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" Temper'd with drugs of sovereign use, to assuage The boiling bosom of tumultuous rage ; To clear the cloudy front of wrinkled Care, And dry the tearful sluices of Despair : Charm'd with that virtuous draught, the... "
The Odyssey, tr. by A. Pope. To which is added, The battle of the frogs and mice - Page 58
by Homerus - 1807
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The Odyssey of Homer, Volume 2

Homer - Greek poetry - 1806 - 212 pages
...Wash, and partake serene the friendly feast. To move thy suit, Telemachus, delay, 2Q5 Till heav'n's revolving lamp restores the day. He said, Asphalion...the rites of purity repair, And with keen gust the sav'ry viands share. 300 Meantime with genial joy to warm the soul, Bright Helen mix'da mirth-inspiring...
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The Odyssey, tr. by A. Pope

Homerus - 1807 - 408 pages
...Wash, and partake serene the friendly feast. To move thy suit, Telemachus delay, . . 295 Till heav'n's revolving lamp restores the day. He said, Asphalion...the rites of purity repair, And with keen gust the sav'ry viands share. 300 Mean time with genial joy to warm the soul, Bright Helen inix'da mirth-inspiring...
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Pope's Homer's Iliad and Odyssey ; Dryden's Virgil and Juvenal ; Pitt's ...

Alexander Chalmers - English poetry - 1810 - 792 pages
...his troubled breast, Wash, and partake serene the friendly feast To move thy soil, Telcmacbus, delay, Till Heaven's revolving lamp restores the day.'? He...the rites of purity repair, And with keen gust the savory viands share. Meantime, with genial joy, to warm the soul, Bright Helen inix'da mirth-inspiring...
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Rowe's Lucan ; Grainger's Tibullus ; Fawkes's Theocritus ; Apollonuis ...

Alexander Chalmers - English poetry - 1810 - 798 pages
...L.— 4. The sovereign cure of human woes] Homer introduces Helen mixing such a bowl. Odyssy, b. 4. Meantime with genial joy to warm the soul, Bright...mirth-inspiring bowl ; Temper'd with drugs of sovereign use, t' asswage The boiling bosom of tumultuous rage; To clear the cloudy front of wrinkled care, And dry the...
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The Works of the English Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper, Volume 19

Alexander Chalmers - English poetry - 1810 - 770 pages
...Telemachus, delay, Till Heaven's revolving lamp restores llie day." He said, Asphalion swift the laxer brings; Alternate all partake the grateful springs...the rites of purity repair, And with keen gust the savpry viands share. »Meantime, with genial joy to warm the яиц), Bright Helen mrx'da mirth-inspiring...
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The Works of the English Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper;: Pope's Homer's ...

Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1810 - 762 pages
...troubled breast, Wash, and partake serene the friendly feast. To move thy suit, Tolernachus, delay, Till Heaven's revolving lamp restores the day." He said, Asphalion swift the lavcr brings ; Alternate all partake the grateful springs : Then from the rites of purity repair. And...
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The Works of the Greek and Roman Poets, Volume 3

Greek literature - 1813 - 386 pages
...troubled breast, Wash, and partake serene the friendly feast. To move thy suit, Telemachus, delay, Till heaven's revolving lamp restores the day.', And with keen gust the savoury viands share. Meantime with genial joy to warm the soul, Blight Helen mix'da mirth-inspiring bowl; Temper'd with...
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The Works of the Greek and Roman Poets, Volume 3, Part 1

Greek literature - 1813 - 394 pages
...move thy suit, Telemachus, delay, Till heaven's revolving lamp restores the day.' He said. Aspbalion swift the laver brings : Alternate all partake, And with keen gust the savoury viands share. Meantime with genial joy to warm the soul, Bright Helen mix'da mirth-inspiring bowl; Temper'd with...
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The British poets, including translations, Volume 83

British poets - 1822 - 348 pages
...troubled breast, Wash, and partake serene the friendly feast. To move thy suit, Telemachus, delay, Till heaven's revolving lamp restores the day.', And with keen gust the savoury viands share. Mean time with genial joy to warm the soul, Bright Helen mix'da mirth-inspiring bowl; Temper'd with...
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The Poetical Works of John Milton: With Notes of Various Authors ..., Volume 4

John Milton - 1824 - 428 pages
..."Xn\x.ta tnieuii, i §' e Tetet Attg duyctng i%i Quqftetxu Tet tl ItAuittfWl trojtv Quns Mean time with genial joy to warm the soul, Bright Helen mix'da mirth-inspiring bowl : Temper'd with drugs of sov'reign use t'assuage The boiling bosom of tumultuous rage : To clear the cloudy front of wrinkled...
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