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103 76; Tarentum, 9 30. Blairsville-New Salem, add'l, 1. Butler-Karns City, 2; Martinsburgh, 3; Petrolia, 2; Portersville, 4; Summit, 11. Carlisle--Big Spring, 29 50. Chester-Downingtown Central, H. M. S., 15; Fairview, 11 25; Forks of Brandywine, 46; Great Valley, 13; West Chester 1st, 144 08. Clarion-Brookville, 41 94; New Rehoboth (incl. 81 cts. from sab-sch.), 15; West Millville, 5. Erie-Meadville 1st, 8; Mercer 2d, 17 28; Titusville 1st, 27 40; Utica, 3 03. Huntingdon-Logan's Valley, 14; Osceola, 20 29; Pine Grove (sab-sch., 1 82), 12 56; Tyrone, 60 46. Kittanning-Bethel, 5; Elderton, 9 51; Leechburgh, 15. Lackawanna-Kingston, 30; Montrose, 65; Scranton 2d, 183 49; Wyoming, 6. Lehigh Easton 1st, 117; South Easton, 2 50; Summit Hill (incl. sabsch. No. 1, 21 04, sab-sch. No. 2, 5 59, W. S., 5), 86 25; Tamaqua 1st, 25; White Haven, 14. Northumberland-Bloomsburg 1st, 76 52; Elysburgh, 4 65; Great Island, 40; Linden, 3; Muncy 1st, 4; Shiloh, 5; Sunbury 1st, 35. PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia 2d, 411 96; Philadelphia Calvary, 371 41; Philadelphia Westminster, 10 73. Philadelphia Central-Philadelphia Central, 68 24. Philadelphia North-Germantown 1st, 1000; Manayunk, 25; Morrisville, 6. Pittsburgh-Mansfield, 14 05; Mingo, 9; Pittsburgh 2d, 16 31; Pittsburgh 6th, 38: Pittsburgh East Liberty, 65; Pittsburgh Park Ave., 30 87; Pittsburgh Shady Side, 42 50; West Elizabeth, 11. RedstoneNew Providence, 14; Pleasant Unity, 4. Shenango-Little Beaver, 3 39; New Castle 1st, 29 30. Wellsboro'-Beecher Island, 4; Farmington, 4. Westminster-Bellevue, 8; Middle Octorara, 5; Mt. Joy, 20. West Virginia-Morgantown, 7.

3581 53 TENNESSEE.-Holston-Elizabethton, 2; Jeroldstown, 2; Mt. Bethel, 3; Timber Ridge, 1. Union-Cloyd's Creek, 2; Knoxville 4th, 32. 42 00 UTAH.-Montana-Great Falls, 12; White Sulphur Springs, 585. Utah-American Fork, 6.

23 85

[blocks in formation]


Z. L. Parker, N. Y., 35; Rev. Charles H. Holloway, Philadelphia, 25; Guest money at Perth Amboy, 91 75; Mrs. W. G. Marcy, Cal., 10; Mrs. H. L. Johnson, Iowa, 5; Rev. William M. Reed, Mo., 1; "Presbyterian Minister's Widow," per Rev. Dr. H. A. Nelson, 50; Anonymous, "J.," N. Y., 10; "R. B.," N. Y., 100; William Trinde, Pa., 5; Mrs. Mary S. Bice, Honolulu, Hawaii, 250; Rev. J. Newton and daughters, Fla., 5; "M. & M.," Cal., 5; Mrs. Grizilda Campbell, Ky., 50; Friend in Lancastco, O., 10; Anonymous, N. Y., 25; Friend in West Hoboken, N. J., 10; Rev. A. W. Loomis, D.D., Cal., 10; H. B. & J. W. Judd, N. Y., 10; O. F. Harper, N. Y., 5; Miss Nellie Pierson, Pa., 20; "From Sarah," 20; Miss Mary Welsh, Pa., 10 Mrs. E. R. Norton, Ill., 1; "Hapland, Chicago,' 75; Rev. L. B. Rogers, N. Y., 5; “C., Ark.," 5; Rev. W. L. Tarbet and wife, 65 cts....

Miscellaneous receipts..

Interest on Permanent Fund..

For current use........

PERMANENT FUND. (Interest only used.)

From a friend in New York..................

849 40

250 00

375 00

$10,466 07

3 00

Total receipts in November............................. $10,469 07 Total receipts for current use since April 1, 1887, $72,812 07 W. W. HEBERTON, Treasurer.

The sum of $6 75 credited in the October receipts to Mt. Pleasant Church, Zanesville Presbytery, should have been credited to Chillicothe Presbytery.


BALTIMORE-Baltimore-Bel Air, 6; Fallston, 1; Frederick City, 11 25. New Castle-Forest (Middletown, 32; Port Penn, 457; St. George's, 3; Wilmington Rodney St., 15. Washington City-Darneston, 12 50; Washington Unity, 6 50; Washington Western, 36.

