them, which is not the case when they are taught to read a language they do not understand.--3. When they can read Welsh, Scriptural terms become intelligible and familiar to them, so as to enable them to understand the discourses delivered in that language (the language in general preached through the principality); which, of course, must prove more profitable then if they could not read at all, or read only the English language.-4. Previous instruction in their native tongue helps them to learn English much sooner, instead of proving in any degree an inconveniency. This I have had repeated proofs of, and can confidently vouch for the truth of it. I took this method of instructing my own children, with the view of convincing the country of the fallacy of the general notion which prevailed to the contrary; and I have persuaded others to follow my plan, which, without one exception, has proved the truth of what I conceived to be really the case.--5. Having acquired new ideas by reading a language they understand, excitement is naturally produced to seek for knowledge; and as our ancient language is very deficient in the means of instruction, there being few useful books printed in it, a desire to learn English, yea, and other languages also, is excited, for the sake of increasing their stock of ideas, and adding to their fund of knowledge. I can vouch for |