LECTURE II. MOHAMMED. History of Opinions about Mohammed:-the Troubadours-the Middle Arabia before Mohammed Characteristics of Desert.-Virtues of the Arabs-contentment PAGE 74 LECTURE III. MOHAMMEDANISM. Essence of Mohammedanism-Unity of God-Submission to God's misnomer--Mission of Mohammed-Compared with that of Moses-Other articles of Faith-Practical duties enjoined - Prayer -Almsgiving-Fasting-Pilgrimage, its use and abuse-How far alien in reality to Mohammedanism and to Christianity-History of the Kaaba-the Hajj-Dictum of Dr. Deutsch.-The Talmud and its influence.-Mohammed's concessions to the Jews, and his efforts to gain them over. -Why he failed.-Supposed prophecies about Mohammed in the Bible.-The Koran-its characteristics-its history-influence--variety-poetry-theology-morality—the Prophet's fits of inspiration.-Relation of Mohammed to Miracles, compared with that of Christ. -The Miraculous generally.Religion. - Fatalism.-What the Koran says.-What has been drawn from it.-Opposite effects of the same doctrine-Mohammed's views of Prayer, Predestination, and Free Will.-Wars of Islam—an essential part of the system or not?—how accounted for. -Connection of the Spiritual and Temporal Power-in Eastern Christendom-in Western Christendom-and in Islam.-Character of early Mohammedan Wars-Religious enthusiasm—the Crusades. -Character and gloomy results of later Mohammedan conquests. ---The Ottoman Turks-their national character-vices and virtuesWhat Europeans have done for them--what allowance is to be made for them and for their misgovernment-not essential to Islam now, whatever they were once-results of early Mohammedan conquests-Literature-Science-and Civilisation-the Prophet's own view of learning, and that of his followers-Attitude of Christianity and Christians towards Religious wars-Morality of war. What wars are Christian PAGE 155 LECTURE IV. MOHAMMEDANISM AND CHRISTIANITY. The Future Life of Mohammedanism—of other Religions.-Use Mohammed made of Heaven and Hell--their legitimate use.-Does Mohammedanism encourage self-indulgence?—Morality of Mohammedanism.-Mohammed's attitude towards existing institutions compared with that of other Founders-Solon-Moses-Christ.How Islam dealt with Polygamy-Divorce-Women generally— Slavery-Caste, as illustrated by Arabia, India-Africa. -How it dealt with Orphans-the poor - the insane-origin of lunatic asylums the lower animals-moral offences, drunkenness and gambling.-How then ought Christianity to regard Mohammedanism? How does it ?-Three Monotheistic creeds-Heroes common to all-Spirituality of each.-Mohammed and Moses compared.-Iconoclasm.-Absence of priestcraft and ritual, yet great success in proselytising-reverence for Christ, and sympathy for Christians -three reasons suggested for Mohammed's rejection of Christianity. --Mohammed's views of Christ-of the Virgin Mary-of the Trinity-of the Crucifixion-of God.-Lessons to be learnt from them. - Has Mohammedanism kept back the East by hindering the spread of Christianity?—Is it a curse or blessing to the world at large?-Limits of Mohammedanism and of Christianity.-Aspects of Mohammedanism in different countries-Africa-Spain-SicilyTurkey-Persia-India-Contrast between Christianity and Mohammedanism and their founders.-Is the East progressive or not? -Corruptions of Mohammedanism-Evils more or less rife in Musalman countries, e.g. Religious feuds, Fatalism, disregard of human life, and of humanity in punishments-degradation of women. - Judicial corruption- misgovernment and consequent stagnation or decay-unbridled despotism-conquests of Christian Powers-do these evils imply that the religion is dead?-Illustrations from history of Christendom-the other side of the question -inhabitants of Asia Minor-Wonderful power of Islam-Necessity of Revival in all religions-Wahhabis in Arabia and Indiarevival in Eastern Anatolia-Maintenance of Ottoman supremacy in Europe not necessary to Islam-Russian conquests in Asia not fatal to it-Russian conquests do not spread a living Christianity— Eastern Christians, their strength and weakness-Limits to the influence of the West on the East-Despotism - Polygamy slavery-the slave-trade-condemned by Islam and by all religions -mistakes of travellers and missionaries on this head-Is Mohammedanism reconcilable with Civilisation ?—With Christianity ?— Modifications possible or necessary.—Mohammed's place in His |