....... Conference with Clergy. Mission Society to Africa and East Case of Persecution in Kent. East Indies Death of Mr. Desgranges. Mission to Rangoon..Sun. PUB. AFF. Evacuation of Portugal by French Horrors in their Retreat. Bada jos Campo Mayor Aid to Portuguese.. Spanish Army.. Holland. Baltic. De- fence of Aubolt. Sweden. Great Britain: Exchequer Bills; Consolidated Fund; King's Health; Bullion Committee; Chan- cellorship of Cambridge, &c. 264-267 RELIG. COM.-Introduction of Christianity MISCEL.-Yeates on Hebrew N. T...Work for Westminster School Country Clergy- ........ 293-297 REY, OF-Wainewright's Sermon. Simeon's Christ Crucified.. Buchanan's Christian LIT. AND PHIL. INTEL.-Lancastrian Sys- tem of Education. Dr. Buchanan's Visit RELIG. INTEL.-British and Foreign Bible 323-326 PUB. AFF.-Spain and Portugal. Great Britain; Bullion Committee; Lord Sid- mouth's Bill; Slave Trade; Lord Wel- RELIG. COM.-Talib in Reply to Faber.. Collation of N. T. with LXX... Matt. xxiv. Mark xiii. Luke xxi.Sermon, on Galat, vi. 10.Case of Persons relapsing into Sin. The Sect of the Non-doers. 337 MISCEL.-Error in Dr. Paley's Evidences.. Sect of the Wahabees. Sir W. Scott's Judgment, Cox v. Gooday.... 355-360 REV. OF-Buchanan's Researches. Coo- LIT. AND PHIL. INTEL.-Cambridge.. Grain imported Criminal Convictions.. Cloths Vaccination Queen Anne's RELIG. INTEL-Irish Seminary for School- .. RELIG. Com. — Collation of N. T. with LXX. On the Numbers 2300 and 1260 .. Letter of Mr. Biddulph Sermon, on MISCEL.-Duty and Mode of making a Will Integrity of the Syriac Scriptures. Thoughts on Reform in Parliament... REV. OF-Report of African Institution. Horne's Sermon on Missions.. 428-451 LIT. AND PHIL. INTEL.-Oxford Cam- RELIG. INTEL.-United Brethren. Baptist Mission in Bengal. Eclectic Review.. French General Council. American Ro- PUB. AFF.- France: Exposée Spain Great Britain: Bank Notes; Prorogation, &c. United States.East Indies.. 462 ...... .. ..Conduct in domestic Life a Test 533 MISCEL-Editions of Hebrew Bible.. Right of Dissenters to Burial. Union of Tutor and Minister. Union of Clergyman and Fox-hunter. Importance of strict Exami- nation of Candidates for Orders exemplified ..State of Religion in Formosa 552-558 REV. OF-Mrs. H. More's Practical Piety.. The Bishop of Lincoln's Refutation of RELIG. INTEL.-British and Foreign Bible Society Mission Society to Africa and the East. Quaker's Yearly Epistle..Jamaica; PUB. AFF-Lord Wellington, Fall of Fi- gueras. Defeat of Spaniards.. France.. United States. Great Britain: King's Health; Capture of Vessels on French RELIG, COM.-Mr. J. R. Gilpin..On Mat- MISCEL-On Education of Youth..Popu larity of Evangelical Preaching. Account of Eleazar Count of Arian..Early At- tempts for the Conversion of the Jews in England. Hymns for Sundays in Advent self. 622-631 REV. OF-Select Homilies.. Sarah New man's Poems Martyn's Appeal for 900,000 Christians in India.. 632-649 LIT. AND PHIL. INTEL. Great Britain: Eau Medicinale; Population of London, Edinburgh, and Glasgow; New Docks; Iron Cables; Brewery; Parsonage-houses, &c...Italy Herculaneum MSS...Popu- lation of United States ...... 654-656 RELIG. INTEL. British and Foreign Bible Society. Edinburgh Bible Society..Nor- folk Bible Society..High Wycombe Bible Society Education of Poor. Methodists ..Parish Registers..China. 662-666 PUB. AFF.-Spain Spanish America.. .. RELIG. COM.-Mr. J. R. Gilpin⚫ Ministers preaching Jesus Christ. Sernion, on Luke ii. 2...N-2 on the Duty of a Minister, MISCEL-On the Education of Youth.. Death-bed of a modern Freethinker.. Hymns: Christmas; Sunday after; Epi- Rev.or-Life of Bishop of London..Letters LIT. AND PHIL. INTEL-Great Britain: Herculaneum Manuscripts; Bibles to Poor; Athens; Westmoreland; Oxford; Cam- bridge, &c...North America: Cherokees Azores: New Island formed 722-724 REI. INTEL.-British and Foreign Bible So- ciety. Naval and Military Bible Society ..The National Society for Education of PUB. AFF.-Spain: General Hill; Fall of Saguntum; Inquisition, &c...Caraccas.. Bonaparte.Great Britain: King's Health; Catholic Delegates; Riots at Nottingham; RELIG. COM.