Abu Taleb, 112, 119, 123, 151,314 Abulfeda, 84
Abyssinia, 120, seq., 297 Achin, 35, 321
Acta Sanctorum, 234 Ad, Bani, 176
Adalbert, 282 Adhan, 29
Africa, Islam in, early spread of, 33 seq.; spreading now, 37 seq., 40; intellectual benefits of, 41, 247; moral benefits of, 42 seq., 125, 247; testimony of travel- lers to, 44-51; slavery and slave trade in, 51, 329, 332; probable destiny of, 55 seq.; Christianity in, 51, 53, 248 seq., 285 Africanus, Leo, 254 Aidan, 354 Aiznadin, battle of, 207 Akbah, the conqueror, 36 Akbar, 125, 349 Albigenses, 218, 219 Alexander, 89, 340 Alfred the Great, 234, 341 Alhambra, 126, 287 Ali, 99, 194, 207, 291 Ali, Bey, 168
Ali, Mohammed, 317
Allahabad Missionary Conference
54, 349, 354 Al-Kazar, 126, 287
Al-Lat and Al-Uzza, 101, 146
Alliance, Holy, 219
Almsgiving, 131, 164
America, Islam in, 35; slavery in,
245, 329 Aminah, III
Amru, 207, 217 Anatolia, 58, 309, 320
Animals, kindness of Turks to, 212; of Mohammed to, 256; of Egyptians and Arabs to, 257; funds devoted to, 253, 257; future life of, 255 Anti-Christ, 79, 80
Apocryphal Gospels, 269, 271 Arabesques, 264
Arafat, Mount, 240
Architecture, Moorish, 125, 265, 287; Mogul, 125 Armageddon, 322
Arnold, Mr. Matthew, 66, 72 Ashanti, 220, 357, 358
Asia, Central, Islam in, 31; Rus- sian advance into, 304, 322, 323 Asoka, 253
Asylums, lunatic, 256 Attila, 203, 210, 322 Augustine, St., 188 Aurungzebe, 125, 349 Avatar, 132
Ayishah, 130, 131, 151, 153, 167, 182
Azurairah, Chronicle of, 54
BABER, 125, 325, 349 Bâbyism, 318
Bacon, Lord, 65, 299
Bedouins, immobility of, 86, passion for the desert, heathenism, 88; never con- quered, 89; tribal organisation, 90; hospitality and plunder, 91; chivalry, 92; poetry, 93; revenge and cruelty, 94, 96 ; treatment of women, 96; pro- verbs, 97; religions, 98-102; superstitions, 103
Bedr, battle of, 152, 207 Beiram, feast of, 264 Beit-Allah. See Kaaba.
Bench, people of, 131
Bentham, 256
Bernard, St., 188, 229
Bible compared with Koran, 19- 24; criticism of, 66 seq. Bilal, 250 Bismillah, 303
Blyden, Rev. E., 49, 50, 51, 53,248 Bokhara, 31
Bokhari, Al, 342 Boniface, St., 341 Borak, 186
Bosman, William, 45 Brahma Samaj, 348, 349 Brahmanism, 59, 247, 291, 347, 349 Bridges, Dr. J., 296
Browne, traveller, in Africa, 45 Browne, Mr. I. de Maine, 120 Bruce, traveller, in Abyssinia, 297 Brunehaut, 311 Bryce, Mr. J., 340 Buddha, 5, 28, 200 Buddhism, 4, 253 Burckhardt, 88, 168, 315
Burton, Capt., 88, 93, 168,297,350 Bushreens, 47
CAIRO, 42, 214, 254, 304 Cairoan, 36
Cantacuzene, Emperor, John, 260 Capitulations, 211
Cappadocia, George of, 285 Carlyle, Mr. T., xxviii., 85, 226 Carmathians, 315
Caste, absence of, in Islam, 246; among Hindus, 247; amongst Christians, 248; effect on Ne- groes, 248
Cavour, Count, 107
Cazenove, Dr., xviii., 95, 104, 258 Charity, St. Paul on, 20; Mo- hammed's apologue on, 21 Charles Martel, 26 Charles V., 287
Charles the Great, 75,214, 218, 340 Chenghis Khan, 210, 307 China, Islam in, 29; early civili- sation of, 296; Dr. J. Bridges on, 296
Chosroes, 141, 149, 150, 341 Christ, His life and teaching, 6-8;
our imperfect knowledge of, 16; nature of His miracles, 190, 191; nature of His kingdom, 201; attitude towards existing insti- tutions, 233; spirit of, 241 ; how He would have viewed Mohammed, 259, 280, 282; Mohammedan ideas of, 267; Mohammed's ideas of, 269, 275; contrasted with Moham- med, 292-294 Christianity, origin of, 5 seq.; in Africa, 51, 53, 248, 285; pre- eminent, but not exclusive claims of, 163-170; how it may spread, 70, 73; in Arabia, 99, 160; relation to Judaism, 69, 172; spread by peaceful means, 217; attitude to slavery, 236; en- thusiasm of humanity, 253; rela- tion to Islam, 259 seq.; rapid degeneracy in the East, 277-279; comprehensiveness of, 280, 288; contrasted with Islam, 293 Christotokos, 275
Circassians, 250, 321
Circumcision, 196
Claverhouse, 318
