1 THE NORTHERN STAR, OR, Yorkshire Magazine: A MONTHLY AND PERMANENT REGISTER OF THE STATISTICS, ARTS, COMMERCE, AND MANUFACTURES OF YORKSHIRE, VOL. I. OTHER LONDON: AL PUBLISHED BY BALDWIN, CRADOCK, AND JOY, PATERNOSTER-ROW, AND BENTHAM AND RAY, PRINTERS, SHEFFIELD. Per. 531. PREFACE. THE NORTHERN STAR has arisen in an atmosphere of public favour, far more clear and auspicious than the most sanguine hopes of its proprietors could have anticipated. That which gave it much interest in public estimation, and to which it probably owes much of its success, has been a source of additional trouble to its conductors; but they have assiduously laboured to overcome disadvantages, and a candid public has graciously received their exertions. It should be recollected, that while it pretends not to the magnitude and splendour of a metropolitan constellation, its rays may not be less interesting, in which are concentered the scattered light which so large a county is affording. As the past success of the NORTHERN STAR has been great beyond expectation, so the future prospects of the editors are cheering to a proportional extent. An increasing correspondence, liberal offers from eminent literary characters, hold out the fair hope of a series of most interesting communications, and give the reasonable expectation of this work becoming a permanent repository of the ingenious efforts of intellect, which, but for such a vehicle, might perish in their birth. To speak in praise of the volume now before the public, would be a violation of that decorum which such occasions require; but it is impossible not to acknowledge the liberal aid of those friends whose labours have enriched our pages, and greatly added to their interest. |