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SECT. 1. No rank or possessions can make the guilty
SECT. 7.
The journey of a day; a picture of human
SECT. 1. The importance of a good education,
: : 47
SECT. 6. Comforts of Religion,
SECT. 7. Diffidence of our abilities, a mark of wisdom, 56
: : : : : : 55
SECT. 8. On the importance of order in the distribu-
tion of our time, : : : : : :
SECT. 9. The dignity of virtue amidst corrupt ex- amples, : : : : : : : :
SECT. 10. The mortifications of vice greater than those
SECT. 2.
Virtue man's highest interest, : : : : 81
SECT. 8. Profperity is redoubled to a good man,
SECT. 9. On the beauties of the Pfalms,
SECT. 10. Character of Alfred, King of England,
SECT. 1.
Trial and execution of the Earl of Strafford,
An eminent instance of true fortitude of
SECT. 2. Dionyfius, Pythias, and Damon,
SECT. 3. Locke and Bayle, : : : :
Cicero against Verres, : : : : : : 153
SECT. 4. Lord Mansfield's speech in the House of
Lords, 1770, on the bill for preventing
the delays of justice, by claiming the
privilege of Parliament,
SECT. 5. An address to young perfons,
: : : : 165
: :
SECT. 7. On the proper state of our temper, with
SECT. 12.
On the true honour of man, : : : : 204
SECT. 15. On the power of custom, and the uses to
which it may be applied,
: : : : 212
SECT. 16. The pleasures resulting from a proper ufe
SECT. 18. On the imperfection of that happiness which
rests solely on worldly pleasures :
SECT. 19. What are the real and solid enjoyments
: 218
of human life, : : : : : : 223
SECT. 20. Scale of beings,
: : : : : : : 225
SECT. 21. Trust in the care of Providence recommended, 229
SECT. 22.
SECT. 23.
Piety and gratitude enliven profperity,
Virtue, when deeply rooted, is not fubject
to the influence of fortune, : :
SECT. 24. The speech of Fabricius, a Roman Am-
bafsadour, to King Pyrrhus, who at-
tempted to bribe him to his interests,
by the offer of a great sum of money,
: 232
: 235
SECT. 25. Character of James I. King of England,
SECT. 26. Charles V. Emperour of Germany, refigns
length, : : : : : : : : : 252