Shall the fierce tide of rapture speak ; The deepen'd ruby then shall show : But soon your charms' reviving pow'r FINIS. A MARRIAGE TRIVMPHE SOLEMNIZED IN AN EPITHALAMIVM, IN MEMORIE OF THE HAPPIE NUPTIALS BETWIXT THE HIGH AND Printed for Edward Marchant, and are to be sold at his Shoppe in 1613. "You, O Books, are the golden vessels of the Temple; burning lamps to be ever held in the hand," RICHARD AUNGERVYLE. PRIVATELY PRINTED FOR THE AUNGERVYLE SOCIETY, TO THE MOST EXCELLENT, AND MOST ADMIRET PRINCESSE, THE LADY ELIZABETH. TEPHOM Heaven with all choise graces hath endow'd, On whom her Maker hath his bounty show'd, Whose beauties are as farre beyond compare, Her parents joy, the peeres selected pleasure, That whilst we daily of high Heaven importune, Your Graces most humbly devoted, THOMAS HEYWOOD. |