-The Triumphant Christian.. MISCEL.-Union of Minister and Tutor.. Journal from Lisbon to Coimbra. -750-752 REV. OF-Pratt's Life and Works of Cecil.. Letters on State of Church. 759-778 LIT. AND PHIL. INTEL.-Great Britain: Cambridge; New Custom-house, London ..France: New Edition of Homer••Italy: RELIG. INTEL.-Cambridge Bible Society: Letter of Right Hon. N. Vansittart.. Bed- fordshire Bible Society. Speech of Mr. PUB. AFF.-Spain and Portugal: Girard's Defeat; Godinot's Suicide; Valencia, Catalonia, Arragon, &c.: Rio Plata.. United States: President's Message; Af- fair of Chesapeake; Orders in Council, &c. Java: Capture of Batavia, &c... Cambridge Auxiliary Bible Society Speeches of Earl Hardwicke; Lord F. Osborne; Mr. Owen; Mr. Steinkopff; Mr. Hughes; Dr. Clarke; Mr. Farish; Mr. Hollick; Mr. Simeon; Mr. Yorke; the Dean of Carlisle; Mr. Dealtry; Mr. Owen; and Mr. Edwards Reflections Memoir of Captain Paul Cuffee.. Parochial Registers Baptism of Dissenters.. Bio- graphia Evangelica. Quakers and Tythes Bristol Church-of-England Tract So- RELIG. INTEL.London Missionary So- ciety's Report British and Foreign Bible Society. Suffolk Auxiliary Bible Society ..Society for Support of Gaelic Schools ECCLESIASTICAL PREFERMENTS.... 851 EXTRACTS FROM THE CORRESPOND I ENCE OF THE FIRST PROTESTANT (Continued from Vol. 1X. p. 738.) Now send you a continuation of the correspondence of the Missionaries Ziegenbalgh and Grundler, with the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge. Tranquebar, Jan. 3,1714.—“ Having finished the impression of two Malabarian treatises, we immediately put to the press the New Testament in the same language, and have wrought it off to the fourteenth chap ter of St. Matthew. We have enclosed copies of both treatises. That in octavo is intitled The Abomination of Paganism*, and the Way for Pagans to be saved. The other contains 'The chief Points of the Catechism, and the Method of Salvation, for the use of catechumens and chil dren in the schools. The last, in 4to. contains the first fourteen chapters of the Gospel of St. Matthew. By reason we were not provided with a sufficient number of letters in the Malabarian tongue, we could cast off but very few copies. This defect however has, for these three months past, been wholly supplied by our founder. The two first treatises, just mentioned, we have introduced into some of the Malabarian schools: others of them we have dispersed among the Heathen, as occasion offered, and sent them to divers places upon the coast of Coromandel. Sometimes the Heathen have asked for them themselves. We are confident they will reap no You will recollect the clamour which was occasioned two or three years ago by a similar publication of the Missionaries in Bengal. CHRIST. OBSERV. No, 109. small advantage from these pieces, whenever they come to be better known in India*. "We continue, with all possible care, the translation of the Old Tesand Portuguese languages; and, by tament, into both the Malabarían the Divine assistance, we have finished the translation of the first Book of Moses, in both the said languages. labours by his heavenly blessing, May God Almighty prosper our and grant that his holy word, like tered among these nations, to prean incorruptible seed, may be scatserve them from eternal destruction!" increased to the number of ninety"The children of our schools were two: but some of them being taken this life for a better; so that the off by death, they have exchanged number of children of both sexes amounts at present to eighty-five. and that many at least will prove as We hope they grow daily in grace, salt among their brethren in India. They learn the sacred truths of scrip ture, not as a mere historical knowledge, void of spiritual life and affecthe Apostle requireth) is according tion; but as a doctrine, which (as to godliness, and which must needs knowledge in faith and practice. be attended with an experimental This we speak chiefly with respect to many of our Malabarian scholars, Danes, not only in knowledge and