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terbuch. Von Jacob Grimm und Wilhelm Grimm. Leipzig: Hirzel.) Anything more minute, anything more full, cannot be conceived. Here are presented in the most condensed state, the reliable results of recent philological study, so far at least as the German language and kindred tongues are concerned. The work forms an epoch and will produce a revolution in lexicography.

Lastly, we mention a work, the publication of which (like the preceding) has but just commenced, but which also gives the highest promise, namely, a theological or general Church Dictionary, (Real-Encyklopädie für Protestantische Theologie und Kirche; Stuttgart, Scheitlin,) in the composition of which are engaged the highest names of the more moderate schools in Germany; such as Lepsius, the distinguished Egyptologist; Gieseler, Hagenbach, Lücke, Julius Müller, Nitzsch, Twesten, Ullmann, Umbreit, Tholuck, &c.; all men of the most varied and profound acquirements, whose united efforts are producing a summary of theological and ecclesiastical knowledge, which will command attention from all scholars, will offer instruction to conscientious and truth-loving students, and which, by exhibiting the positive results of the German theological studies of the last fifty years, cannot fail to disabuse the mind of those who think that German theology is little else than another name for scepticism, if not disbelief. Here we have the Voices of the Church' of Luther, expressed in the most deliberate, authoritative, and emphatic manner, which combine to declare that the foundations of our faith stand firm, after assaults the most various and the most determined, and which put into the hands of every diligent student (acquainted with German) the means of ascertaining for himself that important fact, as well as resources wherewith to meet and confute the objections which are circulated in England within the covers of extreme and second-rate publications.

*** Dr. Donaldson has written to us, complaining of criticisms relating to himself in our last number-especially of an insinuation that he has claimed as his own a theory or opinion about the pronunciation of quidem,' (273.) The answer of our contributor, in reply to the remarks of Dr. Donaldson generally, is full and satisfactory, but it is due to Dr. Donaldson to cite the terms of the reply in regard to the above point. 'My sentence is not an 'insinuation," but an open and direct charge-made conditionally, however, on the presumed correctness of Mr. Paley's quotation. Had I not been writing from a remote village, I should certainly have taken pains to collate the precise words employed by Dr. Donaldson, and I admit that I should then have used different language.'

We are obliged to our friends in Aberdeenshire. The scribe, Mr. William M'Combe, of Cairnballach, is not the only generous and amiable person who, on finding that he could not be allowed to inflict his dulness upon our readers, has made discoveries of this sort concerning us.


Æschyli Eumenides, translation of. By
B. Drake, M.Α., 272.
Æschyli Sapphics, Agamemno, Eumeni-
des. Recensuit. F. A. Paley, 271.
Affairs, on Foreign, 262.
American Indian Life, 266.
Ancient Christianity Exemplified. By
Lyman Coleman, 305.
Archipelago, the Indian, 263.
Aristocracy in France, 6, 8. See French

Atheism, the Philosophy of, examined.
By B. Godwin, D.D., 304.
Atlas for Schools, 580.1
Aurelii Propertii Carmina, with English
Notes. By F. A. Paley, 275.

Barnstarke, Life of, 574.

Benoni, Lorenzo; the Life of an Italian,

Romish missions in, 319; the Jesuits
in China, 320; their policy not giving
the Scriptures, 321; Protestant mis-
sions, Drs. Morrison and Milne trans-
late the Scriptures into Chinese, 322,
323; Jews in China, 324; origin of
the present insurrection, 325; its pro-
gress, 326, 327; its character, 328,
329; feeble efforts in opposition, 330,
333; proclamation and triumphs of
the insurgents, 334, 335; Sir G. Bon-
ham's intercourse with the chiefs, 337,
339; their Christian knowledge, how
obtained, 340, 342; their fanatical
pretensions, 343, 344; abolition of
idolatry, 345; testimony of Dr. Legge,
346, 347; of Bishop Smith, 348, 349;
prospects of China, 350, 352; project
to send a million of copies of the New
Testament, 353, 354.

