MERMET.—129. MICHEL, Jehan.—19. MILET, Jacques.—12. MOLINET, Jehan.-20. MONCHRESTIEN.—150, 162. MONTREUX, N. de.-122, 123, 132, 140, 141, 142, 152. OLESON, Claude d'.—45. OUYM, J.-156. PARASOLS.- -2. PARMENTIER, Jean.—51. POULLET.-157. ROUILLET.--92. SAINT-GELAIS, Mellin de. --82. SOUHAIT, Du.-148, 149. TASSERIE, Gillaume.—46. TOURNEBU, Odet de.--119. TOUTAIN.-79. VALOIS, Marguerite de, Queen of Navarre.-69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74 VEINS, De.-160. A TWO OLITICAL QUIBS. (1660 1690.) "You, O Books, are the golden vessels of the Temple; burning lamps to be ever held in the hand." RICHARD AUNGERVYLE. PRIVATELY PRINTED FOR THE AUNGERVYLE SOCIETY, EDINBURGH. A ROUNDHEAD dy'd, as 'twas Jehovah's will, "And who goes there?" I, a poor Rebel Ghost, "He gave me orders to let none come in, A Devil of Integrity and Worth. He asked the Ghost with a great voice, as loud As mighty Thunder breaking from a Cloud, "While Rebels are so deeply steep'd in Evil, 66 That, once in Hell, they would corrupt the Devil.” * This violent attack is evidently written by a Cavalier who hated the Puritans of Scotland as much as the Roundheads, |