"Signet at my Castell of Warkworth, the third daye of December, in "the xxiiith Yer of the Reigne of our Sovereyn Lorde kyng Henry "the eight." On the Dissolution of the Monasteries, the above Patent was produced before the Court of Augmentation in Michaelmas-Term, 20 Oct. A. 29. Hen. VIII. when the same was allowed by the Chancellor aud Councel of the said Court, and all the profits confirmed to the incumbent Sir George Lancaster; Excepting that in compensation for the annual Stipend of Twenty Marks, he was to receive a Stipend of Ten Marks, and to have a free Chapel called The Rood Chapel, and the Hospital of St. Leonard, within the Barony of Wigdon, in the County of Cumberland. After the perusal of the above PATENT it will perhaps be needless to caution the Reader against a Mistake some have fallen into, of confounding this Hermitage NEAR Warkworth, with a Chantry founded WITHIN the town itself, by Nicholas de Farnham, bishop of Durham, in the reign of Henry III. who appropriated the Church of Brankeston for the maintenance there of Two Benedictine Monks from Durham.* That small monastic foundation is indeed called a CELL by bishop Tanner:† but he must be very ignorant, who supposes that by the word CELL is necessarily to be understood a Hermitage; whereas it was commonly applied to any small conventual establishment, which was dependant on another. As to the Chapel belonging to this endowment of bishop Farnham, it is mentioned as in ruins in several old Surveys of Queen Elizabeth's time; and its scite, not far from Warkworth Church, is still remembered. But that there was never more than ONE Priest maintainedat one and the same time, within the HERMITAGE, is plainly proved (if any further proof be wanting) by the following extract from a Survey of Warkworth, made in the Year 1567, viz. "Ther is in the Parke (sc. of Warkworth) also one Howse hewyn "within one Cragge, which is called the HARMITAGE CHAPEL: In "the same ther haith bene ONE PREAST keaped, which did such god"lye Services as that tyme was used and celebrated. The Mantion "House [sc. the small building adjoining to the Cragg] ys nowe in de"caye: the Closes that apperteined to the said Chantrie is occupied "to his Lordship's use." FINIS. THE PASSIONATE REMONSTRANCE Made by his Holinesse in the Conclave at ROME: Upon the late proceedings, and great Covenant of Scotland, &c. With a reply of Cardinall De Barbarini in the name of the Roman Clergy. Together with a Letter of Intelligence from the Apostolicke Nuntio (now residing in London) to Pope Vrban the 8. Ridentem dicere verum nil vetat. BODE Printed at Edingborough. 1641. EL "You, O Books, are the golden vessels of the Temple; burning lamps to be ever held in the hand." RICHARD AUNGERVYLE. PRIVATELY PRINTED FOR THE AUNGERVYLE SOCIETY, EDINBURGH. To the Author his well-beloved Friend. Prings nigh their Source into a brook extended The Combat; And confounding his Assailour, Thy Spring, Bud, Paw; This Cradle-Master-pecce, Sub Fed. Sp. N' In gratiam Auctoris. Ulla Cupressus adest, dempta hic de Culmine Pind: est Laurus in Auctoris is danda Corona Comam. Non opus est Elegis in funere Præsulis, ipsa Melpomene querulum nil tacitura sonat: Gratior huic Musa mage dia Urania, & illi Hinc, Velut Alcides Clavo, plura horrida monstra, Macte Poli decus Arctoi, nam funere ab isto Vita perenna tibi, fama perennis erit. DURÆU S. |