127 82

COLORADO.-Boulder-Valmont, 21 cts. Denver-Black Hawk, 6. Pueblo-Bowen, 2; Colorado Springs 1st, 54 83; Monte Vista, 4; Monument, 10. 77 04 COLUMBIA.-Puget Sound-Olympia, 6 80; Snohomish City, 8 80 DAKOTA-Central Dakota-Woonsocket, 4 15. Southern Dakota-Mitchell, 2; Sioux Falls, 15. 21 15


ILLINOIS.-Alton-Chester 1st, 4. Bloomington-Bement 1st, 12; Champaign 1st, 47 87; Mahomet, 410; Normal, 18 49. Cairo-Cairo ist, 9 45; Centralia 1st, 7; Fairfield, 7 89; Golconda, 5. Chicago-Austin, 4 05; Bloom, 10; Chicago Fortyfirst St., 42 07; Chicago Reunion, 5; Oak Park, 49 87. Freeport-Freeport 2d, 5 54. Mattoon-Grandview, 7 50; Tuscola, 8. Ottawa-Plato 1st, 5; Waterman, 4. Peoria-Washington, 6; Yates City, 8 10. Rock River-Geneseo, 10; Millersburgh, 6; Peniel, 5; Princeton, 23 85. Schuyler-Burton Memorial, 4; Chili, 3 50; Doddsville, 3; Monmouth, 40; Oquawka, 5 31: Plymouth, 1 27. Springfield-Mason City, 10 15; Pisgah, 1 32; Unity, 50 cts.

384 83

INDIANA-Crawfordsville-Beulah, 3; Crawfordsville 1st, 4: Dayton, 16; Newtown, 11. Fort Wayne-La Grange, 3; Lima, 7. Indianapolis-Franklin 1st, 26; Indianapolis 2d, 72 36; Indianapolis Tabernacle, 13 10; Southport, 3. Logans port-Michigan City sab-sch., 1 83; Union, 2 65. MuncieWabash, 1 25. New Albany-Hanover, 11 27; New Albany 1st, 29 50. Vincennes-Evansville Walnut St., 34 25; Graysville, 2; Petersburg, 2; Sullivan, 4; Terre Haute Central, 31; Terre Haute Moffat St., 2; Vincennes (sab-sch., 10), 14 05. White Water-Aurora, 5; Connersville 1st, 12; Shelbyville 347 83 11 15

1st, 36 57.

INDIAN TERRITORY.-Muscogee-Wewoka, Iowa.-Cedar Rapids-Cedar Rapids 2d, 45 78; Marion (sah-sch., 4 44), 19 71; Mechanicsville, 3 75; Wyoming, 3 65. Council Bluffs-Woodbine, 10. Des Moines-Indianola, 8; Knoxville, 4. Fort Dodge-Vail, 10 35. Ionea-Birmingham, 270; Fairfield, 12 71; Keokuk Westminster, 1 28; Martinsburgh, 365; Mediapolis, 1 20; New London, 50 cts.; Troy, 490. Iowa City-Fairview, 3 64; Hermon, 2 12; Iowa City, 8; Malcom, 5; Marengo, 3 79; Muscatine 1st, 10; Muscatine Ger., 2; Unity, 7; West Branch, 4 61. Waterloo-Janesville, KANSAS-Emporia-El Paso, 3; Eureka, 4: Marion, 11; Peabody, 6; Wilsie, 2. Highland-Hiawatha 1st, 6; High

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KENTUCKY.-Louisville-Pewee Valley, MICHIGAN. -Detroit-Detroit Westminster, 9 64; Pontiac (sab-sch., 3 05), 32 29. Grand Rapids-Big Rapids Westminster, 15. Monroe-Tecumseh, 39. Saginaw-Ithaca 1st, 5 22; Lafayette 2d, 1 50: Marlette 1st, 4. 106 65

MINNESOTA.-Mankato-Delhi (sab-sch., 1), 3. St. PaulMinneapolis Andrew, 72 75; Minneapolis Franklin Ave., 11 70: Minneapolis Highland Park, 6; St. Paul Central, 127 17; St. Paul House of Hope sab-sch., 14 74; Willmar, 4 60. Winona-La Crescent, 2 50; Owatonna, 5; Winona 1st, 272 46

[blocks in formation]

NEBRASKA. Hastings-Nelson, 50 cts. Kearney-North Loup, 4 76; Ord, 4 50; Wilson Memorial, 5 35. Nebraska City -Beatrice, 19 08; Humboldt, 8 70. Niobrara-West Union, 1. Omaha-Omaha Ambler Place, 2; Omaha 1st, 67 09; Omaha Southwest, 16; South Omaha, 2. 125 98

NEW JERSEY.-Elizabeth-Elizabeth Marshall St., 17 55; Elizabeth Westminster, add'l, 4 03; New Providence, 20; Plainfield Crescent Ave, 150; Rahway Ger., 1 50. Jersey City-Paterson 3d, 10. Monmouth-Beverly, 28 94; Cream Ridge, 3: Lakewood, 11 16; Manasquan, 18 62; Mt. Holly, 10 44; Tom's River, 4. Morris and Orange-Chatham, add'l, 1; Flanders, 5; Summit Central, 48 20. Newark-Newark 3d, 114 28. New Brunswick- Kingwood, 2; Kirkpatrick Memorial, 4; Princeton 2d, 6; Trenton Prospect St., 5 13. Newton-Bloomsbury, 8 36; Hope, 2; Newton, 50; Yellow Frame, 13 58. West Jersey-Cedarville 2d, 3 12.

