A Catalogue of Books in Every Department of Literature ... Now on Sale by John White ... March 18011801 - Booksellers' catalogs - 394 pages |
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6d Amft 6d ib 6d Lond 6d Paris Antiquities Antv autre exemplaire avec fig beft edition bien rel black letter boards bound in Ruffia CHARTA MAX Chriftian Ciceronis coloured comp compact copy corio Ruffico corio Turcico couf coufu cucit cum fig curâ cuts deaur Defcription Delphini demi-rel Dictionary Difcourfes Differtation editio EDITIO PRINCEPS Effay eleg elegantly bound England English engraved Epiftolæ Exemplar aliud fafcic fame femi-comp femic ferved fewed Flora France gilt Glafg Græcè half-bound Hift Hiftoire Hiftory Horatius Icones Idem illuftrated Kalthoeber large paper Libri Lipf Lucretius Lugd maps Maroquin Memoirs Mifcellaneous Morocco Natural Hiftory neat neatly bound nitid nitidiff notis Obfervations Oeuvres Opera Oxon Paris perg Philofophical Plantarum plates Plutarchi Poems portraits Prefent printed pulch pulcherr Scotland Sermons Staggemeier Teftamentum Thefaurus Traj tranflated Treatife Turc Venet Virgilius Voyage
Popular passages
Page 364 - Reports from the Select Committee, appointed to inquire into the state of the Public Records of the Kingdom, &c.
Page 286 - Things Divine and Supernatural Conceived by Analogy with Things Natural and Human (1733) he asserts that knowledge of God's essence and attributes can bo only " analogical
Page 90 - MEDICAL BOTANY, containing systematic and general descriptions, with Plates, of all the Medicinal Plants, indigenous and exotic, comprehended in the Catalogues of the Materia Medica, as published by the Royal Colleges of...
Page 12 - CARTER, JOHN. SPECIMENS OF THE ANCIENT SCULPTURE AND PAINTING, now remaining in this Kingdom, from the Earliest Period to the Reign of Henry ye VIII.
Page 5 - Imitations of original Drawings by Hans Holbein, in the Collection of His Majesty, for the Portraits of Illustrious Persons of the Court of Henry VIII. with biographical Tracts. Published by John Chamberlaine, Keeper of the King's Drawings and Medals.
Page 254 - A collection of original letters and papers, concerning the affairs of England, from 1641 to 1660,
Page 3 - A General Map of the Empire of Germany, Holland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the Grisons, Italy, Sicily, Corsica and Sardinia.
Page 258 - Run. And of all the Plates and Prizes run for in England (of the Value of Ten Pounds or upwards...
Page 49 - Shakfpeare, by Boydell, No. i and 2, with the fmall plates, and a receipt of two guineas paid in advance for No. 3, 7! 73 1205 Scudery, Curite Politiœ, or Apologies of feverall Princes juftifying to the World their Actions, with heads, i8s 1654 1206 Tacitus' s Works, with Difcourfes by Gordon, a vol.
Page 393 - Coüalion of the Hebrew and Greek Texts of the Psalms ; in order to account for the Variances between them, and thereby establish the Authenticity of the one, and the Fidelity of the other. By John Reeves, Esq.