Church History. By C. Hardwick, 590.

Bible, the, of Every Land, 588.
Bird, G., M.D., on Electricity, 101. See Clarke, J. E., on Lincolnshire Farming,



Books, Notes on, 306, 308, 591.
Brand of St. Dominic. By W. M. Rule,

Britannica, Encyclopædia, 579.

Budhism, a Manual of. By R. S. Hardy,

Bunbury's Life in Sweden, 579.
Bunyan's Works, 572.

Byzantine Empire, History of the. By
G. Finlay, 282.

Caste, the Theory and Practice of. By
B. A. Irving, 283.

Catholic Interests in the Nineteenth Cen-
tury. By Count de Montalembert, 170.
See Romanism.

Chalmers, Dr., Correspondence of, 306.
Chapman's Quarterly Series, 590.
China, the Revolution in, works on, 309;
its singular character, 310, 311; inte-
resting to Europe, 312; antiquity of
the Chinese agrees with the Bible, 313,
315; Confucius and Budhism, 316,
317; Christianity in China, 318;

381. See Fens.

Congregational Lectures. By Dr. Alex-
ander Hamilton, and Redford, 591.
Cornelii Taciti de Vita et Moribus. Cn
Julii Agricolæ Liber, 280.
Crusades as described by crusaders, 63;
eastern splendours, 64; early Turkish
aggressions, 65; origin of the crusades,
66; Peter the hermit, 67; councils of
Placentia and Clermont, 68; popular
movement, 69; progress of the cru-
saders, attack Nissa, 70, 71; religious
spirit of the crusaders, 72, 73; capture
of Jerusalem, 74, 75; its new king-
dom, and second crusade, 76; massacre
of the templars, the third crusade, 77;
Richard Cœur de Leon, 78, 80; sur-
render of Acre, 81, 82; progress to-
wards Jerusalem, 83, 84; return of
the army, and taking of Joppa, 85, 86;
Villehardouin's Chronicle, 87, 88; ex-
pedition to Constantinople, 89, 92; Le
Roy Thibaut and his poems, 93, 94;
Joinville's memoir, 'The Good King
Louis, 95, 96; his capture and libera-

tion, 97, 98; the true spirit of the
crusaders, 99, 100.
Cyclopædia Bibliographica, 285.

Delinquents, Juvenile, their condition and

treatment. By Mary Carpenter, 287.
Democracy in France, 16, 17. See French

Descartes, principles of the Philosophy of,

Dictionary, the Imperial, Technological,

and Scientific. By Dr. Ogilvie, 290.

Early Christianity, Memorials of. By
J. G. Miall, 299.

East India Company, the Administration
of the. By J. W. Kaye, 284.
Ecclesiastical History, a Compendium of.
By Dr. J. Giesler, 306.
Electricity and magnetism, 101; use of
electricity, 102; Dr. Gilbert on the
magnet, and Newton's discoveries, 103;
experiment at Shooter's Hill, 104;
atmospherical electricity, 105; Galvani
and his experiments, 106, 107; Volta
and Sir H. Davy and new experiments,
108, 109; electro-chemical decomposi-
tion, 110; Hans Christian Oersted and
his investigations, 111, 113; electro-
magnetis, 116, 118; dia-magnetism,
119, 120; terrestrial magnetism, 121;
physical condition of the sun, 122.
Employer and employed, relations be-
tween, 187; increase of population, 188;
new relations, 189; rates of wages, 190,
191; emigration, 192; profit on agri-
culture, 193; increased trade and con-
sumption of foreign provisions, 194,
195; increased emigration and exports,
196, 197; machinery increased, 198,
199; tendency to emigration, 200;
duties of employers, 201, 202.
Ephraim Syrus, Hymns of, translated by
H. Burgess, 585.