541 91

NEW YORK.-Albany-Ballston Spa, 17 40; Esperance, 6 14; Mariaville, 5. Binghamton-Binghamton West, 14; Cortland, 87 22. Brooklyn-Brooklyn Greene Ave., 12 40; West Nex Brighton Calvary, 18 20. Cayuga-Fair Haven, 2 25; Weedsport, 20 30. Chemung-Watkins, 16 60. Columbia-Greenville, 7 05; Windham Centre, 12. Geneva-Canandaigua 1st, 19 25; Penn Yan, 40; Seneca Falls, 30. Hudson-Circleville, 5: Good Will, 2 70; Goshen, 25; Hopewell, 16 50; Middletown 2d, 2 86; Otisville, 3. Long Island-Southampton, 26 47. Lyons-Wolcott 1st, 7 34. Nassau-Freeport, 10. New YorkNew York 1st, 278 78; New York Central, 194 57; New York Harlem, add'l, 25; New York Madison Square, 396 64; New York Madison Ave., 104 84; New York Rutgers, 30 92; New York West, 541 60; New York Westminster, 9 35. Niagara

Holley, 13 12; Lockport 1st, 42 35; Somerset, 3. North River -Marlborough, 17 25; Poughkeepsie, 2 95. Otsego-Gilbertsville, 23. Rochester-Brockport, 15 65; Lima, 18 28; Mendon, 8; Ossian, 2 25; Rochester Memorial, 11. St. LawrenceCape Vincent, 6; Hammond, 8; Sackett's Harbor, 5. Steuben-Almond, 4 40; Arkport, 1 20; Bath, 56; Campbell, 20; Canaseraga, 4 50; Howard, 15. Troy-Troy 9th, 40. Westchester-Gilead, 1; Hartford, 35; Mt. Kisco, 15 50; South Salem, 14 45; West Farms, 8; Yonkers Westminster, 15 35.

2404 63

OHIO.-Athens-Amesville, 6. Bellefontaine-Bellefontaine, 271; Patterson, 53 cts.; Upper Sandusky, 5; Urbana 1st, 15 88. Chillicothe-Bainbridge, 4; Hillsborough, 25 25; Mt. Pleasant, 5 80; Salem (South), 11 80. Cincinnati-Cincinnati Central, 15 62; Loveland, 11 63; Monterey, 1; Maple Grove, 1; Williamsburgh, 4. Cleveland-Cleveland 1st, 32; Cleveland Calvary, a member, 10. Columbus-Bethel, 2; Bremen, 2 05; Central College, 12 93; Greenfield, 2 65; Groveport, 175; Lancaster 1st, 3 60; Lithopolis (sab-sch., 30 cts.), 8; Rush, 4 95. Dayton-Dayton 4th, 21; Dayton 3d St., 145 57; New Carlisle 1st, 8; New Jersey, 9; Xenia, 14. HuronFostoria, 12; Fremont, 30; Genoa, 2; Huron, 3 32. LimaDelphos, 20; Lima Main St., 2 50. Mahoning-Columbiana, 4; Leetonia, 5. Marion-Delaware, 21; Pisgah (Prospect), 3; West Berlin, 2. Maumee-Delta, 2; Toledo 1st, 10. Portsmouth-Felicity, 233; Rome, 7. St. Clairsville-Beulah, 3 60; Caldwell, 2; Kirkwood, 13 83; Martin's Ferry, 4 73. Steubenville-Carrollton, 9. Wooster-Apple Creek, 12; Chester, 2; Fredericksburgh, 23; Savannah, 6 86; West Salem, 3. Zanesville-Coshocton, 13; Jersey, 3 75.

610 64 PACIFIC.-Benicia-Healdsburgh, 22. Los Angeles-San Diego, 30 05. San Francisco-San Francisco Larkin St., 8. San Jose-Milpitas, 6. Stockton-Grayson, 4 05. 70 10 • PENNSYLVANIA.-Allegheny-Hoboken, 7 10; New Salem (Black Hawk), 2 43. Blairsville-Armagh, 2; Irwin, 6 50; Johnstown, 43 77; New Salem, 17. Butler-Harlansburg, 6: Martinsburg, 3; Middlesex, 12; New Salem, 5; North Washington, 3 17; Petrolia, 2; Summit, 7. Carlisle Carlisle 1st, 24 93; Shermansdale, 2 58; Wells Valley, 2. Chester-Bryn Mawr, 109 82; Dilworthtown, 5 53; Downingtown, 10 57; Honeybrook, 29 82; Middletown, 8; Oxford 1st, 86 57. Clarion-Perry, 5. Erie-Franklin, 50; Greenville, 47 70; Harmonsburg, 2; Oil City 1st, 18 40: Wattsburg, 1 25. Huntingdon-Altoona 1st, 33 45; Fruit Hill, 7 80; Lower Tuscarora, 12 40; Mifflintown Westminster, 23 75; Shade Gap, 4 54; Shaver's Creek, 2; Tyrone, 7 67. Kittanning Elder's Ridge, 13; Leechburg, 18; Parker City 1st, 6; Worthington, 14. Lackawanna-Carbondale, 54 02; Kingston, 21; Pittston (sab-sch., 21 38), 46 81; Plymouth, 8; Scranton 2d, 97 21; Susquehanna, 5; Towanda 1st, 49 15; Tunkhannock, 15 01; Wilkesbarre Grant St. chapel, 9. Lehigh-Reading 1st sabsch., from C. Shick, 37; Summit Hill (sab-sch. No. 1, 3 76, sab-sch. No. 2, 1 02), 13 23. Northumberland-Bald Eagle and Nittany, 16 36; Bloomsburg, 43 52; Great Island, 35; Williamsport 2d, 10 25. Philadelphia-Philadelphia 2d, from a member, 25; Philadelphia 3d, add'l, 2; Philadel phia 1st African, 2 50; Philadelphia Clinton St. Immanuel,


