THE ODYSSEY OF HOMER, TRANSLATED BY ALEXANDER POPE, ES2. To which is added, THE BATTLE OF THE FROGS AND MICE. LONDON: Printed by ELLERTON and BYWORTH, For J. Walker; W. J. and J. Richardson; R. Faulder and Son; ARGUMENT. Minerva's Descent to Ithaca. The Poem opens within forty-eight days of the arrival of Ulysses in his dominions. He had now remained seven years in the island of Calypso, when the gods assembled in council proposed the method of his departure from thence, and his return to his native country. For this purpose it is concluded to send Mercury to Calypso, and Pallas immediately descends to Ithaca. She holds a conference with Telemachus, in the shape of Mentes, ◄ king of the Taphians; in which she advises him to take a journey in quest of his father Ulysses, to Pylos and Sparta, where Nestor and Menelaus yet reigned; then, after having visibly displayed her divinity, disappears. The suitors of Penelope make great entertainments, and riot in her 'palace till night. Phemius sings to them the return of the Grecians, till Penelope puts a stop to the song. Some words arise between the suitors and Telemachus, who summons the council to meet the day following. |