Felice, G. de, History of the Protestants

of France, 3. See French History.
Fens, English, their origin and improve-
ment, 381; fens and marshes, 382,
383; their geological character, 384,
386; formation of the Great Level,
387, 390; sea-banks, 391, 392; early
improvement, 393; divisions and claims,
394, 396; the draining of fens, 397,
399: dissolution of monasteries, 400,
401; efforts to improve the Great
Level, 402, 404; drainage of the "Bed-
ford Level," 405, 409; marshes of
Wisbeach and Lynn, 410; steam power
applied to fen drainage, 411, 413; the

"Norfolk Estuary," and "Lincoln Es-
tuary," 414, 415; improvements in
Holland, 416, 417; importance of im-
provements in, 418, 419.

Fern Leaves, from Fanny's Portfolio, 579
French History, from the Reformation,
2, 3; influence of France in Europe, 4;
repels Asiatic barbarism, 5; aristo-
cracy in France, 6, 8; monarchy in
France, 9, 10; Francis I., 11; Henry
IV., 12; Richelieu, 13, 14; his per-
nicious policy, 15; democracy in France,
16, 17; democratic insurrection, 18;
bishop Nandre, 19; states-general, 20,
22; the Dauphin and Marcel, 23, 24;
wars of the Fronde, 25, 26; religion
under Francis I., 27, 28; Henry II.
marries Catherine de Medicis, 29, 30;
the Bourbons, Coligny, 31, 32; French
Protestantism, 33, 38; the past a pro-
phecy of the future, 39, 40.

Galatians, An Exposition of the Epistle
to the. By J. Browne, D.D., 306.
Gazetteer of the World, 573.
German Philology. By Schleicher, 573.
Gospels, the Greek, Harmony of. By Dr.
Stroud, 581.

Gospels, the, their Origin and Connexion,

Greek Testament, Critical Editions of the,
Griesbach's, 41, 42; Matthei's and
Scholz's, 43; Lachmann's and Tis-
chendorf's, 46, 47; judgment of Dr.
Davidson, 46, 47; comparative value
of manuscripts, 50, 51; other manu-
scripts, 52; Codex Claramontanus and
others, 53, 55; cursive manuscripts,
their dates, 56, 58; points and stops,
59, 60; comparison of manuscripts by
Dr. Davidson, 61, 53.

Hippolytus. By W. E. Taylor, 591.
Horace, his Works, with Life. By Rev.
H. H. Milman, 202; birth and early
life, and first engagements, 203, 204;
his literary profession at Rome, 205,
206; literary patronage, 207, 208; a
bachelor about town, 209, 210; mode
of bachelor life at Rome, 211, 212; his
introduction to Mæcenas, 213, 214; as
a diner out in Rome, 215, 217; at his
country villa, 218, 219; the poet's age,
220; Roman satire, 221; Horace's place
among Latin authors, 223, 225; his
philosophy, 226, 227.

Howitt's Homes of the New World, 570.
Humourists, English. By W. M. Thacke-
ray, 269.

Hypatia, New Foes with an Old Face.


By C. Kingsley, 123, 124; metempsy-
chosis of ideas, 125; speculations in
religion, 126; Maurice, Trench, and
Kingsley, 127; Mr. Kingsley's style,
128, 130; sympathy the secret of
power, 131, 132; the church in the
fifth century, 133; characters in Alex-
andria, 134, 136; intellectual decrepi-
tude of the empire, 137, 138; Neo-
Platonism, Hypatia's lecture, 139, 141;
allegorical interpretation, 142; the-
osophy and theurgy of Neo-Platonism,
143, 144; eclectism of Ammonius
Saccas, 145, 146; Platonism and Neo-
Platonism, 147, 148; theosophic mys-
ticism becomes theurgic, 149, 150;
failure of Neo-Platonism, 151, 152;
Hypatia its representative, 153, 154;
heathendom, ideal and real, 155, 156;
corruptions of Christianity, 157, 158;
inconsistencies, 159; Pelagia, 160, 161;
Proclus, his influence in the East, 163,
164; Neo-Platonists of Florence, 165;
Florence and Alexandria, 166, 168;
Schlegel and his speculations vanish-
ing, 169.