from "Beginners at Jerusalem," 50; Philadelphia South, 24 37. Philadelphia Central-Philadelphia Bethesda, 35 81; Philadelphia Central, 79; Philadelphia Cohocksink, 103 50; Philadelphia Hebron Memorial, 8 30; Philadelphia Kensington, 25 54; Philadelphia Kensington 1st, 33 08; Philadelphia North Broad St., 41 34; Philadelphia Northminster, 84 75: Philadelphia Princeton, 99 56; Philadelphia Richmond, 2 66. Philadelphia North-Bristol, 19; Macalester Memorial, 5 09; Manayunk, 25; Newtown, 49 54; Prov. idence, 30. Pittsburgh-Bethel, 50; Cannonsburg, 21; Homestead, 13; Mansfield, 12 47; Pittsburgh 2d, 9 07; Pittsburgh 3d, 235 66; Pittsburgh 6th, 28; Pittsburgh East Liberty, 40; Pittsburgh Park Ave., 30 87; Pittsburgh Shady Side, 34; Swissvale, 37; West Elizabeth, 9; Wilkinsburg, 44. Redstone -Dunbar, 27; Laurel Hill, 14 48; Scottdale, 7 70; West Newton, 19 02. Shenango-Beaver Falls, 15; Hopewell, 5 80; Mahoning, 5; Neshannock, 11 73; New Castle 1st, 16 71. Washington-Cameron, 4; Mt. Prospect, 14 62: West Union,


Westminster-Chestnut Level, 16 36; Middle Octorara, 5 42. West Virginia-French, 6; Morgantown, 4. 2605 26 TENNESSEE.-Holston-Mt. Bethel, 3; Timber Ridge, 1. Union-Centennial, 6; Cloyd's Creek, 3; Knoxville 4th.

30 25.


43 25 15 00

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ATLANTIC.-Fairfield-Mt. Tabor, 3. South Florida-Eustis


Wash45 00


BALTIMORE.-Baltimore-Baltimore Broadway, 2. ington City-Washington Western, 43. CATAWBA. Catawba-Lose's Chapel, COLORADO.-Boulder-Valmont, 21 cts. Santa Fe-Ocate, 2 10; Phoenix, 5.

7 31

ILLINOIS.-Alton-Greenville, 4 35. Freeport-Cedarville, 8; Oregon, 3 51; Warren, 5; Winnebago, 17. Mattoon-Arcola, 9; Tower Hill, 6. Peoria-Knox, 11 35; Prospect, 22 30. Schuyler-Augusta, 9; Burton Memorial, 5; Oquawka, 4 50; Perry, 10. Springfield-Pisgah, 2 64; Unity, 1; Virginia, 15.

133 65 INDIANA. Crawfordsville-Pleasant Hill, 1 27; Rossville, 3. Indianapolis-Bethany, 1 50. Muncie Wabash, 1 25. White Water-Liberty, 10. 17 02 6 15

INDIAN TERRITORY.-Muscogee-Wewoka, Iowa.-Cedar Rapids-Bethel, 4 75; Onslow, 6 40; Wyoming, 3 65. Des Moines-Winterset, 20. Dubuque -Independence 1st, 40. Iowa-Keokuk Westminster, 1 28; Mediapolis, 1 20; New London, 50 cts. Iowa City-Atalíssa, 2; Muscatine Ger., 1. 80 78 2 60 KENTUCKY.-Ebenezer-Sharpsburgh, 6 60. LouisvilleLouisville 4th, 7. 13 60


MICHIGAN.-Detroit-Detroit Westminster, 9 64. Grand Rapids-East Jordan, 7. 16 64

MINNESOTA.-Mankato-Luverne, 5. St. Paul-St. Paul House of Hope sab-sch., 15 42. Winona-Owatonna, 5; Preston, 12. 37 42 MISSOURI.-Osage-Kansas City 2d, 261 65; Sedalia 1st sab-sch., 3. St. Louis-St. Louis Lafayette Park, 23. 287 65 NEBRASKA-Hastings-Nelson, 50 cts. Nebraska City

Blue Springs, 4 10; Humboldt, 3 70. Niobrara-West Union, 1. Omaha-Wahoo, 4 10; Webster, 2 12.

15 52

NEW JERSEY.-Elizabeth-Elizabeth Westminster, 292 92. Monmouth- Allentown, 20; Farmingdale, 30. NewarkNewark Park, 192 45. New Brunswick-Dutch Neck, 35. Newton-Hackettstown, 25; Newton (Y. L. M. B., 25), 65.

660 37

NEW YORK.-Albany-West Troy 1st, 2. BinghamtonCortland, 92 77; Waverly 1st, 59 60. Brooklyn-Brooklyn 2d, 173 93; Brooklyn Throop Ave., Y. L. M. B., 15. Buffalo Tonawanda, 16. Genesee-Warsaw, 37; Wyoming sab-sch., 9. Geneva-Canandaigua 1st, 8 40; Geneva 1st, 28 21. HudsonGood Will, 2 70; Hopewell sab-sch., 8 89; Middletown 1st, 2 86; Ridgebury, 1. Long Island-Setauket, 10. NassauFreeport, 18. New York-New York 4th Ave., Girls' Band, 22 50; New York University Place, 258 69. Niagara-Lockport ist, 63 79. North River-Poughkeepsie, 2 94; Westminster Salt Point, 3 25. Otsego-Cherry Valley, 18 70. RochesterCaledonia, 5; Geneseo 1st, 6 30; Rochester Central, W. M. S., 71 75, sab-sch., 30. Steuben-Arkport, 1 20. Utica-Clinton, 47 14. 1016 62

