FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Office, No. 200 Broadway, N.Y. $100,000 Deposited with the Insurance Department for the Security of Policy Holders. JEWETT M. RICHMOND, Of J. M. Richmond & Co., Buffalo, N.Y. Hon. JOHN H. MARTINDALE, Ex-Attorney-General of State of New York, Rochester. NATHAN F. GRAVES, President Fourth National Bank, Syracuse. WILLIAM C. RUGER, of Ruger, Wallace, & Genny, Attorneys-at-law, Syracuse. CHARLES H. DOOLITTLE, President Oneida County Bank, Utica, N.Y. W. C. SQUIRE, Special Agent Remington Manufacturing Company. Hon. JASON C. OSGOOD, Manufacturer, Troy, N.Y. Hon. JOHN H. RUSSELL, Counsellor-at-Law, Salisbury, Ct. THOMAS LORD, of Lord & Smith, Wholesale Druggists, Chicago, III. H. O. ARMOUR, of Armour, Plankinton, & Co., Chicago, Milwaukee, and New York. ISRAEL D. CONDIT, Manufacturer, Milburn, N.J., and 30 Vesey Street, New-York City. PHILO REMINGTON, President Remington Arms Manufacturing Company, Ilion, N.Y. Hon. ISAAC DAYTON, Register in Bankruptcy, New-York City. JOHN H. CLARK, of H. B. Cromwell & Co., 86 West Street, New-York City. EDWARD MARTINDALE, Attorney-at-Law, NewYork City. لرا J. D. BADGLEY, Wholesale Grocer, 79 Front Street, New-York City. WILLIAM ADAMS, Jr., of Bonnell & Adams, Wholesale Grocers, 92 Front Street, New-York City. J. CROSBY BROWN, of Brown Brothers & Co., Bankers, 59 Wall Street, New-York City. JOSEPH S. DECKER, of Turner Brothers, Bankers, 14 Nassau Street, New-York City. CHARLES MOTES, President Pacific National Bank, Pawtucket, R.I. EDWARD MOMURDY, President. ORLANDO D. STEWART, of Stewart, Rich, & Woodford, Attorneys-at-Law, 271 Broadway, New-York City. ROBERT MCMURDY, Roseville, New Jersey. LLOYD GRANVILLE BARTLETT, Dentist, 14 West Twenty-eighth Street, New-York City. Hon. JOSIAH T. MILLER, Counsellor, Seneca Falls, N.Y. TITUS MEAD, of Badgley & Mead, 79 Front Street, New-York City. THEO. F. HAY, of J. O. Seymour, Kennard, & Governor, State of New York. WILLIAM HENDERSON, Secretary. JOHN MCMURDIE, of Pardee, Bates, & Co., New-York City. R. J. TODD, of A. J. Bleecker, Son, & Co., New-York City. AGENTS WANTED. i $100,000 in United-States bonds has been deposited with the Insurance Department at Albany, as a security for policy holders. THE FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY will grant insurance on any of the following plans: - Ordinary Life, Endowment, Return Premium, Compound Interest, Joint Life. |