Comparative religion, 1-3, 63-68 Conception, Immaculate, Concubinage, 244, 245 Confucius, 13, 16, 200 Constantine Porphyrogenitus, 205 Constantine the Great, 234, 340 Constantinople, 27, 204, 211, 212 Cordova, 26, 76, 217, 287 Cotton, Bishop, 355 Covenanters, the, 318 Crawfurd, 33-35
Creed, Athanasian, 270 Crowther, Bishop, 40
Cruelties, of Christians, 300; of
Musalmans, 299, 301 Crusades, 209, 356-357 Curzon, R., 29, 195, 211 Cyril, St., 234, 285
DAIMBERT OF PISA, 359 Damascus, John of, 193
Damascus, siege of, 207, 208 Dante, 78, 226, 261
El Mutanabi, 92, 93 Elijah, 123, 152
Eliot, George, 27, 140, 345 Elphinstone, Mount Stuart, 251, 265, 291 Epilepsy, 114, 182 Essenes, 171
FA-HIAN, 253
Fairs, annual, in Arabia, 93, 122 Farrar, Dr. F.W., 144, 241, 253 Fatalisin, not a dogma of Moham- med, 191; nor of St. Paul, 192; common in East, 299 Fatihah, 310
Fatrah, 117, 269
Female children, burial alive of, 95; prohibited, 125, 239 Ferishta, 265
Fetishism, 63; Arabian, 101, 102, 126 Fez, 36, 254
in Hindustan, 59, 60, 247, 290, 291, 348, 349, 353, 355- causes of success, 61; prepara- tion for, 108, 110; essence of, 156 seq.; meaning of, 161; relation to Judaism, 160, 161; practical duties, 163; relation to the miraculous, 185 seq.; to fatalism, 191 seq.; to use of sword, 198 seq.; to temporal power, 204 seq.; to future life, 223 seq.; not sensual, 230, 232; nature of its reforms, 234, 259; relation to Christianity, 259,277; not anti-Christian, 278, 282; re- ligion of pastoral races, 283; in Spain, 286, 287; in Sicily, 288; in Persia, 289, 290; schisms in, 298; corruptions and abuses, 299, 304; potentiality of, 305; vitality, 308, 309; power of revival, 314, 321; can approximate to Christianity, 337; lessons to be learnt from Christians, 338 Itighe, 297
Jerusalem, 173, 207, 356, 357 Jessup, Dr., 97, 239, 240 Jews, Mohammed's efforts to gain, 173; later hostility, '137, 174, 176 Jihad, 316, 336 Joan of Arc, 119 Johnson, Rev. J., 39, 40, 355 Jolofs, 43
Judaism, its origin, 3; in Arabia, 98; exclusive spirit, 157-159, 174; relation to Christianity, 13 seq., 69, 172; relation to Islam, 160, 161; slavery and polygamy in, 236 seq., 245 Juggernaut, 324 Julian, Emperor, 252 Justinian, 105, 340
KAABA, 28, 102, 113, 122,
142, 166 seq. Kadis, 302, 335 Kafirs, 47 Karakorum, 322
Kiblah, 173, 317 Kirghis, 27, 304 Koraitza, Bani, 137 seq. Koran, compared with Bible, 18- 21; translations of, 81, 84; characteristics, 174; history, 176; editions, 177; poetry, 178, 180; theology, 180; mo- rality, 181; on miracles, 185 seq.; on predestination, 192; on the sword, 202; on the fu- ture life, 225, 228; on tolera- tion, 261; a miracle, 343, 344 Krapf, Dr., 54
Kuraish, the, 111, 118, 121-123, 146-148, 296 Kutb-ud-din, 251
Lubbock, Sir J., 16
Luther, 78, 119, 120, 311, 317
MAGIANISM, IOI Magyars, 282
Mahmud, the Ghaznevide, 251, 265, 359 Mahu, 79
Maimonides, 81 Malaterra, 76
Malay Peninsula, Islam in, 33 Malcolm, Sir John, 289 Mamelukes, 251
Mandingoes, 37, 38, 45, 46, 350 Mansur, Elijah, 321, 322 Manu, laws of, 96
Maracci, the Abbé, 81
Marco Polo, 5, 29, 31, 33, 77 Maria, 135
Marshman, Mr., 307 Marosia, 311
Marriages, Mohammed's, 134–136, 145 Marsilles, 76 Marthan, 99
Martyn, Rev. Henry, 353 Maurice, Rev. F., xxviii., 61, 157,
Max Müller, xxviii., xxix., 5, 8 seq., 64, 313, 314
Mecca, 86, 111 seq., 142, 166 Medina, 25, 98, 124, 151, 198 Milman, Dean, xxviii., 25, 170, 205 Miracles, at Mohammed's birth,
III; attributed to the Church Fathers, 188; Mohammed's attitude towards, 25, 185, 187; Christ's attitude towards, 191; the Koran a miracle, 343 Miraj, 22, 186
Mir Aulad Ali, 136, 144, 243 Miscreant, 77
Mishkat-ul Masabih, xvii., 21,153, 168, 215, 315
Missionaries, Musalman, in Afri- ca, 38; St. Paul as a, 70, 71; of the present and future, 71-73, 340, 341; mistakes of, 353-354 Missionary Intelligencer, 48, 332
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