OHIO.-Bellefontaine Bellefontaine, 2 71; Patterson, 53 cts. Chillicothe-Bainbridge, 5. Cleveland Cleveland 1st, 32; Cleveland Calvary Chapel, a member, 15. DaytonGreenville, 8. Mahoning-Kinsman, 21. Marion-Delaware, 24. Portsmouth-Felicity, 2 10. St. Clairsville-Buffalo, 6 03. Steubenville Del Roy, 6; Feed Spring, 3; Long's Run, 8 74; Madison, 3 39. Zanesville-Jersey, 3 75. PACIFIC.-Los Angeles-San Gorgonia, 235 PENNSYLVANIA.—Allegheny-Springdale, 5. BlairsvilleArmagh, 2; Plum Creek, 12 75. Butler-Buffalo, 18; Butler, 56 46; Fairview, 4; Karns City, 2; Martinsburg, 4: New Salem, 9; North Washington, 12 40, sab-sch., 12 60-25; Pe

141 15

trolia, 2; Sunbury, 22; Westminster, 8. 'Clarion-Beech Woods, 16 45. Erie-Fairfield, 9; Garland, 5 37: Pittsfield, 286; Utica, 3 03: Westminster, 12. Huntingdon-Clearfield, 19 83, sab-sch., 10-29 83. Kittanning-Kittanning 1st, 83 47; Leechburgh, 20; Slate Lick, 14 30. Lackawanna-Scranton 1st, 165. Lehigh-Reading ist, 90 66; Summit Hill ch., 8 45, sab-sch. 1, 3 76, sab-sch. 2, 1 02-13 23. NorthumberlandJersey Shore, 24. Philadelphia-Philadelphia 1st African, 250. Philadelphia Central-Philadelphia Cohock sink, 18 04; Philadelphia Mantua 2d, 11; Philadelphia North Broad St., 266 21. Philadelphia North-Conshohocken, 6 25; Manayunk, 20. Pittsburgh Homestead, 12; McDonald, 17 25; Pittsburgh East Liberty, 97; Pittsburgh Park Ave., 41 16; Pittsburgh Park Ave. Miss. Band, 13 71; Pittsburgh Shady Side, 42.50. Redstone-Uniontown, 21 58. Washington-Upper Ten Mile, 13. Wellsboro-Elkland and Osceola, 2. Westminster-Mt. Joy, 30. West Virginia-Morgantown, 5.

TENNESSEE.-Holston-New Hope,
UTAH.-Utah-American Fork,

1278 61 1.00 3 00

WISCONSIN.-Chippewa-Rice Lake, 2. La Crosse-Neillsville, 5. Lake Superior-Negaunee, 14 68. Woman's Executive Committee..

21 68 1123 74


Miss Maple, 2d Pres. ch., Pittsburgh, 4; J. S. Lord, Laingsburg, Mich., 1; Mrs. T. Pearl, Marshall, Mich., 1; Estate of Mrs. N. S. Laughlin, Apollo, Pa., 100; Rev. F. A. McGaw, Chicago, Ill., 2; Rev. J. A. Peacock, Holmesburg, Pa., 3; " Cash," Dackton, 20; Estate of G. W. Warner, Canaan, N. Y., 200; "Two Friends," Pound Ridge, N. Y., 20; J. B. Woods, Sprout, Ky., 20; Rev. R. Taylor, Beverly, N. J., 25; H. E. Noxon, Noxon, N. Y., 1; Mrs. "A. J. C.," Buffalo, Pa., 6; Mrs. Mary Mantford, Buffalo, Pa., 15; Mrs. J. L. Cathcart, 20; "C., Ark.," 6; Rev. W. L. Tarbet and wife, 1 93..

Total receipts in November, 1887

445 93 $5365 37

CORRECTION.-In the report of contributions for Freedmen in October, published in December, $287.46, credited to the 1st Church of Newton, Presbytery of Newton, should be credited to the 1st Church of Trenton, Presbytery of New Brunswick.


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ILLINOIS.-Alton - Chester, 6; Jerseyville, Y. P. Assoc'n Chr. Work, 4 10; Raymond, 1 35. Bloomington-El Paso, 20 21; Heyworth, 26; Minonk, 20 62; Wenona, 33, sab-sch., 250. Cairo-Golconda, 16. Chicago-Austin, 35 45; Chicago 21, 450; Chicago 3d, 25 30; Chicago 6th, for Waldensian ch., 2572; Chicago 6th, for Italy, 25 72; Chicago Covenant, 237 53; Chicago Scotch sab-sch., 4 53; Glenwood, 7; Homewood, 447; Normal Park, 6 90; Wilmington, 13 20, sab-sch., 15. Freeport -Freeport 1st, 150; Winnebago, 48; New London, 3. Mattoos-Assumption, 7; Morrisonville, 8 05; Moweaqua, 25; Pana, 25 17; Taylorville, 38; West Okaw, 4 15. OllawaPark L. M. Soc., for China, 25. Peoria-Canton, 54. Rock River-Peniel sab-sch., 5. Schuyler-Burton Memorial, 10; Carthage, 33 57; Kirkwood, 10; Mt. Sterling, 54 05; Rushville, 77 52. Springfield-Lincoln, 9; Pisgah, 6 15; Springfield 3d, 65 04; Springfield 1st Portuguese, 6 15; Unity, 234; Rev. W. L. Tarbet and wife, 4 50. 1651 39

INDIANA.-Crawfordsville-Dayton, 65; Pleasant Hill, 1. Logansport-S. Bend 1st, Mrs. Dayton, 5; Mrs. P. A. Chapin, 5. Muncie Wabash, 8 25. New Albany-Bedford, 20, sabsch., 6; Pleasant Township, 4. Vincennes-Carlisle, 1; Clairborne, 5; Poland, 5 08. White Water-Lawrenceburgh, 6 70, sab-sch., 3 33.

