criticism, though it contributes greatly to neatnefs of compofition. It is what follows. In a thought of any extent, we feldom mifs to find some parts intimately united, fome flightly, fome disjoined, and fome directly oppofed to each other. To find thefe conjunctions and disjunctions imitated in the expreffion, is a great beauty; because fuch imitation makes the words concordant with the fenfe. This doctrine may be illustrated by a familiar example: when we have occafion to mention the intimate connection that the foul hath with the body, the expreffion ought to be, the foul and body; because the particle the, relative to both, makes a connection in the expreffion, refembling in fome degree the connection in the thought: but when the foul is diftinguished from the body, it is better to fay the foul and the body; because the disjunction in the words resembles the disjunction in the thought. I proceed to other examples beginning with conjunctions. Conftituit agmen ; et expedire tela animofque, equitibus juffis, &c. Livy, L. 38. § 25. Here the words that exprefs the connected ideas are artificially connected by subjecting them both to the regimen of one verb. And the two following are of the fame kind. Quum Quum ex paucis quotidie aliqui eorum caderent aut vulnerarentur, et qui fuperarent, feffi et corporibus et animis effent, &c. Livy, L. 38. § 29. Poft acer Mneftheus adducto conftitit arcu, But to justify this artificial connection among the words, the ideas they exprefs ought to be intimately connected; for otherwife that concordance which is required between the fenfe and the expreffion will be impaired. In this view a paffage from Tacitus is exceptionable; where words that fignify ideas very little connected, are however forc'd into an artificial union. Here is the paffage : Germania omnis a Galliis, Rhætiifque, et Pannoniis, Rheno et Danubio fluminibus; a Sarmatis Dacifque, mutuo metu aut montibus feparatur. De moribus Germanorum, Upon the fame account, I esteem the following paffage equally exceptionable. The fiend look'd up, and knew His mounted fcale aloft; nor more, but fled Murm'ring, and with him fled the shades of night. Paradife Loft, B. 4. at the end. There is no natural connection between a perfon's flying or retiring, and the fucceffion of day-light to darkness; and therefore to connect artificially the the terms that fignify these things cannot have a fweet effect. Two members of a thought connected by their relation to the fame action, will naturally be expreffed by two members governed by the fame verb; in which case these members, in order to improve their connection, ought to be conftructed in the fame manner. This beauty is fo common among good writers as to have been little attended to; but the neglect of it is remarkably difagreeable: for example, "He did not men"tion Leonora, nor that her father was dead." Better thus: "He did not mention Leonora, "nor her father's death." Where two ideas are fo connected as to require but a copulative, it is pleasant to find a connection in the words that exprefs thefe ideas, were it even fo flight as where both begin with the fame letter: The peacock, in all his pride, does not display half the colour that appears in the garments of a British lady, when she is either dreffed for a ball or a birth-day. Spectator, N° 265. Had not my dog of a steward run away as he did, without making up his accounts, I had ftill been immerfed in fin and fea-coal. Ibid. N° 530. My life's companion, and my bofom-friend, Dryden, Tranflation of Æneid. There There is obviously a fenfible defect in neatness when uniformity is in this cafe totally neglected *; witnefs the following example, where the construction of two members connected by a copulative is unneceffarily varied. For it is confidently reported, that two young gentlemen of real hopes, bright wit, and profound judgement, who upon a thorough examination of caufes and effects, and by the mere force of natural abilities, without the leaft tincture of learning, have made a difcovery that there was no God, and generously communicating their thoughts for the good of the public, were fome time ago, by an unparallelled feverity, and upon I know not what obfolete law, broke for blafphemy*. [Better thus] : Having made a discovery that there was no God, and having generously communicated their thoughts for the good of the public, were fome time ago, &c. He had been guilty of a fault, for which his master would have put him to death, had he not found an opportunity to escape out of his hands, and fled into the deferts of Numidia. Guardian, N° 139. f If all the ends of the revolution are already obtained, it is not only impertinent to argue for obtaining any of them, but factious defigns might be imputed, and the name of incendiary be applied with fome colour, perhaps, to any one who should perfift in preffing this point. Differtation upon parties, Dedication. See Girard's French grammar, difcourfe 12. An argument against abolishing Chriftianity. Swift. Next as to examples of disjunction and opposition in the parts of the thought, imitated in the expreffion; an imitation that is diftinguished by the name of antithefis. Speaking of Coriolanus foliciting the people to be made conful: With a proud heart he wore his humble weeds. Had you rather Cæfar were living, and die all flaves; than that Cæfar were dead, to live all free men? Julius Cæfar. He hath cool'd my friends and heated mine enemics. Shakespear. An artificial connection among the words, is undoubtedly a beauty when it reprefents any peculiar connection among the conftituent parts of the thought; but where there is no fuch connection, it is a pofitive deformity, as above obferved, because it makes a difcordance between the thought and expreffion. For the fame reafon, we ought alfo to avoid every artificial oppofition of words where there is none in the thought. This laft, termed verbal antithefis, is ftudied by low writers, because of a certain degree of livelinefs in it. They do not confider how incongruous it is, in a grave compofition, to cheat the reader, and to make him expect a contraft in the thought, |