Wherein the several General Heads are specified, the Sections and Subdivisions set down in order, with a Reference to the Chapter and Page.
Sect. 1. He is Mediator : : Sect. Ir. He took upon him the nature of man, and humbled himself. Sect. 111. He is made an High Priest Sect. IV. He offered himself to God as a sacrifice; suffered for the sins of mankind, made peace through the shedding of his own blood, by which he entered into the holiest for us
Sect. v. He fulfilled all righteousness of the law; bore the curse; took
Sect. IX. He is made our king and
head, to encounter, and conquer
our enemies: to rule for and in us
Sect. x. He is our prophet and shep-
herd, to teach, guide, and feed us
Sect. xr. He is our all, in all things:
our completeness and perfection
CHAP. VII. God's free choice of us in
Christ Jesus to eternal life, and call-
ing of us according to his purpose and
CHAP. VIII. I. Pardon and remission of
sins; reconciliation and peace with
God; justification and sanctification
before God; eternal life and salvation
free, through the grace of God, by the
death, sacrifice, and sufferings of
See the advantages of faith, chap. ix.
See privileges in afflictions, chap. xx.
In times of common calamities, chap. xxi.
See the glory reserved for believers,
chap. xxxv.
CHAP. XIII. Of the union and relation
between Christ and his church, and
their mutual love and esteem; toge-
ther with the manifestation thereof
CHAP. XIV. Of the duties of believers,
especially such as would excel. First,
Toward God
Sect. 1. In general, to live to God,
not to themselves: to be holy, fruit-
ful, walking in the light, in an ho-
nest, heavenly, and spiritual con-
versation, worthy of their high call-
ing: to glorify God, and mind the
things above
Sect. 11. In particular: to love God
the Father, and our Lord Jesus
Christ, and set our affections on
things above
Sect. III. As fruits of love to God and
Christ, to delight themselves in God,
long for, pant after him, make their
boast of, glory and rejoice in God
and Christ, as their portion and rest.
And to obey and hearken to the
laws and words of God and Christ. 127
First. To delight in, long for, pant
after, make their boast of, glory
and rejoice in God and Christ, as
their portion and rest
Secondly. To obey and hearken to
the laws and word of God in
See more of disobedience, sect. xiv. subdivision iv.
Sect. Iv. Worship God, and sanctify
II. To confess our sins to God: both
I. To persevere and abide in faith
and practice, &c.
173 See more of holding fast to God in time of affliction, chap. xx.
Sect. III. To honour and esteem each other and be kind and affectionate 225 See more of walking humbly, chap. xiv.
II. More especially to Christian
wonderful have their deliver- ances been: and then hath sal- vation appeared in their extre- mity
Cons. IX. That afflictions and per- secutions shall redound to the benefits of God's children
See of the ends of God in afflicting,
sect. ii. and cons. v.
Cons. X. That God will not always suffer his children to lie under afflictions and persecutions; but will bring deliverance and re- store joy
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Cons. XI. That afflictions and per-
secutions have been the lot of
Christ himself, and of the saints in
all ages
Sect. IV. The duties of the saints, and
how they ought to behave them-
selves in trouble, both toward God
and Man:
First. Toward God:
I. To see God in them, as being sent by him
See also common calamities, chap. xxi.
II. To submit to God with an en-
tire resignation under troubles
III. To confess their sins, and jus-
tify God
See more of confession of sin, chap. xiv.
IV. To hold fast to God, own the
Lord Jesus, his people, and ways
in the midst of trouble and perse- cutions
See Perseverance, chap. xiv.
V. To be cheerful under affliction,
and rejoice at being counted
worthy to suffer for Christ
VI. To call upon the Lord for
help, support, and salvation
See more of prayer, chap. xiv.
In common calamities, chap. xxi.
VII. Not to fear, but believingly
commit their cause to God, and
quietly wait for his salvation
See also trusting in, and waiting for God,
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