135 36

Iowa.-Cedar Rapids-Blairstown, 16 07, sab-sch., 3 75; Clarence sab-sch., 16 20; Mechanicsville, 9 95; Mt. Vernon, 24 31; Wyoming, 24 09. Council Bluffs - Council Bluffs sab-sch., 59 59; Imogene, 5 50; Randolph, 1986. Des Moines Chariton, 13 66; Dexter sab-sch., 6 67; Earlham, 4. Fort Dodge Calliope, 17 38. Iowa-Keokuk Westminster, 896; Lebanon, 3; Mediapolis, 7 92; New London, 3 30. Iowa City -Blue Grass, 1 66; Herinon, 3 41, sab-sch., 1 20; Keota, 20; Lafayette, 5; Muscatine Ger., 5; What Cheer, 12. Waterloo -East Friesland Ger., 24, sab-sch., 2 91; Holland Ger., a member, 10; Kamrar, 36; Waterloo, 30. 389 49

INDIAN TERRITORY.-Choctaw-Weelock, 3, sab-sch., 2 36.

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KENTUCKY.-Ebenezer-Falmouth, 5; Ludlow, 15 60: Murphysville, 450; Paris, 25; Williamstown, 39 15. Louisville -Owensboro' 1st, 52 20.

141 45

MICHIGAN.-Detroit-Ann Arbor, 28 50; Brighton, 6; Detroit 1st, 50; Detroit Westminster, 63 61; Pontiac sab-sch., for China, 25; Saline, 6 30; South Lyon, 27; Ypsilanti, 40. Grand Rapids-Boyne City, 1; Boyne Falls, 2 25; East Jordan, 20; Grand Rapids Mission Wood, 7 25; Spring Lake, 12 50, sab-sch., 12 50; Grand Rapids Westminster, 24 30; W.

H. and F. Miss. Soc., Memorial Gift for India, 35; Tustin, 5 50, sab-sch., 1. Kalamazoo-Richland, 42 50. LansingAlbion, 20 58. Monroe-Monroe, 184. Saginaw-Saginaw, 4; Vassar, 12 56; Saginaw Washington Ave., 6. 637 25 MINNESOTA.-Mankato-Wells Ladies' Miss. Soc., 5; Windom, 12; Worthington, 84 70. St. Paul-St. Paul 1st, 47; St. Paul Central, 42 73; St. Paul House of Hope, Steady Stream Miss. Soc., 17 13; Vermilion, 5. Winona-Chester, 6; Fremont, 6.

225 56

MISSOURI.-Ozark-Neosho, 15 33. Palmyra-Birdseye Ridge, 5. Platte-Grant City, 7; Knox. 3; New Point, 13. St. Louis-Emmanuel Ger, sab-sch., 10; St. Louis Lafayette Ave., 76 48. 129 81 NEBRASKA. Hastings-Nelson, 3 30; Oxford sab-sch., 3; Republican City, 11. Nebraska City-Plattsmouth 1st, 39 60. Niobrara-West Union, 1. Omaha-Belle Centre, 2 47; Bellevue, 41 25; Lyons sab-sch., 7; Webster, 2 60. 111 22

NEW JERSEY.-Elizabeth-Elizabeth Westminster, 20 51; Rahway Ger., 8 50. Jersey City-Arlington sab-sch. Miss. Soc., 5; Tenafly, 50. Monmouth-Beverly sab-sch., 25; Farmingdale, 70; Sayreville Ger., 5 25; Shrewsbury, 58 50. Morris and Orange-Dover Welsh, 15; Mine Hill, 15; Orange 2d, 736 48; Schooley's Mountain, 42; South Orange, 4 17; St. Cloud, 140; Flanders, Ladies' Miss. Soc., 6, Girls' Miss. Band, 5. Newark-Montclair, a friend, 100; Newark High St. sabsch., 10 37; Newark Roseville, 391 24, Alaska Band, free thank-off., 22 46. New Brunswick-Bound Brook, 40; Dutch Neck, 64 33, sab-sch., 7, Cranbury Neck sab-sch., 15 33, parsonage sab-sch., 13 34; Kingwood, 3; Trenton Prospect St., 45 93. Newton-Andover, 7 65, sab-sch., 1 80; Beattystown, 9. West Jersey-Hammondton sab-sch., 25. 1962 26