Indian Archæology. By C. Lassen, 575.
Indian Archipelago, the. By Horace St.
John, 263.

Infidelity, its Aspects, Causes, and Agen-
cies. By J. Pearson, 305.
Intolerance, Religious, in Spain, History
of. By Don A. Castro, 271.
Ireland, Memorandums made in. By J.
Forbes, M.D., 266.

Israelitish Nation, a History of. By A.
Alexander, D.D., 303.

Jesuits, Celebrated. By W. M. Rule,

Jones, H. B., M.D., on Electricity and
Galvanism, 101. See Electricity.

Klose's Life of Pascal Paoli, 576.
Kossuth, Speeches of, 580.

Lands, Scenes in Other, with their Asso-
ciations. By J. Stoughton, 284.

By J.

Latinæ Grammaticæ Rudimenta.
W. Donaldson, D.D., 285.
Literature, Forms of. By T. T. Lynch,

Longer Exercises in Latin Prose Compo-
sition. By J. W. Donaldson, D.D.,

Men, Extraordinary, Secret History of.
By F. Bulan, 292.
Methodism, its Principles. By G. Steward,


512; anti-popular, 513; Mr. Wesley's
influence, 514, 517; power of Con-
ference, 518, 519; its operation, 520,
521; peculiar state of the ministry,
522, 525; its dependence on the
Conference, 526, 527; the public press
on Conference, 528, 529; opposition to
the principles of Wesley, 530, 531;
despotism of Methodism, 533; Mr.
Jackson on Independency, 534, 535;
defects of Independency, 536, 537; re-
quirements, 538, 539.

Mexico, A Visit to. By W. P. Robert-
son, 279.

Napoleon, History of the Captivity of, at
St. Helena. By W. Forsyth, 269.
Naturalist's, A, Rambles on the Devon-
shire Coast, 283.

New Theology in King's College, 438;
the professor's views of charity, 439;
of sin, 440, 441; the sense of right in
man, and his discovery of a Redeemer,
442, 443; the professor on the Son of
God, and the incarnation, 444, 446;
on the atonement, 447, 448; on justi-
fication, 449, 450; on the Protestant
doctrine, 452, 453; his complaint of
evangelical professors, 454, 455; his
views of inspiration, 457, 458; of
future punishment, 458, 459.

Overbeck, Dr. J., on Greek Art, 577.

Poets, British, 580.
Poets Laureate, Lives of, 580.
Portrait-Painting in History. ByJ. Bruce,
484, 486; Chaucer, 487; Mohammed,
488; various characters, 489, 490;
female beauty, 491, 493; Pericles,
Cæsar, and Charlemagne, 494, 498;
Milton, 499; ancient celebrities, 500,
501; personal characteristics, 503, 504.
Preacher, The, and the King; or, Bour-
daloue in the Court of Louis XIV., 30.
Prisons and Prisoners. By J. Kings-
mill, M.A., 287.

Prophecies of Jonah and Hosea. Notes,
Critical and Explanatory, on the. By
W. Drake, 299.
Protestant, French, Refugees. By M. C.
Weiss, 297.

Protestantism in France, 33, 38. See
French History.

Ranke, L., on the Civil Wars in France,
3. See French History.
Reformation in England, The. By J. H.
M. D'Aubigné, 302.

Reformers before the Reformation, 589.


[blocks in formation]

Religion and Business. By A. G. Morris,

Romanism, its alleged successes, 170;
contrast of its condition, 171; its tri-
umphs questioned, 172; its rival popes
and its reverses, 173, 174; Montalem-
bert's admissions and representations,
175, 176; English perverts, 177;
Papists' misrepresentations, 178; Pa-
pists in America and Ireland, 179, 180;
danger to Popery from allied despotism,
181; from democracy, 182; opposition
of Popery to freedom, 183; its support
from despotism, 184; revolution in
Austria, 185, 186; security of the
King of Prussia, and the Queen of
England, 186, 187.

