A KEY TO “Epics of the Cou." You, O Books, are the golden vessels of the Temple; burning lamps to be ever held in the hand." RICHARD AUNGERVYLE. PRIVATELY PRINTED FOR THE AUNGERVYLE SOCIETY, EDINBURGH. Introductory Notice. * HE following Key to the names of those attacked in the EPICS OF THE TON was sent me by J. Davies Barnett, Esq., F.R.H.S., of Stratford, Ontario, Canada, in answer to a query in No. VIII. of the Aungervyle Society's publications. I have every reason to believe it accurate, having read the work carefully by the light thus thrown on it. With the key before one, it is easy to understand the sensation the work created on its first appearance. An esteemed correspondent, and member of the AUNGERVYLE SOCIETY, the Rev. J. C. Hudson, informs me that the work is to be ascribed to the pen of Lady Anne Hamilton. E. M. G. The Epics of the Ton; or the Glories of the Great World: a poem in two books, with notes and illustrations. London: printed by and for C. & R. Baldwin, New Bridge Street, 1807. (The Second Edition, with considerable additions.) |