NEW YORK.-Albany-Broadalbin, 2. Binghamton-East Maine, 3; Whitney's Point, 5 54. Boston-South Framingham, 6. Brooklyn-Brooklyn 1st, 78 34; Brooklyn Lafayette Ave. sab-sch. Miss. Asso., 350; Brooklyn South 3d St., E. D., 67 56; Brooklyn Throop Ave., 63; Brooklyn Westminster, 355 23; Edgewater 1st, 18 98; Noble St., 30 50. BuffaloBuffalo 1st, 500; East Aurora, 43, sab-sch., 12; Gowanda, 571; Union missionary meeting, 36. Cayuga-Owasco, 11 25. Champlain Chazy, 22 76. Chemung-Burdett, 63 20, for India and Japan, 50; Southport, 14 03. Columbia-Ancram Lead Mines, 3 50; Centreville, 5 78; Spencertown sab-sch., 4 05. Genesee-East Pembroke, 20; North Bergen, 7 50. Geneva-Canandaigua. 28 15; Seneca, 26 30, life members, 60. Hudson-Good Will, 17 82; Hamptonburgh, 31; Middletown 2d, 18 93, for salary of a native Chinese missionary, Dr. Corbett's sch., 100; Ridgebury, 2 15; Circleville, 5, sab-sch., 3 50. Long Island-Bellport, 9: East Hampton, 60; Greenport, 50; Port Jefferson, 21 05; South Haven, 6. Lyons-Palmyra, 44 94. New York-New York Covenant, 234 33; New York Harlem sab-sch., for Syria, 45; New York Westminster sabsch., 5; New York W. 23d St., 238; New York Knox, 31 65: New York Zion Ger., 8 73. Niagara-Lockport 2d Ward, 14 02; Rev. L. B. Rogers, 10. North River-Amenia, 25; Little Britain, 4 25, sab-sch., 10; Marlborough, 11 70, J. K. W., 10; Newburgh Calvary, 11 77; Poughkeepsie, 19 44, sab-sch., 100. Rochester-Brockport, 98 76; Clarkson, 6 50; Lima sabsch., 10; Mendon, 18 25; Piffard, 32, sab-sch., 6; Rochester Brick, 260; Rochester Central, for China, 40, Y. P. Soc. Chr. End., for orphanage, India, 50; Rochester Westminster, 67; Sparta 1st, 20; Sparta 2d, 16 80; Websters, 12; Sweden 1st, 29 32. St. Lawrence-De Kalb, 5; Potsdam, 108 21. SteubenAlmond, 4; Arkport, 7 94; Campbell sab-sch., 30; Woodhull, 4. Syracuse-Amboy, 16; Baldwinsville, 42; Syracuse 1st Ward, 32; Syracuse Park, For. Miss. Soc., 210 76. TroyChester sab-sch., 7; Lansingburgh 1st, 145; Salem, 2. Utica

Martinsburgh, 4; Williamstown, 7 31, Floral Miss. Band, 3. Westchester-Huguenot Memorial, 26; Peekskill 1st, 22 32; Rye sab-sch., 250; Throgg's Neck, 3 27.

4638 19


NORTH DAKOTA.-Pembina-Bathgate, OHIO.-Athens-New Plymouth,5 11. Bellefontaine-Bellefontaine, 17 92; Kenton sab-sch, 4 60; Patterson, 3 51; Zanesfield, 5 05. Cincinnati - Cincinnati Cumminsville, 23 15, sab-sch., 5 46; Springdale sab-sch., 5. ClevelandAshtabula, 63 20; Cleveland 1st, 571 20; Cleveland 2d, 1000; East Cleveland, 36 36; Guilford, 40 25; Kingsville, 8. Huron -Milan, 21 40. Lima-Middlepoint, 5; Van Wert, 24. Mahoning-East Palestine, 7; Poland, 110 25, sab-sch., 20. Youngstown 1st, 47 56. Marion-Marion, 40; Marysville, 19 57. St. Clairsville-Buffalo, 39 80; Concord sab-sch., 56; New Athens, 20 93. Steubenville-Cross Creek, 10; Deersville, 11 50; East Liverpool, 91; Irondale, 7 20; Monroeville, 6; Toronto, 27. Wooster-Blooming Grove, 6. ZanesvilleCoshocton, 77; Jersey, 24 75; Kirkersville, 6 77; Newark Salem Ger., 5 25; Zanesville 2d, 178.

2650 79 PACIFIC.-Benicia-San Rafael, 20. Los Angeles-Alhambra, 9 15; Colton, 43 50; Grand View, 72 10, sab-sch., for Persia, 4 52; Los Angeles 3d, 216 95, sab-sch., 8 05; Los Angeles Chinese, 32; Pasadena Calvary, 50; San Bernardino, 47; Santa Monica, 21 40; Santa Paula, 13 15; Tustin, 11 40. San Francisco-Brooklyn, 25.

574 22

PENNSYLVANIA.-Allegheny-Freedom, 8; Springdale, 10; Valley, 500. Blairsville-Armagh, 5; Beulah, 47; Poke Run sab-sch., 22. Butler-Allegany, 6; Fairview, 6. CarlisleBig Spring, 131 85; Burnt Cabins, 4: Chambersburg Falling Spring sab-sch., 38 50; Green Hill, 25 84; Lower Path Valley, 26; Millerstown, 14 40; Monaghan, 26; Newport, 18; Wells Valley, 2. Chester Upper Octorara, 40 57; East Wheatland, 10; Rev. V. D. Reed, 10. Clarion-Licking sabsch., 7 80; Perry, 10; Reynoldsville, 13. Erie-Conneautville, 12 89, sab-sch., 2: Greenville, 20; Harmonsburg, 7, sab-sch., 10; Mt. Pleasant, 4 54; Northeast, 80; Sandy Lake, 3 14; Stoneboro', 2 45. Huntingdon-Altoona 1st, 128 65, sab-sch., 24 16: Curwensville, 23 04; Du Bois 2d, 35; Little Valley sab-sch., 4 26. Kittanning-Bethel, 7; Glade Run, 30; Smicksburg, 1 50. Lackawanna-Brooklyn, 25; Rushville, 11; Stevensville, 8; Wysox, 5. Lehigh-Easton 1st, 161, sab-sch., 25; Easton Brainerd, Robert McCarlin, dec'd, for India, 285; Tamaqua, Geo.Wiggins, 25; Summit Hill, 55 80, sab-sch. No. 1, 24 83, No. 2, 6 74. Northumberland-Bloomsburg, 290 38; Northumberland, 15; Williamsport 2d, 66 50. Philadelphia-Philadelphia 1st, for Oroomiah College, 500; Philadelphia 2d, a member, 25; Philadelphia 9th, 72 12; Philadelphia Mariner's, 9 51; Philadelphia Tabernacle Young Men's Asso., for Peking Hospital, 40. Philadelphia Central-Philadelphia Covenant, 10; Philadelphia Gaston sab-sch., 21 79; Philadelphia Kensington sab-sch., 49; Philadelphia Mantua 2d, 16; Philadelphia Richmond, 2 66; Philadelphia West Arch St., 756 23. Philadelphia North-Abington, 72 15; Chestnut Hill, 417; Leverington, 4 30; Norristown 1st, for Japan, 25; Providence sab-sch., 80 12; Port Kennedy, 7; Roxborough, 9 31; Thompson Memorial, 5. Pittsburgh-McKee's Rock, 30 15; Hazlewood, 134 23; Island, 11; Pittsburgh 2d, 59 78; Pittsburgh 4th, 49 32, sabsch., 10 61; Pittsburgh East Liberty, 206; Pittsburgh Park Ave., 123 49; Pittsburgh Shady Side, 85. Redstone-Brownsville, 17; Dunbar, 82; Mt. Pleasant Reunion, 53 20; Rehoboth, 62 28. Shenango-Leesburg, 20; Neshannock sab-sch., 80; Rich Hill, 3; Princeton sab-sch., 96 48. WashingtonCross Creek, 49; New Cumberland, 60; Upper Buffalo sabsch., 6: Wellsburg, 30 64: Wheeling 1st, 40, W. H. H., 100; A. P., 50; Washington 1st Young Ladies' Band, for Mrs. J.