Rule, Rev. W. H., on China, 310. See

Ruskin's Stones of Venice, 460. See Venice.
Russia and Turkey See Turkey.
Russia, the Progress of. By Urquhart,

541; difficulties of British statesmen
regarding, 542, 543; progress of Russia
in the last century, 543, 545; its
German alliances, 546, 547; British
policy regarding Hungary, 543, 550;
Russian intrigue, 551, 554; value of
Moldavia and Wallachia, 555, 557;
trade with Turkey, 558; despotism
and cruelty of the Russians, 559, 560;
corrupt state of the Russian Christians,
561, 562; Turkey less cruel, 563, 564;
policy of peace, 565, 566.
Russian wars in the Caucasus, 421;
position of the country regarding
Russia, 422; character of the Cau-
casians, 423; policy of Russia towards
them, 424, 425; its military operations,
426, 427; Shamyl, his history and
victories, 428, 430; siege and capture
of Achulgo, 431, 432; policy of Shamyl
to withstand the Russians, 433; their
vast preparations, 434; conquests and
losses, 435; repeated attacks on Achulgo,
Shamyl victorious, 436, 437.

Sargon and Sennacherib, Hebrew politics

in the times of. By E. Strachey, 265.
Scoresby, Rev. D., on Magnetic Investi-

gations, 101. See Electricity.
Separate Confinement in Pentonville Pri-
son. By J. S. Burt, B.A., 287.
Sermons on the Christian Life. By C.
Bradley, 306.

Smee, A., F.R.S., on Elements of Electro-
Biology, 101. See Electricity.

Soyer's History of Food, 570.
Staël, Madame de, Life of, 580.

Theological Essays. By F. D. Maurice,
M.A., 438. See New Theology.
Thibet and Tartary, Mrs. Hervey's Ad-
ventures in, 577.

Tieck, Von, Ludwig, and German Litera-

ture, 355, 356; his early life, 357, 360;
his tales, 361, 362; his poems and
dramas, 363, 364; his Prince Zerbino,
365; Garden of Poetry, 366, 374;
Puss in Boots, the Dwarf, Blue Beard,
Genoveva, 375, 376; his historical
novels, 377; Vittoria, 378, 380.
Turkey and Russia, 227; changes in
Europe, 228; errors in the ultra-move-
ment party, 229; the border lands, 230;
condition of Croatia, 231, 232; the
Sclavonic race, 232, 233; their condi-
tion under Austria, 234; Brod, king-
dom of Hungary, 235; the Magyars,
235; Kossuth and his position, 237;
surrender of Georgy, 238; annoyances
of Englishmen, a Russian embassy,
239; treachery of Russian agents, 240;
Turkish government superior to Rus-
sian, 241; Russian influence in Walla-
chia, 242, 243; evils of Russian occu-
pation, 244; Hospodars and improve-
ments, 245, 246; Russian officers, 247;
mercantile relations, 248; bar of Selina,
249, 250; the Danube, treaty of
Vienna, 251, 252; Bright, Hume,
Disraeli, 253; trade with the Moldo-
Wallachian provinces, 254; provisions
of treaties, 255; Russian artifice and
effrontery, 256, 257; British and
French alliance, 252, 259; their posi-
tion regarding Turkey, 260.

Tuski, Ten Months among the. By
Hooper, 577.

Venice, the Stones of. By J. Ruskin,
460; changes in the city, antiquities of,
461, 462; its ancient glory, 463; its
modern grandeur, 464, 465; St. Mark's
Church, 466, 468; Gothic style, 470,
474; in domestic buildings, 475, 477;
in churches and chapels, 478, 479; the
spirit of true religion and of supersti-
tion, 480, 483.

Wells, S., on the Draining of Bedford
Level, 381. See Fens.

Whitecross on the Human Intellects, 579.

Savill & Edwards, Printers, 4, Chandos-street, Covent-garden.

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