who outstrip the Portuguese and meditating on the divine word. probity, but also in prayer, and in "In the three last months, we have received nine members by baptism into the bosom of the Church; whom We trust they continue to be printed and circulated by the Society. B (as far as their advanced years, and in some a decrepit age, will permit) we endeavour to bring up more and more in the true spirit of Christianity, that so the image of Satan may be destroyed in the hearts of the Pagans, and the image of God be renewed in its stead. "We have herewith sent you a short System of Divinity, summed up in thirty-four heads or articles. It is written on leaves, in the Malabarian manner, and we hope you will allow it a place in your library. "As to our temporal concerns, our straits are now more pressing than they have ever been before; and if God does not become a present help in this want, the help of man seems very remote as yet, since no Danish ship is arrived, by which we might expect some relief. May the Almighty support and comfort us with his favour, especially when our enemies, by reason of those difficulties, do boast, that this work will come to nothing at last, and, as much as in them lies, endeavour to stop the stream of other people's beneficence. "We beseech you therefore, most worthy patrons, with all possible earnestness, that that helping hand which you have hitherto so piously lent to this work, may be also continued hereafter for our support and encouragement, in so weighty an undertaking particularly (since it is your endeavour, as well as ours), that the knowledge of Jesus Christ may be planted in the uncultivated hearts of the Heathen. "MayGod Almighty preserve you by his divine providence, that you may long continue to promote the saving truth that is in Jesus!" Tranquebar, Sept. 27, 1714."Those things which you judged necessary to write to us about the 24th of December 1713, did safely come to our hands upon the coast of Coromandel, the 9th of August 1714, ther with the sum of 701. English money, collected by you for the benefit of this Mission, and transmitted for our assistance here, we receive with the highest gratitude; humbly beseeching the most gracious God to reward the bounty of the benefactors with a plentiful return of heavenly riches. "As to what concerns in particular, most worthy gentlemen, the intimation about the commandment against idolatry, we have placed it in our catechism, page 16. But in such a manner, as to serve for a fuller explanation of the first commandment in the Decalogue. Besides this, we inculcate this precept against idolatry with all possible diligence, and render as contemptible as we can, the idolatry and polytheism of the Pagans." "As to what relates to party-names, or distinctions, the Divine Wisdom, which is without partiality, has taught us to abhor them. Our schelars know not so much as the bare name of Luther or Calvin: but as for the name of Popery and Papist, it is every where known in India, by reason of the vast number of Papists who wander about in this country; being abandoned both to the grossest darkness and ignorance, and to the most scandalous vices and practices. "When we ask our scholars, what religion they are of? They answer, we are Tschettiawedakarer; i. e. Christians bound to observe the tru ly divine law; the word law being taken in that comprehensive sense, whereby it contains in it both the Law and the Gospel. After all, we assure you that we allow of no party. names to be used, either in the Malabarian or Portuguese pulpit: and we design to be equally cautious in the books we shall happen to print*. "As it is no small grief unto us, I should like to have had access to the letter of the Society to which this is a where we received, with the profound-reply; because I infer, from the tenor of the est respect, the counsels and paternal instructions you have been pleased to give us. "The usual present of books, toge reply, that it must have been a model of christian candour and charity. Some members of the Society might peruse it with profit. |