[blocks in formation]

Z. L. Parker, Bath, N. Y., 60; William B. Hincks, Bridgeport, Conn., 21; Rev. H. A. Smith, Columbiana, Ala., 11; "A friend," for Syria, 20; Sale of curios, 1; J. W. Parks, Hunnewell, Kan., 25; Young Men's Christian Asso., Easton, W. Va., 1 50; John H. Aughey, Chariton, Iowa, 2 71; A. W. King, Williamsport, Pa., 15; A. B. McGowan, Captain U. S. A., Fort Sully, Dak., 5; Miss Currier, Akron, N. Y., 1 25; "M. E. C.," 1; C. Arbuthnot, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1000; Rev. J. B. Kolb, Bahia, Brazil, 100; Rev. W. W. Atterbury, D.D., 50; Union Theological Seminary, New York city, 24; Chinese at Portland, Oregon, 2 05; Simultaneous missionary meeting, Mifflinburg, Pa., 8 50; Cash, 1; James Russell, Milton, O., 100; K. H., for orphanage building, India, 5; Mrs. A. L. West, Milwaukee, for orphanage building, India; J. N. Field, Boden, England, 150; William Doye, Chicago, Ill., 37 cts.; T. L. Milligan, Philadelphia, for H. Corbett sch., China, 3; Balance of collections for expenses at Baltimore simultaneous meetings, 25; “S. J. McM.," 100; Charles Jewett, Collins, N. Y., 26; G. E. Wall, The Dalles, Oregon, 1 25; Hapland, Chicago, 250; Cash, 10; Mrs. S. D., Webster City, Iowa, 11 35; C., Ark., 18; Anonymous, 8; W. W. L., 25; J. T. Williston, Ashland, N. Y., 1 50; J. B. Woods, Sprouts, Ky., 20; S. S. Maynard, Belmont county, O., 1...

Total receipts from churches, Sabbath-schools and miscellaneous sources...


Bequest of Mrs. N. L. McLaughlin, Apollo, Pa......
Amount received in November, 1887...
Total receipts from May 1, 1887..

Box 2009.

103 50

15,422 50

2,110 48

$37,735 26

100 00 $37,835 26 261,933 71

WM. RANKIN, Treasurer, 23 Centre Street, New York, N. Y.

The receipts for Sabbath-school Work are postponed for lack of space.





If managers of railroads had occasion to raise the question, "How shall we secure an adequate supply of engineers ?" they would at once turn their attention to the laws of supply and demand. They would hope for a solution of their question only in accordance with those laws. They would say, "The question is the same in its essential elements as if it related to commodities instead of men. An adequate supply of engineers is to be secured on the same principles as an adequate supply of coal. Briefly, the demand must bring the supply. The demand is the force of whose action the supply will be the effect."

What do they mean by demand? and how does the force which they thus name operate? The demand for coal is a desire to possess coal, for its proper use, so strong that those influenced by it are willing to pay for it, to give money or other articles of value in exchange for it. In view of this known demand, other men are disposed to apply their energy and capital to the business of procuring coal and bringing it to the consumers. That is, as we say, mining it and bringing it to market.

The demand for engineers is a desire for their services which makes employers willing to pay them just wages-wages which will be sufficient to support them and their families; wages which will remunerate them for the time and expense of fitting them

selves for the business; wages the expectation of which will induce young men to prepare themselves for that employment by suitable education.

We may not dismiss these views as altogether secular or as having no application to sacred business. Those principles which determine the relations of demand to supply in trade and in all secular enterprises do not derive all their force from the selfishness of men. They stand closely related to very high ethical principles-principles which are recognized by our Lord as applicable to labors in his service, when he says, "The laborer is worthy of his hire;" and by inspired Paul, when, with similar application, he wrote, "Who goeth a warfare any time. at his own charges;" and when he further wrote, "Even so hath the Lord ordained that they who preach the gospel shall live of the gospel." We may not then dismiss as wholly inapplicable to our sacred enterprise the views which would be decisive in connection with any honorable secular enterprise.

Those views and those principles have some just application here. We must not ignore them, but place them in their true relations and their proper subordination.

We hold it equally certain that to remit this question wholly to those principles of political economy would be disastrous to the church and to religion. For an adequate

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